Absolute rendering intent, for color management, 281

and filters, 242 light on surface, 239

Accelerators, in developers, 391-393

Accuracy color filters, 243 and nodal points, 104-105

Achromatic colors, see Neutral colors

Acid, definition, 353-354

Acutance definition, 331 images, 224-225 and resolving power, 229-230

Adams, Ansel, 40, 208, 212

Addition operation, logarithms, 436-437

Additive color mixture analysis and synthesis, 290 basic system, 287-288 synthesis stage, 295

Additive primary colors definition, 287-288 examples, 265 and filters, 240 in visual perception, 320

Additive system of photographic exposure (APEX) conversion formulas, 62 and meter scales, 61-62

Aerial haze cause, 244 and perspective, 335

Afocal attachments, design and usage, 125

Aftereffects, basic concept, 317-318

Afterimages, basic concept, 316-318

Agitation developing agents, 395-397 in film development, 145-147

Aliasing as artifact, 84 definition, 82

Alkali definition, 353 in developing agent, 390

Alphanumeric resolution, and variability, 225

American National Standard Photographic Exposure Guide, natural lighting exposure conditions, 55

Amount, unsharp mask filter, 91

Analytical density, definition, 301

Anamorphic images, from pinholes, 101

Anamorphic lenses, design and function, 129

Angle of view, from graphical drawings, 108

Anomalous trichomats, in visual perception, 321

Anti-foggants, in developers, 390, 393

Anti-log, calculation, 438

Aperture definition, 38 pinhole, 99-101

Aperture color, definition, 264

APEX, see Additive system of photographic exposure (APEX)

Archer, Frederick Scott, 379

Archiving digital images, 97, 402-403 drying films, 406 drying preparation, 405-406 drying prints, 406 photography preservation, 406-407 silver images, 403-405

Arithmetic film speeds, vs. logarithmic, 432

Artifacts, digital SLR camera, 84

ASA speeds, see ISO film speed

Assignable cause, as variation source, 411

Assimilation, in visual perception, 325

Atlas of the Munsell Color System, 269

Atomic weight, basic concept, 351

Atoms, basic concept, 350-351

Average in normal distribution, 414 statistical symbol, 416

Average gradient in sensitometry, 160 tone reproduction, 205


Back movements and image sharpness, 118 lenses, 117-118

Back nodal point, lens location, 103-104

Back shutters, definition, 43-44

Base, definition, 353-354

Base plus fog, in characteristic curves, 151

Bayer pattern filter, and color reproduction, 293

Behind-lens meters advantages, 71 design, 58

Benzene ring, definition, 351

Between-the-lens shutters calibration, 49 definition, 43-44 and effective exposure time, 45

Bicubic interpolation, frame image processing, 92

Bilinear interpolation, frame image processing, 92

Bioluminescence, definition, 11

Black-and-white development accelerators, 391-393 agitation, 395-397 anti-foggants, 393 developer analysis, 398 developer concentration, 393-394 developer constitution, 389-390 developing agents, 390 direct-positive images, 388 formula comparison, 399 and graininess, 220-221 hydroquinone, 390-391 mechanism, 389 Metol, 391 Metol-hydroquinone developer, 391 negative development, 387-388 paper processing, 398 practical applications, 399-400 preservatives, 392 replenishment, 397-398 restrainers, 392-393 reversal processing, 388-389 specific processes, 398-399 temperature, 394-395 time factor, 394

Black-and-white films exposure latitude, 53-54 reciprocity exposure, 432

Black-and-white paper, reciprocity, 181-182

Black-and-white photographs and color filters, 243-244 neutral-density filters, 250

Blackbody radiation definition, 2 as solid-object source, 7-8

Blending distance, and graininess, 219

Blending magnification, graininess measurement, 218-219

Bloch's law, definition, 315-316

Blue filters, and exposure meters, 55-56

Blue light, and mireds, 14

Blur filters, in digital imaging, 91

Border effect, images, 224

Brewster angle definition, 17 and polarizing filters, 251-252

Brighteners function, 12 in papers, 165 properties, 362-363

Brightness definition, 262 ISO brightness, 164-165 and visual perception, 323

Brightness-range method, see Calculated midtone readings

Brightness resolution, and digital image quality, 83

Bubble jet, for halftone printing, 96

Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm, 179


Cadmium sulfide cells, exposure meters, 69, 71

Calculated midtone readings, determination, 68-69

Calibration in color management, 281 illuminance meters, 28

Callier coefficient, and grain size, 221

Calotype process, basic concept, 377

Camera design, as flare factor, 197

Camera exposure definition, 37 vs. photographic exposure, 37-38

Camera filtration, and discharge-lamp light, 21

Camera meters color filters, 243 reflected-light exposure meters, 69-72

Camera movement, and resolving power, 227

Camera-position readings, reflected-light exposure meters, 69

Cameras digital, 82-87, 143-144, 298 exposure latitude, 52-54 for sensitometry, 142-143

Candela definition, 25-26 lumen relationship, 28 and luminance, 30-31

Candela per square foot, in sensitometry, 140

Candlepower, definition, 26

Catadioptric lenses, design and function, 120-121

Cathode-ray tube (CRT) for continuous-tone printing, 94 for electronic image display, 382-383

CCD, see Charge-coupled device (CCD)

CC filters, see Color-compensating (CC) filters

CCT, see Correlated color temperature (CCT)

CD, see Compact discs (CD)

Cellulose nitrate film bases, properties, 360

Celsius, conversion units, 429-430

Center-weighted meters, definition, 58

Chance, as variation source, 410-411

Characteristic curves exposure relationship, 152-155 family of papers, 170-172 high-illuminance film reciprocity, 181 logarithm operations, 438 papers, 167 positive films, 175-177, 201-202 reversal films, 177-178 in sensitometry, 150-152

Characterization, in color management, 281-282

Charge-coupled device (CCD) basic function, 383-384 definition, 347-348 digital SLR camera, 82 and filters, 245 and pixels, 233-234

Charge-injection device (CID), and pixels, 233-234

Charge-priming device (CPD), and pixels, 233-234

Chemical compounds, definition, 350

Chemical reactions, examples, 351-352

Chemical reducer agent, constitution, 389-390

Chemiluminescence, definition and example, 10-11

Chemistry concepts acid/base, 353-354 atomic weight, 351 atoms, 350-351 complexes, 356 ionization, 354 oxidation/reduction, 352-353 Periodic table, 349-350 pH, 354-355 pH indicators, 355-356 pH meters, 355 solutions, 356-357 specific gravity, 357 valence, 351

Chromatic adaptation, in visual perception, 325

Chromaticity coordinates, equations, 279

Chromaticity map CIE specifications, 273-274 non-uniform color space, 274

CID, see Charge-injection device (CID)

CIE, see International Commission on Illumination (CIE)

CIELAB, see Uniform color space

Circle of confusion, permissible amount, 110-113

Circle of good definition definition, 116 wide-angle lens, 122

Cloning, in digital image processing, 87

CM, see Color management (CM)

CMOS sensor, see Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor

Coherent light waves, vs. noncoherent, 25

Colloids, gelatin as, 363-364

Color additive primary colors, 240, 265, 287-288, 320 aperture color, 264 attributes, 266 definition, 258 Fechner's colors, 326 gamut color, 325 and grain size, 221 illuminant color, 264-265 illumination color, 264 measurement types, 262 neutral colors, 265, 266-267, 320 out-of-gamut color, 280 and perspective, 335 primary colors, 240, 265-266, 287-288, 295, 320-321 and spectrophotometers, 259 and spectrophotometric curves, 259-260 subjective colors, 326 surface color, 264 and visible spectrum, 6 visual experience, 257-258 volume color, 264 in white light, 7

Color afterimages, definition, 317

Color analyzers, definition, 262

Colorant, definition, 258

Color balance in digital image processing, 87 in digital photography, 298

Color balance tool (Photoshop), pixel point image processing, 88

Color chain, basic concept, 262-263

Color-compensating (CC) filters design, 247-248 and mired scale, 14

Color constancy, definition, 5

Color correction, with color filters, 246-247

Color densities classification, 301 color-negative films, 310 conditions, 302-303 densitometer benefits, 303 measurement, 261-262, 300

Color densitometers, function and classification, 260-261

Color film reciprocity, basic concept, 182-183

Color films graininess, 223-224 Q-factor, 204 spectral sensitivity, 291-292

Color filters contrast filters, 240 and filter factor, 242-243 identification, 240 and Maxwell triangle, 240-242 and panchromatic film, 244

Color gamut, in color management, 279-280

Color management (CM) calibration, 281 characterization, 281-282 chromaticity diagram, 279 chromaticity values, 279 color gamut, 279-280 color spaces, 282 definition, 277-278 governance, 278-279 ICC profile, 282-283 profile building, 283-284 profile classes, 283 profile connection space, 282-283 rendering intents, 280-281

Color masking, and spectrophotometric curves, 249

Color mode, characteristics, 263-265

A Color Notation, 269

Color papers, properties, 310-313

Color photograph materials, sensitometry, 304-306

Color photography, color filters, 246-248

Color prints, and graininess, 220-221

Color reflection paper, exposed and processed, 311-312

Color-rendering index (CRI) development and application, 15-16 fluorescent lamps, 16

Color reproduction analysis stage, 289-293 color densities, 300-304 color papers, 310-313 dye characteristics, 299-300 function, 286-287 negative color films, 308-310 objectives, 285-286 reversal color films, 306-308 and sensitometry, 304-306 and spectral sensitivity, 297-298 synthesis stage, 293-297

Color response, densitometers, 149-150

Color saturation, in digital image processing, 87

Color spaces, types, 282

Color specification CIE System, 272-273 Munsell system, 268-272 Pantone® Matching System, 272 systems for, 268

Colors theory Hering opponent colors theory, 267-268 Hurvich-Jameson quantitative opponent-colors theory, 268

Color temperature applications, 12-13 daylight, 20 daylight vs. tungsten, 15 light sources, 12 vs. mired scale, 13-15 tungsten-filament lamps, 19-20 in visual perception, 325

Color-temperature meters, basic function, 77

Color vision defects, 321-322 theory, 267-268

Column defects, as artifacts, 84

Compact discs (CD), digital image archiving, 348, 403

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor definition, 348 digital SLR camera, 82 and filters, 245

Complement mapping, pixel point image processing, 89

Complex compound, definition, 356

Computers, color display, 263

Condenser enlargers and paper grade, 171 and sensitometry, 172-173

Cones, and color lightness, 324

Confidence level, in paired comparison, 421-422

Continuous-flow inkjet, for halftone output, 96-97

Continuous-tone films, applications, 163

Continuous-tone printing basic concept, 92-93 with film recorders, 93-94 with laser diode, 94 with LED, 94 by thermal transfer, 95

Contrast color-negative films, 309 emulsions, 366 papers, 167-172 in visual perception, 325

Contrast filters as color filters, 240 in color photography, 246 spectrophotometric curves, 248-249

Contrast index optimum, 201 prediction, 206 in sensitometry, 160-161

Conversion tables illuminance-luminance, 32, 429 temperature scales, 429-430

Convertible lenses, design and function, 125-126

Convolution, in digital imaging, 90

Cool White Deluxe lamp, and CRI, 15-16

Corpuscular theory, definition, 2

Correlated color temperature (CCT) vs. CRI, 15 definition, 12 fluorescent lamps, 16

Cosine-corrected meter, definition, 59

CPD, see Charge-priming device (CPD)

Crayon spitters, for halftone printing, 95

CRI, see Color-rendering index (CRI)

Crossed curves, definition, 308

CRT, see Cathode-ray tube (CRT)

Cunningham, Imogen, 40

Curves, tone reproduction, 202-208

Curves tool (Photoshop), pixel point image processing, 90

Cyanotype process, basic concept, 378-379


Daguerre, Jacques Mande, 378

Daguerreotype process, basic concept, 378

Dark pixel defects, as artifacts, 84

Da Vinci, Leonardo, 7

Daylight color temperature, 15, 20 as light source, 18-19

Daylight-type films, spectral sensitivity, 297-298

Decamireds, for convenience, 14

Decimal fractions, logarithms, 438

Decimation, frame image processing, 92

Defects, silver halide crystals, 368

Definition basic concept, 232-233 graininess effects, 217

DeLuxe White®, 22

Densitometers benefits, 303 color densitometers, 260-261 color response, 149-150 and enlargers, 172-173 vs. exposure meters, 147 photoelectric reflection, 304 photoelectric transmission, 303 reflection density, 166-167

Density color-compensating filters, 247-248 color paper, 311-312 and graininess, 219-220 measurement, 148-150 minimum useful density, 155 monitor density, 207 opacity relationship, 147 in sensitometry, 148, 151 separation negatives vs. positives, 294 and tone reproduction, 194

Density range, and paper grade, 171

Depth, in visual perception, 333-335

Depth of field controlling, 113 and f-number, 113 and focal length, 114-115, 432 and lenses, 110 and object distance, 113-114 and perspective, 335

Depth of focus, basic concept, 115-116

Detail basic concept, 232-233 graininess effects, 217

Developing agents accelerators, 391-393 agitation, 395-397 analysis, 398 anti-foggants, 393 B&W processes, 398-399 chemical process, 390 concentration, 393-394 constitution, 389-390 developer concentration, 393-394 developer constitution, 389-390 development effects, 370 direct-positive images, 388 in film development, 145-146 formula comparison, 399 hydroquinone, 390-391 mechanism, 389 Metol, 391 Metol-hydroquinone developer, 391 negative development, 387-388 practical applications, 399-400 preservatives, 392 replenishment, 397-398 restrainers, 392-393 reversal processing, 388-389

Development B&W, see Black-and-white development and effective film speed, 74-75 effect on developers, 370 negatives, 387-388 over- and underdevelopment, 169 and resolving power, 228 and Zone System, 210

Development Index, for Zone System, 211

Development time making negatives, 200-201 in sensitometry, 157-158 Zone System, 210

Diaphragm and aperture, 38 and effective exposure time, 44-46 maximum openings, 39-40 minimum openings, 40-41

Diazo process, basic concept, 381-382

Dichroic fog, silver image archiving, 403-404

Dichromats, in visual perception, 321

Diffraction, as lens aberration, 130

Diffraction-limited lenses, definition, 130

Diffuse color density, vs. specular density, 300-301

Diffuse measurement, definition, 149

Diffusion enlargers and paper grade, 171 and sensitometry, 172-173

Diffusion transfer, basic process, 384

Digital backs, definition, 82

Digital images archival considerations, 97 archiving, 402-403 basic concept, 87 frame image processing, 92 histograms, 87 pixel group processing, 90-92 pixel point process, 88-90 quality, 83-84

Digital negative (DNG), archiving, 403

Digital printing continuous-tone output, 92-93 halftone output, 93 sensitometry, 164

Digital sensors exposure latitude, 54 overview, 347-348

Digital SLR camera (DSC) artifacts, 84 basic structure, 82-83 color balance issues, 298 file formats, 85-87 image quality, 83-84 ISO speed, 144 noise, 85 sensitometry, 143-144

Digital systems color reproduction, 292-293 resolution, 235-236 tone reproduction, 206-208

Digital video discs (DVD) digital image archiving, 348, 402-403 and lasers, 24

Digital zoom lenses, design and function, 127

Direct-positive images, production, 388

Direct sunlight, and exposure meters, 55

Dirt, as flare factor, 197

Discharge-lamp, as light sources, 21-23

Disparity, demonstration, 333-334

Display profiles, definition, 283

Division operation, logarithms, 437

DOD, see Drop-on-demand (DOD)

Donor ribbon, in thermal transfer, 95

Dots per inch (dpi), and digital image quality, 84

Doubling operation, logarithms, 437

dpi, see Dots per inch (dpi)

Drag, in developer agitation, 396

Driffield, Vero Charles, 152, 210

Drop-on-demand (DOD), for halftone printing, 96

Drying, in archiving, 405-406

Drying process films, 406 prints, 406

Durst Lambda printer, for continuous-tone output, 94-95

Dust, as flare factor, 197

DVD, see Digital video discs (DVD)

Dye-diffusion printing, basic process, 95

Dyes in color reproduction, 299-300 fluorescence, 11 sensitization, 370-371

Dye transfer, basic process, 384

Dynamic range digital camera sensitometry, 143 and digital image quality, 83


East Coast f/180 School, 40

Eastman, George, 1, 81, 402

Effective aperture, determination, 38

Effective exposure time, and diaphragm, 44-46

Effective f-number, calculation, 42

Eidetic imagery, basic concept, 318

Einstein, Albert, 2

Electrical discharge, and vapor sources, 8-10

Electromagnetic spectrum, basic concept, 3-4

Electronic-flash lamp with focal-plane shutter, 48 as light source, 23-24

Electronic-flash meters, basic function, 75-76

Electronic image display, basic concept, 382-383

Electronic shutters, categories and timing, 49

Electronic subsystem, digital SLR camera, 83

Electro-optical shutter, structure, 49

Electrophotographic technology basic process, 380-381 for halftone printing, 95-96

Electrostatic photography, basic process, 380

Emboss filter, in digital imaging, 91

Emerson, P.H., 210

Emulsions characteristics, 365 components, 359-360 crystal structure, 367-368 diffusion transfer, 384 dye sensitization, 370-371 film positives, 175-177 grain composition, 366-367 grain size, 366

latent image formation, 371-373 multiple coatings, 369-370 in negative development, 387-388 precipitation, 368-369 production, 365 reciprocity effects, 373-374 in reversal processing, 388-389 Sabattier effect, 375 spectral sensitivity, 367 T-grain, 236 washed emulsions, 369

Endothermic solutions, definition, 357

Enlarger lens, design and function, 129

Enlargers flare testing, 173-174 light effects, 173 and paper grade, 171 and sensitometry, 172-173

Eosin, fluorescence, 11

Epson, piezoelectric inkjets, 96

Equations, see also Formulas chromaticity coordinates, 279 filter factor, 242 flare factor, 196 flash guide numbers, 75 luminance, 31-32 mired scale, 14 mired shift, 14-15 monitor density, 207 Planck's equation, 6-7

Error-diffusion screening, digital printing, 93

Evaluative meter, definition, 58

Exciter filter, definition, 246

Existing-light photography, 431

Exothermic solutions, definition, 356-357

Exponential scale, for measurement, 420

Exposure camera vs. photographic, 37-38 characteristic curve relationship, 152-155 focal-plane shutters, 46-48 making negatives, 201 and resolving power, 227 in sensitometry, 140-143, 151 and Zone System, 210

Exposure latitude basic concept, 52-53 black-and-white film, 53-54 digital sensors, 54 in sensitometry, 156-157

Exposure meters accuracy and testing, 63-64 alternatives, 55 color-temperature meters, 77 vs. densitometers, 147 flash guide numbers, 75 flash meters, 75-76 scales, 61-62 spectral sensitivity, 55-56

Exposure range, and paper grade, 171

Exposure time and f-number determination, 47 variation, 43

Extender lenses, design and usage, 124-125


Facsimile, tone reproduction, 192

Fahrenheit, conversion units, 429-430

Fechner's colors, definition, 326

Figural aftereffect, definition, 318

Figure-ground, definition, 326

File formats, digital SLR cameras, 85-87

Film bases polyester film bases, 360-362 safety base films, 360

Film development and effective film speed, 74-75 and Zone System, 210

Film positive emulsions, curve analysis, 175-177

Film positives, curve analysis, 175-177

Film recorders, for continuous-tone printing, 93-94

Films calculated midtone readings, 69 and color filters, 244 continuous-tone films, 163 daylight-type films, 297-298 drying, 406 exposure latitude, 52-54, 53-54 graininess, 222, 223-224 graininess minimization, 223 line-copy films, 163 negative color films, 308-310 normal-contrast films, 163, 210 Q-factor, 204 reciprocity exposure, 432 release print films, 175-177 reversal color films, 306-308 reversal films, 53-54, 69, 177-178 safety base films, 360 sensitometry, 144-147 spectral sensitivity, 291-292 speed and graininess, 218 structure, 362

Film speeds arithmetic and logarithmic, 432 ASA and DIN, 162 and degree of developments, 74-75 for digital cameras, 144 and digital image quality, 83 digital SLR camera, 85 and flash guide numbers, 75 and graininess, 218 vs. ISO speed latitude, 145 and meter testing, 63 and resolving power, 225 sensitometry, 161-163 trial exposures, 431 white-card, 66-67

Film type, making negatives, 200

Filter factors and color filters, 242-243 objective, 243

Filters classification, 240 color filters, 240-244 for color photography, 246-248 and color temperature, 13 function, 239-240 graduated ND filters, 250-251 infrared filters, 244-246 interference filters, 251 mired shift value, 14 neutral-density filters, 249-250 polarizing effects, 18 polarizing filters, 251-254 spectrophotometric curves, 248-249 ultraviolet filters, 244-246 Wratten 90, 324

Fine-grain films graininess, 222 graininess minimization, 223

Fisheye lenses, as wide-angle lens, 122

Fixing baths, silver image archiving, 404

Flare factor equation, 196 factors, 196-197

Flare light enlarger effects, 173 enlarger testing, 173-174 human eye, 199 testing, 133-135 and tone reproduction, 194-199

Flash guide numbers, definition, 75

Flash meters, basic function, 75-76

Flat diffuser, in exposure meters, 60

Flexible film roll, invention, 81

Fluorescence definition, 11 and ultraviolet radiation, 245-246

Fluorescent lamps applications, 20 CCTs and CRIs, 16 function, 11-12 as light sources, 20-21 as vapor source, 10

Fluorescent light source, spectral power distribution, 5

Fluorescing screens, in radiography, 12

Fluoroscein, fluorescence, 11

Flux, measurement, 27-28

f-number calculation, 38-39 and circle of confusion, 111-112 definition, 38 and depth of field, 113, 432 vs. diffraction-limited resolving power, 131 and exposure time, 43 intermediate f-numbers, 41 and lens transmittance, 42-43 making positives, 201 maximum diaphragm openings, 39-40 minimum diaphragm openings, 40-41 stop determination, 47 system limitations, 41-42 whole stops, 39 and Zone System, 210

Focal length convertible lenses, 125 and depth of field, 114-115, 432 and f-number, 38 and f-number limitations, 41-42 and image size, 337-339 and object distance, 340-342 unmarked lens, 109-110

Focal-plane shutters definition, 43-44 design and considerations, 46-48

Focal point, principal, definition, 102

Focus, and resolving power, 227

Footcandle definition, 28 as illuminance measure, 28-29

Footlambert, definition, 32

Formulas, see also Equations average gradient, 160 color-negative film speed, 309 developing agents, 399 gamma, 158-159 ISO film speed, 161 mean, 416 optics relationships, 109 pH, 355 for pinhole size, 101 positive film speeds, 176 reflectance, 147 reflection density, 166 reversal color film speed, 307 shadow speed, 174 standard deviation, 416 supplementary lenses, 123-124 tone reproduction average gradient, 205 transmittance, 147

Four-quadrant tone reproduction digital system, 207 properties, 204-206

Foveon sensors and color reproduction, 293 definition, 348

Frame image processing, digital images, 92

Fringe effect, images, 224

Front nodal point, lens location, 103-104

Front shutters, definition, 43-44 f/16 rule basic concept, 433 as exposure meter check, 62 f-stops, and Zone System, 210


Galvanoluminescence, definition, 11

Gamma definition, 159 in sensitometry, 158-159

Gamma infinity, definition, 159

Gamut clipping, definition, 280

Gamut color, in visual perception, 325

Gamut compression, definition, 280

Gases, spectrum emittance, 8

Gelatin chemical nature, 364 as colloid, 363-364 dye transfer, 384 physical properties, 364-365 properties, 364

Gelatin filters, function, 250

General Electric Chroma 50®, 21

General Electric Lucalox®, 22

General Electric Multi-Vapor® lamp, 22

General-purpose black-and-white films, reciprocity exposure, 432

Gloss, sensitometry, 165

Glossy surface contrast and sharpness, 224 polarizing effect, 17

Graduated neutral-density filters, function, 250-251

Graininess color films, 223-224 detail effects, 217 and film speed, 218 as image characteristic, 216-218 measurement, 218-221 minimization, 223 and resolving power, 229

Grains composition, 366-367 size, 366

Grain size, and image color, 221

Granularity, as image characteristic, 216-218, 221-222

Graphical drawings for angle of view, 108 and beginning photographers, 108-110 for image formation solutions, 106-110

Gravure, definition, 96

Gray scales and neutrals, 266 and Sabattier effect, 184 in sensitometry, 140

Gray surface, and midtone readings, 66

Gretag MacBeth ColorChecker, spectrophotometric curves, 260

Group f/64, 40

Gum bichromate process, basic concept, 379-380

Gurney-Mott hypothesis, 372


Halftone printing basic concept, 93 technologies, 95-97

Halftone screening, definition, 93

Hand exposure meter, for reflected-and incident-light, 58

Heat-light relationship, basic concept, 7-8

Helmholtz, Herman von, 267

Hering opponent colors theory, definition, 267-268

Herschel, Sir John, 378

High-intensity discharge lamps, as light sources, 21-23

Highlights and development time, 158 and tone reproduction, 205

Histograms, digital image processing, 87

Holography, and perspective, 335

Hot pixel defects, as artifacts, 84

Hue additive color mixture, 288 definition, 262 and filter combinations, 248 and Munsell Color System, 270-271 in visual perception, 320-322

Hue/Value/Chroma (H/V/C), in Munsell Color System, 271-272

Human eye color reproduction systems, 286-287 flare, 199 as measuring instrument, 323-324 motion detection, 331 sensitivity curve, 5

Human judgment, and resolving power, 228-229

Hurter, Ferdinand, 152, 210

Hurvich-Jameson quantitative opponent-colors theory, 268

Huygens, Christian, light theory, 2

H/V/C, see Hue/Value/Chroma (H/ V/C)

Hydroquinone, in developers, 390-391

Hyperfocal distance, definition, 111-112


ICC, see International Color Consortium (ICC)

Illuminance conversion units, 429 definition, 28 exposure meters, 33 intensity relationship, 28-29 luminance conversions, 32 measurement, 28-30 for reflection print viewing, 30 in sensitometry, 141

Illuminance meters, calibration, 28

Illuminant color, definition, 264-265

Illumination color, definition, 264

Illumination color correction, with color filters, 246-247

Images acutance, 224-225 characteristics, 215-216 definition testing, 130-131 digital, see Digital images digital sensor capture, 347-348 direct-positive, 388 display methods, 348-349 distance and f-number, 42 graininess, 216-218 graininess measurement, 218-221 graininess minimization, 223 grain size and color, 221 granularity, 216-218, 221-222 graphical drawing solutions, 106-110 modulation transfer function, 230-232 photographic definition, 232-233 from pinhole, 99-101 pixels, 233-235 with positive lens, 101-103 resolving power, 225-227 shape and back movements, 117-118 sharpness, 224 sharpness and back movements, 118 sharpness and lens movement, 119 size and focal length, 337-339 size and object distance, 337-339

Imagination imagery, basic concept, 319-320

Imaging sensors, digital SLR camera, 82

Imbibition blank film, for dye transfer, 384

Incandescence, definition, 7

Incandescent lamps, as light sources, 19-20

Incident-light exposure meters concept and application, 72-74 and illuminance, 33 operation, 58-60

Indoor scenes, luminance ratio, 195

Infrared filters, function and application, 244-246

Infrared radiation, and visible spectrum, 4

Infrared region, in electromagnetic spectrum, 4

Inkjet papers, sensitometry, 164

Inkjet printers, for halftone output, 96

Ink stability, inkjet printers, 96

Inorganic compounds, definition, 351

Input profiles, definition, 283

Integral density, definition, 301

Integrated-light metering method, reflected-light exposure meters, 69

Intensity illuminance relationship, 28-29 measurement, 27 properties, 26-27

Interference filters, function, 251

Intermittency effects, basic concept, 374

International Color Consortium (ICC) for color managment, 278-279 profile, 282 profile applications, 284

International Commission on Illumination (CIE) chromaticity map, 273-275 CIE Color System, 272-273 Standard CIE System of Color Specification, 257-258 and visible spectrum, 5

International Standards Organization (ISO) brightness and sensitometry, 164-165 digital resolution, 235 film speed, 63, 75, 83, 85, 144-145, 161-163, 431-432

Interpolation and effective resolution, 84 frame image processing, 92

Inter-Society Color Council, for color variable organization, 258

Interval scales logarithms, 436 for measurement, 419

Inverse logarithms, see Anti-log

Inverse-square law, and illuminance, 29

Ionization, basic concept, 354

IRIS printers, for halftone output, 96-97

Ishihara color plates, 322

Isochromotic color rendering, definition, 370

ISO film speed arithmetic and logarithmic, 432 for digital cameras, 144 and digital image quality, 83 digital SLR camera, 85 and flash guide numbers, 75 vs. ISO speed latitude, 145 latitude vs. speed, 145 and meter testing, 63 sensitometry, 161-163 trial exposures, 431


JND, see Just-noticeable difference (JND)

JPEG file format, digital SLR cameras, 85-87

Just-noticeable difference (JND) non-uniform color space, 274 in visual perception, 325


Kelvin, Lord, 4

Kelvin (K) and color temperature, 12 conversion units, 429-430 and temperature, 4

Kerr, Rev. John, 49

Kerr cell, structure, 49

Keytone method definition, 64 reflected-light exposure meters, 66-68

Kodak dye-diffusion printing, 95 film granularities, 222 film resolution, 228 Pegasus LED printer, 94 Photo-Floâ„¢, 405-406 PORTA and ULTRA color films, 308 safety base films, 360 T-grain emulsions, 236

KODAK Grain Index, method, 222


Lamp-reflector combination, polar-coordinate plot, 26

Lamps Cool White Deluxe lamp, 15-16 discharge-lamp, 21-23 electronic-flash lamp, 23-24, 48 fluorescent lamps, 10, 11-12, 16, 20-21 General Electric Multi-Vapor® lamp, 22 high-intensity discharge lamps, 21-23

Lamps (continued) incandescent lamps, 19-20 lamp-reflector combination, 26 tungsten-filament lamps, 19-20

Laser basic properties, 24-25 for continuous-tone printing, 94-95

Latensification, 376

Latent image formation, 371-373 stability, 375-376

LCD, see Liquid crystal display (LCD)

LCL, see Lower-control limit (LCL)

Leaf shutters, definition, 43-44

LED, see Light-emitting diode (LED)

Lens design, as flare factor, 196

Lenses back movements, 117-118 catadioptric lenses, 120-121 convertible lenses, 125-126 depth of field, 110, 432 diffraction, 130 digital zoom, 127 flare testing, 133-135 f-number limitations, 42 for image formation, 101-106 macro lenses, 127 macro-zoom lenses, 127 nodal point applications, 104-106 nodal point locations, 103-104 optical center, 103 perpendicular movements, 116-117 resolving power, 226 shortcomings, 129-130 soft-focus lenses, 128-129 special supplementary lenses, 124-125 supplementary lenses, 123-124 telephoto lenses, 119-120 testing, 130-133 types, 119 unmarked, focal length, 109-110 wide-angle lenses, 121-122 zoom lenses, 126-127

Lens movement, and image sharpness, 119

Lens shutters, categories, 43-44

Lens-to-film distance, telephoto lenses, 120

Lens transmittance, f-number limitations, 42-43

Levels tool (Photoshop), pixel point image processing, 88-89

Light and aerial haze, 244 basic terminology, 33 definition, 1 definition and units, 25-26 electromagnetic spectrum, 3, 4 enlarger effects, 173 importance, 1-2 polarization, 16-18 production process, 9 reflection, absorption, transmittance, 239 units of length, 3 visible spectrum, 4-6

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) basic properties, 24-25 for continuous-tone printing, 94-95

Light-emitting diode (LED), for continuous-tone printing, 94

Lighting conditions as flare factor, 196 and perspective, 335

Light meters, see Exposure meters

Lightness additive color mixture, 288 and tone reproduction, 190 and visual perception, 322-324

Light output curve, electronic flash unit, 23

Light ratios, basic concept, 62

Light sources candela, 25-26 color temperatures, 12 daylight, 18-19 electronic flash, 23-24 fluorescent lamps, 20-21 high-intensity discharge lamps, 21-23 and resolving power, 228 tungsten-filament lamps, 19-20 tungsten-halogen lamps, 20

Light waves, basic concept, 2-3

Linear-array sensors, and digital image quality, 83-84

Linear perspective basic assumptions, 337 definition, 335-336 object distance, 340-341 object distance and image size, 337-339

Line-copy films, applications, 163

Line drawings, visual perception, 330

Liquid crystal display (LCD), for electronic images, 383

Localization, definition, 330

Logarithmic film speeds, vs. arithmetic, 432

Logarithms basic operations, 436-438 via calculator, 438, 440-441 number table, 439

Log exposure, in sensitometry, 151

Log exposure range, in sensitometry, 155-156

Log luminance-range method, see Calculated midtone readings

Logs, see Logarithms

Lossless file format, digital SLR camera, 86

Lossy file format, digital SLR camera, 86

Lower-control limit (LCL), in quality control, 424-425

Low-illuminance film reciprocity, basic concept, 180-181

Lumen candela relationship, 28 definition, 27

Luminance conversion units, 429 definition, 30 exposure meters, 33 formulas, 31-32 illuminance conversions, 32 measurement, 30-31 and opical flare, 194-195 outdoor scenes, 194-195 in photography, 32-33 and tone reproduction, 190 for transparency viewing, 30 and uniform color space, 274 and visual perception, 322-323

Luminance meter, see Reflected-light exposure meters

Luminance-range method, see Calculated midtone readings

Luminance-ratio method, see Calculated midtone readings

Luminance-subject range, in sensitometry, 152

Luminescence, definition and example, 10

Luminous efficacy, definition, 21

Luminous flux, see Flux

Luminous intensity, see Intensity


MacAdam, David, 274

Macro lenses, design and function, 127

Macro-zoom lenses, design and function, 127

Mantissa, logarithm operations, 438

Mapping chromaticity map, 273-274 pixel point image processing, 89

Masking, and spectrophotometric curves, 249

Maxwell, James Clerk, 267

Maxwell triangle, and color filters, 240-242

Mean calculation, 435 formulas, 416 in normal distribution, 414 statistical symbol, 416

Measurement concept exponential scale, 420 interval scale, 419 methods, 418 nominal scale, 418-419 ordinal scale, 419 ratio scale, 419-420 scale types, 421

Mechanical compensation, zoom lenses, 126

Median, in normal distribution, 414

Median filter, in digital imaging, 91

Megapixel, definition, 84

Memory, recognition, 319

Mercury-vapor source fluorescent lamps, 20-21 as high-intensity discharge sources, 22 spectral-energy distribution, 9

Metercandles, definition, 28

Meters for color temperature, 13 illuminance meters, 28 pH meters, 355

Metol, in developers, 391

Metol-hydroquinone (MQ) developer, in developers, 391

Micro-reciprocal-degrees (Mired), see Mired scale

Midtone readings calculated, 68-69 and graininess, 219 positive films, 176 reflected-light exposure meters, 64-66 and Zone System, 212

Minimum useful density, in sensitometry, 155

Mired scale, vs. color temperature, 13-15

Mired shift value (MSV), for filters, 14

Mode, in normal distribution, 414

Modulation transfer function (MTF), basic concept, 230-232

Moire pattern, definition, 82

Monitor density, definition, 207

Monochromats, in visual perception, 321

Monocular attachment, definition, 124

Mosaic screen process, for color reproduction, 295

Motion, in visual perception, 331-333

Motion-picture photography, vs. direct vision, 333

MQ, see Metol-hydroquinone (MQ) developer

MTF, see Modulation transfer function (MTF)

Multiplication operation, logarithms, 436-437

Munsell, Henry, 268-269

Munsell Color System into CIE notations, 273 for color specification, 268-272 for color variable organization, 257-258 definition, 16

Munsell color tree, specifications, 270

Natural lighting, and exposure, 55

ND filters, see Neutral-density filters


Negative color films, properties, 308-310

Negative curves, in sensitometry, 163

Negative density, and graininess, 220

Negative development, basic process, 387-388

Negative films calculated midtone readings, 69 exposure latitude, 52-54

Negatives, and tone reproduction, 199-201

Neutral attenuators, spectral density curves, 305

Neutral colors definition, 265 examples, 266-267 in visual perception, 320

Neutral-density filters function, 249-250 graduated ND filters, 250-251

Newton, Sir Isaac, 7, 267

Nodal points lens location, 103-104 in practice, 104-106

Nominal scale, for measurement, 418-419

Noncoherent light waves, vs. coherent, 25

Non-photo-grade media, as inkjet paper, 164

Normal-contrast films applications, 163 and Zone System, 210

Normal distribution definition, 412-413 description, 416-418 in variability, 414-415

Normal trichromats, in visual perception, 321

Norwood, Don, 60

Norwood exposure meter, operation, 60

Number of observations, statistical symbol, 416

Nystagmus, in visual perception, 326


Object distance and depth of field, 113-114, 432 and focal length, 340-342 and image size, 337-339

Objective measurements, definition, 418

Objective tone reproduction analysis, 193-194 for pictorial system, 203 and preferred photographs, 191-193 and subjective, 190-191 and Zone System, 213

OECF, see Opto-electronic conversion function (OECF)

Opacity density relationship, 147 papers, 165-166 in sensitometry, 148

Optical brighteners, in papers, 165

Optical center, lenses, 103

Optical compensation, zoom lenses, 126

Optical pumping, ruby laser, 25

Optical solution, zoom lenses, 126

Optics and back movements, 117-118 catadioptric lenses, 120-121 circle of confusion, 110-113 convertible lenses, 125-126 depth of field, 110 depth of field controls, 113-115 depth of focus, 115-116 diffraction, 130 digital SLR camera, 82 digital zoom, 127 flare testing, 133-135 graphical drawing applications, 106-110 image formation from lens, 101-106 image formation from pinhole, 99-101 lens movement, 119 lens shortcomings, 129-130 lens testing, 130-133 lens types, 119 macro lenses, 127 macro-zoom lenses, 127 perpendicular movements, 116-117 reversed telephoto wide-angle lens, 122-123 special supplementary lenses, 124-125 telephoto lenses, 119-120 view-camera movements, 116 wide-angle lenses, 121-122 zoom lenses, 126-127

Opto-electronic conversion function (OECF) vs. characteristic curves, 150 digital camera sensitometry, 143-144

Ordinal scale, for measurement, 419

Organic compounds, definition, 351

Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology, 383

Orthochromotic color rendering, definition, 370

Outdoor scenes luminance, 194-195 and Zone System, 209-210

Out-of-gamut color, definition, 280

Output devices, and resolution, 84

Output profiles, definition, 283

Overdevelopment, and paper contrast, 169

Overexposure, and exposure latitude, 52-54

Overlap, and perspective, 335

Oxidation-reduction reactions, basic concept, 352-353

Oxidizing agent, definition, 352


Paired comparisons, in measurement, 420-423

Panchromatic films and color filters, 244 speed and graininess, 218

Panoramic image, and nodal points, 105

Pantone® Matching System, color specification, 272

Paper bases, properties, 362

Partitive mixing, see Spatial color mixing

PCS, see Profile connection space (PCS)

Pellet process, 379

Perception, see Visual perception

Perceptual rendering intent, for color management, 281

Periodic table definition, 348 development, 349-350

Perpendicular movements, lenses, 116-117

Persistence of vision, definition, 288

Persistent images, basic concept, 315-316

Personal Speed Index, Zone System, 210

Perspective, in visual perception, 335-337

PGI, see Print Grain Index (PGI)

pH, basic concept, 354-355

Phase-change technology, for halftone printing, 95

pH indicators, definition, 355-356

Phi phenomenon, definition, 332-333

pH meters, function, 355

Phosphorescence, definition, 11

Phosphors, classes, 10

Photoelectric reflection densitometer, major components, 304

Photoelectric transmission densitometer, major components, 303

Photo-Floâ„¢, in archiving, 405-406

Photo-grade media, as inkjet paper, 164

Photographic definition, basic concept, 232-233

Photographic effects basic concept, 178-179 black-and-white paper reciprocity, 181-182 color film reciprocity, 182-183 high-illuminance film reciprocity, 181 intermittency effects, 374 low-illuminance film reciprocity, 180-181 reciprocity, 179-180 reciprocity effects, 373-374 Sabattier effect, 375 solarization, 375

Photographic exposure vs. camera exposure, 37-38 definition, 37

Photographic papers B&W paper reciprocity, 181-182 characteristic curves, 167, 170-172 color, 310-313 color papers, 310-313 contrast, 167-172 curve analysis, 166-167 diffusion and condenser enlargers, 171 opacity, 165-166 processing, 398 reflection densities, 211 sensitometry, 163-164 speeds, 174-175 textured, 224 weight and thickness, 363

Photographic process basics flow diagram, 193 zone distortion, 214

Photoluminescence, definition, 11

Photometric quantities, luminance, 31

Photoshop, pixel point image processing, 88-90

Phototopic vision, and color lightness, 324

Physics, and color measurement, 262

Pictorial system, objective tone reproduction, 203

Piezoelectric inkjet, for halftone output, 96

Pinhole for anamorphic images, 101 camera components, 100 for image formation, 99-101 optimum size, 100-101

Pixel group image processing, concept and application, 90-92

Pixel point image processing, digital images, 88-90

Pixels defects as artifacts, 84 and images, 233-235 replication, frame image processing, 92 and resolution, 235

Pixels per inch (ppi), and digital image quality, 84

Planck, Max, 2

Planck's equation, and spectral power distribution, 6-7

Pointevin process, 379

Polarization, light, 16-18

Polarizing angle, see Brewster angle

Polarizing filters effects, 18 function, 251-252 and transillumination, 253-254 types, 253

Polyestser film bases, properties, 360-362

Populations, vs. samples, 415-416

Positive lens, for image formation, 101-103

Positives, and tone reproduction, 201-202

Positive supplementary lens, applications, 123-124

Post-stimulus perception aftereffects, 317-318 afterimages, 315-316-318 eidetic imagery, 318 imagination imagery, 319-320 persistent images, 315-316 visual memory, 318-319

Power operation, logarithms, 437

ppi, see Pixels per inch (ppi)

Precipitate, definition, 356

Precipitation, emulsions, 368-369

Preference test, and measurement, 422

Preferred photographs, and objective tone reproduction, 191-193

Preservation, photographs, 406-407

Preservatives in developers, 392 in developing agent, 390

Pressure, and vapor source, 9-10

Primary colors additive, 240, 265, 287-288, 320 color systems, 265-266 psychological primary colors, 265, 321 subtractive, 265, 288, 295, 320-321

Primary hues, and filter combinations, 248

Principal focal point, definition, 102

Print Grain Index (PGI), purpose, 222

Printing time, making positives, 201

Prints, drying, 406

Print tone, subject tone relationship, 204

Print values, reflection densities, 211

Print viewers, fluorescent lamps, 20

Profile connection space (PCS), in color management, 282-283

Profiles classes, 283 construction, 283-284 ICC profile, 282

Psychological primary colors example, 265 in visual perception, 321

Psychology, and color measurement, 262

Psychophysics, and color measurement, 262


Q-factor color films, 204 and enlargers, 173

Quality control example calculations, 426 and variability, 423-426

Quantum theory, as light theory, 2

Quartz-iodine lamps, see Tungsten-halogen lamps

Quenching, and flash meters, 76


Radiant energy as electromagnetic spectrum, 3-4 wavelength, 3, 9

Radiography, with fluorescing screens, 12

Radio waves, in spectrum, 3-4

Radius, unsharp mask filter, 91

Randomness, as variation source, 410-411

Range, in normal distribution, 414

Ratio scales logarithms, 436 for measurement, 419-420

RAW file format digital image archiving, 402-403 digital SLR cameras, 85-86

Rayleigh scattering and filters, 244-245 and skylight, 19

RC, see Resin-coated photo-grade paper (RC)

Reading, and visual perception, 327-328

Reciprocity effects basic concept, 179-180, 373-374 black-and-white paper reciprocity, 181-182 color film reciprocity, 182-183 high-illuminance film reciprocity, 181 low-illuminance film reciprocity, 180-181

Reciprocity exposure, general-purpose black-and-white films, 432

Reciprocity law failure (RLF), definition, 179

Recognition, for memory testing, 319

Rectangular distribution, in variation, 411

Reducing agent, definition, 352

Reflectance formula, 147 papers, 165-166

Reflected-light exposure meters calculated midtone readings, 68-69 camera meters, 69-72 camera-position readings, 69 vs. incident-light meters, 73 keytone readings, 66-68 and luminance, 33 midtone readings, 64-66 operation, 56-58 zone system readings, 66-68

Reflecting surfaces and luminance, 31 and polarizing filters, 252-253

Reflection, light on surface, 239

Reflection density photographic paper and print values, 211 photographic papers, 166-167

Reflection prints, and illuminance, 30

Relative aperture, see f-number

Relative colorimetric intent, for color management, 281

Release print films, curve analysis, 175-177

Rendering intents, in color management, 280-281

Replenishment, developing agents, 397-398

Resin-coated photo-grade paper (RC), as inkjet paper, 164

Resizing, frame image processing, 92

Resolution digital systems, 235-236 and pixels, 235 testing, 331

Resolving power and acutance, 229-230 categories, 229 diffraction limited, 131 and graininess, 229 and images, 225-227 variables, 227-229

Restrainers in developers, 392-393 in developing agent, 390

Reversal films calculated midtone readings, 69 curve analysis, 177-178 exposure latitude, 53-54 properties, 306-308

Reversal processing, basic process, 388-389

Reversed telephoto wide-angle lenses, design and function, 122-123

RGB data file formats, 86 histograms, 87

Rhodamine, fluorescence, 11

RLF, see Reciprocity law failure (RLF)

Root operation logarithms, 437 whole stops, 41

Roscoe, Henry Enfield, 179

Ruby laser, basic properties, 24-25


Sabattier effect, basic concept, 183-184, 375

Safety base films, properties, 360

Samples, vs. populations, 415-416

Saturation additive color mixture, 288 definition, 262 in visual perception, 324-326

Saturation rendering intent, for color management, 281

Scale of reproduction, determination, 110

Scales exponential scales, 420 exposure meters, 61-62 gray scales, 140, 184, 266 interval scales, 419, 436 for measurement, 421 nominal scales, 418-419 ordinal scales, 419 ratio scales, 419-420, 436 temperature conversion units, 429-430

Scaling, frame image processing, 92

Scattered light, enlarger effects, 173

Scenes, and Zone System, 209

Screening, digital printing, 93

Seasoned developing agent, replenishment, 397

Selenium cells, exposure meters, 69, 71

Semi-silhouettes, and exposure meters, 67

Sensitivity, emulsions, 366

Sensitometers and color photographic materials, 304-306 development, 143 parts, 141-142 reversal color film properties, 307

Sensitometry average gradient, 160 basic concept, 139-140 black-and-white paper reciprocity, 181-182 with camera, 142-143 characteristic curves, 150-152 color film reciprocity, 182-183 condenser and diffusion enlargers, 172-173

Sensitometry (continued) contrast index, 160-161 density measurement, 148-150 development time effects, 157-158 digital cameras, 143-144 enlarger testing for flare, 173-174 exposure, 140-143 exposure latitude, 156-157 film, 144-147 gamma, 158-159 gloss readings, 165 high-illuminance film reciprocity, 181 inkjet papers, 164 ISO brightness, 164-165 ISO film speed, 161-163 light effects on enlarger, 173 log exposure range, 155-156 low-illuminance film reciprocity, 180-181 negative curve analysis, 163 opacity, 148 paper contrast, 167-172 paper opacity, 165-166 papers, 163-164 paper speeds, 174-175 photographic effect concepts, 178-179 photographic paper curves, 166-167 positive film curve analysis, 175-177 reciprocity effects, 179-180 reversal film curve analysis, 177-178 Sabattier effect, 183-184 solarization, 184 subject-luminance range, 152 and transmittance, 147-148

Sensors CMOS, 82, 245, 348 and color reproduction, 293 digital, 347-348 digital sensors, 54 digital SLR camera, 82 Foveon sensors, 293, 348 linear-array sensors, 83-84

Separation negatives, 294

Separation positives, 294

Shadows and development time, 158 and paper contrast, 170

Shadow speed, formula, 174

Shape, in visual perception, 326-329

Shape constancy, 328

Shape generalization, 328-329

Sharpening, definition, 329

Sharpening filters, in digital imaging, 91-92

Sharpness definition, 331 images, 224

Shoulder, in characteristic curves, 151-152

Shutters categories, 43-44 electronic shutters, 49 in sensitometry, 142 testing, 49-52

Shutter speed, and exposure time, 43

Signal-to-noise ratio, digital SLR camera, 85

Silhouettes, and exposure meters, 67

Silver halide in emulsions, 359-360 granularity, 216 as image sensors, 348 in negative development, 387-388 in reversal processing, 388-389 structure, 367-368 T-grains, 236 and UV and IR, 244

Silver image archiving dichroic fog, 403-404 fixing baths, 404 stop baths, 403 washing, 404-405

Simultaneous contrast, in visual perception, 325

Single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras, white balance settings, 13

Size, in visual perception, 329-330

Skylight polarization, 17 Rayleigh scattering, 19

SLR, see Single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras

Smellen eye charts, 330

Sodium-vapor source, spectral-energy distribution, 9

Soft-focus lenses, design and function, 128-129

Solarization basic concept, 375 definition, 53 and sensitometry, 184

Solid-object sources blue light, 14 and color temperature, 13 examples, 7-8

Solids, spectrum emittance, 8

Solubility, definition, 356

Solutions, definition, 356-357

Sony, dye-diffusion printing, 95

Spatial color mixing, definition, 288

Spatial resolution and artifacts, 84

and digital image quality, 83-84

SPD, see Spectral power distribution (SPD)

Specific gravity, basic concept, 357

Spectral density, definition, 301

Spectral-energy distribution high-intensity discharge sources, 22 xenon-filled electronic flash unit, 23

Spectral power distribution (SPD) definition, 8 for light identification, 6-7 tungsten and fluorescent light sources, 5

Spectral sensitivity color films, 291-292 and color reproduction, 297-298 emulsions, 367 exposure meters, 55-56

Spectrophotometers for color measurement, 259 function, 248

Spectrophotometric absorption curves and color, 259-260 from filters, 248-249

Specular color density, vs. diffuse density, 300-301

Speed color-negative films, 309 color papers, 312-313 papers, 174-175 positive films, 176 reversal color film, 306-307

Squaring operation, logarithms, 437

Stair stepping, see Aliasing Standard deviation calculation, 435 formulas, 416 in normal distribution, 415 for normal distribution spread, 417 statistical symbol, 416

Standard Paper Range Number, family of papers, 171

Statistical symbols, summary, 416

Status A densitometry, definition, 302

Status M densitometry, definition, 302

Steiner, Ralph, 40

Stereophotography, and perspective, 335

Stereopsis, definition, 334

Stochastic screening, digital printing, 93

Stop baths, silver image archiving, 403

Straight line, in characteristic curves, 151

Stretch mapping, pixel point image processing, 88-89

Stronger perspective, definition, 338-339

Subject characteristics, as flare factor, 196

Subjective colors, definition, 326

Subjective tone reproduction, and objective, 190-191

Subjectivity and measurement, 418 paired comparisons, 420-423 and test conditions, 423 and variability, 410

Subject-luminance range, in sensitometry, 152

Subject tones, print tone relationship, 204

Subject values, Zone System, 208-209, 212-213

Subtraction operation, logarithms, 437

Subtractive primary colors analysis and synthesis, 295 definition, 288 examples, 265 in visual perception, 320-321

Subtractive primary mixing basic system, 288-289 dye characteristics, 299

Successive contrast, in visual perception, 325 Sun, temperature, 19

Supersaturated solutions, definition, 356

Supplementary lenses special types, 124-125 types, 123-124

Surface color, definition, 264 Surface mode, definition, 264

Surfaces glossy surface polarizing, 17 and graininess, 224 light reflection, absorption, transmittance, 239 and luminance, 31 and midtone readings, 65-66

Swinging, and image shape, 118


Tablet, in sensitometry, 141-142

Tele-extender lenses, design and usage, 124-125

Telephoto lenses design and function, 119-120 reversed telephoto wide-angle lens, 122-123

Temperature developing agents, 394-395 and electromagnetic spectrum, 4 in film development, 145 Kelvin, 4 and solid-object sources, 8 sun, 19

Temperature coefficient, definition, 394-395

Temperature scales, conversion units, 429-430

Temporal color mixing, definition, 288

Test conditions enlargers for flare, 173-174 flare light, 133-135 lenses, 130-133 lens resolving power, 226 and subjectivity, 423

Test target contrast, and resolving power, 227

Textured paper, graininess, 224

T-grain emulsions, technology, 236

Thermal jet, for halftone printing, 96

Thermal transfer, for continuous-tone printing, 95

Thermal wax transfer, for halftone printing, 95

Thermography, basic process, 381

Threshold, unsharp mask filter, 91

TIFF file format, digital SLR cameras, 85, 87

Tilting, and image shape, 118

Time factor developing agents, 394 in film development, 145

Time-gamma chart, definition, 159 TNC, see

Total negative contrast (TNC) T-number system, and /-number, 43 Toe, in characteristic curves, 151 Tonal contrast, in digital image processing, 87 Tonal placement, in digital image processing, 87

Tonal range, in digital image processing, 87

Tone reproduction curve generation, 202-208 for digital system, 206-208 negatives, 199-201 objective and subjective, 190-191 and optical flare, 194-199 positives, 201-202 purposes, 189-190 simplified system, 194 and Zone System, 208-214, 212-213

Tones, subject vs. print, 204

Total density range, papers, 167

Total negative contrast (TNC), determination, 154

Tourmaline crystal, polarizing effect, 17

Transillumination, and polarizing filters, 253-254

Transmittance from filters, 248 light on surface, 239 in sensitometry, 147-148

Transmitting surfaces, and luminance, 31

Transparencies and luminance, 30 and objective tone reproduction, 191-193

Transparency illuminator, and meter testing, 63

Transparent illuminators, fluorescent lamps, 20

Triads, in paired-comparison test, 422-423

Trial exposures, ISO/ASA 400 speed film, 431

Triangular distribution, in variation, 412

Triboluminescence, definition, 11

Tricolor analysis, in color reproduction, 290-291

Tristimulus values, in chromaticity diagram, 279

Tungsten color film, applications, 12

Tungsten-filament lamps, as light sources, 19-20

Tungsten-halogen lamps, as light sources, 20

Tungsten light source color temperature, 15 spectral power distribution, 5


UCL, see Upper-control limit (UCL)

Ultraviolet filters, function and application, 244-246

Ultraviolet radiation and aerial haze, 244 and fluorescence, 245-246 and visible spectrum, 4

Underdevelopment, and paper contrast, 169

Underexposure, and exposure latitude, 52-54

Uniform color space, and chromaticity map, 274-275

Units of length, light, 3

Unpolarized light beam, definition, 16

Unsharp mask filter, in digital imaging, 91

Upper-control limit (UCL), in quality control, 424-425

Useful log exposure range, in sensitometry, 155-156


Valence, basic concept, 351

Vapors and electrical discharge, 8-10 spectrum emittance, 8

Variability and alphanumeric resolution, 225 basic concept, 409-410 normal distribution, 414-415 normal distribution description, 416-418 patterns, 411-414 populations vs. samples, 415-416 and quality control, 423-426 sources, 410-411

Vesicular process, basic concept, 382

View-camera lens movements, 116 nodal points, 105

Viewing distance, in visual perception, 342-343

Visible light, definition, 4

Visible spectrum, definitions, 4-6

Visual acuity, in perception, 330-331

Visual memory, basic concept, 318-319

Visual perception color hue, 320-322 color lightness, 322-324 color saturation, 324-326 depth, 333-335 focal length and image size, 339-340 motion, 331-333 object distance and focal length, 340-342 object distance and image size, 337-339 perspective, 335-337 post-stimulus perception, 315-320 shape, 326-329 size, 329-330 and viewing distance, 342-343 wide-angle effect, 343-344

Volume color, definition, 264


Washing, silver image archiving, 404-405

Wavelength radiant energy, 3 and spectrophotometric curves, 248 and vapor source, 9 visible spectrum, 4

Wave theory, basic concept, 2

Weaker perspective, definition, 338

Weston, Edward, 40

Wet collodion process, basic concept, 379

White, Minor, 208, 212

White balance digital camera sensitometry, 143 in SLR cameras, 13

White-card film speeds, and exposure meters, 66-67

White light, colors, 7

White point compensation, definition, 281

White surface, and midtone readings, 65

Whole stops calculation, 41 f-number, 39 Wide-angle effect, in visual perception, 343-344

Wide-angle lenses design and function, 121-122 reversed telephoto wide-angle lens, 122-123

Wideband three-filter density, definition, 301

Wilhelm, Henry, 97

Wratten, F.C., 369

Wratten 90 filter, and Zone System, 324


Xenon-filled electronic flash unit, spectral-energy distribution, 23

Xerography, basic process, 380-381


Young, Thomas, 2, 267 Young-Helmholtz three-component theory, definition, 267


Zone System definition, 64 Development Index, 211 development time, 210 objective tone reproduction, 213 origins, 208 and outdoor scenes, 209-210 reflected-light exposure meters, 66-68 scene and print values, 433 scene and subject value, 209 subject values, 212-213 and tone reproduction, 212 Wratten 90 filter, 324

Zoom lenses, design and function, 126-127

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