


1Light and Photometry

The Nature of Light

Light Waves

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The Visible Spectrum

Spectral Power Distributions

Solid-Object Sources and the Heat-Light Relationship

Vapor Sources and the Effect of Electrical Discharge

Luminescence/Fluorescence/ Phosphorescence

The Use of Color Temperature

The Mired Scale

Color-Rendering Index

The Polarization of Light

Practical Sources of Light and their Properties


The Language of Light

The Measurement of Intensity

The Measurement of Flux

The Measurement of Illuminance

The Measurement of Luminance


2 Camera and Printing Exposure

Camera Exposure Versus Photographic Exposure


Whole Stops

Maximum Diaphragm Openings

Intermediate F-Numbers

Limitations of the F-Number System

Lens Transmittance

Exposure Time

Lens Shutters

Effective Exposure Time

Focal-Plane Shutters

Electronic Shutters

Shutter Testing

Camera Exposure Latitude

Alternatives to Exposure Meters

Exposure Meters

Reflected-Light/ Incident-Light Exposure Meters

Meter Scales

Light Ratios

Meter Accuracy and Testing

Methods of Using Refl ected-Light Exposure Meters

Incident-Light Readings

Effective Film Speed and Degree of Development

Flash Guide Numbers

Flash Meters

Color-Temperature Meters


3 Strictly Digital

Digital Camera

Digital Image Processing

Digital Printing


4 Photographic Optics

Image Formation with a Pinhole

Image Formation with a Lens

Graphical D rawings

Depth of Field

Permissible Circle of Confusion

Depth-of-Field Controls

Depth of Field and F-Number

Depth of Field and Object Distance

Depth of Field and Focal Length

Depth of Focus

View-Camera Movements

Perpendicular Movements

Back Movements and Image Shape

Back Movements and Image Sharpness

Lens Movements and Image Sharpness

Lens Types

Reversed Telephoto Wide-Angle Lenses

Supplementary Lenses

Soft-Focus Lenses

Lens Shortcomings


Lens Testing

Testing Flare


5 Sensitometry



Digital Camera Sensitometry

Film Sensitometry

Transmittance, Density, Opacity

Density Measurement

Characteristic Curves

Exposure—Characteristic Curve Relationships

Log Exposure Range

Exposure Latitude

Effects of Development Time


Average Gradient

Contrast Index

ISO Film Speed

Analysis of Negative Curves

Paper Sensitometry

Analysis of Photographic Paper Curves

Paper Contrast

Condenser and Diffusion Enlargers

The Effects of Enlarger Flare and Scattered Light

Testing Enlargers for Flare Light

Paper Speeds

Analysis of Positive Film Curves

Analysis of Reversal Film Curves

Introduction to Photographic Effects


6 Tone Reproduction

Purposes of Tone Reproduction

Objective and Subjective Tone Reproduction

Objective Tone Reproduction/ Preferred Photographs

Objective Tone Reproduction Analysis

Optical Flare

The Making of the Negative

The Making of the Positive

Generation of the Tone-Reproduction Curve

Tone Reproduction and the Zone System


7 Micro-Image Evaluation

Image Characteristics


Measuring Graininess

Grain Size and Image Color


Minimizing Graininess

Graininess of Color Films



Resolving Power

Resolving-Power Variables

Resolving-Power Categories

Resolving Power And Graininess

Resolving Power And Acutance

Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)

Photographic Definition


Digital Resolution

T-Grain Emulsions


8 Filters

How Do Filters Work?

Color Filters

Ultraviolet and Infrared Filters

Filters for Color Photography

Spectrophotometric Absorption Curves

Neutral-Density Filters

Graduated Neutral Density Filters

Interference Filters

Polarizing Filters


9 Color



Spectrophotometric Curves

Color Densitometers

Color Densities

Physical, Psychophysical, and Psychological Measurements

Color Chain

Color Mode

Primary Colors

Color Attributes


Color-Vision Theory

Color Specification Systems

Munsell System of Color Specification

Pantone® System of Color Specification

CIE System of Color Specification

CIE Chromaticity Map


10 Color Management

What Is CM?

What Is Color Management?

Using an ICC profi le


11 Color Reproduction

Objectives of Color Reproduction

Additive and Subtractive Color Formation

The Recording of Color (Analysis Stage)

The Production of Color (Synthesis Stage)

Spectral Sensi tivity

Dye Characteristics

Color Densities

Sensitometry of Color Photographic Materials

Reversal Color Films

Negative Color Films

Photographic Color Paper


12 Visual Perception

Post-Stimulus Perception

Perception of Stimulus Attributes


Linear Perspective

Object Distance and Image Size

Focal Length and Image Size

Changing Object Distance and Focal Length

Viewing Distance

The Wide-Angle Effect


13 Chemistry for Photographers

Edited by Paul A. Schwartz


Image Capture

Image Display

Basic Chemistry

Chemical Reactions







Specific Gravity


14 Photographic Emulsions, Films, and Papers

Photographic Emulsions

Safety Base Films

Polyester Film Bases

Film Structure

Paper Bases


Paper Weight and Thickness

The Gelatin Colloid

Properties of Gelatin

Chemical Nature of Gelatin

Physical Properties of Gelatin

Emulsion Making

Emulsion Characteristics

Grain Size, Sensitivity, and Contrast

Grain Composition

Spectral Sensitivity

Crystal Structure

Emulsion Precipitation

Effects of Development on Developers

Dye Sensitization

Formation of the Latent Image

Photographic Effects

Latent Image Stability

Some Alternative Systems

Calotype Process



Wet Collodion

Gum Bichromate




Electronic Image Display

Charge-Coupled Devices

Dye Transfer

Diffusion Transfer


15 Black-and-White Photographic Development

Negative Development

Direct-Positive Images

Reversal Processing

Mechanism of Development

Constitution of Typical Developers

Developing Agents



MQ Developers





Other Development Accelerators

Concentration of Developer

Development Time

Developer Temperature

Developer Agitation


Paper Processing

Analysis of Developers

Specific Black-and-White Processes

Practical Applications


16 Archiving Photographic Images


Digital Images

Silver Image Archiving

Preparation for Drying

Drying Films

Drying Prints

Preservation of Photographs


17 Variability and Quality Control in Photography

Introduction to the Concept of Variability

Sources of Variation

Patterns of Variation

The Normal Distribution

Populations vs. Samples

Description of the Normal Distribution

Measurement Methods and Subjective Evaluations

Ordinal Scale

Paired Comparisons

Test Conditions

Quality Control



A: Conversion Units and Scales

B: Exposures, Depth of Field, Zone System, and Film Speed Information

C: Calculations and Basic Logarithms

Answers to Review Questions



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