

AAC files, 144

about this book, 1–2

accessibility support, 103, 229

Accessible Text property, 103, 151 website, 7

action sequences, 124, 138–140

adding, 138–139

editing, 139–140

sound effects for, 157–160

See also transitions

ActionScript 3.0, 14, 165, 166

Add Action menu, 136, 137, 139, 140

Add Project Library dialog box, 255

Add Server button, 237

Adjustment layers, 32

Adobe AIR, 2, 3, 13, 228

See also AIR applications

Adobe Application Manager, 3

Adobe Authorized Training Center (AATC), 6

Adobe BrowserLab, 7

Adobe Certified Associate (ACA), 6

Adobe Certified Expert (ACE), 6

Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI), 6

Adobe Certified programs, 6

Adobe Community Help, 4, 24–25

Adobe Creative Suite, 2, 7

Adobe CS Live, 7

Adobe CS Review, 7

Adobe Design Center, 5

Adobe Developer Connection, 5, 145

Adobe Dreamweaver. See Dreamweaver CS5

Adobe Fireworks. See Fireworks

Adobe Flash Builder. See Flash Builder

Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5. See Flash Catalyst CS5

Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 Classroom in a Book

about, 1–2

copying lesson files from CD, 3–4

how to use lessons in, 4

prerequisites for using, 2

standard elements in, 4–5

Adobe Flash Platform, 13

Adobe Flash Player, 2, 3, 13, 144, 232

Adobe Flash Professional, 13, 165, 166

Adobe Flex 4 Software Development Kit (SDK), 1, 14

Adobe Flex framework, 13, 14

Adobe forums, 6

Adobe Illustrator. See Illustrator

Adobe Labs, 6

Adobe Marketplace & Exchange, 6

Adobe Media Encoder CS5, 2

Adobe Media Player, 2

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

Adobe Story, 7

Adobe TV, 5

Adobe Updater, 3

Advanced Audio Encoding (AAC) files, 144

AIR applications, 3, 10, 228, 231, 233–234

Align commands, 41


effects for playing, 174

previewing SWF, 168

time-based, 124

See also SWF files; transitions

Application Install dialog box, 233

Application Manager dialog box, 3


AIR, 3, 10, 228, 231, 233–234

deploy-to-web, 228, 231, 232

extending with Flash Builder, 242–244

optimizing, 229

planning, 12

publishing, 226–239

run-local, 228, 231, 232–233

starting with interactions, 120

structuring, 30–32

uploading, 238

video in, 148–151

See also rich Internet applications

Area text, 111

Arrange commands, 70–71

arrow keys, 41

artboard, 16

blank, 81

dragging assets to, 54

importing images to, 40

importing SWF files to, 167

panning, 22

positioning images in, 41

video added to, 148–149

zooming, 21


buttons from, 100–106

clipping of, 38

converting to components, 99–113

copying and pasting, 40

creating sample, 35

dimmed in Layers panel, 84

drawing, 196–218

filters for, 216–218

flattening, 32

grouping, 214–215

importing, 30, 31, 37–41

layers for organizing, 32

naming convention for, 33

optimizing, 41–43

round-trip editing of, 219–223

scroll bars from, 106–109

scrolling panels from, 112–113

showing/hiding in page states, 78–80

stacking, 69–70

transforming, 215

See also design documents


adding to the Library panel, 48, 49–50

creating/acquiring, 12

deleting from projects, 52–53

identifying duplicate, 34

importing into Flash Catalyst, 12

Library panel categories of, 48, 49

removing unused, 246

renaming, 53–54, 99

selecting from Library panel, 55


importing, 147

previewing, 147–148

volume setting, 151

See also sound effects; sound files

audio-only FLV files, 160

Auto Change Warning message, 107, 112

Automatic conversion option, 39

automatic updates, 3


Back/Next buttons, 104–105

Background File Activity dialog box, 238

bevel filter, 217

bitmap images

compressing, 53

project library and, 55

vector graphics vs., 43

blank page states, 81–84

adding objects to, 82–84

creating, 81–82

blend modes, 224

boldface text, 4

Bounce easing option, 132

Breadcrumbs bar, 17, 93

Bring to Front command, 70

browsers. See web browsers

built-in components, 99–113

converting artwork to, 99–113

list of included, 99

navigation buttons, 101–104

next and previous buttons, 104–105

scroll bars, 106–109

scroll panels, 112–113

toggle buttons, 105–106

Button components, 92–94

converting artwork to, 100–101

states available for, 93


animation added to, 172–174

clickable area of, 155

converting artwork to, 100–101

enabling/disabling, 103–104

labels for, 102

navigation, 101–104

next and previous, 104–105

radio, 96

toggle, 105–106

wireframe, 91–94, 96


CD lesson files, 3–4

check boxes, 96–97

Checkbox component, 96–97

Choose Root Folder dialog box, 236

circles, drawing, 206–207

Classic text, 166

clipped artwork, 38

Code panel, 18

Code workspace, 18

codecs, video, 144

collapsing layers, 62–63


blended, 224

fill, 208–209

gradient, 212–214

hexadecimal codes for, 210

stroke, 211–212

Color Picker, 94, 208

combo box control, 243

Community Help, 4, 24–25

Compare feature, 252–253

complex objects, 32

component states, 76

deleting, 85

duplicating, 77

naming, 78

See also page states

components, 48, 88–121

animating, 172–174

built-in, 99–113

buttons, 91–94, 101–106

check boxes, 96–97

converting artwork to, 99–113

creating, 12, 90

custom, 113–114

data list, 35, 178–188

duplicating, 99

editing, 90, 93, 98

identifying duplicate, 34

interactions added to, 115–120

navigation buttons, 101–104

nesting, 23, 181

next and previous buttons, 104–105

overview of lesson on, 88

radio buttons, 96

renaming, 99

review questions/answers on, 121

scroll bars, 97–98, 106–109

scroll panels, 112–113

setting properties for, 35

skinning of, 100

states of, 13, 76

SWF files added to, 172–174

text input fields, 95

toggle buttons, 105–106

views or states of, 76

wireframe, 91–98

Compress Image dialog box, 53

Compress option, 42

compressing images, 53

conditional interactions, 116–118

data lists and, 118

steps for creating, 117–118

Connect to Remote Host icon, 238

contiguous selections, 101


attaching to video, 152–154

SWF file playback, 169–172

Convert to Linked Image option, 42

copying and pasting

artwork, 40

text, 110

Create New Layer icon, 69

Create New Profile button, 166

Create New Sublayer icon, 69

creative directors, 10

Crop option, 39

CRUD functionality, 243

custom components, 23, 113–114

Custom/Generic Component option, 113–114


Data List components, 35, 178–188

binding to data source, 242

creating, 181–184

design-time data, 188–193

editing, 191

previewing, 179–180

properties, 185–188

repeated items, 184, 185–188

sample records, 181–183

wireframe, 194

data lists, 176–195

conditional interactions in, 118

design-time data in, 179, 188–193

explanation of, 178

external data sources for, 188

opening to specific records, 190

overview of lesson on, 176

preparing for developers, 246

previewing, 179–180

repeated items in, 184, 185–188

review questions/answers on, 195

sample records for, 181–183

setting properties for, 185–188

steps for creating, 181–184

types of, 178–179

wireframe, 194

data-centric applications, 12, 228

Default easing option, 132

default transitions, 125–126, 131

Delay value, 131, 140, 159

Delete icon, 52, 69, 85, 229


assets from projects, 52–53

design-time data, 191

interactions, 116

layers, 69

objects, 229

page states, 85

unused assets, 246

See also removing

deploy-to-web applications, 228, 231, 232

descriptive names, 246

design applications, 30

design documents

embedding images in, 33

flattening artwork in, 32

grouping complex objects in, 32

hiding or locking layers in, 36

identifying duplicate items in, 34

importing, 12, 37–38, 39

managing fonts in, 34

naming strategy for, 33

preparing to import, 30–36

sample artwork for, 35

See also artwork

Design page, Timelines panel, 127

design portfolios, 1

Design workspace, 15–17

features, 15–17

illustrated, 15

navigating, 19–22

designer-developer workflows, 244–245

design-time data, 188–193

adding, 191

deleting, 191

editing, 190

explained, 179

repeated item changes, 191–193

replacing, 188–190

Design-Time Data panel, 17, 188–191

Developer Connection, 5, 145

Direct Select tool, 198, 205

disabling buttons, 103–104

Display As Password property, 95

displaying. See showing/hiding

documents. See design documents

drawing, 196–218

basic lines, 207

ellipses, 206–207

fill color, 208–209

filters for, 216–218

gradient fills, 212–214

grid and guide for, 200–201

grouping objects and, 214–215

overview of lesson on, 196

previewing an example of, 203

rectangles, 203–206

review questions/answers on, 224–225

rounded rectangles, 205–206

rulers for, 199–200

sizing/positioning objects and, 216

stroke color/weight for, 211–212

tools for, 198–199

transforming shapes and, 215

Dreamweaver CS5, 235–238

application file uploads, 238

local root folder creation, 235–236

remote site connection, 236–237

drop shadows, 151, 218

dummy content. See design-time data

duplicate components, 34

Duplicate State option, 77


components, 99

page states, 77

duration of transitions, 128, 130–131

dynamic loading of content, 165


easing transitions, 132–133

editable text, 39


action sequences, 139–140

artwork, 219–223

components, 90, 93, 98, 191

data lists, 191

design-time text, 190

round-trip, 219–223

video, 146

Edit-In-Place mode, 76, 90, 93, 184, 191, 201

educator resources, 6

Effect bar

helper effects, 140

transition effects, 130, 131, 137


action sequence, 138–140

easing applied to, 132–133

flattening artwork containing, 32

helper, 140

multiple, 136–138

playing animations using, 174

purpose for adding, 138

swapping, 134–136

transition, 125–138, 174

Elastic easing option, 132

Ellipse tool, 198, 206–207

ellipses, drawing, 206–207


fonts, 229, 230–231

images, 33, 57

enabling/disabling buttons, 103–104

encoding video, 144–145

Expand/Collapse icon, 238

expanding layers, 62–63

Export Library Package icon, 56


Flash Catalyst library packages, 56

FXG files from Fireworks, 36

external links, 119–120

eyeball icon, 82–83

Eyedropper tool, 209


F4V video files, 144

fade effects, 84, 128–129, 131

Fade In/Out transitions, 129

Feature page, Timelines panel, 127


import, 38, 39

transition, 140

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client, 235

filename extensions

accepted in Flash Catalyst, 40

for Flash Catalyst Library Packages, 56

for Flash Catalyst projects, 19


copying from CD, 3–4

dynamic loading of, 165

overwriting existing, 231

previewing in Library panel, 51–52

reducing the size of, 229

See also specific types of files

Files panel, 236, 238

fill color, 208–209

Fill Color swatch, 94, 208–209

filters, 216–218

bevel, 217

drop shadow, 151, 218

flattening artwork containing, 32

fine-tuning transitions, 129–133


color mode setting, 30

exporting FXG files from, 36

names of objects imported from, 66

Fit Height text, 111

Flash Beep.mp3 file, 158–159

Flash Builder, 1, 13, 240–257

Compare feature, 252–253

designer-developer workflows and, 244–245

extending applications with, 242–244

importing FXP files into, 248–252

importing FXPL files into, 57, 249, 254–256

integrating project code in, 252–253

opening Flash Catalyst projects in, 246–253

overview of lesson on, 240

preparing files for, 245–246

review questions/answers on, 257

Flash Catalyst CS5

about, 10–14

benefits for designers, 11

design workflow, 12–13

Help and Support, 5, 24–25

installing, 2

key features, 11

limitations of, 242

overview of, 1, 10–14

performance optimization, 2

product home page, 6

project library, 46–59

resources, 5–6

updating, 3

Welcome screen, 14, 37

workspaces, 15–18

Flash Catalyst Library Package (FXPL) files, 56–57, 254–256

associating with applications, 255–256

importing into Flash Builder, 57, 249, 254–256

Flash Player, 2, 3, 13, 144, 232

Flash Professional, 13, 165, 166

Flash video (FLV) files, 144, 160

Flash XML Graphics format. See FXG files

flattening artwork, 32, 39

Flex 4 Software Development Kit (SDK), 1, 14

Flex Builder, 1, 242

Flex compiler, 14

Flex component library, 14

Flex framework, 13, 14, 232

Flex Library Build Path option, 255

Flex Library projects

associating with applications, 255–256

imported FXPL files and, 57, 254–255, 256

FLV (Flash video) files, 144

audio-only, 160

focus ring, 98


AIR, 231, 233–234

deploy-to-web, 231, 232

layer, 62, 69

local root, 235–236

run-local, 231, 232–233

Font Embedding dialog box, 230


embedding, 229, 230–231

managing, 34

forums, Adobe, 6

Frame value, 172

frame-based animation, 124

FTP client, 235

FXG files, 30

exporting from Fireworks, 36

importing into Flash Catalyst, 30

installing for Photoshop, 221

FXP files, 19

importing into Flash Builder, 248–252

reviewing in Flash Catalyst, 246–248

saving and sharing, 228

FXPL files, 56–57, 254–256

associating with applications, 255–256

importing into Flash Builder, 57, 249, 254–256


Go To Frame And Play effect, 171–172

Go To Frame And Stop effect, 172

Go To URL interaction, 119

gradient color stops, 212, 213

Gradient Fill property, 212, 213

gradient fills, 212–214

Gradient Stroke property, 211

gradient swatch, 212

graphic designers, 10


bitmap vs. vector, 43

compressing, 229

in Library panel, 48

optimizing, 42, 50, 68, 229

See also artwork

grid, 200–201

Grid & Guide Settings dialog box, 200, 201


benefits of, 214

creating, 32, 66, 215

optimizing complex, 67–68

radio button, 96

renaming, 66–67

ungrouping, 66

guides, 200–202

adjusting settings for, 200–201

setting for precise drawing, 201–202


H.264 video codec, 144

Hand tool, 22, 199

Heads-Up Display (HUD), 17

Help and Support resources, 5, 24–25

helper effects, 140

hexadecimal color codes, 210

Hexagon tool, 198


artwork in page states, 78–80

grid and guides, 200

layers, 36, 63–64

rulers, 199–200

Horizontal layout option, 186

horizontal scroll bars, 97, 106

horizontal sliders, 243



design document preparation, 30

editing artwork in, 219, 220–221

filters supported in Flash Catalyst, 32

importing documents from, 37–38, 39

multiple artboards in, 12, 31

names of objects imported from, 66

Illustrator Import Options dialog box, 37

Image Slider component, 148–149, 152

images, 48

bitmap vs. vector, 43

compressing, 53

design-time, 188–190

embedded, 33, 57

importing, 40

linked, 57

positioning, 41

previewing, 51

See also artwork

Import dialog box, 147, 158

Import Flex Project dialog box, 248–249, 251, 254

Import Library Package icon, 56, 57

Import Library Project dialog box, 57

Import Non-Visible Layers option, 38


artwork, 30, 31, 37–41

design documents, 12, 37–38, 39

fidelity options for, 38, 39

file size limits for, 37

images, 40

library packages, 57

sound files, 147

SWF files, 166–167

video, 147

Include Unused Symbols option, 38

information architects, 10

information resources, 5–6

installing Flash Catalyst, 2

instances, 34

best practice for using, 38

link between source files and, 50, 54

removing all for specific assets, 52–53

renaming in the Layers panel, 54

integrated development environment (IDE), 14, 242

integrating code, 252–253

interactions, 13, 90, 115–120

action sequence, 124, 138–140

built-in, 115

conditional, 116–118

deleting, 116

external link, 119–120

modifying, 116

On Application Start, 120

page navigation, 116

review questions/answers on, 121

triggering, 115

video control, 155

Interactions panel, 16, 116

interactive ads, 1, 9

interactive components. See components

interactive links, 119–120

interactive web designers, 10

Internet applications. See rich Internet applications

italicized text, 4

Item Highlight Rectangle, 187

iterative workflow, 245


Keep editable option, 39

keyboard shortcuts, 4

for opening projects, 19

for shape tools, 205

keyword search, 243

Knockout Drop Shadow property, 218


labels, button, 102

Layer Comps, 12, 31

layer folders, 62, 69

Layer Groups, 32

layers, 60–73

adding, 69

arranging, 70–71

deleting, 69

expanding/collapsing, 62–63

hiding, 36

locking/unlocking, 36, 65

naming convention for, 33

organizing artwork using, 32

overview of lesson on, 60

renaming, 63

review questions/answers on, 72–73

showing/hiding, 36, 63–64

stacking order of, 69–71, 77

Layers panel, 16, 60–73

dimmed objects in, 82, 84

editing components in, 93

grouping objects in, 66

illustrated, 62

optimizing complex groups in, 67–68

renaming objects in, 54, 66–67

stacking order in, 69–71

states viewed in, 80

lesson files, 3–4

Letterbox video option, 150

library packages

exporting, 56

importing, 57

Library panel, 16, 46–59

adding assets to, 48, 49–50

compressing images in, 53

deleting assets from, 52–53

dragging SWF files from, 166

overview of lesson on, 46

previewing files in, 51–52, 147–148

renaming assets in, 53–54

review questions/answers on, 58–59

types of assets in, 48

using assets in, 54–55

video and sound files in, 147–148

wireframe components and, 92, 94

See also project library

Line tool, 199, 207

Linear easing option, 132

linear workflow, 244–245

lines, drawing, 207

Linked Image icon, 57

linked images, 57


interactive, 119–120

non-functioning, 233

local root folder, 235–236


guides, 202

layers, 36, 65


Mac commands/keystrokes, 4

magnification options, 21

Main.mxml document, 250, 251

Main.swf file, 231, 232

Manage Sites dialog box, 236

managing fonts, 34

Map transition, 129

marginal tips and notes, 4

Max Characters property, 95

media, 48

previewing in Library panel, 51, 147–148

See also audio; video

menu commands, 4

merging shared libraries, 166

microsites, 12

Modify menu, 41

Move effect, 130, 131, 134–136

movies. See video

MP3 file format, 144

MXML code, 14, 18



assets, 53–54

components, 99

descriptive, 246

groups, 66–67

layers, 33, 63

pages, 78


button components for, 101–103

of Design workspace, 19–22

navigation buttons, 101–104

creating reusable, 101–103

enabling/disabling, 103–104

nesting components, 23, 181

NetAverages, 7

New Blank State option, 81

New Project dialog box, 15

next/previous buttons, 104–105

non-contiguous selections, 66, 101

notes and tips, 4



adding to states, 82–84

deleting, 229

dimmed in Layers panel, 82, 84

fading in/out, 84

grouping, 32, 66, 215

positioning, 216

removing from states, 69, 80, 84–85

renaming, 66–67

selecting range of, 66, 101

sharing to states, 80

sizing, 216

stacking, 69–70

Octagon tool, 198

On2 VP6 video codec, 144

On Application Start interactions, 120, 169

On Click interactions, 115, 116–117, 155, 160

On Roll Over interactions, 160

Opacity setting, 84, 154, 201


existing projects, 19

new projects, 14–15

Optimize Vector Graphics option, 42, 50, 68

Optimized Graphics category, 38, 48, 50


artwork, 41–43

complex groups, 67–68

pre-publishing, 229

program performance, 3

Over state, 187

Overwrite Existing Effects option, 128


Package Explorer, 249, 252

padding, 186

padlock icon, 65

page navigation, 116

Page Size property, 108

page states, 76–80

adding objects to, 82–84

creating blank, 81–82

deleting, 85

duplicating, 77

limiting use of, 76

naming/renaming, 78

removing objects from, 84–85

review questions/answers on, 86

sharing objects to, 80

showing/hiding artwork in, 78–80

viewing in Pages/States panel, 76, 93

Pages/States panel, 16

creating blank states in, 81–82

deleting objects from states in, 84

moving between pages in, 20

viewing states in, 76, 93


adjusting, 20–21

moving between, 20

See also specific panels

panning the artboard, 22

password display, 95

pasting. See copying and pasting


Adjustment layers in, 32

advanced import options, 39

color mode setting, 30

design document preparation, 30

editing artwork in, 219, 222–223

flattening artwork created in, 32

FXG extensions for, 221

importing files from, 12, 39

Layer Comps in, 12, 31

names of objects imported from, 66

placeholder data, 188

dummy content as, 179

temporary text as, 109

See also design-time data

planning the application, 12, 245

Play Action Sequence interaction, 170

Play Transition button, 127, 128, 154

Play/Pause toggle button, 152


SWF files, 169–172

video files, 147–148

Point text, 111


images, 41

objects, 216

SWF files, 173

Power easing option, 132

Preferences option, 3


data lists, 179–180

drawing samples, 203

files in the Library panel, 51–52

projects in a browser, 22–23

sound files, 147–148

SWF animations, 168

video, 147–148

previous/next buttons, 104–105

printer controls, 244

Problems panel, 18

product guides, 1

product home page, 6

profiles, publish, 166

project (FXP) files, 19

importing into Flash Builder, 248–252

reviewing in Flash Catalyst, 246–248

saving and sharing, 228

project library, 46–59

compressing images in, 53

deleting assets from, 52–53

importing assets into, 48–50

overview of lesson on, 46

previewing files in, 51–52, 147–148

renaming assets in, 53–54

review questions/answers on, 58–59

sharing, 56–57

SWF files added to, 166

types of assets in, 48

using assets in, 54–55

video and sound files in, 147–148

See also Library panel

Project Navigator panel, 18


deleting assets from, 52–53

extending with Flash Builder, 240–257

filename extension for, 19

opening existing, 19

opening new, 14–15

previewing in a browser, 22–23

publishing, 13, 226–239

running, 98

testing, 13


data list, 185–188

scroll bar, 108

setting for components, 35, 94

sharing across states, 80

sound effect, 159

text input field, 95

transition, 130–131, 132–133

video player, 150–151

Properties panel, 17

Accessible Text property, 103

Appearance section of, 224

Common category of, 54, 94, 150

Component section of, 151

Delay property, 159

Display As Password property, 95

Easing pop-up menu, 132–133

Enabled property, 103

Fill Color swatch, 208–209

Filter section of, 151, 217, 218

Gradient Fill property, 212, 213

Layout section of, 186

Max Characters property, 95

Radio Button Group property, 96

Repeat property, 159

State pop-up menu in, 114

Stroke properties, 211

Text section of, 151

Transparency Accepts Mouse property, 101

PSD files, 223

Publish to SWF dialog box, 230

publishing projects, 13, 226–239

accessibility support for, 229

delivery options for, 228

Dreamweaver CS5 used for, 235–238

embedded fonts for, 229

optimization ideas for, 229

overview of lesson on, 226

overwriting existing files, 231

review questions/answers on, 239

saving custom profiles for, 166

steps in process of, 230–231

viewing published files, 231–234

Put Files icon, 238


Radio Button component, 96

Radio Button Group property, 96

radio buttons, 96

RAM requirements, 2

raster images, 43

Rasterize option, 42

ReadMe.pdf file, 2


converting into Data List component, 183

designing for data lists, 181–183

Rectangle tool, 198, 203–204


drawing, 203–206

rounded, 205–206

remote site connections, 236–237


assets from projects, 52–53

guides from components, 202

objects from states, 69, 80, 84–85

See also deleting

renaming. See naming/renaming

Repeat Delay value, 159

Repeat property, 159

repeated item template, 184, 185–188

bounding box properties, 185–186

defining for data lists, 184

layout properties, 186–187

removing elements in, 191–193

state properties, 187–188

resizing. See sizing/resizing

resources, 5–6

Review Popup component, 181

review questions/answers

on components, 121

on data lists, 195

on Flash Builder, 257

on interactions, 121

on layers, 72–73

on project library, 58–59

on publishing projects, 239

on sound effects, 161

on SWF files, 175

on transitions, 141

on video, 161

RGB color values, 210

rich Internet applications (RIAs), 10

Adobe AIR and, 228

building blocks of, 90

encoding video for, 144–145

extending with Flash Builder, 242–244

Rotate 3D effect, 137, 138, 139

Rotate tool, 198, 215

Rounded Rectangle tool, 198, 203, 205–206

rounded rectangles, 205–206

round-trip editing, 219–223

general tips for, 219

in Illustrator, 220–221

in Photoshop, 222–223

review of, 224, 225

royalty-free SWF files, 166

rulers, 199–200

Run Project command

for reviewing FXP files, 247

for transition effects, 125

for wireframe components, 98

run-local applications, 228, 231, 232–233


sample records

converting into Data List component, 183

designing for data lists, 181–183

Scale Mode pop-up menu, 150

scaling video, 150–151

scroll bars

converting artwork to, 106–109

sliders compared to, 98

track and thumb for, 97, 106, 107–108, 109

wireframe, 97–98

scroll panels, 112–113

Search field, 17


keyword, 243

SWF file, 164

Select Asset dialog box, 55, 158, 189

Select tool, 41, 198, 205, 208

Selected Up state, 156–157


contiguous range of objects, 101

non-contiguous range of objects, 66, 101

selection handles, 95, 98, 111, 113

Send Backward command, 70

Send Forward command, 70

Send to Back command, 71

shadows, drop, 218

shape tools

Ellipse tool, 206–207

Rectangle tool, 203–205

Rounded Rectangle tool, 205–206

shortcut keys for, 205


drawing, 203–207

fill color for, 208–209

gradient fills for, 212–214

stroke color/weight for, 211–212

transforming, 215

shared libraries

library packages and, 56–57

merging in Flash Professional, 166


objects to states, 80

project libraries, 56–57

Shift-dragging objects, 135

Shockwave Flash files. See SWF files

shortcut keys. See keyboard shortcuts


artwork in page states, 78–80

grid and guides, 200

layers, 36, 63–64

rulers, 199–200

Simplify Layers for FXG script, 223

Simultaneous transition option, 128

Sine easing option, 132

Site Definition dialog box, 236

Site Setup dialog box, 235–236

SiteCatalyst NetAverages, 7


object positioning and, 216

repeated item bounding box, 185–186

text bounding box, 111, 113

wireframe components, 95, 98

skinClass attribute, 256

skins, 100

custom, 94, 98

replacing, 256

wireframe, 92


scroll bars vs., 98

setting values using, 243–244

Smart Smoothing transition option, 128

Smooth Transition button, 128

Smooth Transition Options dialog box, 128

Snap Interval property, 108

Snap to Grid feature, 200

Snap to Guides feature, 200

Software Development Kit (SDK), 1, 14

Solid Stroke property, 211

Sorenson Spark video codec, 144

sound effects, 157–160

adding to components, 157–160

associating with transitions, 160

review questions/answers on, 161

setting properties for, 159

sound files

importing, 147

previewing, 147–148

See also audio

spacing, 186

stacking objects, 69–70

Star tool, 198

State pop-up menu, 114

State Transitions list, 127, 129

states, 74–86

adding objects to, 82–84

creating blank, 81–82

defining, 13

deleting, 85

duplicating, 77

limiting use of, 76

naming, 78

overview of lesson on, 74

page and component, 76

removing objects from, 69, 79, 84–85

repeated item, 187–188

review questions/answers on, 86

setting default, 114

sharing objects to, 80

showing/hiding artwork in, 78–80

stacking order and, 69

viewing, 76

Step Size property, 108

Stretch video option, 151

stroke color/weight, 211–212

Sub Pages component, 181

sublayers, 32

swapping effects, 134–136

SWF files, 3, 162–175

ActionScript 3.0 and, 166

adding to components, 172–174

controlling playback of, 169–172

creating, 164

description of, 164

effects for playing, 174

importing, 166–167

overview of lesson on, 162

playing, 169–172

positioning, 173

previewing, 51, 168

review questions/answers on, 175

royalty-free, 166

searching for, 164

specific-frame playback of, 171–172

tips for acquiring, 165–166

TLF text in, 166

swfobject.js code, 232

symbols, Illustrator, 38

system requirements, 2


Tab to Focus property, 98

target layers, 62

template, repeated item, 184, 185–188

testing projects, 13


accessible, 103, 151

adding, 109–111

converting, 34

design-time, 190

editable, 39

input fields, 95

scroll panel for, 112–113

TLF vs. Classic, 166

types of, 111

video control, 151

text box, 110

Text Input component, 95

text input fields, 95

Text Layout Framework (TLF) text, 166

Text tool, 110, 198

thumb, scroll bar, 97, 106, 107–108, 109

Tile layout option, 186

time-based animation, 124

Timelines panel, 16, 124, 127

Add Action menu, 136, 137, 139, 140, 158

Play Transition button, 127, 128

Smooth Transition button, 128

State Transitions section, 127, 129

timing, transition, 131

tips and notes, 4

TLF text, 166

toggle buttons

creating custom, 105–106

resetting after using, 155–157

video control, 152–157

tools, drawing, 198–199

See also specific tools

Tools panel, 16, 198

Top Graphic layer, 42–43

track, scroll bar, 97, 106, 107–108, 109

Transform tool, 198, 215

transforming shapes, 215

transitions, 13, 122–138

default, 125–126, 133

description of, 124

duration settings for, 130–131

easing applied to, 132–133

fade effects for, 84, 128–129, 131

fine-tuning, 129–133

helper effects for, 140

multiple effects for, 136–138

overview of lesson on, 122

play effect added to, 174

preserving fidelity of, 140

review questions/answers on, 141

smooth, 127–129

sound effects for, 160

swapping effects for, 134–136

time-based animation for, 124

timing for, 131

See also action sequences


button components and, 101

image compression and, 53

Transparency Accepts Mouse property, 101

Triangle tool, 198

triggering interactions, 115

TV, Adobe, 5


Undo command, 70, 203

Ungroup command, 55

uninstalling applications, 234

unlocking layers, 65

unused assets, 246

updating Flash Catalyst, 3

URL link interactions, 119–120

user input controls, 243


validating user input, 243

vector graphics

bitmap images vs., 43

optimizing, 42, 50, 68, 229

project library and, 55

Vertical layout option, 186

vertical scroll bars, 97, 106, 107

vertical sliders, 243

video, 142–157

adding to applications, 148–151

attaching controls to, 152–154

controlling playback of, 152–157

encoding for the web, 144–145

importing, 147

interactions added to, 155

loading SWF files as, 165

overview of lesson on, 142

previewing, 147–148

resetting after playing, 155–157

review questions/answers on, 161

scale options for, 150–151

shooting web-friendly, 146

video card, 2

video codecs, 144

Video Controls menu, 150, 151

video player

adding to current state, 148

attaching controls to, 152–154

resetting after using, 155–157

setting properties for, 150–151

VideoPaused state, 155–156, 157


page and component states, 76, 93

published files, 231–234

See also previewing

vision impaired users, 103

volume setting, 151


web browsers

playing Flash video in, 144

previewing projects in, 22–23, 168

web designers, 10


deploying applications to, 228, 231, 232

preparing video for, 144–145

publishing with Dreamweaver, 235–238

rich Internet applications on, 10

shooting video for, 146

Welcome screen, 14, 37

Windows commands/keystrokes, 4–5

wireframe components, 91–98

adding, 91–92

buttons, 91–94

check boxes, 96–97

data lists, 194

list of included, 91

radio buttons, 96

scroll bars, 97–98

text input fields, 95

Wireframe Components panel, 16, 91–92, 194


designer-developer, 244–245

Flash Catalyst design, 12–13

Workspace menu, 15


changing, 18

Code workspace, 18

Design workspace, 15–17


zero-second transition effects, 125, 129

Zoom Magnification menu, 21

Zoom tool, 21, 199

Zoom video option, 151

zooming the artboard, 21

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