• F format specifier 131

    • for floating-point numbers 167

  • Facebook 2

  • Fahrenheit equivalent of a Celsius temperature 294

  • “FairTax” 236

  • fault tolerant 84

  • fault-tolerant program 315, 508

  • field

    • default initial value 112

    • in a database table 895

  • field (in data hierarchy) 8

  • field width 202

  • file 9

  • File class methods (partial list) 727

  • File menu 39

  • File name extensions

    • .csproj 54

  • FileAccess enumeration 709

  • FileInfo class 638

    • FullName property 638

    • Name property 638

  • file-position pointer 714

  • FillEllipse method of class Graphics 583, 627

  • FillPie method of class Graphics 627

  • FillRectangle method of class Graphics 627

  • filter (functional programming) 869, 874

  • filter a collection using LINQ 372

  • filter elements 874

  • filtering array elements 864

  • final state in the UML 146, 222

  • final value 194

  • Finalize method

    • of class object 461

  • finally blocks always execute, even when no exception occurs 520

  • Find method of class LinkedList 860

  • Find the Error exercise 185, 297

  • Find the Largest Number exercise 186, 187

  • Find the Minimum exercise 295

  • Find the Smallest Value exercise 233

  • Find the Two Largest Numbers exercise 187

  • Finished design of MasterDetail app 926

  • First extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 380

  • first-in, first-out (FIFO) data structure 792

  • first refinement 169

  • first refinement in top-down, stepwise refinement 161

  • FirstDayOfWeek property of class MonthCalendar 608

  • FirstNode property of class TreeNode 628

  • Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm 319

  • flash drive 700

  • FlatStyle property of class Button 561

  • Flickr API key 957

  • floating-point division 167

  • floating-point number 164, 165

    • double data type 164

    • float data type 164

  • Floor method of Math 241

  • flow of control in the if...else statement 149

  • Focused property of class Control 557

  • Font class 568

    • Style property 568

  • Font dialog 52

  • Font property of a Label 51

  • Font property of class Control 557

  • Font property of class Form 548

  • font size 51

  • Font window 52

  • FontStyle enumeration 568

  • foreach iteration statement 307, 850

    • on rectangular arrays 339

  • ForeColor property of class Control 557

  • form background color 50

  • Form class 548

    • AcceptButton property 548

    • ActiveMdiChild property 645

    • AutoScroll property 548

    • CancelButton property 548

    • Close method 548

    • Font property 548

    • FormBorderStyle property 548

    • Hide method 548

    • IsMdiChild property 645

    • IsMdiContainer property 644, 645

    • MaximumSize property 559

    • MdiChildActivate event 645

    • MdiChildren property 645

    • MdiParent property 644

    • MinimumSize property 559

    • Padding property 559

    • Show method 548

    • Text property 548

  • Form properties, methods and events 548

  • format item 687

  • Format menu 39

  • Format property of class DateTimePicker 609

  • format specifier 130

    • C for currency 130

    • E for scientific notation 131

    • F for floating-point numbers 131, 167

    • G for scientific or floating-point notation depending on the context 131

    • N for numbers 131

  • format string 687

  • FormatException class 511, 514

  • formatted output

    • field width 202

    • right align 202

  • FormBorderStyle property of class Form 548

  • formulating algorithms 158

  • Fortran (FORmula TRANslator) 18

  • forward reference 787

  • forward slash character (/) in end tags 962

  • fragile software 456

  • Framework Class Library 822

  • from clause of a LINQ query 374

  • FromStream method of class Image 964

  • FullName property of class DirectoryInfo 638

  • FullName property of class FileInfo 638

  • FullName property of class Type 462

  • FullPath property of class TreeNode 628

  • FullStackException indicates a stack is full 828

  • Func<TResult> delegate 949

  • function key 586

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