22.8 Creating a Master/Detail View App

Figure 22.34 shows a so-called master/detail view—one part of the GUI (the master) allows you to select an entry, and another part (the details) displays detailed information about that entry. When the app first loads, it displays the name of the first author in the data source and shows that author’s books in the DataGridView. When you use the buttons on the BindingNavigator to change authors, the app displays the details of the books written by the corresponding author—Fig. 22.34 shows the second author’s books. This app only reads data from the entity data model, so we disabled the buttons in the Bind-ingNavigator that enable the user to add and delete records. When you run the app, experiment with the BindingNavigator’s controls. The DVD-player-like buttons of the BindingNavigator allow you to change the currently displayed row.

Fig. 22.34 Master/Detail app displaying books for an author in the data source.

22.8.1 Creating the Master/Detail GUI

You’ve seen that the IDE can automatically generate the BindingSource, BindingNavigator and GUI elements when you drag a data source onto the Form. You’ll now use two BindingSources—one for the master list of authors and one for the titles associated with a given author. Both will be generated by the IDE. The completed GUI that you’ll now build is shown in Fig. 22.35.

Step 1: Creating the Project

Follow the instructions in Section 22.5.2 to create and configure a new Windows Forms Application project called MasterDetail. Name the source file Details.cs and set the Form’s Text property to Master/Detail. Be sure to add references to the BooksExamples and EntityFramework libraries, add the connection string to the project’s App.Config file and set the MasterDetail project as the startup project.

Fig. 22.35 Finished design of the Master/Detail app.

Step 2: Adding a Data Source for the Authors Table

Follow the steps in Section 22.5.3 to add a data source for the Authors table. Although you’ll be displaying records from the Titles table for each author, you do not need to add a data source for that table. The title information will be obtained from the Titles navigation property in the Author entity data model class.

Step 3: Creating GUI Elements

Next, you’ll use the Design view to create the GUI components by dragging-and-dropping items from the Data Sources window onto the Form. In the earlier sections, you dragged an object from the Data Sources window to the Form to create a DataGridView. The IDE allows you to specify the type of control(s) that it will create when you drag-and-drop an object from the Data Sources window onto a Form. To do so:

  1. Switch to Design view for the Details class.

  2. Click the Author node in the Data Sources window—it should change to a drop-down list. Open the drop-down by clicking the down arrow and select the Details option—this indicates that we’d like to generate LabelTextBox pairs that represent each column of the Authors table.

  3. Drag the Author node from the Data Sources window onto the Form in Design view. This creates the authorBindingSource, the authorBindingNavigator and the LabelTextBox pairs that represent each column in the table. Initially, the controls appear as shown in Fig. 22.36. We rearranged the controls as shown in Fig. 22.35.

  4. By default, the Titles navigation property is implemented in the entity data model classes as a HashSet<Title>. To bind the data to GUI controls properly, you must change this to an ObservableCollection<Title>. To do this, expand the class library project’s BooksModel.edmx node in the Solution Explorer, then expand the BooksModel.tt node and open Author.cs in the editor. Add a using statement for the namespace System.Collections.ObjectModel. Then, in the Author constructor change HashSet to ObservableCollection, and in the Titles property’s declaration, change ICollection to ObservableCollection. Right click the class library project in the Solution Explorer and select Build to recompile the class.

    Fig. 22.36 Details representation of an Author.

  5. Select the MasterDetail project in the Solution Explorer. Next, click the Titles node that’s nested in the Author node in the Data Sources window—it should change to a drop-down list. Open the drop-down by clicking the down arrow and ensure that the DataGridView option is selected—this is the GUI control that will be used to display the data from the Titles table that corresponds to a given author.

  6. Drag the Titles node onto the Form in Design view. This creates the titlesBindingSource and the DataGridView. This control is only for viewing data, so set its ReadOnly property to True using the Properties window. Because we dragged the Titles node from the Author node in the Data Sources window, the DataGridView will automatically display the books for the currently selected author once we bind the author data to the authorBindingSource.

We used the DataGridView’s Anchor property to anchor it to all four sides of the Form. We also set the Form’s Size and MinimumSize properties to 550, 300 to set the Form’s initial size and minimum size, respectively.

22.8.2 Coding the Master/Detail App

The code to display an author and the corresponding books (Fig. 22.37) is straightforward. Lines 18–19 create the DbContext. The Form’s Load event handler (lines 22–32) orders the Author objects by LastName (line 26) and FirstName (line 27), then loads them into memory (line 28). Next, line 31 assigns dbcontext.Authors.Local to the author-BindingSource’s DataSource property. At this point:

  • the BindingNavigator displays the number of Author objects and indicates that the first one in the results is selected,

  • the TextBoxes display the currently selected Author’s AuthorID, FirstName and LastName property values, and

  • the currently selected Author’s titles are automatically assigned to the titles-BindingSource’s DataSource, which causes the DataGridView to display those titles.

Now, when you use the BindingNavigator to change the selected Author, the corresponding titles are displayed in the DataGridView.

Fig. 22.37 Using a DataGridView to display details based on a selection.

Alternate View

  1   // Fig. 22.37: Details.cs
  2   // Using a DataGridView to display details based on a selection.
  3   using System;
  4   using System.Data.Entity;
  5   using System.Linq;
  6   using System.Windows.Forms;
  8   namespace MasterDetail
  9   {
 10     public partial class Details : Form
 11     {
 12        public Details()
 13         {
 14           InitializeComponent();
 15         }
 17        // Entity Framework DbContext
 18        BooksExamples.BooksEntities dbcontext =
 19           new BooksExamples.BooksEntities();
 21        // initialize data sources when the Form is loaded
 22        private void Details_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 23         {
 24           // load Authors table ordered by LastName then FirstName
 25           dbcontext.Authors                      
 26               .OrderBy(author => author.LastName)
 27               .ThenBy(author => author.FirstName)
 28              .Load();                                 
 30           // specify DataSource for authorBindingSource
 31           authorBindingSource.DataSource = dbcontext.Authors.Local;
 32         }
 33     }
 34  }
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