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28 6
Saarinen, Eliel, 73
Saia Barbarese Topouzanov
Architectes, 146
sample boards, 62–63
Sander, Jill, 128–129
saturation, contrast of, 147
schedule, 12–13
seating, accessibility, 126–127
Selldorf, Annabelle, 206–208
Selldorf Architects, 206, 207
servant spaces, 85
shades, 249
shadow plans, 66
shower controls, 105
simultaneous contrast, 146
skylights, 216
Smithson, Robert, 128
soft costs, 14
software. see computer software
solid modelers, 55, 56
solid models, 54
space and color, 150
spaces, sequencing of
plans, 8487, 89–91
sections, 8889
stairs, 118–119
station point (SP), 46
still lifes, 258–259
stone flooring, 166–167
Stumpf, Bill, 255
surface modelers, 54, 56
surface rendering, 68
surfaces, 135
affect of, 279
and design, 268
guidelines, 270
indoor air quality, 269
and professional credentials, 270
renewable, recycled, and
reclaimed products, 269–270
resource conservation,
symbols, drawing, 32–33
Syracuse University, 206
tactile texture, 190
Target, 262
Terragni, Guiseppe, 82
terrazzo floors, 164–165
common weaves, 186
fabric treatments, 187
fibers, types of, 184–185
performance attributes, 185
and color, 194–199
and lighting, 198
in materials, 190–193
and pattern, 203
Theory of Color (Goethe), 138
Thomas, Gerrit, 251
Thonet, 250
three-dimensional design soft-
ware, 54–57
three-dimensional drawings,
4447, 6669
three-dimensional rendering
software, 69
through-room circulation, 84
Topouzanov, Saia Barbarese, 146
trimetric projections, 45
Tsao, Calvin, 260–263
Tschumi, Bernard, 128
Turrell, James, 130
two-dimensional drawing appli-
cations, 52–53
unit conversions, 24–27
upholstery seams, 248
Urquiola, Patricia, 255
U.S. Green Building Council, 268
value engineering (VE), 15
vanishing point (V), 47
vector images, 50–51
veiling reflection, 220
veneers, 181–183
Vica furniture, 208
Vidler, Anthony, 70
Villa Baizeau, 88
vinyl tiles, 172
visual texture, 190
wall finish plans, 36–37
wall treatments
paints, 154–156
wall coverings
patterns, 158–159
surface preparation, 157
types of, 157, 160–161
wallpapers and vinyls, 157159
wallbox dimmers, 228
base conditions, 239
corner conditions, 239
fire-rated assemblies, 238
partitions over existing, 239
STC-rated partitions, 238
Wanders, Marcel, 261
Wegner, Hans, 253
Weimar Bauhaus, 138
white palettes, 194
whole-number proportion, 81
window treatments, 217, 249
windows, solar orientation of,
Wolin, Judith, 70
wood flooring
finishes, 170
installation, 170–171
locations for, 171
lumber, cuts of, 168
patterns, 170
types of, 169
working triangle, in kitchens, 92
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 85
Yabu, George, 230
Yabu Pushelberg, 230–233
Yurman, David, 231
Special thanks to Kelly Harris Smith and Tim Love—we could not have done it without their time
and effort—and to Alicia Kennedy for her insight and encouragement throughout the process.
For additional assistance: Ann Theresa Karash, Shae Morley, Balasz Bognar, Christine Nassir,
Paula Read, Tina Luk, Ian Kenney and Chris Minor.
For her invaluable assistance, Betsy Gammons at Rockport Publishers.
For their generosity in sharing their perceptions of the discipline, the designers interviewed
Deborah Berke
Shashi Caan
Michael Gabellini
Annabelle Selldorf
Calvin Tsao
George Yabu and Glenn Pushelberg
Photographic sources are cited alongside the images; uncredited photographs and all
renderings and drawings are by the authors.
Every attempt has been made to cite all sources; if a reference has been omitted, please
contact the publisher for correction in subsequent editions.
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