2.1.1 Basic Definitions

Definitions 2.1

  1. The set of natural numbers1 N = {0, 1, 2, 3, …}.
  2. The set of integers Z = {…, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, … }.

Definition 2.2 Given two integers x and y, y divides x (y is a divisor of x) if there exists an integer z such that x = z.y.

Definition 2.3 Given two integers x and y, with y > 0, there exist two integers q (the quotient) and r (the remainder) such that


It can be proved that q and r are unique. Then (notation)


An alternative definition is the following.

Definition 2.4 (Integer Division) Given two integers x and y, with y > 0, there exist two integers q (the quotient) and r (the remainder) such that


It can be proved that q and r are unique. Then (notation)


Examples 2.1

  1. x = −16, y = 3:


  2. x = −15, y = 3:


Definitions 2.5

  1. Given two integers x and y, z is the greatest common divisor of x and y if
    • z is a natural number (nonnegative integer),
    • z divides both x and y,
    • any other common divider of x and y is also a divider of z.

    Notation: z = gcd(x, y).

  2. Given two integers x and y, they are said to be relatively prime if gcd(x, y) = 1.
  3. An integer p > 1 is said to be prime if its only positive divisors are 1 and p.

2.1.2 Euclidean Algorithms

Given two natural numbers x and y, the Euclidean algorithm for natural numbers computes gcd(x, y). It is based on a series of integer divisions:


Observe that any divider of r(i − 1) and r(i) is also a divider of r(i) and r(i + 1) so that




Then compute


where r(1) > r(2) … > r(n) = 0 and gcd(r(i − 1), r(i)) = gcd(r(i), r(i + 1)), so that


Example 2.2 Let r(0) = x = 8580; r(1) = y = 4070;


Then gcd(8580,4070) = 110.

In the extended Euclidean algorithm a series of coefficients b(i) and c(i) are calculated in parallel with the computation of r(0), r(1), r(2), … , r(n):


It can be demonstrated by induction that


In particular,


In conclusion, the extended Euclidean algorithm expresses the greatest common divisor z of two natural numbers x and y as a linear combination of x and y, that is,


Algorithm 2.1 Extended Euclidean Algorithm

if x=0 then z:=y; b:=0; c:=1;
elsif y=0 then z:=x; b:=1; c:=0;
  r_i:=x; r_iplus1:=y; b_i:=1; c_i:=0; b_iplus1:=0;
  while r_iplus1>0 loop
      q:=r_i/r_iplus1; r_iplus2:=r_i mod r_iplus1;
      b_iplus2:=b_i-b_iplus1*q; c_iplus2:=c_i-c_iplus1*q;
      r_i:=r_iplus1; r_iplus1:=r_iplus2;
      b_i:=b_iplus1; b_iplus1:=b_iplus2;
      c_i:=c_iplus1; c_iplus1:= c_iplus2;
     end loop;
     z:=r_i; b:=b_i; c:=c_i;
  end if;

Example 2.3 Let ri = x = 230490; ri+1 = y = 43290; bi = ci+1 = 1; bi+1 = ci = 0.

  • Step 1:


  • Step 2:


  • Step 3:


2.1.3 Congruences

Definition 2.6 Given two integers x and y, and a positive integer n, x is congruent to y modulo n if n divides the difference (xy).



Property 2.1 (Basic Properties of Congruences)

  1. xy (mod n) if and only if (x mod n) = (y mod n) (Definition 2.3).
  2. The relation xy (mod n) is an equivalence relation (reflexive, symmetric, and transitive).
  3. If x1y1 (mod n) and x2y2 (mod n), then


From Properties 2.1(1 and 2), it can be seen that the mod n congruence relation partitions Z into n equivalence classes. Each equivalence class contains exactly one element of the set {0, 1, 2, …, n − 1}, namely, the common value (x mod n) for all elements x of the class. Furthermore, according to Property 2.1(3), the addition, subtraction, and multiplication of congruence classes can be defined. As a matter of fact, the set of equivalence classes is isomorphic to


where the addition, the subtraction, and the multiplication are defined by


Definition 2.7 Given two elements x and y of Zn such that x.y = 1, then y is said to be the multiplicative inverse of x. If such an inverse exists, it is unique.



Property 2.2 x has a multiplicative inverse if and only if gcd(x, n) = 1.

Proof If x.y = 1 mod n, then x.y = q.n + 1 so that any divisor of x and n is also a divisor of 1. Thus gcd(x, n) = 1.

If gcd(x, n) = 1, then (relation (2.1)) there exist b and c such that 1 = b.x + c.n, so that x−1 = b.

More generally, we have the following.

Properties 2.3

  1. Let g = gcd(a, n). Then the equation a.xd (mod n) has a solution x if and only if g divides d.
  2. The solutions of a.xd (mod n) are the same as the solutions of (a/g).x ≡ (d/g) (mod n/g).
  3. There are g solutions, all of them congruent modulo n/g.


  1. If axd (mod n), then a.xd = q.n. As g divides both a and n, it also divides d. If g divides d, then d = q.g. According to (2.1), g is a linear combination of a and n; that is, g = b.a + c.n. So d = q(b.a + c.n) and x = q.b is a solution.
  2. If g divides d and a.xd (mod n), that is, a.xd = q.n, then (a/g).x − (d/g) = q.(n/g) and (a/g).x ≡ (d/g) (mod n/g). Inversely, if (a/g).x ≡ (d/g) (mod n/g) then a.xd (mod n).
  3. As a/g and n/g are relatively prime, then there is a unique solution within Zn/g, namely, x = x0 = (d/g).(a/g)−1 mod n/g. The complete set of solutions within Zn is


    Observe that if k < g and x0 < (n/g), then xk ≤ (n/g) − 1 + (g − 1).(n/g) = n − 1.

Properties 2.4 (Chinese Remainder Theorem) Consider s pairwise relatively prime integers m1, m2, …, ms whose product is equal to M. Then the system


has a unique solution N within ZM (|a|m stands for a mod m):




The ri are called residues modulo mi.

Proof In order to compute a solution of system (2.3) observe that every mi is relatively prime with every mj (ji) so that every mj is relatively prime with image = M/mj. Then image has a multiplicative inverse and


is obviously a solution. The uniqueness is deduced from the fact that different systems have different solutions, and that there are exactly as many different systems as elements in ZM.

The computation of (image)−1mod mi can be performed with the extended Euclidean algorithm: as mi is relatively prime with M/mj, the algorithm generates b and c such that




Garner's algorithm 2.2 ([GAR1959], [MEN1996]) computes N using a technique slightly different from the straight computation of (2.4). It computes first the mixed-radix digits within a preliminary step of a procedure step computing the base-B digits through a mixed-radix to base-B conversion (see mixed-radix system—Chapter 3).

A procedure inversion_step using the Euclidean algorithm to compute (mj)−1 mod mi is first defined as

procedure inversion_step (m(j), m(i): in natural; invm(j): out natural);

Algorithm 2.2 Garner's Algorithm

Assume N is given, according to (2.3), by its set of residues ri = N mod mi:

for i in 2..s loop
   for j in 1..(i-1) loop
     inversion_step (m(j), m(i), invm(j));
     c(i):=invm(j)*c(i) mod m(i);
   end loop;
end loop;
u:=r(1); x:=u; b(1):=1;
for i in 2..s loop
  end loop;
  for i in 2..s loop
     u:=(r(i) 2 x)*c(i) mod m(i);
  end loop;

Examples 2.4

  1. Let {ri} = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} be the set of remainders (residual expression) of a natural number N with respect to the respective set of moduli {mi} = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}. To compute the base-10 expression of N using (2.4), one first needs to compute {image} and {1/image mod mi}. A straightforward base-10 calculation leads to


    while the Euclidean algorithm is used to compute


    Formula (2.4) yields


  2. Garner's algorithm is now used to solve the same problem. The Euclidean algorithm is used in the first loop of Algorithm 2.2. It computes:


    The second loop computes the weights b(j) as image


    The third loop finally computes x as


Observe that the first two loops are independent and therefore may be computed in parallel. Moreover, if the modulus system is fixed, the c(i) and b(i) are computed once then stored for further use.

Definitions 2.8

  1. The set of elements x of Zn relatively prime with n is the multiplicative group image:


  2. The Euler phi function ϕ(n) is the number of elements in image.

According to Property 2.2, image is the set of invertible elements of Zn. In particular, if p is a prime number then


Properties 2.5 (Fermat's Little Theorem) Let p be a prime.. Any integer x satisfies xpx (mod p), and any integer x not divisible by p satisfies xp−1 ≡ 1 (mod p).

Proof If x is not divisible by p and if i..xj.x (mod p), that is, (i − j).x = q.p, then ij (mod p). Thus


as the p − 1 above multiples of x are distinct and nonzero, they must be congruent to 1, 2, 3, … , p − 1 in some order.





As p does not divide (p − 1)!,


that is,


If x is divisible by p, then xpx ≡ 0 (mod p).

Corollary 2.1 Let p be a prime.. If x is not divisible by p and if rs (mod p − 1), then


Proof Assume that r > s. Then r = q.(p − 1) + s and 1 ≡ 1q ≡ (xp−1)qxr−s (mod p), so that xrxs (mod p).

Definitions 2.9

  1. The order of an element x of image is the least positive integer t such that xt ≡ 1 (mod n).
  2. If the order of x is equal to the number ϕ(n) of elements in image, then x is said to be a generator or primitive element of image.
  3. If image has a generator, then image is said to be cyclic.

Observe that if x is a generator then image = {x1, x2, x3, … , xϕ(n)}.

Example 2.5

  • Z7 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and image = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
  • 7 is prime and ϕ(7) = 6;
  • 11 ≡ 1 (mod 7), 23 ≡ 1 (mod 7), 36 ≡ 1 (mod 7), 43 ≡ 1 (mod 7), 56 ≡ 1 (mod 7), 62 ≡ 1 (mod 7).

    There are two generators: 3 and 5. For example,

  • 31 ≡ 3 (mod 7), 32 ≡ 2 (mod 7), 33 ≡ 6 (mod 7), 34 ≡ 4 (mod 7), 35 ≡ 5 (mod 7), 36 ≡ 1 (mod 7).
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