
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


back matter, Creating Sections, Glossary
defined, Glossary
background, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Changing the Background, Formatting Paragraphs, Glossary
defined, Glossary
of page, Changing the Background
for publication, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
watermarks, Formatting Paragraphs
backup of publication, saving, Saving a Different Version of the Same Publication
baseline guides, Using Guides, Glossary
defined, Glossary
binding, Packaging Publications for Printing, Creating Text-Based Publications
in document planning, Creating Text-Based Publications
bitmap (BMP) file format, Working with Graphics, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
saving publication as, for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
blank pages, deleting headers and footers from, Creating Sections
blank publication, creating, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
bleeds, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Packaging Publications for Printing, Glossary
defined, Glossary
settings for, Using Advanced Printer Settings
BMP (bitmap) file format, Working with Graphics, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
saving publication as, for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
body text, secondary font for, Solving Organization Problems
bold font, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Flowing Text Around Objects
bookmarks, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page, Glossary
defined, Glossary
on Web pages, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page
borders, in Design Gallery, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements
brand, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Glossary
defined, Glossary
brightness, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
brochures, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Formatting Paragraphs
formatting text in, Formatting Paragraphs
bulk mail, Using Mail Merge, Glossary
defined, Glossary
bulleted list, Adding Pages to a Web Site, Glossary
defined, Glossary
burning, Packaging Publications for Printing, Packaging Publications for Printing
CDs, Packaging Publications for Printing
DVDs, Packaging Publications for Printing
business cards, Storing Personal and Company Information, Adding Items to the Content Library
Getting Started window for, Adding Items to the Content Library
buttons, Publisher Basics
(see also )


Calendar newsletter page layout, Creating Newsletters
Calendar, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
calendars, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Using Mail Merge, Creating Calendars, Creating Calendars, Creating Calendars, Working with the Master Page, Working with the Master Page, Packaging Publications for Printing
adding captions or credits, Creating Calendars
adding copyright notice, Creating Calendars, Working with the Master Page
binding, Packaging Publications for Printing
creating, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
specifying dates, Creating Calendars
templates for, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Working with the Master Page
card stock, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper, Glossary
defined, Glossary
manually feeding to printer, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
printing on, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
cards, templates for, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
(see also )
cascade view of multiple publications, Changing the View
catalog merge, Using Mail Merge
categories for templates, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Closing a Publication
CD, companion to book, Using the Book’s CD
CDs, creating, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Packaging Publications for Printing
centering paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs
Change Template window, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Importing a Word Document
character formatting, Manipulating a Text Box, Glossary
defined, Glossary
spacing, Manipulating a Text Box
chevrons, Using Mail Merge, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for mail merge data fields, Using Mail Merge
Chronological résumé template, Adding Items to the Content Library
circle, creating, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Connecting and Grouping Shapes
(see also )
Classic Designs category, of envelopes, Adding Items to the Content Library
clip art, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Working with WordArt, Working with WordArt, Glossary
defined, Glossary
deleting from Clip Organizer, Creating Visual Interest
inserting, Creating Visual Interest
searching for, Working with WordArt
Clip Organizer, Working with Graphics (see )
clipboard, cutting text box to, Creating Sections
closing, Saving and Closing Publications, Changing the View
publications, Saving and Closing Publications
task panes, Changing the View
CMYK, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Changing the Color Scheme, Glossary
color model, Changing the Color Scheme
composite output, Using Advanced Printer Settings
defined, Glossary
coil binding, Packaging Publications for Printing
collating when printing, Using Advanced Printer Settings
color, Creating Visual Interest, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Manipulating a Shape, Connecting and Grouping Shapes, Changing the Color Scheme, Changing the Color Scheme, Using Non-Color-Scheme Colors, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Formatting Paragraphs, Creating Text-Based Publications
cost of, Changing the Color Scheme
displaying purpose and name or value, Choosing Text
in document planning, Creating Text-Based Publications
of fonts, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
impact of, Choosing Text
non-color-scheme, Using Non-Color-Scheme Colors
of paper, Changing the Color Scheme
of shape line, Connecting and Grouping Shapes
for shapes, Manipulating a Shape
of text box, Creating Visual Interest
of watermark, Formatting Paragraphs
color bars, Using Advanced Printer Settings
color gradient, Changing the Background, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for page background, Changing the Background
color scheme, Choosing a Design or Layout, Choosing a Design or Layout, Choosing Text, Flowing Text Around Objects, Planning Longer Publications, Inserting Pages, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page, Glossary
Black & Gray, Inserting Pages
for brochures, Flowing Text Around Objects
creating, Choosing a Design or Layout
defined, Glossary
in document planning, Planning Longer Publications
for folded cards, Choosing a Design or Layout
for invitation cards, Choosing Text
for Web pages, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page
column guides, Creating Flyers, Aligning and Stacking Objects
setting, Aligning and Stacking Objects
columns, Creating Text-Based Publications, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
flowing text in multiple, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
formatting text in, Creating Text-Based Publications
comb binding, Packaging Publications for Printing
command button, configuring on form, Communicating Your Message Online
comments, in Word, Editing and Proofing Content
companion CD, Using the Book’s CD
company information, storing, Storing Personal and Company Information
company names, Building Your Brand
compressing, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic, Glossary
defined, Glossary
graphics, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic
Connect Text Boxes toolbar, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Flowing Text Around Objects, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems
Break Forward Link button, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems
Create Text Box Link button, Flowing Text Around Objects, Solving Organization Problems
connecting shapes, Manipulating a Shape
connection points, Manipulating a Shape, Glossary
defined, Glossary
Contact Us, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
Content Library, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements, Choosing a Font Scheme, Adding Items to the Content Library
adding items to, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Choosing a Font Scheme
editing category list, Adding Items to the Content Library
Continued notices, inserting or removing, Creating Text-Based Publications
continuing a story, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Creating Sections, Glossary
defined, Glossary
contrast, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
cool colors, Choosing Text
coordinates, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Glossary
defined, Glossary
of text box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
copyfitting text, Creating Newsletters, Glossary
defined, Glossary
copying, Creating Visual Interest, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Manipulating a Shape, Choosing Text, Working with the Master Page
attributes of shapes, Manipulating a Shape
formatting, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Choosing Text
master pages, Working with the Master Page
text boxes, Creating Visual Interest
copyright, Creating Calendars, Working with the Master Page, Building Your Brand, Glossary
adding notice to calendar, Working with the Master Page
defined, Glossary
cost, Changing the Color Scheme, Packaging Publications for Printing
of binding, Packaging Publications for Printing
of color, Changing the Color Scheme
coupons, in Design Gallery, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements
crop marks, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Packaging Publications for Printing, Glossary
defined, Glossary
cropping, Creating Visual Interest, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Glossary
defined, Glossary
graphics, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
cross-hatching, in text boxes, Editing and Proofing Content
Curriculum Vitae résumé template, Adding Items to the Content Library
custom font schemes, Solving Organization Problems
custom styles, availability of, Formatting Paragraphs
custom templates, Closing a Publication, Closing a Publication, Closing a Publication
changing, Closing a Publication
creating publication based on, Closing a Publication
Customize pane, Color Scheme list, Choosing a Design or Layout
customized Design Gallery element, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements
cutting and pasting text boxes, Creating Sections


data fields, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for mail merge, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
data source, Creating Visual Interest, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for mail merge, Creating Visual Interest, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
default file, for Web site home page, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
default font scheme, reverting to, Inserting Pages
default hyphenation zone, width of, Correcting Spelling Errors
default Templates folder, Closing a Publication
deleting, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Text-Based Publications, Working with Graphics, Working with the Master Page, Creating Sections, Solving Organization Problems
clip art from Clip Organizer, Creating Visual Interest, Working with Graphics
cropped area of image, Creating Visual Interest
headers and footers from blank page, Creating Sections
master pages, Working with the Master Page
pages, Creating Text-Based Publications, Solving Organization Problems
Design Checker, Using Guides, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication
for e-mail messages, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication
to identify hidden objects, Using Guides
Design Gallery, Creating Visual Interest, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements, Adding Items to the Content Library, Inserting Pages
Borders, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements
Coupons, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements
Dots, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements
inserting element from, Creating Visual Interest
for inserting table of contents object, Inserting Pages
Logos, Adding Items to the Content Library
design templates, Creating Folded Cards, Choosing Text, Working with the Master Page
for calendar, Working with the Master Page
changing orientation and size, Choosing Text
desktop publishing, defined, Glossary
Device Independent Bitmap (.bmp) format, saving publication as, for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
dialog boxes, Getting Help, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Text-Based Publications, Communicating Your Message Online, Communicating Your Message Online, Importing a Word Document, Importing a Word Document, Importing a Word Document, Saving and Closing Publications, Saving and Closing Publications, Saving and Closing Publications, Closing a Publication, Opening and Viewing Publications, Changing the View, Storing Personal and Company Information, Storing Personal and Company Information, Storing Personal and Company Information, Storing Personal and Company Information, Storing Personal and Company Information, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Creating Visual Interest, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Working with WordArt, Working with WordArt, Working with WordArt, Working with Graphics, Working with Graphics, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Manipulating a Shape, Choosing a Design or Layout, Changing the Color Scheme, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Using Mail Merge, Using Mail Merge, Using Mail Merge, Using Mail Merge, Using Mail Merge, Working with the Master Page, Working with the Master Page, Working with the Master Page, Packaging Publications for Printing, Packaging Publications for Printing, Adding Items to the Content Library, Adding Items to the Content Library, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Formatting Paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Flowing Text Around Objects, Flowing Text Around Objects, Creating Newsletters, Inserting Pages, Creating Sections, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems, Correcting Spelling Errors, Correcting Spelling Errors, Correcting Spelling Errors, Controlling Hyphenation, Controlling Hyphenation, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site, Adding Features to a Web Page, Adding Features to a Web Page, Adding Features to a Web Page, Adding Features to a Web Page
Add Clips to Organizer, Creating Visual Interest
Add Item to Content Library, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Adding Items to the Content Library
Advanced Printer Setup, Using Advanced Printer Settings
AutoCorrect, Working with the Master Page, Correcting Spelling Errors
Business Information, Storing Personal and Company Information
Character Spacing, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
Check Spelling, Creating Text-Based Publications, Correcting Spelling Errors, Controlling Hyphenation
Colors, Changing the Color Scheme, Choosing Text
Columns, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Solving Organization Problems
Command Button Properties, Adding Features to a Web Page
Compress Pictures, Creating Visual Interest, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
Create New Business Information Set, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Storing Personal and Company Information, Storing Personal and Company Information
Create New Color Scheme, Choosing a Design or Layout
Edit WordArt Text, Creating Visual Interest, Working with WordArt
Favorites, Working with Graphics
Fill Effects, Working with WordArt, Working with the Master Page, Formatting Paragraphs
Font, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
Form Properties, Adding Features to a Web Page
Format AutoShape, Creating Visual Interest, Manipulating a Shape
Format Picture, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Formatting Paragraphs, Flowing Text Around Objects
Format Text Box, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Visual Interest, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Creating Newsletters, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems
Format WordArt, Creating Visual Interest, Working with WordArt
Help button, Getting Help
Hyphenation, Correcting Spelling Errors
Import Styles, Formatting Paragraphs
Import To Collection, Working with Graphics
Import Word Document, Importing a Word Document
Insert Address Block, Using Mail Merge
Insert Greeting Line, Using Mail Merge
Insert Newsletter Page, Creating Text-Based Publications, Inserting Pages, Solving Organization Problems
Insert Picture, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Storing Personal and Company Information, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Working with the Master Page, Adding Items to the Content Library
Insert Text, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
Insert Web Page, Adding Features to a Web Page
Layout Guides, Aligning and Stacking Objects
Mail Merge Recipients, Creating Visual Interest, Using Mail Merge
Modify Style, Formatting Paragraphs
Navigation Bar Properties, Communicating Your Message Online, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site, Adding Features to a Web Page
New Style, Formatting Paragraphs
Open Publication, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Importing a Word Document, Opening and Viewing Publications, Changing the View, Flowing Text Around Objects
Options, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Saving and Closing Publications, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Controlling Hyphenation
Page Setup, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Choosing Text
Paragraph, Formatting Paragraphs
Print, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Storing Personal and Company Information, Using Advanced Printer Settings
Print Options, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Packaging Publications for Printing
Publish to the Web, Communicating Your Message Online, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site
Recolor Picture, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
Save As, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Saving and Closing Publications, Closing a Publication, Packaging Publications for Printing
Section, Creating Sections
Select Data Source, Creating Visual Interest, Using Mail Merge
Select Table, Using Mail Merge
Send As Message, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication
Suggested Verse, Choosing Text
Windows versions and, Importing a Word Document
with storage location, Saving and Closing Publications
direct mail services, Using Mail Merge, Glossary
defined, Glossary
domain names, registering, Building Your Brand
dots, in Design Gallery, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements
duplex, defined, Glossary
DVDs, burning, Packaging Publications for Printing


e-mail merge, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
e-mail messages, Creating Text-Based Publications, Communicating Your Message Online, Communicating Your Message Online, Communicating Your Message Online, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
creating, exercise, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
creating from multi-page publication, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
creating from template, Creating Text-Based Publications
Design Checker for, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
margins of, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
merging, Communicating Your Message Online
page size for, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
sending publications as, Communicating Your Message Online
sending publications as attachments in, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
templates for, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
viewing source code of, Communicating Your Message Online, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Easy Web Site Builder, Creating and Modifying a Web Site, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page
Easy Web Wizard, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
editing text in Word, Creating Text-Based Publications, Editing and Proofing Content, Controlling Hyphenation
Employee List, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
Entry Level résumé templates, Adding Items to the Content Library
envelopes, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Choosing a Font Scheme
creating, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
with custom logo, Choosing a Font Scheme
print settings for, Using Advanced Printer Settings
error messages, from Design Checker, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message


FAQ, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
Favorites - Microsoft Clip Organizer window, Working with Graphics
Federal Trade Commission, spam regulations, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
file name extensions, Closing a Publication
file package, creating for file submission to professional printer, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Packaging Publications for Printing
file size of graphic, compressing, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication, Glossary
defined, Glossary
files, Getting Started with Publisher 2007 (see )
filtered HTML files, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication, Glossary
defined, Glossary
flyers, Creating Flyers
folded cards, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Folded Cards, Creating Folded Cards, Choosing a Design or Layout, Using Non-Color-Scheme Colors
color scheme, Choosing a Design or Layout
creating, Creating Visual Interest
design or layout choices, Creating Folded Cards
text, Using Non-Color-Scheme Colors
folders, for storing templates, Closing a Publication
font colors, defined, Glossary
font effects, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Glossary
defined, Glossary
Font Scheme area, Solving Organization Problems
font schemes, Creating Text-Based Publications, Choosing a Font Scheme, Flowing Text Around Objects, Planning Longer Publications, Inserting Pages, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page
for brochures, Flowing Text Around Objects
custom, Solving Organization Problems
in document planning, Planning Longer Publications
and publication length, Solving Organization Problems
reverting to template default, Inserting Pages
for Web pages, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page
font sizes, Manipulating a Text Box, Flowing Text Around Objects, Solving Organization Problems, Glossary
defined, Glossary
font styles, defined, Glossary
font substitution, print settings for, Using Advanced Printer Settings
fonts, Manipulating a Text Box, Manipulating a Text Box, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Choosing a Font Scheme, Flowing Text Around Objects, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems, Glossary
changing for story, Solving Organization Problems
default set in templates, Choosing a Font Scheme
defined, Glossary
effects, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
sizes, Manipulating a Text Box, Flowing Text Around Objects, Solving Organization Problems
footers, deleting from blank page, Creating Sections
footprint, Solving Organization Problems, Glossary
defined, Glossary
Format Publication task pane, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Creating Text-Based Publications, Importing a Word Document, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Choosing a Design or Layout, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Choosing a Font Scheme, Adding Items to the Content Library, Inserting Pages, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication
Color Schemes area, Choosing a Design or Layout, Choosing Text
Extra Content pane, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication
Font Schemes area, Creating Text-Based Publications, Choosing a Font Scheme, Adding Items to the Content Library, Inserting Pages
Invitation Options area, Choosing Text
formatting, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Choosing Text, Formatting Paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs
brochure text, Formatting Paragraphs
characters, Manipulating a Text Box
copying, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Choosing Text
paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs
shapes, Creating Visual Interest
text, Creating Visual Interest
text boxes, Creating Visual Interest
Formatting toolbar, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Manipulating a Shape, Manipulating a Shape, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Working with the Master Page, Choosing a Font Scheme, Formatting Paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs, Flowing Text Around Objects, Flowing Text Around Objects, Flowing Text Around Objects, Flowing Text Around Objects
Align Text Right button, Flowing Text Around Objects
Bold button, Flowing Text Around Objects
Decrease Font Size, Choosing Text, Working with the Master Page
Fill Color, Manipulating a Shape, Choosing Text
Font, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Choosing a Font Scheme
Font Color, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Choosing Text, Formatting Paragraphs
Font Size arrow, Flowing Text Around Objects
Increase Font Size, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
Line Color, Choosing Text
Line/Border Style button, Manipulating a Shape
Forms, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
forms, command button configuration on, Communicating Your Message Online
frames, Changing the View, Creating Visual Interest, Glossary
defined, Glossary
dragging, Creating Visual Interest
moving to beginning or end of text in, Changing the View
Frequently Asked Questions, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
front matter, Creating Sections, Glossary
defined, Glossary
FTP server, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication, Glossary
defined, Glossary


gallery, defined, Glossary
Genuine Advantage tool, Packaging Publications for Printing
Getting Started window, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Starting New Publications, Using a Template, Opening and Viewing Publications, Creating Folded Cards, Choosing a Font Scheme, Adding Items to the Content Library
for assigning font scheme, Choosing a Font Scheme
for business card, Adding Items to the Content Library
displaying, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Using a Template
publication type choices, Starting New Publications
Recent Publications pane, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Opening and Viewing Publications
template thumbnails, Creating Folded Cards
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), Working with Graphics, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
saving publication as, for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
grammar-checking, Correcting Spelling Errors, Correcting Spelling Errors
in Word, Correcting Spelling Errors
graphic file formats, Working with Graphics
graphics, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Working with WordArt, Working with WordArt, Working with Graphics, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Creating Calendars, Adding Items to the Content Library, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Formatting Paragraphs, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Flowing Text Around Objects, Solving Organization Problems, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site
(see also , )
adding to Clip Organizer, Creating Visual Interest, Working with Graphics
adding to Web pages, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site
adjusting, Solving Organization Problems
anchoring to text, Flowing Text Around Objects
aspect ratio of, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
cropping, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
enlarging, Aligning and Stacking Objects
grouping, Adding Items to the Content Library
inserting from file, Creating Visual Interest
inserting placeholder, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
modifying appearance, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic
ownership of, Creating Calendars
photographs, Working with WordArt
positioning and sizing, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic
print settings for, Using Advanced Printer Settings
replacing, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
saving publication as, for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
size of, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
for watermark, Formatting Paragraphs
wrapping text around, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Working with Graphics, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
saving publication as, for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
grayscale, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Working with Graphics, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic, Glossary
defined, Glossary
JPEG images, Working with Graphics
output, Using Advanced Printer Settings
Greeting Cards, templates, Creating Folded Cards
grid, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Creating Flyers, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Glossary
changing proportions, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization
defined, Glossary
guides, Creating Flyers
page layout and, Aligning and Stacking Objects
grid guides, Creating Flyers, Glossary
defined, Glossary
grid units, defined, Glossary
grouping, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Text-Based Publications, Manipulating a Shape, Adding Items to the Content Library, Glossary
defined, Glossary
graphics, Adding Items to the Content Library
objects, selecting, Creating Text-Based Publications
shapes, Creating Visual Interest, Manipulating a Shape
guides, Creating Flyers


halftone screen settings, Using Advanced Printer Settings
handles, Creating Visual Interest, Glossary
defined, Glossary
of frame, dragging, Creating Visual Interest
headers, deleting from blank page, Creating Sections
headings, primary font for, Solving Organization Problems
Help, Getting Help, Getting Help with Publisher 2007
table of contents for, Getting Help with Publisher 2007
Help window for Publisher, Getting Help
hidden objects, identified by Design Checker, Using Guides
hiding Publisher window, Publisher Basics
home page, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
horizontally moving shapes, Manipulating a Shape
hot spots, defined, Glossary
hovering, Publisher Basics, Glossary
defined, Glossary
HSL color model, Changing the Color Scheme, Glossary
defined, Glossary
HTML, filtered files, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication
HTML-enabled e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
viewing source, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
hue, Changing the Color Scheme
hyperlink color, in color scheme, Choosing a Design or Layout
hyphenation, Flowing Text Around Objects, Correcting Spelling Errors
controlling, Correcting Spelling Errors
line breaks to override, Flowing Text Around Objects


images, Working with WordArt (see )
importing Word document into publication, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Using a Template, Importing a Word Document
indenting paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs
index file, for Web site home page, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
information set, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Storing Personal and Company Information, Choosing Text, Adding Items to the Content Library, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Glossary
blue dotted underline as indicator, Choosing Text
creating, Getting Started with Publisher 2007
defined, Glossary
for e-mail details, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
for envelope return address, Adding Items to the Content Library
inserting, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Text-Based Publications, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Creating Newsletters, Inserting Pages
Continued notices, Creating Text-Based Publications
element from Design Gallery, Creating Visual Interest
external document into text box, Creating Visual Interest
graphics, Creating Visual Interest, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
pages, in newsletters, Creating Newsletters, Inserting Pages
shapes, Creating Visual Interest
installing, Microsoft Save As PDF Or XPS add-in, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
Internet connection, for Microsoft templates, Controlling Hyphenation
Invitation Cards, Creating Folded Cards, Using Non-Color-Scheme Colors, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
color scheme, Choosing Text
page size, Choosing Text
templates, Creating Folded Cards, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
italic font, Manipulating a Text Box


Job List, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), Working with Graphics, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
saving publication as, for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message


layout, Starting New Publications, Creating Folded Cards, Working with the Master Page, Planning Longer Publications, Working with a Table of Contents, Glossary
adding guides to master page, Working with the Master Page
defined, Glossary
planning for longer document, Planning Longer Publications
for table of contents object, Working with a Table of Contents
templates to help with, Starting New Publications, Creating Folded Cards
Layout option, in folded card template, Creating Folded Cards
leaf, Solving Organization Problems, Glossary
defined, Glossary
Legal Information, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
letter-style communications, templates for e-mailing, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
line break, Formatting Paragraphs, Flowing Text Around Objects, Flowing Text Around Objects, Glossary
defined, Glossary
to override hyphenation, Flowing Text Around Objects
lines, Formatting Paragraphs, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
between columns, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
of text, white space between, Formatting Paragraphs
linked text boxes, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Solving Organization Problems
disconnecting multiple unused, Solving Organization Problems
lists, Adding Pages to a Web Site, Glossary
defined, Glossary
Lock Aspect Ratio setting, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
logos, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Storing Personal and Company Information, Choosing Text, Creating a Logo, Choosing a Font Scheme, Adding Items to the Content Library, Glossary
on business card, Storing Personal and Company Information
in business information, Getting Started with Publisher 2007
creating, Creating a Logo
defined, Glossary
in Design Gallery, Adding Items to the Content Library
editing, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization
envelopes with custom, Choosing a Font Scheme
replacing placeholders with, Choosing Text
luminance, Changing the Color Scheme


magnification (zoom level), Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Opening and Viewing Publications, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
mail merge, Communicating Your Message Online, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper, Using Mail Merge, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Glossary
catalog merge, Using Mail Merge
defined, Glossary
for e-mail messages, Communicating Your Message Online, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Mail Merge Wizard, Using Mail Merge
mailing information, on newsletter, Planning Longer Publications
Main color, in color scheme, Choosing a Design or Layout
margin guides, defined, Glossary
margins, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Creating Flyers, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
changing for text box, Solving Organization Problems
of e-mail message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
guides, Creating Flyers
of publication, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Solving Organization Problems
in text box, Manipulating a Text Box
master pages, Changing the Background, Working with the Master Page, Glossary
for calendar, Working with the Master Page
defined, Glossary
measurement units, display options, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
merging, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper (see )
metadata, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for Web pages, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page
Microsoft Clip Organizer, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Working with Graphics, Working with Graphics, Working with Graphics, Glossary
adding image to, Creating Visual Interest, Working with Graphics
adding keywords, Creating Visual Interest
defined, Glossary
deleting clip art image from, Creating Visual Interest, Working with Graphics
Microsoft Download Web site, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Microsoft Knowledge Base, Getting Help with Publisher 2007
Microsoft Office Online Web site, Getting Help with Publisher 2007, Creating Text-Based Publications, Starting New Publications, Importing a Word Document, Working with WordArt, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Packaging Publications for Printing, Glossary
creating publication from template, Creating Text-Based Publications
defined, Glossary
displaying available templates, Importing a Word Document
downloading sample publication, Starting New Publications
graphics from, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
Save As PDF Or XPS add-in from, Packaging Publications for Printing
Microsoft Office Outlook, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Microsoft Office Publisher 2007, Introducing Publisher 2007, Publisher Basics, Publisher Basics, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Using a Template, Importing a Word Document, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
basics, Publisher Basics
new features, Introducing Publisher 2007
opening, Using a Template
program window, Importing a Word Document
starting, Publisher Basics, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
Microsoft Office Word, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Text-Based Publications, Using a Template, Importing a Word Document, Editing and Proofing Content, Correcting Spelling Errors
editing story, Creating Text-Based Publications
editing text in, Creating Text-Based Publications, Editing and Proofing Content
grammar-checking, Correcting Spelling Errors
importing documents into publications, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Using a Template, Importing a Word Document
Microsoft Outlook Express, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Microsoft Press Knowledge Base, Getting Help
Microsoft Product Support Services, Getting Help with Publisher 2007
Microsoft Save As PDF or XPS add-in, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Microsoft templates, Internet connection for, Controlling Hyphenation
moving, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Visual Interest, Manipulating a Shape, Creating Sections
between pages, Getting Started with Publisher 2007
pages in newsletters, Creating Text-Based Publications
publication content, Creating Sections
shapes, Manipulating a Shape
text boxes, Creating Visual Interest
muted colors, Choosing Text


objects, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Visual Interest, Using Guides, Using Guides, Using Guides, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Glossary
alignment of, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Using Guides
defined, Glossary
Design Checker to identify hidden, Using Guides
in nonprintable region of page, Aligning and Stacking Objects
selecting group, Creating Text-Based Publications
stacking, Using Guides
text boxes as, Creating Visual Interest
text flow around, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
Objects toolbar, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Working with WordArt, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Connecting and Grouping Shapes, Connecting and Grouping Shapes, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements, Working with the Master Page, Adding Items to the Content Library, Adding Items to the Content Library, Adding Items to the Content Library, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
AutoShapes button, Creating Visual Interest, Connecting and Grouping Shapes
Design Gallery Object button, Creating Visual Interest, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Working with Pre-Designed Visual Elements, Adding Items to the Content Library
Insert WordArt button, Creating Visual Interest
Item From Content Library button, Adding Items to the Content Library
Oval button, Connecting and Grouping Shapes
Picture Frame button, Creating Visual Interest, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Adding Items to the Content Library
Select Objects button, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Shape button, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
Text Box button, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Working with the Master Page
WordArt button, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Working with WordArt
Office Online, Getting Help with Publisher 2007 (see )
online printing services, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
online viewing, publication design for, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
opening, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Opening and Viewing Publications, Opening and Viewing Publications, Changing the View
file as read-only, Opening and Viewing Publications
multiple publications, Changing the View
publications, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Opening and Viewing Publications
Order Form newsletter page layout, Creating Newsletters
Order Form, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
organization names, Building Your Brand
orientation of printing, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Choosing Text
changing for design template, Choosing Text
origami templates, Planning Longer Publications
Outlook, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Outlook Express, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Oval shape, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
ownership of artwork, Creating Calendars


packaging publications for printing, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Packaging Publications for Printing
page layout, Creating Flyers, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Glossary
defined, Glossary
grid and, Aligning and Stacking Objects
page number formats, for section, Creating Sections
Page Size, Creating Folded Cards, Choosing Text
in folded card template, Creating Folded Cards
for invitation cards, Choosing Text
page sorter, Closing a Publication, Opening and Viewing Publications, Solving Organization Problems, Glossary
defined, Glossary
deleting page, Solving Organization Problems
displaying a page or spread, Closing a Publication, Opening and Viewing Publications
page templates, Creating and Modifying a Web Site (see )
pages, Creating Text-Based Publications, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Changing the Background, Changing the Background, Planning Longer Publications, Creating Newsletters, Inserting Pages, Solving Organization Problems, Solving Organization Problems, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
background of, Changing the Background
deleting, Solving Organization Problems
master pages, Changing the Background
moving, Solving Organization Problems
in newsletter, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Newsletters, Inserting Pages
orientation of printing, Using Advanced Printer Settings
printing specific, Using Advanced Printer Settings
size for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
types in document planning, Planning Longer Publications
Pantone Matching System (PMS), Changing the Color Scheme
Pantone Matching System (PMS), Glossary
defined, Glossary
paper, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Changing the Color Scheme, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
double-sided printing, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
size, Using Advanced Printer Settings
paper airplane templates, Planning Longer Publications
paper-folding templates, Planning Longer Publications
paragraph mark, formatting stored with, Formatting Paragraphs
paragraph section break, Creating Sections
paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs, Glossary
defined, Glossary
patents, Building Your Brand, Glossary
defined, Glossary
PDF (Portable Document Format) file, Packaging Publications for Printing, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
sending as e-mail attachment, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
personal information, storing in information set, Storing Personal and Company Information
Photo Gallery, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
photographs, Working with WordArt
(see also )
physical size, in document planning, Creating Text-Based Publications
Picture toolbar, Creating Visual Interest, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Flowing Text Around Objects
Compress Pictures button, Creating Visual Interest, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
Crop button, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
Format Picture button, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Flowing Text Around Objects
Line/Border Style button, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
pictures, Working with WordArt, Glossary
(see also )
defined, Glossary
pixels, Working with Graphics
placeholders, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Using a Template, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Using Non-Color-Scheme Colors, Choosing Text, Inserting Pages, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for graphics, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
for text, Using Non-Color-Scheme Colors
in newsletter template, Inserting Pages
replacing, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Choosing Text
(PMS) Pantone Matching System, Changing the Color Scheme, Glossary
defined, Glossary
PNG (Portable Network Graphic) format, Working with Graphics, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
saving publication as, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
points, Manipulating a Text Box, Glossary
defined, Glossary
Portable Document Format (PDF) file, Packaging Publications for Printing, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Glossary
defined, Glossary
sending as e-mail attachment, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
positioning graphics, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic
postcards, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Folded Cards, Choosing Text, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
creating, Creating Visual Interest
mail merge, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
tent-fold templates, Creating Folded Cards
previewing publications, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Storing Personal and Company Information
primary font, Solving Organization Problems
printer, manually feeding card stock, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
printer’s marks, settings for, Using Advanced Printer Settings
printing, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Storing Personal and Company Information, Storing Personal and Company Information, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Changing the Color Scheme, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper, Packaging Publications for Printing
advanced settings for, Storing Personal and Company Information
estimating cost, Changing the Color Scheme
online services, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper
packaging publications for, Packaging Publications for Printing
previewing publications, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Storing Personal and Company Information
resolution for, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
specific pages, Using Advanced Printer Settings
two-sided, Using Advanced Printer Settings
process colors, Changing the Color Scheme, Glossary
defined, Glossary
Product List With Links, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
product-marketing messages, templates for e-mailing, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
production method, and document planning, Creating Text-Based Publications
professional printing, creating CD or file package for submission, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
Project List, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
proofreading, for résumés, Adding Items to the Content Library
.pub file name extension, Closing a Publication, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
sending as e-mail attachment, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
public domain, Creating Calendars, Glossary
defined, Glossary
publication templates, Creating Folded Cards, Creating Folded Cards, Adding Items to the Content Library, Planning Longer Publications, Planning Longer Publications, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
airplane, Planning Longer Publications
e-mail messages, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
greeting cards, Creating Folded Cards
invitation cards, Creating Folded Cards
origami, Planning Longer Publications
résumés, Adding Items to the Content Library
publication type, Starting New Publications, Glossary
choosing in Getting Started window, Starting New Publications
publications, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Creating Visual Interest, Communicating Your Message Online, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Using a Template, Importing a Word Document, Saving and Closing Publications, Saving a Different Version of the Same Publication, Closing a Publication, Opening and Viewing Publications, Changing the View, Storing Personal and Company Information, Packaging Publications for Printing, Packaging Publications for Printing, Packaging Publications for Printing, Choosing a Font Scheme, Creating Text-Based Publications, Inserting Pages, Creating Sections, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site, Glossary
(see also , , )
adding existing to Web site, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site
assigning font scheme to, Choosing a Font Scheme
binding, Packaging Publications for Printing
custom template as basis, Closing a Publication
defined, Glossary
importing Word documents, Using a Template, Importing a Word Document
merging with data source, Creating Visual Interest
opening, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Opening and Viewing Publications, Changing the View
organizing content, Inserting Pages, Creating Sections
packaging for printing, Packaging Publications for Printing
planning, Creating Text-Based Publications
printing, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Storing Personal and Company Information
saving, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Saving and Closing Publications, Saving a Different Version of the Same Publication, Packaging Publications for Printing
sending as e-mail message, Communicating Your Message Online
starting new, Getting Started with Publisher 2007
Publisher 2007, getting help with, Getting Help
Publisher program window, Publisher Basics, Publisher Basics
hiding, Publisher Basics
publishing Web sites, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication


ragged edge for paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs
read-only file, Opening and Viewing Publications, Glossary
defined, Glossary
opening file as, Opening and Viewing Publications
rectangle, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
(see also )
recto page, Creating Sections, Glossary
defined, Glossary
registering, Building Your Brand, Building Your Brand
domain names, Building Your Brand
trademarks, Building Your Brand
regroup, defined, Glossary
Related Links, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
removing Continued notices, Creating Text-Based Publications
repeating features, in document planning, Planning Longer Publications
replacing placeholders with text or logo, Choosing Text
resolution, of graphics, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
Response Form newsletter page layout, Creating Newsletters
Response Form, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
résumé templates, Adding Items to the Content Library
RGB, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Changing the Color Scheme, Glossary
color model, Changing the Color Scheme
defined, Glossary
output, Using Advanced Printer Settings
rotating, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic, Manipulating a Shape, Glossary
defined, Glossary
graphics, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic
shapes, Manipulating a Shape
rotating handle, Manipulating a Text Box, Glossary
for active text box, Manipulating a Text Box
defined, Glossary
row guides, Creating Flyers, Aligning and Stacking Objects
setting, Aligning and Stacking Objects
ruler guides, Using Guides, Glossary
defined, Glossary
ruler, in Web Site publication, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page


saddle-stitching, Packaging Publications for Printing, Glossary
defined, Glossary
saturation, Changing the Color Scheme
Save As PDF add-in, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Save As XPS add-in, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
saving publications, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Saving and Closing Publications, Saving and Closing Publications, Saving a Different Version of the Same Publication, Closing a Publication, Packaging Publications for Printing, Planning Longer Publications, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
as templates, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Closing a Publication, Planning Longer Publications
as graphics, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
multiple versions, Saving a Different Version of the Same Publication
setting automatic time interval, Saving and Closing Publications
scanned photographs, JPEG for, Working with Graphics
scratch area, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Glossary
defined, Glossary
ScreenTips, Publisher Basics, Getting Help, Changing the View, Moving Content, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for graphics, Moving Content
secondary font, Solving Organization Problems
section opener, Creating Sections, Glossary
defined, Glossary
sections, Creating Sections, Glossary
creating, Creating Sections
defined, Glossary
selected text, troubleshooting overwriting, Using Mail Merge
selecting, Creating Text-Based Publications, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Connecting and Grouping Shapes, Choosing Text, Adding Items to the Content Library
all text, Choosing Text
multiple shapes, Connecting and Grouping Shapes
object group, Creating Text-Based Publications
shapes, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
text boxes, vs. text, Adding Items to the Content Library
Separations output, Using Advanced Printer Settings
Service List, Web page template, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
service marks, Building Your Brand, Glossary
defined, Glossary
shadows, for fonts, Manipulating a Text Box
shapes, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Manipulating a Shape, Manipulating a Shape, Manipulating a Shape, Manipulating a Shape, Connecting and Grouping Shapes
adding text, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
connecting, Creating Visual Interest, Manipulating a Shape
copying attributes, Manipulating a Shape
formatting, Creating Visual Interest
grouping, Creating Visual Interest, Manipulating a Shape
inserting, Creating Visual Interest
manipulating, Manipulating a Shape
selecting multiple, Connecting and Grouping Shapes
ungrouping, Creating Visual Interest
Sign-Up Form newsletter page layout, Creating Newsletters
signature, Solving Organization Problems, Glossary
defined, Glossary
silk-screening, Creating a Logo, Glossary
defined, Glossary
sizing graphics, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic
sizing handles of object, dragging, Working with WordArt
small caps, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
snapping, Using Guides, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for objects, Using Guides
sorting graphics list, Moving Content
source code, Communicating Your Message Online, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
for Web page, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
viewing for e-mail, Communicating Your Message Online
spam regulations, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
spell-check, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Text-Based Publications, Adding Items to the Content Library, Correcting Spelling Errors
spot colors, Changing the Color Scheme, Glossary
defined, Glossary
spread, Changing the View, Glossary
defined, Glossary
square, drawing, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
(see also )
stacking objects, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Using Guides, Glossary
defined, Glossary
order of, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization
Standard toolbar, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Using a Template, Saving and Closing Publications, Saving a Different Version of the Same Publication, Opening and Viewing Publications, Opening and Viewing Publications, Changing the View, Storing Personal and Company Information, Using Advanced Printer Settings, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Manipulating a Shape, Choosing Text, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Flowing Text Around Objects
Columns button, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
Format Painter button, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Manipulating a Shape, Choosing Text
New button, Using a Template, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
Open button, Opening and Viewing Publications, Flowing Text Around Objects
Print button, Storing Personal and Company Information
Print Preview button, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Using Advanced Printer Settings
Save button, Saving and Closing Publications, Saving a Different Version of the Same Publication
Zoom In/Zoom Out buttons, Opening and Viewing Publications, Changing the View, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
stapling, Packaging Publications for Printing, Glossary
for binding, Packaging Publications for Printing
defined, Glossary
starting Publisher 2007, Publisher Basics, Getting Started with Publisher 2007
static information, in document planning, Planning Longer Publications
status bar, Publisher Basics, Glossary
defined, Glossary
story, Creating Text-Based Publications, Creating Text-Based Publications, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Solving Organization Problems, Glossary
adding or removing text to fit space, Solving Organization Problems
continuing between text boxes, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
defined, Glossary
editing in Word, Creating Text-Based Publications
tracing continuation, Creating Text-Based Publications
Story newsletter page layout, Creating Newsletters
styles, Manipulating a Text Box, Formatting Paragraphs, Flowing Text Around Objects, Glossary
defined, Glossary
of fonts, Manipulating a Text Box
for paragraphs, Formatting Paragraphs, Flowing Text Around Objects
switching between task panes, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars


table object, Adding Pages to a Web Site
table of contents, Getting Help with Publisher 2007, Inserting Pages
creating, Inserting Pages
for Help, Getting Help with Publisher 2007
tables, Adding Pages to a Web Site, Glossary
defined, Glossary
tabular list, Adding Pages to a Web Site, Glossary
defined, Glossary
Tag Image File Format (TIFF), Working with Graphics, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
saving publication as, for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
task panes, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Changing the View, Working with WordArt, Working with Graphics, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Changing the Background, Working with the Master Page, Packaging Publications for Printing, Adding Items to the Content Library, Formatting Paragraphs, Flowing Text Around Objects, Moving Content, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
(see also )
Background, Working with the Master Page, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Clip Art, Working with WordArt, Working with Graphics, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
closing, Changing the View
Content Library, Adding Items to the Content Library
E-mail Merge, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
Edit Master Pages, Changing the Background
Graphics Manager, Moving Content
Styles, Formatting Paragraphs, Flowing Text Around Objects
switching between, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
Take To a Commercial Printing Service, Packaging Publications for Printing
templates, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Communicating Your Message Online, Starting New Publications, Importing a Word Document, Closing a Publication, Closing a Publication, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars, Using Mail Merge, Choosing a Font Scheme, Creating Flyers, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Flowing Text Around Objects, Planning Longer Publications, Planning Longer Publications, Planning Longer Publications, Planning Longer Publications, Inserting Pages, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating and Modifying a Web Site, Creating and Modifying a Web Site, Glossary
for brochures, Aligning and Stacking Objects, Flowing Text Around Objects
for calendars, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
for cards, Creating Colorful Cards and Calendars
for catalogs, Using Mail Merge
changing, Importing a Word Document
creating publications based on, Getting Started with Publisher 2007
creating Web sites based on, Communicating Your Message Online
custom, Closing a Publication
default font set, Choosing a Font Scheme
defined, Glossary
in document planning, Planning Longer Publications
for e-mail messages, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
for flyers, Creating Flyers
keywords in, Starting New Publications
for newsletters, Planning Longer Publications, Inserting Pages
non-standard sizes, Planning Longer Publications
saving publication as, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Closing a Publication, Planning Longer Publications
for Web pages, Creating and Modifying a Web Site, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
tent-fold templates, Creating Folded Cards
text, Creating Visual Interest, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Creating Text-Based Publications, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic, Using Non-Color-Scheme Colors, Choosing Text, Choosing Text, Using Mail Merge, Flowing Text Around Objects, Planning Longer Publications, Solving Organization Problems, Editing and Proofing Content, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site
adding to shapes, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
adding to Web pages, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site
anchoring graphics to, Flowing Text Around Objects
changing layout, Solving Organization Problems
design in document planning, Planning Longer Publications
editing in Word, Creating Text-Based Publications, Editing and Proofing Content
on folded cards, Using Non-Color-Scheme Colors
formatting, Creating Visual Interest
replacing placeholders with, Choosing Text
selecting all, Choosing Text
sizing to fit text box, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization
troubleshooting overwriting selected, Using Mail Merge
text boxes, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Working with the Master Page, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Flowing Text Around Objects, Flowing Text Around Objects, Creating Newsletters, Creating Sections, Creating Sections, Solving Organization Problems, Editing and Proofing Content, Glossary, Glossary
adding, Getting Started with Publisher 2007
with content, pointing to, Flowing Text Around Objects
continuing stories between, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Creating Sections, Glossary
coordinates of, displaying, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
copyfitting text in, Creating Newsletters
copying, Creating Visual Interest
cross-hatching in, Editing and Proofing Content
defined, Glossary
dimensions, displaying, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
formatting, Creating Visual Interest
gradient fill for, Working with the Master Page
inserting external document into, Creating Visual Interest
linking, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization
moving, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Sections
sizing, Solving Organization Problems
unlinking, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Flowing Text Around Objects
text flow, Manipulating a Text Box, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
around objects, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
around text box, Manipulating a Text Box
in multiple columns, Continuing Stories from One Text Box to Another
Text In Overflow icon, Working with the Master Page, Creating Newsletters, Inserting Pages, Solving Organization Problems
text watermark, Formatting Paragraphs
text wrap, changing for photograph, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization
text-based publications, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Creating Text-Based Publications
challenges, Creating Text-Based Publications
creating, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization
texture, Changing the Background, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for page background, Changing the Background
thumbnails, Starting New Publications, Importing a Word Document, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Glossary
defined, Glossary
of publication types, Starting New Publications
of templates, Importing a Word Document
in WordArt, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
TIFF (Tag Image File Format), Working with Graphics, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
saving publication as, for e-mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
tiled view, of multiple publications, Changing the View
title bar, Publisher Basics, Glossary
defined, Glossary
toolbars, Creating Visual Interest, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Storing Personal and Company Information, Working with WordArt, Changing the Background, Adding Features to a Web Page
(see also , , , , )
AutoShapes, Creating Visual Interest
Edit Master Pages, Changing the Background
Print Preview, Storing Personal and Company Information
Web Tools, Adding Features to a Web Page
WordArt, Working with WordArt
tracking changes in Word, Editing and Proofing Content
trademarks, Building Your Brand, Glossary
defined, Glossary
troubleshooting, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Using Mail Merge, Adding Items to the Content Library, Flowing Text Around Objects
overwriting selected text, Using Mail Merge
pointing to text box with content, Flowing Text Around Objects
selecting text box vs. text, Adding Items to the Content Library
text box dimensions vs. position change, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
two-sided printing, Using Advanced Printer Settings
Two-Sided Printing Setup Wizard, Printing Both Sides of Thick Paper


warm colors, Choosing Text
washout, Positioning and Sizing a Graphic, Formatting Paragraphs, Glossary
defined, Glossary
for watermark graphic, Formatting Paragraphs
watermarks, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization, Formatting Paragraphs, Glossary
creating, Marketing Your Product, Service, or Organization
defined, Glossary
Web graphics, resolution for, Modifying the Appearance of a Graphic
Web page templates, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
Web sites, Communicating Your Message Online, Communicating Your Message Online, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication, Creating and Modifying a Web Site, Creating and Modifying a Web Site, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page
(see also )
adding existing publications to, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site
adding features to page, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page
adding pages, Creating and Modifying a Web Site
adding publication as top-level page, Communicating Your Message Online
adding text and graphics to pages, Adding Existing Publications to a Web Site
creating, Communicating Your Message Online, Adding Text and Graphics to a Web Page
publishing, Creating a Message from a Multi-Page Publication
weight of shape line, Connecting and Grouping Shapes
white space, Formatting Paragraphs, Solving Organization Problems
between lines of paragraph, Formatting Paragraphs
changing in text box, Solving Organization Problems
width, of default hyphenation zone, Correcting Spelling Errors
Windows Mail, Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
WMF (Windows Metafile), Working with Graphics
Word, Creating Text-Based Publications (see )
Word document, importing into publication, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Using a Template, Importing a Word Document
word processing, Getting Started with Publisher 2007, Glossary
WordArt, Creating Visual Interest, Creating Visual Interest, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Formatting Text for Visual Impact, Working with WordArt, Glossary
adding, Creating Visual Interest
best uses of, Formatting Text for Visual Impact
modifying appearance, Creating Visual Interest
reactivating display, Working with WordArt


XPS (XML Paper Specification), Creating a Basic E-Mail Message
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