

The spaces between the system of columns and rows comprising a grid.

back matter

Portions of a publication that are typically located after the main content, such as an index, glossary, or bibliography.


The design, such as color, texture, or picture, that appears behind your text or other publication objects.

baseline guides

Horizontal lines used to help align text or design elements.


The extent to which an element extends beyond the edge of the printed page.

bleed marks

Horizontal and vertical lines indicating the bleed on a printed page. See also crop marks.


A location or selection of text in a file that you name so that you can later refer or link to it.

brand elements

The name, logo, fonts, colors, and design in materials sent to customers that identify a company or organization.

bulk mail

A large amount of mail (at least 500 pieces), which the post office discounts to a bulk rate from the regular cost of postage.

bulleted list

A method of listing an unordered series or unspecified number of concepts, items, or options.

card stock

A heavier weight of paper, also known as postcard paper.

character formatting

Formatting such as font, size, style, effect, color, or spacing that you can apply to selected text characters to vary the appearance.

character spacing

The distance between characters in a line of text, which can be adjusted by using tracking, kerning, and scaling.


The « or » characters that surround data fields in the publication.

clip art

License-free graphics that often take the form of cartoons, sketches, or symbolic images, but can also include photographs, audio and video clips, and more sophisticated artwork.


A method of creating colors by using combinations of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. See also process colors.

color gradient

A visual effect in which a color gradually changes from light to dark, from dark to light, or from one color to another.

color scheme

The set of default colors specified for a template or publication.


To shrink the file size of an image, document, or other file.

connection point

The end point of a line that connects two shapes. Moving a connected shape also moves the line, maintaining the relationship between the connected shapes.

continuing a story

The process of connecting text boxes so that text that doesn’t fit in one text box flows into another text box.


The location of the insertion point or of the upper-left corner of an element, expressed as the distance from the upper-left corner of the page.


To format text so that it fits within a text box.


A form of protection for artistic or literary works.


To hide or cut away the vertical or horizontal edges of a graphic that you don’t want to show.

crop marks

Horizontal and vertical lines indicating the four corners of a publication page, when printing a publication on a sheet of paper that is larger than the desired output.

data fields

Categories of information that correspond to fields (usually columns) in a data source.

data source

A file that contains the information to be merged into a publication.

desktop publishing

The use of a specialized computer program to create professional-quality documents that combine text and other visual elements in non-linear arrangements.

direct mail

A service provided by some copy and print shops, in which they merge your publication and data source while printing, sort the printed pieces, and then deliver them to the post office, ready for bulk mailing.


The capability of a printer to print on both sides of the paper.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server

A server that can be used to upload or download files to the Internet.

filtered HTML files

HTML files, created from an Office document or publication, that contain no Office-specific codes. Filtered HTML files are smaller than unfiltered files and require less bandwidth to upload.


The style set you specify for your text, consisting of alphabetic characters, numbers, and symbols that share a common design.

font color

The specific color of the text, chosen from a palette of harmonious colors or custom colors you specify.

font effect

The enhancement of a font, such as underlining, small capital letters (small caps), or shadows.

font size

The measurement of the font in points. See points.

font style

Character formatting such as regular (or plain), italic, bold, and bold italic.


The amount of space required by an element.


The outline around a text box or other object. You can move an object by dragging its frame.

front matter

Portions of a publication that are typically located before the main content, such as a table of contents or an introduction.


A grouping of thumbnails that display options visually.


Shades of gray in a graphic.


A system of columns and rows that imposes a logical layout on the content of the publication and provides visual continuity from one page to the next.

grid guides

The horizontal and vertical lines that make up a grid.

grid units

The division of space within a publication. The default number of units is determined by the purpose of the publication and the number and type of elements to be included in the layout.


To associate multiple shapes or objects so they are treated as one object. See also regroup and ungroup.


The points surrounding a text box or other object that you can move to change the size or shape of the box.

hot spot

A hyperlink that is not anchored to specific text or to a bookmark.


To pause the pointer over an object, such as a menu name or button, for a second or two to display more information, such as a submenu or ScreenTip. See also ScreenTip.


A method of identifying a color in terms of its position in the rainbow (hue), its purity or vividness (saturation), and its brightness (luminance).

information set

A customized group of information, about either an individual or an organization, that can be used to quickly fill in appropriate places in publications, such as business cards and flyers.


A word associated with a Publisher template. You can type a keyword in the Search For Templates box at the top of the Getting Started window and then click the Search button to display thumbnails of the templates.


The designation of where objects are placed in the publication.


The front and back of one page of a publication.

line break

A manual break that forces the text that follows it to the next line. Also called a text wrapping break.


A way to present sequential (numbered) or non-sequential (bulleted) information. See also bulleted list and numbered list.


A graphic or text or a combination of the two that identifies a company or organization—or its products or services—in a unique way. It is used in addition to or instead of the name in printed and online materials and is part of the effort to present those materials in a consistent way that promotes brand recognition.

mail merge

A process that combines the static information in a publication with the variable information in a data source (a mailing list or any other type of database) to create one copy of the merged publication for every record in the data source.

margin guides

A guide on the top, bottom, left, and right sides of a page that are used to define its margins. Most contents of a page are within the margin guides.

master page

The page in which the overall publication design is controlled. Anything that appears on the master page appears on every page. Most master page elements can be changed only on the master page.


Information inserted in a Web publication that helps search engines locate it.

Microsoft Clip Organizer

A tool in which you can arrange clip art images, pictures, audio clips, and video clips stored in different locations.

Microsoft Office Online

A Web site from which you can download publication templates.


A periodic publication containing information of interest to a specific group—for example, employees of a company or members of a club or other organization.

numbered list

A method of listing sequential information or a specified number of items.


A finite element, such as a graphic or a text box, that can be moved, sized, stacked, grouped, and formatted in various ways.

page layout

The arrangement of elements in the publication.

page sorter

One or more page-shaped controls, located in the lower-left corner of the Publisher window, that represent each page of the publication and can be used to go to, rearrange, or work with publication pages.

Pantone Matching System (PMS)

A proprietary system developed by Pantone, Inc. to give designers in color-critical industries such as publishing, packaging, decorating, and architecture the means to communicate with printers and manufacturers.

paragraph formatting

The settings you use to change the look of a paragraph.


Created by typing text and pressing the Enter key. A paragraph can be a single word, a single sentence, or multiple sentences.


A form of protection for inventions.


An illustration or scanned photograph.


Boxes inserted into the publication, in which you can enter text or pictures.


A measurement unit of approximately 1/72 of an inch. Font sizes expressed in points are measured from the top of the character ascenders to the bottom of the character descenders.

Portable Document Format (PDF)

A device-independent and resolution-independent file format for representing documents containing any combination of text and images.

process colors

A method of printing colors by using four inks (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) to produce all other colors. See also CMYK.

public domain

Belonging to the public, such as text or artwork that anyone can use in a publication.


A file created for distribution, such as to advertise for promotional events or to send birthday wishes.

publication type

The style of a publication, such as a flyer, a business card, or a greeting card.


A setting applied to a publication to protect it from inadvertent changes.


In a two-page spread, the right, odd-numbered page of the spread.


After ungrouping a group of shapes, to make them one object again. See also group and ungroup.


A method of identifying a color in terms of a combination of red, green, and blue.


To change the angle of a graphic or text box.

rotating handle

A green handle, available when a text box is active, that you can drag to change the angle of the text box and the text within it.

ruler guides

A non-printing horizontal or vertical guide that you can align with any point on the ruler.


A type of binding in which pages are stapled in the middle and then folded to create a booklet. Also called stapling.

scratch area

The gray area around the page in Publisher in which you can place objects for later use.


A small window that appears when you point to a program element, usually containing explanatory information.

section opener

A special page that signifies the starting point of a new section of a publication.


Topics in a publication that fall logically into groups, such as parts, subjects, or time periods.

service mark

A registration of your company’s name or logo, used to identify the source of a service.


A printed sheet that will be folded into a specific number of pages (often 16). Pages are arranged on the sheet to be in the proper sequence and orientation after the sheet is folded.


A printing technique that creates a sharp-edged image by using a stencil.


To automatically align an object with the nearest ruler mark, guide, or other object.

spot colors

A method of specifying and printing colors in which each color is printed with its own ink. See also process colors.


Represents the facing left and right pages of a publication.


A term used to describe objects overlapping each other. The default stacking order is determined by the order in which objects are inserted, with the first object at the bottom of the stack and the last object at the top.


A type of binding in which pages are stapled in the middle and then folded to create a booklet. Also called saddle-stitching.

status bar

An area across the bottom of the program window that gives information about the current document.


Any discrete block of text that occupies a text box or a set of linked text boxes. It can be a single paragraph or multiple paragraphs.


A collection of character and paragraph formatting.


Information presented in a grid that consists of a series of cells laid out in columns and rows.

tabular list

A series of paragraphs, each containing a specific number of pieces of information separated by tab characters.


A basic publication containing elements that you can modify.

text box

An object that can be sized to fit the text it contains. You can type text directly into the text box, paste text from another file, or insert the entire contents of another file.


A pattern or gradient applied to the background of a publication to make it appear more three dimensional.


A small graphic representing choices available in a gallery or pages in a document.

title bar

An area at the top of the program window that displays the name of the active document.


A registration of your company’s name or logo, used to identify the source of a product.


To separate a group of objects into individual objects. See also group and regroup.


In a two-page spread, the left, even-numbered page of the spread.


An effect applied to a graphic or text that results in muted shades of the original color.


A word or image that appears faintly in the background of a publication or other document.

word processing

The use of a computer or typewriter to create text documents.


Text objects you can create with ready-made effects to which you can apply additional formatting options. Used to visually enhance the text in headings or other short phrases.

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