
2D file types, 33-36

2D textures, 88

3D file types

ANIM file type, 33

ATOM file type, 33

FBX file type, 32

Maya scene files, 30-31

OBJ file type, 32

3D textures, 88

3D tracked camera, 424

operating, 424-426

scene scale, 426-428


absolute paths, 441

absorption, 360


BlendShapes, 280

Hypershade menu, 88

mesh components, 49

acting, supplementing your 3D graphics skills with, 7


arms to character model, 135-138

controls to character rigs, 199-202

controls to rigs, 178-180

deformations to Sam 2.0 model, 222-224

functionality to rigs, 180-181

IK handle to arms, 197-198

scripts to shelves, 335-336


construction history of NURBS, 70-74

frames of scenes, 232

Smooth Mesh Preview, 143

Aim (cameras), 274

Ambient Color option (materials), 92

ambient lights, 365

Angle of View attribute (camera), 266

ANIM file type, 33


constraints, 250-252

frames, Range Slider, 232

hotkeys, 464

keyframes, 232-233

applying to cameras, 273-275

copying and pasting, 237-239

creating, 233-235

editing, 239-246

interpolation, 241-244

moving, 236

scaling, 236

setting with AutoKey, 235

tangent handles, 241

nonlinear animation, assembling with Trax Editor, 248-250

paths, creating, 254-255

principles of

anticipation, 228

appeal, 230

arcs, 229

exaggeration, 230

follow through, 229

overlapping action, 229

pose-to-pose, 228-229

secondary action, 229

slow in and slow out, 229

solid drawing, 230

squash and stretch, 228

straight-ahead action, 228-229

timing, 229

retiming with Dope Sheet, 246-248

animation controllers, curves, 74-75

Animation menu set, 15

Anistropic material, 93

anticipation, as principle of animation, 228

appeal, as principle of animation, 230

apple falling from tree, simulating, 302-307

gravity, 308

rigid body dynamics

Bounciness attribute, 309-310

Dynamic Friction attribute, 309

Mass attribute, 309

Static Friction attribute, 309

scrubbing the Timeline, 308


BlendShapes, 281-284

fur, 384-385

hair, 386-388

materials, 90

arcs, 229

area lights, 366

arguments, 321

armpits, adding to character model, 138-139


adding to character model, 135-138

IK handle, adding to character rig, 197-198

ASCII files, 30-31

aspect ratio, 431

assembing clips with Trax Editor, 248-250


naming conventions, 437-438

organizing in directories, 438-439

referencing, 439-441

Assets menu, 14

ATOM file type, 33

attaching nCloth to objects, 392

Attribute Editor, 21-22

Placement Extras, 124


of cameras, 265-272

Angle of View, 266

Auto Render Clip Plane, 267

Background Color, 269

Camera Scale, 267

Center of Interest, 271

Controls, 266

Depth of Field, 268

Display Field Chart, 270

Display Film Gate, 270

Display Film Pivot, 271

Display Gate Mask, 270

Display Resolution, 270

Display Safe Action, 270-271

Display Safe Title, 271

Environment, 269

F Stop, 268

Far Clip Plane, 267-268

Film Back, 431

Focal Length, 266

Focus Distance, 268

Focus Region Scale, 268

Image Plane, 269

Near Clip Plane, 267-268

Output Settings, 269

Overscan, 271

Shutter Angle, 270

Tumble Pivot, 271

Undoable Movements, 271

connecting, 157-162

copying with presets, 352-354

driven keys, 163-164

driving, 161

of emitters, editing, 345-348

of fur, modifying, 385-386

of hair, 387-388

of lights, 370-373

Color, 371

Decay Rate, 371

Intensity, 371

of materials, 95

of particles, editing, 348-349

for rigid body dynamics, 309-310

rigidSolver attributes, 310-311

Auto Render Clip Plane attribute (camera), 267

AutoKey, 235

axes, 24

orientation of joints, controlling, 196-197


back light, creating, 378-380

Background Color attribute (camera), 269

batch rendering, 415-418

suggested settings, 415-416

viewing renders in FCheck, 418

bend controls, creating, 181

best practices for project workflow, 441-442

Bevel tool, 51-52

binary files, 30


Rigid Binds, 212-215

Flexors, 214-215

Smooth Binds, 216

BlendShapes, 205, 279

accessing, 280

adding to skinned character, 289

applying, 281-284

controllers, 290-291

corrective BlendShapes, 291-293

creating, 284-291

mirroring, 293

Sculpt Geometry tool, 285-289

uses for, 293

visimes, 284

happy face, creating, 285-289

sad face, creating, 288

BlendShapes_GRP, 285

Blinn, 90, 93

customizing, 94-95


links between lights and objects, 379-380

tangent handles, 244

brightness, premultiplying, 269


Add brush, 219

Scale brush, 219

Buffer Curves tool, 244-245

building camera rigs, 275

Bump Mapping option (materials), 92


Polygon Plane button, 47-48

Render buttons, 401



creating, 310-311, 354-355

deleting, 355

Camera, Aim, and Up, 272

Camera and Aim, 272

camera rigs, building, 275

Camera Scale attribute (camera), 267


3D tracked camera, 424

operating, 424-426

scene scale, 426-428

Aim, 274

attributes, 265-272

Angle of View, 266

Auto Render Clip Plane, 267

Background Color, 269

Camera Scale, 267

Center of Interest, 271

Controls, 266

Depth of Field, 268

Display Field Chart, 270

Display Film Gate, 270

Display Film Pivot, 271

Display Gate Mask, 270

Display Resolution, 270

Display Safe Action, 270-271

Display Safe Title, 271

Environment, 269

F Stop, 268

Far Clip Plane, 267-268

Focal Length, 266

Focus Distance, 268

Focus Region Scale, 268

Image Plane, 269

Near Clip Plane, 267-268

Output Settings, 269

Overscan, 271

Shutter Angle, 270

Tumble Pivot, 271

Undoable Movements, 271

changing, 18

clip planes, 430-431

creating, 262

dollying, 275

film back settings, 431

focal length, changing, 262

keyframing, 273-275

manipulating, 264

orbiting, 264

orthographic views, 272

rotating, 19

types of

Camera, Aim, and Up, 272

Camera and Aim, 272

Multi-Stereo Rig, 272

normal camera, 272

Stereo Camera, 272

view, changing, 263

zooming in and out, 266-267

case sensitivity of MEL, 6, 317

case study, project workflow, 443-444

casting shadows, 366-367

breaking links between lights and objects, 379-380

depth map shadows, 367

raytraced shadows, 366-367

categories of Preferences, 450

categorizing objects, 178

Center of Interest attribute (camera), 271

centering pivot of objects, 174

CG industry

animators, 227

specializing in, 3

changing camera view, 263

Channel Box, 21

character modeling, 120-127

armpits, 138-139

arms, adding, 135-138

crease edges, 143

density, 140

edge loops, 129-133

elbows, adding, 140

eyelids, adding, 140


combining, 143-147

extruding, 128-129

instancing, 127

poles, 134

hands, adding, 139

image planes

loading, 121-122

resizing, 124

knees, adding, 140

mirrored instances, 125-127

mouth area, 138

shoulders, adding, 138-139

smoothing, 142-143

symmetry, 125-127

UVs, 145-147

workflow, 136-137

character rigs, 187

arms, adding IK handle, 197-198


adding, 199-202

BlendShapes, 205

connecting, 203-204

eye_Target_CTRL, 205-206

IK hand controls, connecting, 204

joint chain, finishing, 194-195

joints, 188-189

jaw joint, placing, 196

mirroring, 194

orientation, 196-197

placing, 191-192

preparing for skinning, 206-207

checking for errors with Cleanup tool, 176

clean geometry, 279

Cleanup tool, checking for errors, 176

clearing panes, 322

clip planes, 430-431

clips, assembling with Trax Editor, 248-250

clothes, creating, 393-394


film plates, rendering, 432-433

of particles, changing, 351-352

Color attribute (lights), 371

Color option (materials), 91

color-coded highlights (Script Editor), 324-325

combining geometry in character models, 143-147

Command Line, 24

displaying, 316

command reference (MEL), 324


arguments, 321

Cut UV Edges command (UV Texture Editor), 86

Echo All Commands option (Script Editor), 322

flags, 321

getAttr command, 332-333

help command, 322-323

hotkeys, 462

repeating, 317

rescuing from history pane, 320

setAttr command, 333

Sew UV Edges command (UV Texture Editor), 86

Smooth command, 55-56

versus tools, 20


in MEL, 327

in Render View, 407

comparing saved images, 406-407

complexity of relationships, 166

components of polygon meshes, 48-49


attributes, 157-158, 159-162

controls on character rigs, 203-204

Connection Editor, 154-158


creating, 154-162

driving, 161

Relationship Editor, 164-165

selecting, 165-167

testing, 158

viewing, 152-154

constraints, 250-252

construction history of NURBS, 65

adjusting, 70-74

construction plane, 24

controllers, adding BlendShapes to, 290-291


adding to rigs, 178-180

on character rigs, 199-202

arms, 201

BlendShapes, 205

connecting, 203-204

eye_Target_CTRL, 205-206

spine, 200

Controls attribute (camera), 266

coordinate axes, 24

orientation of joints, controlling, 196-197

copying and pasting

attributes, 352-354

keyframes, 237-239

corrective BlendShapes, 291-293

crease edges in character modeling, 143

Crease tool, 56

Create menu, 14

Create panel (Hypershade), 104


BlendShapes, 284-291

caches, 354-355

cameras, 262

clothes, 393-394

connections, 154-162

dynamic relationships with expressions, 253-254

fill light, 377-378

Flexors, 214-215

key light, 374-377

keyframes, 233-235

lights, 361

materials, 90

NURBS, surfaces, 66-74

paths, 254-255

polygons, 44-56

primitives, 49

projects, 38-39

relationships, 165

rigs, 181

shading networks, 108-114

UVs, 84-87

curves, 62-64. See also NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis Splines) curves

as animation controllers, 74-75

Buffer Curves tool, 244-245

edit points, 62

parametric values, 63

for path animation, 74-77

surface components, 63-64

splines, 64


Blinn, 94-95

UI, 450-451

Cut UV Edges command (UV Texture Editor), 86

CVs (control vertices), 63

creating, 69


Decay Rate attribute (lights), 371

default Preference settings, restoring, 454

default scene file type, setting, 31

deformation tools

corrective BlendShapes, 291-293

creating bend controls, 181

deformers, 212

BlendShapes, 279

deformation order, importance of, 215

Skincluster, 216

deleting caches, 355

density in character modeling, 140

depth map shadows, 367

Depth of Field attribute (camera), 268

Diffuse option (materials), 92

directional emitters, 346

directional lights, 364


absolute paths, 441

assets, organizing, 438-439

Maya project folder structure, 38

relative paths, 441

displacement maps, 136

Display Field Chart attribute (camera), 270

Display Film Gate attribute (camera), 270

Display Film Pivot attribute (camera), 271

Display Gate Mask attribute (camera), 270

Display menu, 14

Display preferences, 452

Display Resolution attribute (camera), 270

Display Safe Action attribute (camera), 270-271

Display Safe Title attribute, 271

displaying Command Line, 316

dollying, 264, 275

Dope Sheet, 246-248

downloading film plates, 421


solid drawing, 230

supplementing your 3D graphics skills, 7

driven keys, 163-164, 256-257

driving, 161

dual monitors, 101

duplicating objects, 125

Dynamic Friction attribute, 309

dynamic relationships, creating with expressions, 253-254

dynamics, 298-299

apple falling from tree, simulating

gravity, 308

scrubbing the Timeline, 308

nDynamics, 298

physics, mass, 299

rigid body dynamics, 299-301

Bounciness attribute, 309-310

Dynamic Friction attribute, 309

Mass attribute, 309

passive rigid bodies, 302

Static Friction attribute, 309

soft body dynamics, 300

Dynamics menu set, 16


Echo All Commands option (Script Editor), 322

edge loops, 129-133

edges, 48

Edit menu, 14


emitter attributes, 345-348

keyframes, 239-246

particle attributes, 348-349

elbows, adding to character model, 140

emitters, 340

attributes, editing, 345-348

omni emitters, 346


raytraced shadows, 415

tooltips, 300

Environment attributes (camera), 269

EP Curve tool, 63

errors, checking for with Cleanup tool, 176

exaggeration, as principle of animation, 230

executing code (MEL), 319

Expression Editor, 253-254, 335

expressions, 162-163

dynamic relationships, creating, 253-254

EXR file type, 34-36

extruding image planes, 128-129

eye_Target_CTRL, 205-206

eyelids, adding to character model, 140


F Stop attribute (camera), 268

faces, 48

facial expressions

happy face, creating, 285-289

sad face, creating, 288

Far Clip Plane attribute (camera), 267-268

FBX file type, 32

FCheck, viewing renders with, 418

File menu, 14

File Output section (Render Settings window), 411-412

file types

2D file types, 33-36

EXR file type, 36

IFF file type, 36

JPG file type, 34

PNG file type, 36

3D file types

ANIM file type, 33

ATOM file type, 33

FBX file type, 32

Maya scene files, 30-31

OBJ file type, 32

fill light, creating, 377-378


aspect ratio, 431

masks, 429-430

render settings, 431

color, 432-433

resolution, 431

film back settings (camera), 431

film gate settings (camera), 431

film plates

downloading, 421

importing, 421-424

finding hidden objects, 464

fisheye, 266

FK chains, 189

flags, 321

Flexors, creating, 214-215

Focal Length attribute (camera), 266-267

focal length (camera)

changing, 262

fisheye, 266

telephoto, 266

Focus Distance attribute (camera), 268

Focus Region Scale attribute (camera), 268


absolute paths, 441

Maya project folder structure, 38, 436-437

naming conventions, 437-438

relative paths, 441

follicles, 388-389

follow through, 229

for loops (MEL), 331

Forward Kinematics, 189

versus inverse kinematics, 189

switches, placing, 205

four-point lighting, 374


batch rendering, 415-418

keyframes, 232-233

applying to cameras, 273-275

copying and pasting, 237-239

creating, 233-235

editing, 239-246

interpolation, 241-244

moving, 236

scaling, 236

setting with AutoKey, 235

tangent handles, 241

Range Slider, 232

time formats, 230

functionality, adding to rigs, 180-181


applying, 384-385

attributes, modifying, 385-386

dynamics and, 390


geo groups, 178


clean geometry, 279

extruding, 128-129

instancing, 127, 340

poles, 134

Sculpt Geometry tool, 285-289

smoothing, 142-143

getAttr command, 332-333

goals of this book, 1-2

Graph Editor

Buffer Curves tool, 244-245

keyframes, editing, 239-246

gravity, simulating, 308

groups, BlendShapes_GRP, 285



animating, 394-395

applying, 386-388

attributes, 387-388

follicles, 388-389

nHair, 390

Hair Tube Shader, 93

hand-drawn animation, keyframes, 232-233

hands, adding to character model, 139

happy face, creating, 285-289

help command, 322-323

Help Line, 24

hidden objects, finding, 464

hierarchies, creating in Outliner, 176-177

history pane, rescuing commands from, 320

hotbox, 18

hotkeys, 454-466

animation and playback, 464

commands, 462

component editing and selection, 463

menus, 461

object smoothness, 462

playback, 464

showing and hiding objects, 465

snapping, 464

tool operations, 460

tumble, track, dolly, 458

Viewport display, 460

Window and Views, 459

Hypergraph, viewing connections, 153

Hypershade, 101

accessing, 88

Create panel, 104

main menu, 103

materials, creating, 90

menu bar, 103-104

panels, 102

Work Area, 104-105


IFF (Image File Format) files, 36

IK solver, 197

Image Plane attribute (camera), 269

image planes, loading, 121-122

Image Size section (Render Settings window), 413

importing film plates, 421-424

in-betweeners, 232

Incandescence option (materials), 92

Insert Edge Loop tool, 52-53

Insert Knot tool, 69


geometry instancing, 340

mirrored instances, creating, 125-127

objects, 125

Intensity attribute (lights), 371

interpolation, 241-244

Linear interpolation, 242

spline interpolation, 242

Stepped interpolation, 243

inverse kinematics

versus Forward Kinematics, 189

IK handle, adding to arms, 197-198

switches, placing, 205

IPR (Interactive Photographic Rendering), 407-408

isoparms, 64, 421


jaw joint, placing in character rig, 196

jet pack, creating for Sam model, 341-353

joints, 188-189

controls, connecting, 203-204

Forward Kinematics, versus inverse kinematics, 189

jaw joint, placing, 196

joint chain, finishing, 194-195

mirroring, 194

Null joints, 217

orientation, 196-197

placing, 191-192

resizing, 192

Rigid Binds, 212-215

Flexors, 214-215

Smooth Binds, 216

JPG files, 34


key light, creating, 374-377

keyboard shortcuts, hotkeys, 454-466

animation and playback, 464

commands, 462

component editing and selection, 463

menus, 461

object smoothness, 462

playback, 464

showing and hiding objects, 465

snapping, 464

tool operations, 460

tumble, track, dolly, 458

Viewport display, 460

window and views, 459

keyframes, 232-233

applying to cameras, 273-275

copying and pasting, 237-239

creating, 233-235

editing with Graph Editor, 239-246

interpolation, 241-244

Linear interpolation, 242

spline interpolation, 242

Stepped interpolation, 243

moving, 236

scaling, 236

setting with AutoKey, 235

tangent handles, 241

breaking, 244

Plateau tangents, 242

keystrokes, case sensitivity, 6

knees, adding to character model, 140


lambert1, 89

Layer Editor, 22

Layered Shader, 93

learning MEL, 320-322

lighting, 360-361


absorption, 360

ambient lights, 365

area lights, 366

attributes, 370-373

Color, 371

Decay Rate, 371

Intensity, 371

breaking links to objects, 379-380

casting shadows, 366-367

creating, 361

directional lights, 364

four-point lighting, 374

occlusion, 360

point lights, 364

positioning, 367-370

reflections, 360

refraction, 360

rim light, 374

spot lights, 363

three-point lighting, 374-380

back light, creating, 378-380

fill light, creating, 377-378

key light, creating, 374-377

volume lights, 366

line numbers (MEL scripting), 323-324

Linear interpolation, 242


cameras, 18

image planes, 121-122

plugins, 33

OpenEXR plugin, 36

locking weights, 221

Loft tool, 66

loops (MEL), for loops, 331

low-poly workflows, 136-137


main application window (UI), 11

main menu

Assets menu, 14

Create menu, 14

Display menu, 14

Edit menu, 14

Modify menu, 14

Window menu, 14


cameras, 264

Timeline, 236

masks, 429-430

mass, 299

Mass attribute (rigid body dynamics), 309

materials, 81

Ambient Color option, 92

Anistropic, 93

applying, 90

attributes, 95

Blinn, 90, 93

customizing, 94-95

Bump Mapping option, 92

Color option, 91

creating, 90

Diffuse option, 92

Hair Tube Shader, 93

Incandescence option, 92

Layered Shader, 93

Ocean Shader, 93

Phong, 94

Phong E, 94

Ramp shader, 94

Shading Map, 94

Surface Shader, 94

Translucence Depth option, 92

Translucence Focus option, 92

Translucence option, 92

Transparency option, 91

Maya Hardware, 401

Maya scene files, 30-31

ASCII files, 30-31

binary files, 30

default file type, setting, 31

Maya Software, 401

Maya Vector, 401

MEL (Maya Embedded Language) scripting, 2, 315-317

case sensitivity, 317

code, executing, 319

command reference, 324


arguments, 321

flags, 321

help command, 322-323

commenting, 327

getAttr command, 332-333

learning, 320-322

line numbers, 323-324

for loops, 331

polygon sphere, creating, 326-327

rand function, 329-332

scripts, saving, 328

setAttr command, 333

switching to Python, 316

syntax, 319, 324

tabs, adding, 324

variables, 329-332

writing scripts, 317-320

Mental Ray, 401

smoothing, 143

menu bar, Hypershade, 103-104

menu sets

Animation menu set, 15

Dynamics menu set, 16

hotkeys, 461

nDynamics menu set, 16-17

Polygons menu set, 15

Rendering menu set, 16

Surfaces menu set, 16

switching between, 15


edges, 48

polygon meshes, components, 48-49

preparing for rigs, 173-176

skinning, 211

binds, 211-212

painting weights, 217-221

Rigid Binds, 212-215

Sam model, 216-217

smoothing, 55-56

vertices, 48

viewing models as, 48

mirrored instances, creating, 125-127


BlendShapes, 293

joints, 194


character modeling, 120-127

armpits, adding, 138-139

arms, adding, 135-138

crease edges, 143

edge loops, 129-133

elbows, adding, 140

eyelids, adding, 140

geometry, combining, 143-147

hands, adding, 139

image planes, loading, 121-122

image planes, resizing, 124

knees, adding, 140

mouth area, 138

shoulders, adding, 138-139

UVs, 145-147


construction history, adjusting, 66-70

surfaces, creating, 66-70

symmetry, 86

Modify menu, 14

motion paths, creating, 254-255

mouth area

adding to character model, 138

visimes, 284

Move tool, 20

moving keyframes, 236

Mudbox, 8

Multi-Stereo Rig, 272

music, supplementing your 3D graphics skills, 7-8


naming conventions of assets, 437-438

nCloth, 391-392

animating, 394-395

attaching to objects, 392

clothes, creating, 393-394

nDynamics, 298

nCloth, 391-392

attaching to objects, 392

clothes, creating, 393-394

nHair, animating, 394-395

nDynamics menu set, 16-17

Near Clip Plane attribute (camera), 267-268

networks, creating, 108-114

nHair, 390

animating, 394-395


BlendShape, 279

accessing, 280

applying, 281-284


adding to skinned character, 289

uses for, 293

connecting, 105-108


creating, 154-162

testing, 158

viewing, 152-154

driven keys, 163-164

lambert1, 89

relationships, selecting, 165-167

right-clicking, 105

transform nodes, 171

nonlinear animation, assembling with Trax Editor, 248-250

nParticles, 340-354

jet pack, creating for Sam model, 341-353

Null joints, 217

NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis Splines) curves, 62-64

adding to character rigs, 199-202

as animation controllers, 74-75

construction history, 65

adjusting, 70-74

edit points, 62

parametric values, 63

for path animation, 74-77

surface components, 63-64

surfaces, creating, 66-74


OBJ file type, 32

objects, 44

bend controls, creating, 181

duplicating, 125

expressions, 162-163

geo groups, 178

hidden objects, finding, 464

joints, 188-189

nCloth, attaching, 392

nParticles, emitting, 345

pivot, centering, 174

placing in world origin, 174


controls, adding, 178-180

creating, 181

functionality, adding, 180-181

reasons for, 172-173

selecting in camera panel, 20

shape nodes, 44

transform nodes, 44

transformations, removing, 174

UVs, 82-83

creating, 84-87

occlusion, 360

Ocean Shader, 93

omni emitters, 346

orbiting cameras, 264

organizing assets in directories, 438-439

orientation of joints, 196-197

orthographic views, changing cameras to, 272

Outliner, 24-25

hierarchies, creating, 176-177

Output Settings attributes (camera), 269

overlapping action, 229

Overscan attribute (camera), 271


painting, supplementing your 3D graphics skills with, 7

painting weights, 217-221

Add brush, 219

Prune Small Weights tool, 220-221

Replace paint mode, 218

Scale brush, 219

Smooth brush, 219

panels, 18


objects, selecting, 20

rotating, 19

panes, clearing, 322

parametric values of curves, 63

particles, 339, 340

attributes, copying with presets, 352-354

attributes, editing, 348-349

color, changing, 351-352

emitters, 340

attributes, editing, 345-348

nParticles, 340-354

jet pack, creating for Sam model, 341-353

speed of, changing, 349-351

passive rigid bodies, 302

pasting keyframes, 237-239

path animation, curves, 74-77

paths, creating, 254-255

Phong E shader, 94

Phong shader, 94

photography, supplementing your 3D graphics skills with, 7


dynamics, 298-299

apple falling from tree, simulating, 302-307

nDynamics, 298

rigid body dynamics, 299-301

soft body dynamics, 300

mass, 299

pivot of objects, centering, 174, 281

Placement Extras (Attribute Editor), 124


jaw joint in character rig, 196

joints, 191-192

object at world origin, 174

seams in UVs, 86

switches, 205

Plateau tangents, 242

Playblast, 354

playing animations with Timeline, 231


loading, 33

OpenEXR, loading, 36

PNG files, 36

point lights, 364

poles, 134

Polygon Plane button, 47-48

polygon sphere, creating with MEL, 326-327

Polygon tools (Shelf), 45

Bevel tool, 51-52

Crease tool, 56

Extrude tool, 51

Insert Edge Loop tool, 52-53

Polygon Plane button, 47-48

polygons, 43

creating, 44-56


components, 48-49

smoothing, 55-56

primitives, 45

creating, 49

smoothing tools, 54

Polygons menu set, 15

pose-to-pose, 228-229

positioning lights, 367-370


categories, 450

Display preferences, 452

restoring to defaults, 454

saving, 454

Settings preferences, 452-454

shortcut, 448

UI, customizing, 450-451

premultiplying, 269


character rigs for skinning, 206-207

meshes for rigging, 173-176

presets, copying attributes with, 352-354

primitives, 45

creating, 49

UVs, 82-83

principles of animation

anticipation, 228

appeal, 230

arcs, 229

exaggeration, 230

follow through, 229

overlapping action, 229

pose-to-pose, 228-229

secondary action, 229

slow in and slow out, 229

solid drawing, 230

squash and stretch, 228

straight-ahead action, 228-229

timing, 229



organizing, 438-439

referencing, 439-441

creating, 38-39

folder structure, 38, 436-437

naming conventions, 437-438

setting, 37


best practices, 441-442

case study, 443-444

Prune Small Weights tool, 220-221

pull workflow, 442-443

push workflow, 442-443

Python, switching to MEL, 316


quality presets for rendering, 413

Ramp shader, 94

ramp textures, 83

rand function, 329-332

Range Slider, 23-24, 232

raytraced shadows, 366-367

enabling, 415

Reference Editor, 441

referencing assets, 439-441

reflections, 360

refraction, 360

regions, rendering, 405

Relationship Editor, 164-165


complexity of, 166

constraints, 250-252

creating, 165

driven keys, 163-164, 256-257

dynamic relationships, creating with expressions, 253-254

expressions, 162-163

selecting, 165-167

relative paths, 441

removing transformations from objects, 174

Render buttons, 401

Render Settings window, 409-415

File Output section, 411-412

Image Size section, 413

Renderable Cameras section, 412

Render View, 402-405

Renderable Cameras section (Render Settings window), 412

rendering, 399-400

batch rendering, 415-418

suggested settings, 415-416

viewing renders in FCheck, 418

film plates, color, 432-433

IPR, 407-408

quality presets, 413

regions, 405

render engines, 401

saved images, comparing, 406-407

single images, 402

Rendering menu set, 16

repeating commands, 317

Replace paint mode, 218

rescuing commands from history pane, 320


image planes, 124

joints, 192

resolution, 431

restoring Preferences to defaults, 454

retiming animations with Dope Sheet, 246-248

right-clicking nodes (Hypershade), 105

Rigid Binds, 211-215

Flexors, 214-215

rigid body dynamics, 299-301

Bounciness attribute, 309-310

Dynamic Friction attribute, 309

Mass attribute, 309

passive rigid bodies, 302

Static Friction attribute, 309

rigidSolver attributes, 310-311

rigs, 172. See also character rigs

bend controls, creating, 181

camera rigs, building, 275

controls, adding, 178-180

creating, 181

functionality, adding, 180-181

hierarchy, creating in Outliner, 176-177

meshes, preparing for, 173-176

reasons for, 172-173

rim light, 374

Rotate tool, 20


Aim (cameras), 274

of camera

changing, 264

in panels, 19


sad face, creating, 288

Sam model

deformations, adding, 222-224

jet pack, creating, 341-353

skinning, 216-217


Preferences, 454

scripts, 328

Scale tool, 20

scaling keyframes, 236


expressions, 162-163

frames, adjusting, 232

lighting, 360-361

absorption, 360

occlusion, 360

reflections, 360

refraction, 360

simulating, 299

screenshots, 4

Script Editor

color-coded highlights, 324-325

Echo All Commands option, 322

writing scripts, 317-320

scripting languages

MEL, 2

case sensitivity, 317

command reference, 324

commenting, 327

getAttr command, 332-333

help command, 322-323

learning, 320-322

for loops, 331

polygon sphere, creating, 326-327

rand function, 329-332

setAttr command, 333

tabs, adding, 324

variables, 329-332

Python, 316


adding to shelves, 335-336

MEL, 316-317

writing, 317-320

syntax, 319

scripts, saving, 328

Sculpt Geometry tool, 285-289

sculpture, supplementing your 3D graphics skills with, 8

seams, placing in UVs, 86

secondary action, 229


objects in camera panel, 20

relationships, 165-167

setAttr command, 333


default scene file type, 31

keyframes with AutoKey, 235

presets, 353

projects, 37

Settings preferences, 452-454

Sew UV Edges command (UV Texture Editor), 86

shaders, 81

Shading Map, 94

shading networks

connections, viewing, 152-154

creating, 108-114

lambert1, 89

shadows, casting, 366-367

breaking links between lights and objects, 379-380

depth map shadows, 367

raytraced shadows, 366-367

enabling, 415

shape nodes, 44

shapes, polygons, 43

shelves, 17-18, 335-336

Polygon tab, 45

Polygon tools

Bevel tool, 51-52

Crease tool, 56

Extrude tool, 51

Insert Edge Loop tool, 52-53

scripts, adding, 335-336

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts; hotkeys

shoulders, adding to character model, 138-139

Shutter Angle attribute (camera), 270, 421

simulating dynamics, 299

apple falling from tree, 302-307

gravity, 308

scrubbing the Timeline, 308

single images, rendering, 402


Forward Kinematics versus inverse kinematics, 189

joints, 188-189

controls, connecting, 203-204

joint chain, finishing, 194-195

mirroring, 194

Null joints, 217

orientation, 196-197

placing, 191-192

Rigid Binds, 212-215

Skincluster deformer, 216

skinning, 211

binds, 211-212

Rigid Binds, 212-215

Smooth Binds, 216

painting weights, 217-221

Add brush, 219

Prune Small Weights tool, 220-221

Replace paint mode, 218

Scale brush, 219

Smooth brush, 219

preparing character rigs for, 206-207

Sam model, 216-217

slow in and slow out, 229

Smooth Binds, 211-212, 216

Smooth brush, 219

Smooth Mesh Preview, 56

adjusting, 143

smoothing, 142-143

Mental Ray, 143

smoothing tools, 54

soft body dynamics, 300

solid drawing, 230

spans, 64

speed of particles, changing, 349-351

spheres, setting on keyframes, 235

spline interpolation, 242

splines, 64

spot lights, 363

attributes, 372-373

squash and stretch, 228

Static Friction attribute, 309

Status Line, 17

Stepped interpolation, 243

Stereo Camera, 272

straight-ahead action, 228-229

suggested settings for batch rendering, 415-416

supplementing your 3D graphics skills

acting, 7

drawing, 7

music, 7-8

painting, 7

photography, 7

sculpture, 8

surface components of curves, splines, 64

surface emitters, 346

Surface shader, 94

surfaces, 61

NURB surfaces, creating, 66-74

Surfaces menu set, 16

switches, placing, 205

switching between MEL and Python, 316

switching between menu sets, 15

symmetry, in modeling, 86

character modeling, 125-127

syntax, writing scripts, 319


tabs, adding in MEL, 324

tangent handles, 241

breaking, 244

Plateau, 242

telephoto, 266

tessellation, 54, 142

testing connections, 158

texture file types, 33-36

JPG file type, 34

TGA file type, 34-35

textures, 81

2D textures, 88

3D textures, 88

applying, 90


applying, 384-385

attributes, modifying, 385-386

ramp textures, 83

TGA files, 34-35

three-point lighting, 374-380

back light, creating, 378-380

fill light, creating, 377-378

key light, creating, 374-377

time formats for animation frames, 230

Time Slider, 23

Timeline, 231

animation, playing, 231

keyframes, 232-233

copying, 238-239

creating, 233-235

manipulating, 236

scrubbing, 308

timing, as principle of animation, 229

Tool Settings window, 19

Toolbox, 19


versus commands, 20

Move tool, 20

Rotate tool, 20

Scale tool, 20

tooltips, enabling, 300

tracked cameras

operating, 424-426

scene scale, 426-428

transform nodes, 44, 171


removing from objects, 174

Translucence Depth option (materials), 92

Translucence Focus option (materials), 92

Translucence option (materials), 92

Transparency option (materials), 91

Trax Editor, 248-250

Tumble Pivot attribute (camera), 271


UI (user interface), 2

Attribute Editor, 21-22

Channel Box, 21

Command Line, 24

displaying, 316

customizing, 450-451

Help Line, 24

hotbox, 18

Layer Editor, 22

main application window, 11

main menu, 14-15

Assets menu, 14

Create menu, 14

Display menu, 14

Edit menu, 14

File menu, 14

Modify menu, 14

Window menu, 14

menu sets

Animation menu set, 15

Dynamics menu set, 16

nDynamics menu set, 16-17

Polygons menu set, 15

Rendering menu set, 16

Surfaces menu set, 16

Outliner, 24-25

panels, 18

panes, clearing, 322

Range Slider, 23-24, 232

Shelf, 17-18

Status Line, 17

Time Slider, 23

Timeline, 231

animation, playing, 231

manipulating, 236

Tool Settings window, 19

Toolbox, 19


Move tool, 20

Rotate tool, 20

Scale tool, 20

Undoable Movements attribute (camera), 271

Use Background shader, 94

user preferences

categories, 450

Display preferences, 452

saving, 454

Settings preferences, 452-454

UI, customizing, 450-451

UV Texture Editor, 82

Cut UV Edges command, 86

Sew UV Edges command, 86

UVs, 82-83, 145-147

creating, 84-87

seams, placing, 86

viewing, 82


variables (MEL), 329-332

vertices, 48

CVs, 63

creating, 69

deformers, 212

poles, 134

view of camera, changing, 263


connections, 152-154

models as mesh, 48

renders in FCheck, 418

UVs, 82

Viewport 2.0, 122

visimes, 284

volume emitters, 346

volume lights, 366


weights, locking. See also painting weights, 221

Window menu, 14

Work Area (Hypershade), 104-105


connecting, 105-108

right-clicking, 105


for character modeling, 136-137

project workflow

best practices, 441-442

case study, 443-444

pull workflow, 442-443

push workflow, 442-443

world origin

camera, 262

placing objects in, 174

writing scripts, 317-320

syntax, 319


X axis, 24

Y axis, 24

Z axis, 24

zooming in and out

camera, 264

in Render View, 404

zooming in and out (camera), 266-267

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