Chapter 9, Performing Network Automation with Python and Ansible

  1. YAML.
  2. /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg.
  3. /etc/ansible/hosts.
  4. Ad hoc commands and playbooks.
  5. The Ansible architecture is agentless in the sense no software or agent has to be installed on the client to communicate back to the server. Instead of relying on remote host agents, Ansible uses SSH to push its changes to the remote host.
  6. The Ansible command for checking the hostname of IP addresses is as follows:
$ ansible all -a "hostname"
  1. We can install by using the following code:
name: Installing Nginx and python
apt: pkg={{ item }}
- ngnix
- python3-minimal
  1. PlaybookExecutor from ansible.executor.playbook_executor.
  2. The ping module.
  3. The AnsibleModule class from the ansible.module_utils.basic package.
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