IP network objects

When working with an IP address that represents a network, we could work with an IPv4Network or IPv6Network object depending on the IP address passed as the argument. For this task, we can use the ip_network() method from the ipaddress module using as parameter a string or integer representing the IP network.

Let's import the ipaddress module and define a net6 network:

 >>> import ipaddress
>>> net6 = ipaddress.ip_network('2001:db8::/48')

Now, we get some useful information, such as version, netmask, and the network/broadcast address:

>>> net6.version
>>> net6.netmask

Similarly, you can find the network and the broadcast addresses of net6 by doing the following:

 >>> net6.network_address
>>> net6.broadcast_address

Also, we can get the number of addresses net6 can hold:

>>> net6.num_addresses
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