66 IBM Cognos Dynamic Cubes
4.2.5 Importing metadata
When you create a new project in Cognos Cube Designer, one of the steps you are asked to
do is to select a data source. The list of data sources you see are those Dynamic Query Mode
(DQM) data sources that exist in the Cognos BI Server environment that you have access to.
When you created the project, you were asked to authenticate with the Cognos BI Server
environment. The list of data sources you see is filtered to show only those DQM data
sources you have access to. If you do not see a data source that you believe you should have
access to, contact your Cognos system administrator to ensure that the correct level of
access is granted.
Generally, you should import the metadata from your reporting data warehouse before you
begin building the dimensions and cubes that will form your application. Although this is the
suggested workflow, you may begin building the framework for your cubes, dimensions, and
measure dimensions, and then import the metadata and perform a mapping exercise to
associate the level attributes with columns in your tables and views. If you are unfamiliar with
your data source, this workflow will be difficult to do; therefore, the suggested workflow is to
import metadata first.
When you select a data source for import, you are presented with a list of the schemas or
databases that you have access to. You may select the schema or database that you want to
use. After you select the schema or database, all objects that you have permission to access
will be imported. In many cases, importing mean the entire contents of the schema or
database. The permissions granted are determined by the credentials that were used when
configuring the data source in Cognos BI Server. If you notice that tables or views that you
were expecting to see are not imported, a permissions issue for the data source might be the
cause. Work with your Cognos system administrator and your DBA to resolve these issues.
After the import is complete, a tree view opens that contains all objects that were imported.
You can expand the tables and views, and select the individual columns to see their
properties in the Properties tab. The Data Source Explorer is a read-only control, so you may
not edit any object in that area.
You may import metadata from more than one data source into your project, however each
cube might contain objects that are sourced from a single data source. The ability to use
multiple cubes from multiple data sources is described in Chapter 6, “Virtual cubes” on
page 133. To import additional metadata from another data source or schema, click Get
Metadata on the toolbar. The list of available data sources, which you saw when creating the
project, are displayed. Repeat the import steps for the data source of your choice. An
accordion control is displayed in the Data Source Explorer so that the individual collections of
metadata are kept separate. You can toggle between these data sources by clicking the tab of
your choice in the Data Source Explorer.
4.2.6 Exploring data using the Relational Explorer Diagram
During the process of building your application, you might want to explore the data source you
are using, to either see what tables are related with primary-foreign key relationships, or how
a dimension table joins to the fact table. Alternatively, you might want to see the contents of
your data source in a more flexible view than the standard tree view in the Data Source
Cognos Cube Designer features an explorer diagram that you can use to see the tables and
views in your data source, and detect how the tables relate to one another. To open the
diagram, right-click a table in the Data Source Explorer control and select Explore Metadata.
The diagram opens and adds the selected table to the default view.
Chapter 4. Modeling dynamic cubes 67
After the explorer diagram is open, you can drag additional tables onto the diagram from the
Data Source Explorer control. Any primary-foreign key relationships that exist are
automatically visible. You can also choose to show any related tables to those already visible
on the diagram. The show joined tables buttons on the toolbar automatically add these tables
to the canvas. Buttons show all related tables or tables that are joined in a 1..n or n..1
relationship to the selected table.
Use the slider control on the toolbar to control the level of detail visible on the canvas. You can
choose to see a low level of detail, such as the table names, or higher levels of detail, such as
the individual columns and keys for the object on the canvas.
Figure 4-5 shows a Relational Explorer Diagram.
Figure 4-5 Relational Explorer Diagram
Diagram is read-only: The diagram is read-only; its purpose is to enable the user to
examine the objects in the data source and how they relate to one another. There is no
ability to edit any of the objects in the diagram, or create new objects. These operations
must be done in either the Project Explorer or the Model Explorer.
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