Electronics All-in-One For Dummies®, UK Edition

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Table of Contents


About This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Staying Safe

Icons Used in This Book

Beyond the Book

Where to Go from Here

Book I: Getting Started with Electronics

Chapter 1: Entering the Exciting World of Electronics

What Is Electricity?

Introducing electricity: Common knowledge

Understanding electricity basics

Discovering the Difference Between Electrical and Electronic Devices

Using the Power of Electronics

Making some noise

Painting with light

Transmitting to the world


Looking Inside Electronic Devices

Chapter 2: Understanding Electricity

Wondering about the Nature of Electricity

Looking for electricity

Peering inside atoms

Examining the elements

Charging ahead

Conducting and Insulating Elements: Current, Voltage and Power

Keeping current

Pushing electrons around: Voltage

Comparing direct and alternating current

Working out with power

Chapter 3: Creating Your Own Mad-Scientist Lab

Setting up Your Lab

Equipping Your Lab

Acquiring basic hand tools

Seeing clearly with magnifying glasses

Getting a firm grip on third hands and hobby vices

Making connections with a soldering iron

Measuring with a multimeter

Using a solderless breadboard

Conducting electricity with wires

Supplying power with batteries

Stocking up on other useful items

Gathering Together the Basic Electronic Components

Curbing current with resistors

Keeping charged with capacitors

Depending on diodes to block or allow current

Producing light with LEDs

Controlling current with transistors

Chipping in with integrated circuits

Chapter 4: Staying Safe

Facing the Shocking Truth about Electrical Dangers

Heeding the warning: Household electrical current can kill you!

Understanding that even relatively small voltages can hurt you

Staying safe by staying dry

Realising that voltage can hide in unexpected places

Considering Other Ways to Stay Safe

Keeping Safety Equipment on Hand

Protecting Your Equipment from Static Discharges

Chapter 5: Reading Schematic Diagrams

Introducing Simple Schematic Diagrams

Laying out a circuit

Connecting or not connecting

Interpreting Symbols in Schematic Diagrams

Looking at commonly used symbols

Representing integrated circuits in a schematic diagram

Simplifying Ground and Power Connections

Labelling Components in a Schematic Diagram

Chapter 6: Building Your Own Electronic Projects

Building an Electronic Project in Five Steps

Envisioning Your Project

Designing Your Circuit

Prototyping Your Circuit on a Solderless Breadboard

Understanding how solderless breadboards work

Laying out your circuit

Assembling the coin-toss circuit on a solderless breadboard

Troubleshooting if your circuit fails to work

Constructing Your Circuit on a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

Understanding how PCBs work

Using a preprinted circuit board

Building the coin-toss circuit on a PCB

Mounting Your Circuit

Finding a suitable enclosure for your circuit

Working with a project box

Chapter 7: Uncovering the Secrets of Successful Soldering

Understanding How Solder Works

Procuring What You Need to Solder

Buying a soldering iron

Stocking up on solder

Getting together the other goodies you need

Preparing to Solder

Soldering a Solid Solder Joint

Checking Your Work

Undoing Your Work: Desoldering

Chapter 8: Measuring Circuits with a Multimeter

Looking at Multimeters

Discovering What a Multimeter Measures

Keeping current with the ammeter

Calculating voltage with the voltmeter

Sensing resistance with the ohmmeter

Meeting some other measurements

Reading schematic symbols for meter functions

Using Your Multimeter

Building a circuit to measure

Measuring current

Measuring voltage

Measuring resistance

Chapter 9: Catching Waves with an Oscilloscope

Understanding Oscilloscopes

Examining Waveforms

Calibrating an Oscilloscope

Displaying Signals

Book II: Working with Basic Electronic Components

Chapter 1: Working with Basic Circuits

What Is a Circuit?

Using Batteries

Introducing the battery

Building a lamp circuit

Working with Switches

Moving switches in different ways

Making connections with poles and throws

Building a switched lamp circuit

Understanding Series and Parallel Circuits

Building a series lamp circuit

Building a parallel lamp circuit

Using Switches in Series and Parallel

Building a series switch circuit

Building a parallel switch circuit

Switching between two lamps

Building a three-way lamp switch

Reversing Polarity

Chapter 2: Working with Resistors

What Is Resistance?

Creating resistance

Measuring resistance

Looking at Ohm’s Law

Introducing Resistors

Reading Resistor Colour Codes

Working out a resistor’s value

Understanding resistor tolerance

Heating Up: Resistor Power Ratings

Limiting Current with a Resistor

Building Resistance in Combination

Combining resistors in series

Combining resistors in parallel

Mixing series and parallel resistors

Assembling resistors in series and parallel

Dividing Voltage with Resistors

Varying Resistance with a Potentiometer

Chapter 3: Working with Capacitors

What Is a Capacitor?

Catching up with capacitors

Knowing the capacitor symbols

Counting Capacitance

Finding out about farads

Reading capacitor values

Sizing Up Capacitors

Calculating Time Constants for Resistor/Capacitor Networks

Looking at the calculations

Appreciating the RC time constant

Combining Capacitors

Combining capacitors in parallel

Connecting capacitors in series

Putting Capacitors to Work

Charging and discharging a capacitor

Blocking DC while passing AC

Chapter 4: Working with Inductors

What Is Magnetism?

Pointing to the north and south of magnetism

Pondering permanent magnets

Examining Electromagnets

Inducing Current

Resisting change: Inductance

Regarding henrys

Calculating RL Time Constants

Calculating Inductive Reactance

Combining Inductors

Putting Inductors to Work

Chapter 5: Working with Diodes and LEDs

What Is a Semiconductor?

Examining elements and atoms

Doping is really rather clever

Combining types into one-way junctions

Discovering Diodes

Boning up on bias

Moving voltage forward – or in reverse

Meeting the many types of diodes

Blocking reverse polarity with a diode

Putting Rectifiers to Work

Looking at rectifier circuits

Building rectifier circuits

Introducing Light-Emitting Diodes

Providing the necessary resistance

Detecting polarity with LEDs

Chapter 6: Working with Transistors

What’s the Big Deal About Transistors?

Peering inside a transistor

Examining transistor specifications

Amplifying Current with a Transistor

Switching with a Transistor

Exploring an NPN transistor switch

Building an LED driver circuit

Walking Through a NOT Gate

Looking at a simple NOT gate circuit

Building a NOT Gate

Oscillating with a Transistor

Inspecting an astable multivibrator

Building an LED flashing circuit

Book III: Working with Integrated Circuits

Chapter 1: Introducing Integrated Circuits

Investigating Integrated Circuits

Manufacturing integrated circuits

Packaging integrated circuits

Depicting ICs in schematic diagrams

Powering ICs

Avoiding Static and Heat Damage

Reading IC Data Sheets

Meeting the Family: Popular Integrated Circuits

555 timer

741 and LM324 Op-Amp

78xx voltage regulator

74xx logic family

Chapter 2: The Fabulous 555 Timer Chip

Examining how the 555 Works

Understanding 555 Modes

Using the 555 in monostable (one-shot) mode

Using the 555 in astable (oscillator) mode

Using the 555 in bistable (flip-flop) mode

Working with the 555 Timer Output

Doubling Up with the 556 Dual Timer

Constructing 555 Chip Projects

Making a one-shot timer

Brightening up with an LED flasher

Employing a set/reset switch

Building a beeper

Chapter 3: Working with Op Amps

Looking at Operational Amplifiers

Understanding Open Loop Amplifiers

Considering Closed Loop Amplifiers

Investigating inverting amplifiers

Reversing inputs: Noninverting amplifiers

Using an Op Amp as a Unity Gain Amplifier

Configuring a voltage follower

Configuring a unity inverter

Comparing Voltages with an Op Amp

Adding Voltages: Summing Amplifiers

Working with Op-Amp ICs

Book IV: Getting into Alternating Current

Chapter 1: Understanding Alternating Current

What Is Alternating Current?

Measuring Alternating Current

Understanding Alternators

Meeting up with Motors

Thinking about Transformers

Coiling up to create energy

Producing huge power efficiently with AC

Chapter 2: Working with Mains Voltage

Adapting the Mains Supply for Use in Your Projects

Staying safe with mains voltage

Understanding live, neutral and earth

Working Safely with Mains Voltage

Wiring and connecting

Protecting mains-voltage circuits with fuses

Controlling mains-voltage circuits using relays

Chapter 3: Supplying Power for Your Electronics Projects

Powering up from Your Electrical Outlet

Using Power Adapters

Understanding the Power Supply

Transforming voltage

Turning AC into DC

Filtering rectified current

Regulating voltage

Book V: Working with Radio and Infrared

Chapter 1: Tuning in to Radio

Rolling with Radio Waves

Transmitting and Receiving Radio Waves

Making waves with radio transmitters

Catching the waves: Radio receivers

Approaching AM Radio

Finding out about FM Radio

Chapter 2: Building a Crystal Radio

Looking at a Simple Crystal Radio Circuit

Gathering Together Your Parts

Creating the Coil

Assembling the Circuit

Stringing up an Antenna

Connecting to Ground

Using Your Crystal Radio

Chapter 3: Working with Infrared

Introducing Infrared Light

Detecting Infrared Light

Creating Infrared Light

Constructing Proximity Detectors

Building a common-emitter proximity detector

Building a common-collector proximity detector

Book VI: Doing Digital Electronics

Chapter 1: Understanding Digital Electronics

Distinguishing Analogue and Digital Electronics

Understanding Binary

Knowing your number systems

Counting by ones

Doing the logic thing

Using Switches to Build Gates

Chapter 2: Getting Logical

Introducing Boolean Logic and Logic Gates

Entering Through the Different Types of Logic Gates

Noting NOT gates

Appraising AND gates

Observing OR gates

Looking at NAND gates

Checking out NOR gates

Going over XOR and XNOR gates

Diving into De Marvellous De Morgan’s Theorem

Understanding that All You Need is NAND (or NOR)

Using universal NAND gates

Combining universal NOR gates

Playing with Gates in Software

Noting Notations

Chapter 3: Putting Logic Circuits to Work

Creating Logic Gates with Transistors

Discovering a transistor NOT gate circuit

Going high with a transistor AND gate circuit

Staying low with a transistor NAND gate circuit

Looking at a transistor OR gate circuit

Knowing about transistor NOR gate circuits

Introducing Integrated Circuit Logic Gates

Making use of the versatile 4000-series logic gates

Building projects with the 4011 Quad Two-Input NAND Gate

Chapter 4: Interfacing to Your Computer’s Parallel Port

Understanding the Parallel Port

Peering into the makeup of a parallel port

Connecting with the DB25 connector and its pins

Pinning your hopes on the pinout assignments

Designing a parallel-port circuit

Working with DB25 connectors

Controlling Parallel-Port Output from an MS-DOS Prompt: Programming from a PC

Using the RELAY command

Creating a command script

Seeing why timing is everything: DELAY and WAITFOR

Building a parallel-port LED flasher

Sussing out Seven-Segment Displays

Introducing the seven-segment display

Building a seven-segment display countdown timer

Driving up the Current

Using Darlington arrays forhigh-current outputs

Building a motor driver

Chapter 5: Getting the Hang of Flip-Flops

Looking at Latches

Going Over Gated Latches

Introducing Flip-Flops

Building flip-flop projects

Debouncing a clock input

Book VII: Working with BASIC Stamp Processors

Chapter 1: Introducing Microcontrollers and the BASIC Stamp

Meeting the Mighty Microcontroller

Working with the BASIC Stamp

Introducing the BASIC Stamp 2 Module

Buying a BASIC Stamp

Working with the BASIC Stamp HomeWork board

Choosing the Board of Education

Connecting to BASIC Stamp I/O pins

Installing the BASIC Stamp Windows Editor

Connecting to a BASIC Stamp

Writing Your First PBASIC Programs

Discovering programming basics

Saying ‘Hello World’

Running the Hello World program

Flashing an LED with a BASIC Stamp

Chapter 2: Programming in PBASIC

Introducing and Using the PBASIC Language

Building a test circuit for the programs

Flashing the LEDs

Commenting to Clarify Your Code

Creating Names in your Programs

Employing Constants as Substitute Values

Assigning Names to I/O Pins

Creating Variables to Use RAM Memory

Carrying out Maths Functions

Making use of IF Statements

Pressing DO Loops into Service

Keeping Count with FOR Loops

Chapter 3: Discovering More PBASIC Programming Tricks

Pushing Buttons with a BASIC Stamp

Checking the Status of a Switch in PBASIC

Randomising Your Programs

Reading a Value from a Potentiometer

Using Subroutines and the GOSUB Command

Chapter 4: Adding Sound and Motion to Your BASIC Stamp Projects

Creating Sound with a Piezo Speaker and a BASIC Stamp

Freaking out with the FREQOUT command

Testing the piezo speaker

Playing with sound effects

Moving by Degrees with a Servo and a BASIC Stamp

Connecting a servo to a BASIC Stamp

Programming a servo in PBASIC

Building a servo project

Book VIII: Having Fun with Special Effects

Chapter 1: Synchronising Sight and Sound with a Colour-Organ Circuit

Considering the Colour-Organ Project

Understanding how the colour organ works

Getting your equipment together

Building the Colour Organ Project

Assembling your colour organ

Thinking inside the (project) box

Wiring up your circuit

Putting Your Colour Organ to Work

Chapter 2: Unearthing Hidden Treasure with a Handy Metal Detector

Uncovering the Big Picture: Project Overview

Scoping out the schematic

Sticking to adhesive precautions

Perusing the parts

Taking Construction Step by Step

Assembling your metal detector circuit

Building the box to house the circuit

Putting it all together

Handling the handle

Trying Out Your Detector

Chapter 3: Making Light Dance to the Music

Illuminating the Big Picture: Project Overview

Scoping out the schematic

Following some wiring tips

Perusing the parts

Taking Construction Step by Step

Building the circuit

Using LEDs to create the lights

Adding the rest of the gubbins

Trying Out Your Dance to the Music Display

Chapter 4: Hacking a Toy to Make a Talking Puppet

Talking about the Big Picture: Project Overview

Scoping out the schematic

Noting some construction issues

Perusing the parts

Taking Construction Step by Step

Creating your puppet’s circuit

Making the box puppet-friendly

Programming fun sounds

Hooking up your puppet

Playing with Your Puppet

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