
Part One Introduction to Economics

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Economics

What Is Economics?

Economics and Scarcity

Scarcity and Choice

Application 1.1: To Work or Not to Work

Efficiency and Equity

Factors of Production

Factors and Income

Scarce Resources

Economic Theory and Policy

Application 1.2: Does Money Buy Happiness?

Economic Theory

Application 1.3: OK, What Are They?

Economic Policy

Up for Debate: Should St. Louis County, Missouri, Impose Mandatory Trash Pickup and Recycling?

Tools of the Economist

Words, Graphs, and Mathematical Equations

Scarcity, Model Building, and Graphs

Modeling Scarcity

Interpreting the Model

Test Your Understanding: Production Possibilities

Macroeconomics and Microeconomics

Critical Thinking Case 1: Difficult Choices in the Extreme



Constructing a Graph

Direct and Inverse Relationships

CHAPTER 2 Economic Decision Making and Economic Systems

Scarcity, the Basic Economic Decisions, and Economic Systems

Economic Systems and the Basic Economic Decisions

Traditional or Agrarian Economies

Economic Decisions in a Traditional Economy

Market Economies

The Operation of a Market Economy

Economic Decisions in a Market Economy

Application 2.1: Saying No!

Evaluating Market Economies

Government Intervention in a Market Economy: A Mixed Economy

Planned Economies

Economic Decisions in a Planned Economy

Evaluating Planned Economies

Mixed Economies

Test Your Understanding: Economic Decision Making and the Circular Flow

Up for Debate: Is Western-Style Development Appropriate for Other Cultures?

Changing Economic Systems

The Realities of Economic Change

Application 2.2: The People's Republic of China

The U.S. Economic System

The British Foundations of the U.S. Economy

Application 2.3: The Factory Girl's Last Day

Historical Highlights in the Development of the U.S. Economy

Critical Thinking Case 2: Judging Economies

CHAPTER 3 Demand, Supply, and Price Determination

Demand and Supply

Demand: The Buyer's Side

Supply: The Seller's Side

Market Demand, Market Supply, and Price Setting

Market Demand and Market Supply

Markets and Price Setting

Application 3.1: The Laws of Demand and Supply

Equilibrium Price and Equilibrium Quantity

Changes in Quantity Demanded and Quantity Supplied

Changes in Demand and Supply

Changes in Demand

Changes in Supply

Application 3.2: The Rise and Fall of Low Carbs

Changes in Quantity Demanded or Supplied and Changes in Demand or Supply: A Crucial Distinction

Changes in Equilibrium Price and Equilibrium Quantity

Effect of Increases and Decreases in Demand

Effect of Increases and Decreases in Supply

Effect of Changes in Both Demand and Supply

Test Your Understanding: Changes in Demand and Supply

Limiting Price Movements

Price Ceilings

Price Floors

Price Elasticity of Demand and Supply

Application 3.3: Is Rent Control a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?

Up for Debate: Is It a Mistake to Raise the Minimum Wage?

Price Elasticity of Demand

Application 3.4: Peanut Butter: A Yummy Staple

Price Elasticity of Supply

Critical Thinking Case 3: How Do Supply and Demand Work in Health Care?


Measuring Price Elasticity

Determining Percentage Changes

Part Two The Macroeconomy

CHAPTER 4 Goals and Problems of the Macroeconomy: Employment, Prices, and Production

Unemployment and Full Employment

Consequences of Unemployment

Types of Unemployment

Application 4.1: What's at Stake When a Job Is Lost?

Employment and Unemployment: Measures and Statistics

Labor Force, Participation Rates, and Unemployment

Calculating Unemployment Statistics

Interpreting Unemployment Statistics

The Goal of Full Employment

Inflation and Stable Prices

Consequences of Inflation

Causes of Inflationary Pressure

Application 4.2: The $4 Summer of 2008

Measures of Inflation

Deflation and Disinflation


Full Production and Economic Growth

Up for Debate: Will Policies to Protect the Environment Slow Economic Growth?

Measures of Production

Does GDP Tell the Whole Story?

Test Your Understanding: Calculating Price Indexes and GDP

Application 4.3: A Tale of Two Families


A Possible Policy Problem

Critical Thinking Case 4: Statistics and Decision Making

CHAPTER 5 Foundations of the Macroeconomy

Changes in Macroeconomic Activity

Business Cycles

Causes of Economic Fluctuations

Application 5.1: What's Causing the Economy to Change?

Total Spending and Macroeconomic Activity

The Household Sector

Up for Debate: Is Saving a Healthy Habit?

The Business Sector

Application 5.2: Interest Rates and Investment Spending

The Government Sector

The Foreign Sector

Summary of Aggregate Spending, Leakages, and Injections

The Multiplier Effect

Application 5.3: Ripples through the Economy

A Word about Inflation

Test Your Understanding: Changes in Economic Activity

A Word about Expectations

Macroeconomic Predictors and Policies

Application 5.4: Unconventional Indicators of Economic Health

Critical Thinking Case 5: Getting Smarter

CHAPTER 6 The Role of Government in the Macroeconomy

Government Expenditures and Revenues

Government Expenditures

Government Revenues

Progressive, Proportional, and Regressive Taxes

Up for Debate: Should the Federal Income Tax Be Changed to a Flat Tax?

Application 6.1: A Chronology of Federal Income Tax Policies

Tax Reform and Issues

Fiscal Policy

The Mechanics of Fiscal Policy

Discretionary and Automatic Fiscal Policy

Economic Stimulus: 2008 and 2009

Government Budgets

Types of Budgets

Application 6.2: How Much Do We Love Granny?

The Budget and Fiscal Policy: Tying Them Together

The Realities of Fiscal Policy and the Federal Budget

Test Your Understanding: Government's Impact on the Macroeconomy

The National Debt

Application 6.3: U.S. Treasury Securities

Financing the National Debt

Size of the National Debt

Assessing the Debt

Crowding Out

Critical Thinking Case 6: Nimby (Not in My Backyard)

CHAPTER 7 Money, Financial Institutions, and the Federal Reserve


The Definition and Functions of Money

Application 7.1: Fixed Assets, or: Why a Loan in Yap Is Hard to Roll Over

The Money Supply

Financial Depository Institutions

Commercial Banks

Application 7.2: Am I Covered?

Other Financial Depository Institutions

The Federal Reserve System

Organization of the Federal Reserve System

Functions of the Federal Reserve Banks

Test Your Understanding: Changes in a Bank's Reserve Account

Recent Trends In Financial Institutions

Legislative Changes

Structural Changes

The Financial Crisis of 2007–2009

Application 7.3: Ben Bernanke's Reflections on the Financial Crisis

Up for Debate: Should Congress Enact More Stringent Regulations over the Banking System?

Critical Thinking Case 7: Cigarette Money

CHAPTER 8 Money Creation, Monetary Theory, and Monetary Policy

The Money Supply and the Level of Economic Activity

The Equation of Exchange

Money Creation

The Process of Money Creation

Application 8.1: Questions and Answers about Reserves and Loans

The Multiple Expansion of Money

Excess Reserves, Interest Rates, and the Level of Spending

Determining Interest Rates on Loans

Application 8.2: An Interest Rate Primer

The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy

Monetary Policy Tools

Test Your Understanding: Financial Depository Institution Calculations

Application 8.3: Who Is the Most Powerful Person in the United States?

Government Deficits and Monetary Policy

Advantages and Disadvantages of Monetary Policy

Up for Debate: Should the Federal Reserve Be Placed under the Direct Control of Congress?

Critical Thinking Case 8: The Fed and the Great Depression

CHAPTER 9 Macroeconomic Viewpoints and Models

Macroeconomic Model Building

A Warning

Viewpoints and Models

Classical Economics

Application 9.1: Paying Close Attention to Models: It's Worth the Effort

Application 9.2: The Academic Scribblers

Keynesian Economics

New Classical Economics

New Keynesian Economics


Supply-Side Economics

Test Your Understanding: Classical, Keynesian, and New Classical Models

Up for Debate: Should Government's Role in Influencing Economic Activity Be Reduced?

A Final Word on Macroeconomic Viewpoints

Application 9.3: The World According To …

Critical Thinking Case 9: Does Anyone Care What Economists Think?

Part Three The Microeconomy

CHAPTER 10 Households and Businesses: An Overview

Overview of Households

Household Income and Expenditures

Goals and Decisions of Individuals in Households

Application 10.1: Family Gossip

Overview of Business

Application 10.2: You Decide

Legal Forms of Business

Numbers and Sizes of Businesses

Business Ownership of Business

Test Your Understanding: The Price of Stock Shares

Goals and Decisions of Business Firms

Application 10.3: Two Profiles: Starbucks and Kraft Foods

Up for Debate: Should Profitable Businesses Be Expected to Actively Participate in Improving Their Communities?

Critical Thinking Case 10: Time to Maximize

CHAPTER 11 Benefits, Costs, and Maximization

Balancing Benefits And Costs: The Individual

Defining Benefits and Costs

Measuring Benefits and Costs

Maximizing Satisfaction

Application 11.1: Do It Yourself

Graphing Costs, Benefits, and Net Benefit

Balancing Benefits and Costs: The Business

Defining Benefits and Costs

Measuring Revenues and Costs

Application 11.2: You Need An Economist

Maximizing Profit

Graphing Costs, Revenues, and Profit

Social Benefits and Costs

Test Your Understanding: Maximizing Profit

Maximizing Society's Net Benefit

Application 11.3: The Real Cost of Smoking

Public Choice

Up for Debate: Should Drivers Be Banned from Using Cell Phones while Operating a Vehicle?

Maximizing Behavior and the Voting Process

Critical Thinking Case 11: A Spoonful of Sugar

CHAPTER 12 Production and the Costs of Production

Production Basics

Sectors and Industries

Methods of Production

Economic Time, Production, and the Costs of Production

Application 12.1: Do You Know a Modern-Day Luddite?

Up for Debate: Should the Same Cost Measures Used by Businesses Apply to Government and Nonprofits?

Short-Run Costs

The Pattern of Short-Run Costs

The Law of Diminishing Returns

Test Your Understanding: Calculating Costs and Averages

Long-Run Costs

Application 12.2: Are Wellness Programs Cost Effective?

Application 12.3: A Distance-Ed Student Puts His Lessons To Work on a Farm

Critical Thinking Case 12: The Human Factor


A Further Look at Short-Run Average and Marginal Costs

Calculating Average Fixed and Average Variable Costs

Graphing Average and Marginal Cost Curves

CHAPTER 13 Competition and Market Structures

Defining a Market

Application 13.1: Defining the Boundaries of a Market: The NCAA Case

The Market Structures

Pure Competition

Characteristics of Pure Competition

Behavior of a Firm in Pure Competition

Application 13.2: The Farmers' Almanac: It's a Necessity

Is There Pure Competition?

Monopolistic Competition

Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition

Behavior of a Firm in Monopolistic Competition

Up for Debate: Does Nonprice Competition Waste Resources?


Characteristics of Oligopoly

Behavior of a Firm in an Oligopolistic Market


Characteristics of Monopoly

Behavior of a Monopolist

Application 13.3: Patents Work—for a While

Market Structures, the Consumer, and Efficiency

Critical Thinking Case 13: The $800 Haircut


Determining the Profit-Maximizing Price and Output for the Firm In Pure Competition

Profit-Maximizing Behavior

Determining the Profit-Maximizing Price and Output for the Firm with a Downward-Sloping Demand Curve

Profit-Maximizing Behavior

Test Your Understanding: Maximizing Profit and Minimizing Loss

CHAPTER 14 Government and the Markets

Antitrust Enforcement

The Antitrust Laws

Application 14.1: Cases Involving the Sherman Act

Application 14.2: Cases Involving the Clayton Act and its Amendments

Application 14.3: Antitrust Enforcement up Close and Personal

Government Regulation

The Structure of Regulation

Industry Regulation

Social Regulation

Test Your Understanding: Government and Business

The Performance of Regulation

Up for Debate: Has Our Enthusiasm for Regulation Gone Too Far?

Critical Thinking Case 14: Eminent Domain: In the Public Interest or Not?

CHAPTER 15 Labor Markets, Unions, and the Distribution of Income

Labor Markets

The Demand for Labor

The Supply of Labor

Test Your Understanding: A Small Business Determines Its Demand for Employees

Changes in Labor Demand and Supply

Application 15.1: Go Green

Modifications of the Labor Demand and Supply Model

Labor Unions

Types of Unions and Union Membership

Collective Bargaining

Collective Bargaining and the Law

The Distribution of Income

Differences in Income

Application 15.2: Making the Most of Intellectual Capital


Application 15.3: Homeless Families with Children

Up for Debate: Should There Be a Work Requirement for Those Seeking Public Assistance?

Critical Thinking Case 15: Income Distribution: Are the Shares of the Pie Fair?

Part Four The International Economy

CHAPTER 16 International Trade

An Overview of U.S. International Trade

The Size and Composition of U.S. Trade

Application 16.1: A Sad Story

Comparative Advantage and International Trade

Scarcity and Specialization

The Principle of Comparative Advantage

Test Your Understanding: Comparative Advantage

Free Trade and Protectionism

Trade-Restricting Policies

Free Trade Arguments

Protectionist Arguments

The Real World of International Trade

Application 16.2: Gloria Flunks the Professor

Up for Debate: Should Trade Be Restricted if It Results in Environmental Damage?

Critical Thinking Case 16: A Petition (by Frederic Bastiat, 1801–1850)

CHAPTER 17 International Finance

Exchanging Currencies

Exchange Rates

The Determination of Exchange Rates

Understanding Foreign Exchange Markets

Application 17.1: Foreign Exchange Markets

Application 17.2: Does a Lower-Valued Dollar Help the Economy?

Test Your Understanding: Changes in Exchange Rates

International Financial Transactions and Balances

The Current Account

Application 17.3: A Prized Export?

The Capital Account

Balancing the Accounts

Challenges To The International Financial System

External Debt Issues

Monetary Integration in Europe

Up for Debate: Euro-Dreams

Critical Thinking Case 17: Helping Poor Countries


Answers to “Test Your Understanding”


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