Abandoned boats, economic health indicator, 167a

Academic writers, 263a

Accounts, balancing, 498

ACH. See Automated Clearing House

Acquisition, definition, 295, 511

Actual reserves, definition, 234, 507

Adams, Walter, 407

Adaptive expectations, definition, 272, 507

AFL-CIO, 507

Aggregate demand (AD)

change, 264

classical economics, 264f

curve, 270271

graph, 270f

increase, example, 265

manipulation, 271272

new classical economics model, 270271

chart, 270f

Aggregate spending (total spending), 146150

definition, 515

summary, 160161

Aggregate supply (AS)

classical economics, 264f

manipulation, 271272

new classical economics model, 261

Agrarian economies, 37, 38

definition, 38, 515

American Needle, Inc. v. National Football League et al., 411a

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), definition, 185

Antitrust case, accused (impact), 367

Antitrust enforcement, 406415

examination, 414a

Antitrust laws, 407415

administration, 407

definition, 406, 507

Antitrust penalties, 412414415


appreciation, 116

definition, 212, 507

value, change, 114

Assumptions, 1314

definition, 13, 507

Attempts to monopolize, definition, 407, 512

Automated Clearing House (ACH) network, definition, 218, 507

Automatic fiscal policy (automatic stabilization), 183, 184

definition, 184, 507

Automotive Products Trade Act, 472

Availabilities, buyer expectations, 74

Average fixed cost, definition, 507

Averages, calculation, 349

Average total cost (ATC), 352t. See also Long-run average total cost

curve, 372

definition, 344, 345t, 507

example, 344t

patterns, 347348

Average values, marginal values (relationship), 348

Average variable cost, definition, 507



demand, examples, 65t, 66t, 67t, 68t

demand/supply, examples, 70t, 71f

Balanced budget, definition, 186, 507

Balance of trade. See U.S. balance of trade

deficit, definition, 496, 507

definition, 496, 507

surplus, definition, 496, 507

Balances. See International financial transactions/balances

Bank holding company

definition, 507

example, 298f

Banking. See Branch banking; Correspondent banking; Interstate banking; Shadow banking

organization, size (determination), 220221

system. See Dual banking system.

excess reserves, increase, 238

regulations, Congressional enactment (discussion), 224

Bankruptcy-prone position, 212

Banks. See Federal Reserve; National banks; State banks

excess reserve

increase, example, 237

loan-making capability, 236237

failures, 212213

increase, 213

regulation, 212


account, changes, 219

calculations, example, 235t

Bargaining. See Collective bargaining

power, inequality, 445

Barriers to entry, definition, 369, 507

Barter, definition, 38, 507

Barter system, 204205

definition, 204

Base year, definition, 119, 507

Basic economic decisions

definition, 36, 507

economic systems, relationship, 3738, 37f

scarcity, relationship, 37f

BEA. See Bureau of Economic Analysis

Behavior, maximization, 327

Benefits. See Marginal benefit; Total benefit

balancing (businesses), 315320

balancing (individuals), 306315

case study, 333334

defining, 306307, 315316

discussion questions, 332

graphing, 313315

measurement, 308309

review questions, 329331

answers, 522

summary, 327329

utility points, example, 311t

Bernanke, Ben, 223, 249

chairmanship, 214

Board of directors. See Corporate board of directors

Board of Governors, 249

definition, 214, 507

Bond, definition, 294, 507

Bondholder, creditor (comparison), 294


household/business relationships, 154f

relationships, 149f

Brady Plan, definition, 500, 507

Branch banking, definition, 221, 507

Brazilian reals

price/quantity, inverse relationship, 488

supply/demand, 490f

U.S. dollar exchange rate, 490

U.S. dollars demand curve, 489f

U.S. dollars supply curve, 489f

Breaking even

definition, 372, 509

example, graph, 373f

British Industrial Revolution, 5253

Budgets. See Balanced budget; Deficit budget; Government; Surplus; Unified budget

figures, 187189

fiscal policy, relationship, 190

types, 186189

Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), production data, 108

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Current Population Survey, 111

employment/price level information, 108

Business cycles, 142145

definition, 142, 507

phases, 142143

graph, 144f


benefits/costs, balancing, 315320

business ownership, 295, 297298

case study, 304

cost measures, usage, 342

decisions, 291292

definition, 291, 507

discussion questions, 303

employee demand, determination, 438439

goods/service selection, 338

government, relationship (understanding), 423

investment spending, saving/taxes (relationships), 154f

legal forms, 292295

loss minimization, 298

market, comparison, 366367

numbers, 295

overview, 291300

production methods, cost reduction, 440

profitability, community improvement role (discussion), 300

profit maximization, 298

review questions, 302303

answers, 521

risk, competition (impact), 406

sizes, 295

summary, 301

unfair competition, FTC perspective, 410

unit cost analysis, 345

Business firms

goals/decisions, 298300

nonprice competition, attraction, 379

Business sector, 151155

circular flow, relationship, 153

Business spending

profit expectations, 152

relationship, 232


expectations, 74

incomes, 74

number, 75


Candidates, information seeking, 327

Capital, definition, 9, 507

Capital account

definition, 498, 507

loan making, 498499

Capital goods

analysis, 465

definition, 21, 507

Capitalism. See Laissez-faire capitalism

definition, 39, 507

Career decision making, examples, 292a

Carnegie, Andrew, 54

Cartel, definition, 386, 507

Cause-and-effect relationship, 13

support/denial, 14

Celler-Kefauver Act, 412

definition, 412, 507

Cell phones

garden tractors, combinations, 20f, 20t

service market, 382

usage, ban (discussion), 326

Certificate of deposit (CD), nominal interest rate (example), 115116

Change in demand, definition, 507

Change in labor demand/supply, definition, 442, 507

Change in supply, definition, 507

Change in the quantity of labor demanded/supplied, definition, 442, 507

Charter authority, 212

Checkable deposits

chronology, 208t

definition, 208, 513

Checks, clearing, 217218

Federal Reserve system flowchart, 218f

Check 21, definition, 217218, 507


difficulty, case study, 29

scarcity, relationship, 58

Circular flow

business sector, relationship, 153

foreign sector, relationship, 158, 160f

government sector, relationship, 156

household sector, relationship, 148150

model, definition, 39, 507

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), establishment, 55

Civilian labor force/subgroups, participation rates, 110t

Civil War, U.S. economy, 5354

Clark, John Maurice, 406

Classical economics, 261265

aggregate supply/demand, chart, 264f

definition, 261262, 507

model, understanding, 274

Clayton Act (1914), 54, 410411

cases, 413a

definition, 410, 507

Closed economy, definition, 507

Coffee prices, coffee demand

equation, 19

relationship, 18f

Cola, demand schedule (example), 74t

Collective bargaining, 446447

definition, 447, 507

law, relationship, 447

Combinations/conspiracies in restraint of trade, definition, 407, 507

Command economies, 37

definition, 45, 513

Commercial banks, 211213

definition, 211, 507

incorporation, 211212

ranking, 221t

regulation, 211212

uniqueness, 211

Commodity monetary standards, 210

definition, 508

Common stock, definition, 294, 508

Community improvement, business role (discussion), 300

Comparative advantage

definition, 469, 508

international trade, relationship, 468471

principle, 469471

understanding, 471

Competition. See Monopolistic competition; Nonprice competition; Pure competition

case study, 396

discussion questions, 394395

increase, 474

injury, price discrimination (impact), 411

review questions, 393394

answers, 523

summary, 391392

Competitive labor market, graph, 433f

Competitive seller. See Monopolistically competitive seller

Conclusions, usage, 1415

Conglomerate merger, definition, 297, 412, 508

Conspirators, economic impact, 146a

Constant GDP (real GDP), 127128

Constant returns to scale, 351354

definition, 353, 508

Consumer, market structures (relationship), 390391

Consumer choice, 43

Consumer goods, definition, 21, 508

Consumer Price Index (CPI), 119, 120121

annual percentage changes, 122f

definition, 120, 508

statistics, 120t

Consumer Product Safety Commission, 56

differences, 422

Consumer units, annual expenditures (data), 287288

Core values, exercise, 6t

Corporate board of directors, definition, 295, 508

Corporate stock, ownership, 295

Corporation, 294295

acquisition, 297

definition, 294, 508

establishment, 294

number/receipts, 297t

owners, profit (receiving), 294

profit maximization, manager motivation, 300

structure, 295f

Correspondent banking, definition, 218, 508

Cost-benefit analysis, definition, 306, 508

Cost-benefit principles, application, 313

Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)

definition, 115, 508

receiving, 122

Cost per unit

decrease, 348

increase, 353

Cost-plus pricing, definition, 421, 508

Cost-push inflation, 117118

definition, 117, 507

demand-pull inflation, simultaneity, 118

example, 118a

Costs. See Explicit costs; Implicit costs; Total cost, Marginal cost

balancing (businesses), 315320

balancing (individuals), 306315

calculation, understanding, 349

case study, 333334

categorization, 315

defining, 306307, 315316

discussion questions, 332

example, 318t, 319t

graphing, 313315, 320

measurement, 308310, 316, 318319

pattern, impact, 350

review questions, 329331

answers, 522

summary, 327329

utility points, example, 311t

Country, comparative advantage, 469

Craft union, definition, 445, 508

Creative destruction

definition, 340, 508

impact, 341a

occurrence, 340

Crops, markets, 369

Crowding out, 195196

definition, 195, 250, 508


chronology, 208t

circulation, 216217

definition, 207, 508

exchange, 486494

rate, 486487

price quotes, 491

Current account, 495497

deficit, definition, 497, 508

definition, 495, 508

surplus, definition, 497, 508

Current GDP (money GDP/nominal GDP), definition, 127, 512

Current Population Survey (BLS), 111

Cyclical unemployment, 105

definition, 106107, 508


Data collection/analysis, 14

Dealer, Fed securities purchase, 247

Debt. See National debt


definition, 250, 512

impact, 251f

service, definition, 195, 508

Decision makers, scarcity/choice/influences, 7f

Deficit budget, definition, 186, 508

Deflation, 122123

definition, 122, 508

Degree-granting institution fees, graphs, 33f

Demand, 6468, 397. See also Derived demand

buyer's side, 6465

case study, 96

changes, 7375

definition, 73

effect, 82

factors, 492

understanding, 83

classical economics. See Aggregate demand.

decrease, 80

definition, 75, 508

effect, graph, 81f

graph, 76f

definition, 64, 508

deposit, 207208

chronology, 208t

definition, 207, 508

discussion questions, 95

example, 65t

graph, 401f

graphing, 65

increase, 80

definition, 75, 510

effect, graph, 81f

graph, 76f

law, 6465

definition, 511

nonprice factors, 74

definition, 512

price elasticity, 86, 8891

factors, 8889

total revenue, relationship, 90t

quantity demanded/supplied, changes, 7880

graph, 79f

review questions, 9395

answers, 518

schedule, definition, 64, 508

summary, 9192

taste/fashion/popularity, impact, 74

Demand curve

definition, 65, 371, 508

graph, 437f

movement, 73

surpluses/shortages, measurement, 72f

Demand curve for labor, definition, 436, 508

Demand-pull inflation

cost-push inflation, simultaneity, 118

definition, 117, 508

Department of Justice, responsibility, 407

Depository institutions

excess reserves, change, 241

loans, variation, 240

money transfer, 235


loss, 235

requirement, 234

Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (1980), definition, 219, 508

Deregulation, definition, 423, 508

Derived demand, definition, 433, 508

Devaluation, definition, 488, 508

Developing countries, external debt (ranking), 499t

Diesel fuel sales, economic health indicator, 167a

Differentiated products, definition, 377, 508

Diminishing marginal utility, law (definition), 309

Diminishing returns, law, 348, 350

definition, 348

Direct relationship, 3133

definition, 18, 508

example, 32f

graph, 32f

Discount rate, 244245. See also Federal Reserve

definition, 245, 508

Discouraged workers, definition, 112, 508

Discretionary fiscal policy, 183184

definition, 183184, 508

Discrimination. See also Income

definition, 451, 508

Diseconomies of scale, 351354, 373

definition, 353, 508

existence, 353

Disinflation, 122123

definition, 123, 508

Distribution of income. See Income

definition, 448, 508

Diversification, 474475

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010)

definition, 220, 508

passage, 225

Do-it-yourself projects, application, 313a

Dollars. See U.S. dollars

spending, comparison, 289

Domestic employment, 474

Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), 477

Dr. Miles Medical Co. v. John D. Parks & Sons, Co., 410a

Dual banking system, definition, 212, 508

Dumping, definition, 475, 508

Durable goods, definition, 288, 508


Earning groups, classification, 10

Easy money policy, definition, 244, 508

Econometrics, definition, 14, 509

Economic activity

changes, 161t

understanding, 165

circular flow, 40f

globalization, 464

government influence, role (discussion), 275

injections, 161t

leakages, 161t

level, relationship, 242f

long-term view, graph, 144f

Economic activity level

graph, 145f

money supply, relationship, 232234

relationships, 239t

total spending, relationship, 147f

Economic change, realities, 50

Economic cost of production, 315

definition, 509

Economic decision making

answers, 517518

circular flow, understanding, 48

continuum, 47f

Economic decisions, 2628. See also Basic economic decisions

case study, 61

discussion questions, 5960

impact, 288

review questions, 5859

summary, 5658

Economic growth

achievement, 124125

costs, 125126

deceleration, environmental protection (impact), 126

definition, 21, 123, 509

full production, relationship, 123126

illustration, 124f

real output per capita. See U.S. economic growth.

Economic health, indicators, 167a

Economic individualism, rise, 5152

Economic loss

definition, 372, 509

example, graph, 373f

monopolistically competitive seller, operation, 380f

Economic policy, 11, 1617

decisions, 1617

definition, 16, 509

illustration, 16f

making, 16

media attention, 12

Economic profit

definition, 372, 509

earning, ability, 385

example, graph, 373f

excess profit, definition, 316

monopolistically competitive seller, operation, 380f

seller earnings, 380

Economic Report of the President economic indicators, 108

Economics. See Classical economics; Keynesian economics; New classical economics; New Keynesian economics

case study, 29

definition, 49, 509

discussion questions, 28

information, 4

institutional information/skills, 45

review questions, 2527

answers, 517

scarcity, relationship, 5

study, reason, 4

summary, 2425

tools, 1719

Economic stabilization, 184185

Economic systems, 3638. See also U.S. economic system

basic economic decisions, relationship, 3738, 37f

case study, 61

change, 4950

definition, 37, 509

discussion questions, 5960

review questions, 5859

answers, 517518

scarcity, relationship, 37f

summary, 5658

Economic theory, 1117

definition, 1215, 509

illustration, 16f

set, term (usage), 326327

support, arguments (usage), 15a

Economic time, 340354

Economic well–being, maximization

balance, 289

definition, 288289, 511

goal, 326327

Economies, judgment, 61

Economies of scale, 351354, 373

definition, 351352, 509

existence, 353

graph, 420f

impact, 419


requirement, 317a

scenario, 476a

Economy. See Market economy; Open economy

change, causes, 146a

fluctuations, causes, 145146

global playing field, 276

impacts, 164a

producing sectors, 337t

variables (explanation), economic theories (usage), 17

Edsel (Ford), mistake, 41a


impact. See Income.

levels, 449t

Efficiency, 43

definition, 8, 509

equity, relationship, 89

market structures, relationship, 390391

monopolist, 387389

monopolistic competition, 380381

oligopolistic market, 385

Efficient method of production, definition, 339, 509

Efficient production, definition, 374, 509

Elasticity coefficient, definition, 509

Elastic price change, definition, 89, 509

Electronic payment clearing, 217218


definition, 473, 509

imposition, 475

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (2008), definition, 220, 509

Employee demand, business determination, 438439

Employer, bargaining power, 445

Employment. See Underemployment; Unemployment

answers, 518

goal. See Full employment.

measures/statistics, 108113

Employment Act (1946), 55

definition, 104, 509

Entitlements, definition, 188, 509

Entrepreneurship, definition, 9, 509

Entry, 369

barriers, 385

definition, 369, 507

restriction, 385

Environment, protection (impact), 126

Environmental damage, trade restriction (discussion), 478

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 56

pollution standards, 415

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 56

authority, 415

Equation of exchange, 233234

definition, 233, 509


changes, charts, 269f

chart, 268f

example, 266267

macroeconomic impact, 265266

Equilibrium price, 7173

changes, 8082

definition, 71, 509

increases/decreases, effect, 80

Equilibrium quantity, 7173

changes, 8082

definition, 71, 509

demand, increases/decreases (effect), 80

Equity, 43

definition, 9, 509

efficiency, relationship, 89

Euro, creation, 501

Europe, monetary integration, 500502

European Monetary System (EMS), definition, 500, 509

European Union (EU), 500

definition, 477, 509

discussion, 501

exchange rate, 487

Events, cause-and-effect interpretation, 1213

Excess profit (economic profit)

definition, 316, 509

seller earnings, 380

Excess reserves, 239243

amount, control, 238239

change, 238, 241

impact, 242f

definition, 234, 509

determination, 234

increase, 241

loan making, relationship, 235236

loan-making capability, 236237

relationship, 242f


equation, 233234

definition, 233, 509

market. See Foreign exchange markets.

medium, definition, 204, 511

Exchange rates, 486487. See Fixed exchange rates; Flexible exchange rates

changes, 491492

impact, 494

understanding, 494

definition, 486, 509

determination, 487490

Exclusive dealing arrangement

case, 411a

definition, 408, 509

Exit, 369

Expectations, 165166

definition, 165, 509

role, 118

Explicit costs, definition, 315, 509


definition, 158, 464, 509

foreign students, 497a

trading partners, ranking, 467t

External debt

definition, 498, 509

issues, 498500

coverage, 500

opportunity cost, 499500

problem, 499

ranking. See Developing countries.

Externality. See Negative externality; Positive externality

definition, 320, 509

impact, 324


F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd et al. v. Empagran S. A. et al., 410a

Factors, income (relationship), 10

Factors of production (resources), 911

Factory Girl's Last Day, poem, 53a

Fairness, 9


contribution, example, 131a

gossip, satisfaction, 291a

poverty level, 451t

Farmers' Almanac, necessity, 374a

Farm work, lessons, 354a

Federal budget

realities, 190192

receipts/outlays/surpluses, 187t

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), actions, 415

Federal debt, increase, 56

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 55

coverage, example, 213a

definition, 212, 509

establishment, 212

Federal Funds market, 245

definition, 509

Federal Funds rate

definition, 247, 509

Open Market Operations, relationship, 247248

Federal government expenditures, 175t

categories, 176t

function, 178f

Federal government revenue, sources, 179t

Federal government unified balance, 188t

Federal income tax (flat tax discussion), 180

policies, chronology, 181a

Federal minimum wage, change, 444f

Federal on-budget/off-budget balances, 188t

Federal regulatory agencies, chronology, 416t417t

Federal Reserve

accounts, maintenance, 216


definition, 215

functions, 215218

Board of Governors, 249

definition, 214

case study, 230

congressional control, question, 252

discount rates, 246t

discussion, 212

questions, 228229

districts, 216f

member banks, supervision/examination, 215216

monetary policy, 243253

notes, definition, 207, 509

review questions, 227228

answers, 520

summary, 225226

system, 214219

check clearing, flowchart, 218f

definition, 214, 509

functional structure, 215f

organization, 214215

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 407

establishment, 54

Federal Trade Commission Act, 409410

definition, 409, 509

Financial crisis (2007–2009), 222225

Bernanke perspective, 223a

mortgage market, impact, 222

Financial depository institutions (FDIs), 211214

calculations, understanding, 248

definition, 211, 509

loans, 211

Financial holding company, definition, 220, 509

Financial institutions

case study, 230

definition, 149, 509

discussion questions, 228229

legislative changes, 219220

loan making, 235

review questions, 227228

answers, 520

structural changes, 220222

summary, 225226

trends, 219225

Finished goods, value (measure), 126127

Firm behavior, 390t

monopolistic competition, 378381

oligopolistic market, 383385


characteristics, 390t

demand curve, graph, 437f

loss minimization

determination, 398399

downward-sloping demand curve, 402f

nonprice decisions, influence, 366

output, determination, 397400

price, influence, 366

products, sale, 377

profit maximization

determination, 398399

downward-sloping demand curve, 402f

profit-maximizing output, downward-sloping demand curve, 402f

profit-maximizing price, determination, 397400

wage, payment willingness, 433

Fiscal policy, 182185

budget, relationship, 190

definition, 166, 182, 509

mechanics, 183

realities, 190192

summary, 185t

Fixed assets, 206a

Fixed costs, definition, 341, 509

Fixed exchange rates, 487488

definition, 488, 509

Fixed factors, definition, 341, 509

Flat tax (proportional tax), 179180

discussion, 180, 513

Flexible exchange rates (floating exchange rates), 488, 490

definition, 488, 510

Floating exchange rates, 488, 490

definition, 488.510

Food, law of diminishing marginal utility, 309

Food and Drug Act (1906), 55

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), actions, 415

Food products, problem, 41a

Foreign currencies

demand/supply, changes, 493f

U.S. dollar, exchange rates, 487t

Foreign exchange markets (forex markets)

definition, 490

demand/supply, factors, 492494

explanation, 491a

money, supply/demand (factors), 494

understanding, 490494

Foreign sector, 158160

circular flow, relationship, 158, 160f

Foreign trade effect, definition, 261, 510

Free enterprise, definition, 39, 510

Free market approach, 50

Free trade

arguments, 473474

definition, 471, 510

merits, debate, 472

protectionism, impact, 472478

Frictional unemployment, 105

definition, 106, 510

Friedman, Milton, 263, 273

Full employment, 104107

attainment, 268

definition, 510

goal, 112113

meaning, 113

Full production

definition, 123, 510

economic growth, relationship, 123126

output, increase, 123124

Future income, buyer expectation, 74

Future market conditions, expectations, 77


Garden tractors, cell phones (combination), 20f, 20t

Gasoline, law of demand, 69a

GDP. See Gross Domestic Product

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), definition, 477, 510

Generalized System of Preferences, 472

General partner, definition, 293, 510

General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (Keynes), 265

Geographic boundary of a market, definition, 367, 510

Goods. See Durable goods; Nondurable goods

availability, 474

consumption, satisfaction (maximization), 289

government purchases, definition, 510

labor, total product/marginal product, 434t

movement, 464

price per unit, 435t

prices, substitutes/complements (relationship), 75

production, 468a

tariffs, 473t

examples, 472

total product, example, 435t

U.S. exports/imports, 465t


government purchases, definition, 155, 176, 510

production, 468a

business decisions, 42

production decision, 4041

real government purchases, 156f

real U.S. exports/imports, 159f

real U.S. net exports, 159f

receiving, identification, 42

U.S. exports/imports, 465t


benefit programs, average monthly payments, 454t

borrowing, impact, 251f

budgets, 186192

business, relationship (understanding), 423

case study, 428429

cost measures, usage, 342

deficits, monetary policy, 250251

discussion questions, 427

expenditures, 175177

categories, 176177

fiscal agents. See U.S. government.

programs, poverty (relationship), 453455

purchases of goods/services, definition, 155, 176, 510

regulation, 45, 415424

definition, 415, 510

representatives, 174t

revenues, 175, 177179

review questions, 426427

answers, 523524

sector, 155157

circular flow, relationship, 156, 157f

summary, 424426

taxing-spending relationship, 156157

Grain crop, market, 369370

demand/supply, graph, 370f

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1999)

definition, 220, 510

passage, 221

Graphing, 3033

Graphs, 1922

construction, 3031

definition, 18, 510

usage, 1719

reasons, 18

Great Depression, 55

joblessness, 260

persistence, 265

regulation, growth, 415


development, 261262

presence, 104

Greenspan, Alan, 249

Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 108, 126127

calculation, 130

definition, 126, 510

information, completeness, 129131

national debt, percentage, 196f

percentages, 464465

Price Index, 119

definition, 122, 510

statistics, 128t

total government expenditures, percentage, 175t

Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index, 61

Guitar production methods, costs, 42t


Happiness, money (influence), 12a

Health care, supply/demand (impact), 96

Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative, definition, 500, 510

Hemline index, economic health indicator, 167a

Holding company. See Financial holding company

definition, 220, 297, 510

example, 298f

Homeless families, children (inclusion), 453a

Horizontal merger

case, 413a

definition, 297, 412, 510

Hourly wage rates

example, 30t

graph, 31f

Household-business relationship, 40


average money income, 288t

case study, 304

definition, 286, 510

discussion questions, 303

expenditures, 286, 287288

income, 286287

average, size, 287

distribution, 448t

usage, 287

individuals, goals/decisions, 288291

overview, 286291

review questions, 302303

answers, 521

sector, 147150

circular flow, relationship, 148150

summary, 301

Household spending, relationships, 232

flowchart, 149f

Human capital investments, definition, 125f, 450, 510

Hyperinflation, definition, 113, 510


Illinois Tool Works, Inc. et al. v. Independent Ink, Inc., 410a411a

Implicit costs, definition, 315, 510


definition, 158, 464, 510

trading partners, ranking, 467t

Incentive regulation, definition, 421, 510

Income. See Money; Psychic income; Real income

differences, 449451

discrimination, 451

earning, satisfaction (maximization), 290291

education/experience, impact, 449450

factors, relationship, 10

inflation, relationship, 114115

levels, 449t

proportion, 89

purchasing power, 114f

resource ownership, 449

usage, 287

Income-determined spending, definition, 148, 510

Income distribution, 448455. See also Households

case study, 460

definition, 448, 508

discussion questions, 458459

review questions, 457458

answers, 524

summary, 455456

Indexes. See Price index

importance, 122

Individual firm

demand curve, definition, 370371, 510

market demand, increase (impact), 372f

product demand, 370372, 378

definition, 371f

product price, 383384

Individual hardships, 105


benefits/costs, balancing, 306315

poverty levels, 451t

Industrial boom, 5355

Industrialization, problem, 52

Industrial Revolution. See British Industrial Revolution

definition, 52, 510

Industrial union, definition, 446, 510

Industry, 336338

definition, 337, 366, 510

regulation, 418421

definition, 418, 510

justifications, 419421

sample, 338t

Inelastic price change, definition, 89, 510

Infant industry

definition, 474, 510

protection, 474

Inferior goods/services, definition, 74, 510

Inflation, 113123. See also Cost-push inflation; Demand-pull inflation; Hyperinflation

consequences, 114116

definition, 510

discussion, 164165

impact, 115

income, relationship, 114115

interest rate, relationship, 115116

measures, 118122

social/political consequences, 116

wealth, relationship, 116

winners/losers, 116t

Inflationary pressure, causes, 117118

Information, 43


economic activity, 161t

spending stream, 149

summary, 160161

Injections into the spending stream, definition, 510

Injured party, triple damages, 414

Input markets (resource markets), definition, 40, 510

Intellectual capital, usage, 450a


definition, 10, 510

real rate, definition, 115116, 514

Interest rates, 239243

clarification, 241, 243

definition, 240, 510

determination, 240243

effect, definition, 271, 510

excess reserves, changes (impact), 242f

government borrowing, effect, 251f

inflation, relationship, 115

information, 243

investment spending, relationship, 153a

monetizing the debt, impact, 251f

relationship, 242f

role, 240

variation, 243

Interlocking directorates, definition, 410, 510

International Business Machines Corp. v. United States, 413a

International finance

case study, 506

discussion questions, 504505

review questions, 503504

answers, 524

summary, 502503

International financial system

challenges, 498502

external debt issues, 498500

International financial transactions/balances, 495498

International Monetary Fund (IMF), definition, 477, 510

International trade. See U.S. international trade

case study, 482483

comparative advantage, relationship, 468471

definition, 464, 510

discussion questions, 481

real world examples, 475478

review questions, 480481

answers, 524

summary, 479

Interstate banking, definition, 219, 510

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), establishment, 418

Inventories, definition, 266, 510

Inverse relationship, 3133

definition, 18, 510

example, 32f

graph, 32f


goods, spending (postponement), 500

household/business relationships, 154f

spending, definition, 151, 510

Invisible hand doctrine, definition, 52, 511


Job applicants

absence, nonwage factors (impact), 437438

example, 30t

graph, 31f

Job discrimination, authority, 415

Joblessness, Great Depression, 260

Job loss, problem, 106a

Joint venture, definition, 409, 511

Jungle, The (Sinclair), 54

Justice, 9


Keynes, John Maynard, 116, 263, 265

Keynesian economics, 265269. See also New Keynesian economics

definition, 265, 511

model, understanding, 274

popularity, peak, 269

Keynesian policy prescriptions, 267269

Kinked demand curve

definition, 383, 511

flat portion, 384

graph, 384f

Knowledge, impact, 450a

Kraft Foods

company profile, 299a

holding company arrangement, 298



definition, 9, 511

productivity, decline, 433

supply curve, definition, 514

total product/marginal product, 434t

value, determination, 435

Labor demand, 433436

changes, 439441

definition, 442

quantity demand/supply, 442

curve, definition, 436, 509

model, modifications, 442445

productivity, relationship, 434

product price, relationship, 434435

quantity, change (definition), 442

technological change, impact, 440

Labor force, 108111

definition, 108, 511

statistics, 109t

subgroups. See Civilian labor force/subgroups.

participation rates, 110t

unemployment rates, 111t

Labor markets, 432445

case study, 460

demand, increase (impact), 440f

discussion questions, 458459

economy, impact, 442

legal considerations, 443, 445

minimum wage, impact, 444f

review questions, 457458

answers, 524

summary, 455456

supply restriction, 446f

Labor supply, 436439

changes, 439, 442

definition, 442

quantity demand/supply, 442


definition, 436

graph, 437f

demographic trends, impact, 442

long-term gain, impact, 439

model, modifications, 442445

quantity, change (definition), 442

Labor unions, 445447

categories, 445

definition, 445, 511

Laissez-faire capitalism, definition, 52, 511

Land, definition, 9, 511

Lands' End, Sears purchase, 411

Law, collective bargaining (relationship), 447

Law of demand, 6465

definition, 65, 511

example, 69a

gasoline example, 69a

Law of diminishing marginal utility, definition, 309

Law of diminishing returns, 348, 350

definition, 348, 434

Law of supply

definition, 67, 511

example, 69a

organic milk example, 69a

Leadership pricing, definition, 383, 511


definition, 511

economic activity, 161t

spending stream, 149

summary, 160161

Least-cost (efficient) method of production, definition, 42, 511

Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc. DBA Kay's Kloset…Kay's Shoes, 410a

Legal considerations (labor markets), 443

Liability. See Unlimited liability

definition, 212, 511

Limited liability company (LLC), 294295

definition, 294, 511

Limited resources, problem, 5

Lipstick index, economic health indicator, 167a

Liquidity, definition, 210, 511

Loan making

decrease, 239

depository institution, money transfer, 235

excess reserves, relationship, 235236

government borrowing, impact, 251f

increase, 239

monetizing the debt, impact, 251f

relationships, 239t, 242f


interest rates, determination, 240243

chart, 241f

quality, excess reserves (changes, impact), 242f

questions/answers, 236a

rollover difficulty, 206a

Local government expenditures, 175t

function, 178f

Long run, definition, 341, 511

Long-run average total cost (LRATC)

calculation, long-run total cost (usage), 351

curve, 373374

curve, phases, 354f

definition, 351, 511

graphs, 353f, 420f

Long-run condition, occurrence (reason), 375

Long-run costs, 350354

efficiency, impact, 373376

monopolist, 387389

oligopolistic market, 385

profit, impact, 373376

Long-run marginal cost, definition, 351, 511

Long-run position

graph, 375f

monopolistically competitive seller, 382f

Long-run total cost, 352t

definition, 350351, 511

usage, 351

Loss. See Profit or loss

Loss minimization, 298

downward-sloping demand curve, 402f

goal, 298299

graph, 399f

understanding, 403404

Low carbs, rise/fall (impact), 78a

Lower price limit, definition, 513

Luddites, impact, 341a

Luxury goods, necessities (contrast), 8889


M1 (money supply)

components, 207209

definition, 207f, 511

M2 (U.S. money supply), 209t

definition, 511

broadness, 209210

Maastricht Treaty, definition, 501, 511

Macroeconomic equilibrium

changes, charts, 269f

definition, 265, 511

Macroeconomic models, 261275

attention, 262a

building, 260261

case study, 282

discussion questions, 281282

review questions, 279281

answers, 520521

summary, 277278

Macroeconomics, 2324

activity, changes, 142146

case study, 172

definition, 23, 104, 511

discussion questions, 171

policy instruments, update/refinement, 276277

predictors/policies, 166167

review questions, 170171

summary, 167169

theories, update/refinement, 276277

viewpoints, 275277

Macroeconomic viewpoints, 261275

case study, 282

discussion questions, 281282

review questions, 279281

answers, 520521

summary, 277278


case study, 138139

discussion questions, 136137

equilibrium, 265266

chart, 268f

government, role

answers, 519

case study, 201

discussion questions, 199200

review questions, 198199

summary, 196197

government impact, understanding, 191

review questions, 135136

answers, 518, 519

summary, 132134

Major League baseball fan cost index, team marketing report, 388t

Management, union negotiations, 447

Manufacturing sector, industries/sectors (sample), 338t

Marginal benefit (marginal utility)

definition, 308, 511

graph, 314f

Marginal cost (MC), 345t, 347348. See also Long-run marginal cost

definition, 310, 345, 511

examples, 310t, 344t, 347t

graph, 314f, 321f

list, 352t

marginal revenue, relationship, 319, 320

measurement, 318319

Marginal cost-marginal benefit approach, usage, 312

Marginal product

definition, 511

example, 434t

Marginal productivity, decline, 434436

Marginal revenue, 317318

definition, 317, 511

example, graph, 401f

graph, 321f

marginal cost, relationship, 319, 320

product, 435436

definition, 435, 511

example, 436t4

total revenue, change, 397

Marginal values, average values (relationship), 348


basket, dollar outlays (conversion), 119

buyers, number, 75

case study, 428429

clearing price, definition, 71, 511

decision making, government influence, 45

defining, 366368

definition, 68, 366, 511

discussion questions, 427

entry/exit, 369

existence, 39

failure, 43

definition, 511

geographic boundary, definition, 367, 510

independently acting sellers, 370

power, 43

price ceiling, effect (graph), 85f

price floor, effect (graph), 86f

price setting, 6870

product boundary, definition, 367, 513

product type, 368

review questions, 426427

answers, 523524

sellers, number, 77, 368

summary, 424426

systems, choices, 43

Market boundaries, 367

controversy, 367

defining, 368a

determination, 367

identification, attempt, 367

Market demand, 6873

curve, definition, 370371, 511

definition, 68, 511

example, graph, 370f

Market economy, 37, 3945

definition, 39, 511

economic decisions, 4042

evaluation, 43

government intervention, 44f

operation, 3940

strengths, 43

list, 44t

weaknesses, 43

list, 44t

Market structures, 368369, 390391

case study, 396

definition, 366, 511

discussion questions, 394395

firms, characteristics/behavior, 390t

review questions, 393394

answers, 523

summary, 391392

Market supply, 6873

definition, 68, 511

example, graph, 370f

Marshall, Alfred, 262

Mathematical equations, usage, 1719


case study, 333334

discussion questions, 332

review questions, 329331

answers, 522

summary, 327329

Maximizing economic well-being, definition, 288289, 511

Maximum employment, promotion, 104

Maximum profit (yield), price-quantity combination (impact), 386

Measure of value, definition, 205, 511

Meat Inspection Act (1907), 54

Medium of exchange, definition, 204, 511

Men's underwear/neckties, economic health indicator, 167a

Mercantilism, definition, 52, 511

Merger. See Conglomerate merger; Horizontal merger; Vertical merger

definition, 295, 511

Method for storing wealth and delaying, definition, 511

Microeconomics, 2324

definition, 23, 286, 511

Milk, price jump, 118a

Mine Safety and Health Administration, 418

Minimum wage

change. See Federal minimum wage.

impact, 444f

law, definition, 443, 445, 511

raising, problem, 88

Mixed economies, 37, 47

definition, 47, 512

Models, 261275

assumptions/conditions, 261

attention, 262a

building, 1922

definition, 13, 512

interpretation, 21

Monetarism, definition, 273, 512

Monetarists, definition, 273, 512

Monetary Control Act (1980), 211, 219

Monetary policy

advantages, 251252

case study, 258

definition, 166, 244, 512

disadvantages, 251, 252253

discussion questions, 257

Federal Reserve, 243253

government deficits, relationship, 250251

objectives, 248250

review questions, 255257

answers, 520

summary, 253255

tools, 244, 248250

Monetary standards, 210. See Commodity monetary standards; Paper monetary standards

Monetary theory

case study, 258

discussion questions, 257

review questions, 255257

answers, 520

summary, 253255

Monetizing the debt

definition, 250, 512

impact, 251f

Money, 204210

case study, 230

definition, 204, 512

discussion questions, 228229

forms, 205t


households, averages, 288t

nominal income, definition, 114, 512

influence, 12a

multiple expansion, 236239

reserve requirement example, 237t

multiplier effect, definition, 512

policy. See Easy money policy; Tight money policy.

review questions, 227228

answers, 520

summary, 225226

value, definition, 204, 515

velocity, definition, 209, 515

wealth, storage method, 205206

Money creation, 234239

case study, 258

discussion questions, 257

process, 234236

review questions, 255257

answers, 520

summary, 253255

Money GDP (current GDP/nominal GDP)

definition, 127, 512

determination, 127t

statistics, 128t

Money multiplier

calculation, 238239

definition, 238, 512

effect, definition, 236

Money supply (M), 206210. See also U.S. money supply

change, 233234, 239

decrease, 233

economic activity level, relationship, 232234

equation, 233

M1, 207t

components, 207209

definition, 207, 511

M2, 209t

M2, definition, 511

broadness, 209210

relationships, 239t

turnover, 209


behavior, 386389

direct competitors, absence, 387

efficiency, 387389

long-run costs, 387389

nonprice competition, 387

output, demand curve, 387f

price, control, 386

product, demand, 386387

profit, 387389

profit-making ability, 389

Monopolistically competitive markets, 377

Monopolistically competitive seller

long-run position, 382f

operation, economic profit/loss, 380f

output, demand curve, 379f

profit, 380381

Monopolistic competition, 377381

characteristics, 377378

definition, 377, 512

efficiency, 380381

firm behavior, 378380

individual firm product, demand, 378

long-run costs, 380381

loss, 378379

price, 278379

control, 378

pricing, 378379

profit, 380381


attempts, definition, 407, 512

definition, 407, 512

Monopoly, 385389. See also Natural monopoly

characteristics, 385386

definition, 385


definition, 512

structure, pricing, 387

public utility, 385

Mortgages. See Subprime mortgages

bundling, definition, 224, 512

Movies, economic health indicator, 167a

Muckrakers, definition, 54, 512

Multiplier effect, 161164

calculation, 163164

definition, 161, 236, 512

equation, 163

Mutual funds

definition, 221, 512

growth, 221

Mutual interdependence, definition, 383, 512


National banks, definition, 212, 512

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), boundaries (defining), 368a

National debt, 192196

assessment, 193195

chronology, 194t

definition, 192, 512

financing, 193

size, 193

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, ruling (impact), 422

National Labor Relations Act (1935), 55

Wagner Act, definition, 447, 512

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

controversy, 422423

definition, 447, 512

National security, 475


currency, demand/supply (change), 493

trade agreements, 477478

Natural monopoly

definition, 385, 419, 512

result, 419

Natural rate hypothesis, definition, 272, 512

Natural rate of unemployment, definition, 113, 270, 512

Nebbia v. New York, 421


luxury goods, contrast, 8889

price, impact (example), 118a

Negative externality, 323

absence, 324325

definition, 512

usage, graph, 325f

Net benefits

definition, 311, 512

graph, example, 314f

graphing, 313315

maximization, 323325

maximizing rules, 311313

definition, 311, 512

Net exports, definition, 158, 512

Net income, 497

Net services, 497

Net worth, definition, 212

New classical economics

aggregate demand/supply, manipulation, 271272

definition, 270, 512

long-run viewpoint, 272273

policy implications, 272273

New classical economics model, 269273

aggregate demand, 270271

chart, 270f

aggregate supply, 271

chart, 272f

understanding, 274

New Coke (Coca-Cola), problem, 41a

New Deal

definition, 55, 512

regulation, growth, 415

New Keynesian economics, definition, 273, 512

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 296

Nominal GDP (current GDP/money GDP), definition, 127, 512

Nominal (money) income, definition, 114, 512

Nondurable goods, definition, 288, 512

Nonincome-determined spending

definition, 149, 512

injection, impact, 162t

Nonmarket productive activities, 129

Nonmember state insured bank, definition, 512

Nonprice competition, 379380

business firm attraction, 379380

controversy, 380

forms, 379

importance, 384385

monopolist, 387389

oligopolistic market, 384385

resources, waste (discussion), 381

Nonprice competition, definition, 373, 512

Nonprice decisions, influence, 366

Nonprice factors, definition, 74, 75, 512

Nonprofits, cost measures (usage), 342

Normal goods/services, definition, 74f, 512

Normal profit, definition, 315, 512

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 472

definition, 477, 512


Obama, Barack (election), 56

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

authority, 415

concern, 421422

establishment, 418

Off-budget, definition, 188, 512

Oil-based energy problem, 118a

Oligopolistic market

definition, 512

efficiency, 385

firm behavior, 383385

individual firm product, price, 383384

long-run costs, 385

nonprice competition, 384385

price, control, 383

profit, 385

structure, 383

Oligopolist output, kinked demand curve (graph), 384f

Oligopoly, 381385

characteristics, 382

definition, 382

On-budget, definition, 188, 512

Open economy, definition, 512

Open Market, securities (Fed purchase), 246247

Open Market Committee, 214215

definition, 214, 246, 512

Open Market Operations, 246247

definition, 246, 512

Federal Funds rate, 247248

Opportunity cost, 78. See also External debt

concept (emphasis), production possibilities model (usage), 21

definition, 7, 307, 513

production example, 470

Organic milk, law of supply, 69a

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 386

Other checkable deposits, definition, 513

Outlays. See Federal budget receipts/outlays/surpluses

Output, 474

demand curve, 379f, 387f

determination, 397400

loss-maximizing level, 373

markets (product markets), definition, 39, 513

profit-maximizing level, 373

Overtime, work decision, 290291


Paper monetary standards, 210

definition, 513

Paper money, share, 207

Participation rates, 108111

calculation, 110

civilian labor force/subgroups, 110t

definition, 108109, 513

statistics, 109t


definition, 293, 513

general partners, comparison, 293

number/receipts, 297t


function, 389a

ownership, 386


delay method, definition, 206, 511

transfer, 286287

Peak, definition, 142, 514

Peanut butter, price increase, 90a

People's Republic of China, economic system, 51a

Per se violations, definition, 407, 513

Personal consumption expenditures, 1470148

definition, 147, 513

Personal income

definition, 286, 513

sources, percentage distribution, 287t

Planned economies, 37, 4547

definition, 45, 513

economic decisions, 46

evaluation, 46

market economies, movement, 4950

operation, 45

strengths/weaknesses, list, 47t

Planning failure, definition, 46, 513

Positive externality

definition, 320, 513

usage, graph, 325f

yield, 324325

Poverty, 451455

government measures, 452453

government programs, relationship, 453455

levels. See Families; Individuals.

definition, 452, 513

group ranking, 452t

Preferred stock, definition, 294, 513


answers, 518

buyer expectation, 74

caps, definition, 421, 513

ceilings, 84

definition, 513

effect, graph, 85f

upper price limit, definition, 84, 513


case, 413a

definition, 411, 513

Robinson-Patman Act, impact, 411412


definition, 8788, 513

measurement, 9799

example, 436t


case, 410a

definition, 408, 513

floors, 8486

lower price limit, definition, 84, 513

general level, increase, 113

influence, 366

leadership, 383

movements, limitation, 8486

purely competitive firm, control (absence), 372

reduction, 474

regulation, 421

searcher, definition, 386, 513

setting, markets (relationship), 6870

stability, 113123

system, definition, 39, 513

taker, definition, 369, 513

Price determination

case study, 96

discussion questions, 95

review questions, 9395

answers, 518

summary, 9192

Price elastic, definition, 8788, 513

Price indexes, 121122. See also Consumer Price Index; Producer Price Index: Gross Domestic Product

calculation, 130

construction, 119120

definition, 119, 513

example, 119t

price changes, comparison, 121

Price inelastic, definition, 88, 513

Price per unit, example, 435t

Pricing, 378379. See also Cost-plus pricing

Private benefits, social net benefits (relationship), 324325

Private property rights, definition, 39, 513

Private school fees, graphs, 33f

Privatization, 4950

definition, 49, 513

Producer Price Index (PPI), 119

definition, 121, 513

Producing sectors

definition, 336, 513

sample, 337t


demand, 370372

differentiation, 378

downward-sloping demand curves, 434435

patent ownership, 386

rejection, 41a

sample, 338t

type, 368

U.S. merchandise exports/imports, percentage distribution, 466t

Product boundary of a market, definition, 367, 513

Production, 123132

assessment. See U.S. production.

basics, 336340

complexity, 46

decisions, 4041

definition, 123, 513

economic cost, definition, 315, 509

efficient method, definition, 339, 509

factors, 341

definition, 514

increase, 125, 470471

example, 347

industries, 336338

least-cost (efficient) method, definition, 42, 511

measures, 126129

methods, 42, 338340

cost, reduction, 440

range, technology definition, 340

positive externalities, 324325

promotion, 104

sectors, 336338

Production costs, 75, 77, 340354

case study, 359

discussion questions, 357358

review questions, 356357

answers, 522523

summary, 355

Production function, 338339

definition, 338, 513

evaluation, example, 342

example, 339t

selection, 339340

technology, impact, 340

Production possibilities

curve, formation, 20

model, 21

economic growth, 22f

example, 22f

table, definition, 19, 513

understanding, 23

Productive activities, 336

Productivity, 131132

definition, 132, 513

labor demand, relationship, 434

Product markets (output markets), definition, 39, 513

Product price

decline, 435436

labor demand, relationship, 434435

Profit. See Excess profit; Normal profit

definition, 10, 513

example, 319t

expectations, business spending (relationship), 152

graph, example, 321f

graphing, 320

monopolist, 387389

oligopolistic market, 385

Profit maximization, 319320

determination, mechanics, 316

downward-sloping demand curve, 402f

graph, 399f

manager motivation. See Corporation.

questions, 298300

socially responsible behavior, relationship, 299

understanding, 322, 403404

Profit-maximizing behavior, 397400

demand/revenues/cost, 400401

Profit-maximizing output, determination, 397403

Profit-maximizing price/output, determination, 397, 400403

Profit-maximizing rules

application, 386

definition, 320, 513

Profit or loss, definition, 298, 319, 513

Progressive taxes, 179180

definition, 179, 513

Proportional taxes (flat taxes), 179180

definition, 179, 513

Proprietorship, 292293

definition, 292, 513

limitation, 293

number/receipts, 297t

unlimited liability, impact, 293


arguments, 474475

definition, 472, 513

free trade, relationship, 472478

Psychic income, 438

Psychology, economic impact, 146a

Public assistance, work requirement (discussion), 455

Public choice, 325327

definition, 192, 326, 513

Public good, definition, 176, 513

Public interest justification for regulation, definition, 420, 513

Public school fees, graphs, 33f

Purchasing power. See Income

promotion, 104

Pure competition, 369377

characteristics, 369

costs, 397

demand, 397

existence, discussion, 377


behavior, 369376

output, 397400

profit-maximizing price, determination, 397400

long-run condition, occurrence (reason), 375

long run effects, 374

price, 371

control, 369370

revenues, 397

study, value, 377

Purely competitive market

definition, 369, 513


entry, effect (graph), 376f

exit, effect (graph), 376f

Purely competitive seller

long-run position, 373

graph, 375f

loss, minimization, 399f

operation, example (graph), 373f

output, demand curve, 371f

price/quantity/revenue information, 398t

profit, 380381

maximization, graph, 399f

profit-maximizing seller, 399f

Pure market systems, 39


Quantity demanded/supplied, changes, 73, 7880

graph, 79f

Quasi-public good, definition, 176, 513


definition, 473, 513

imposition, 475


Rational expectations, definition, 272, 513

Rational ignorance, definition, 327, 513

Reaganomics, 273, 275

Real GDP (constant GDP), 127128

calculation, 127128

definition, 127, 514

determination, 127t

equation, 128

graph, 143f

statistics, 128t

Real government purchases, goods/services, 156f

Real gross investment, graph, 151f

Real income, definition, 114, 514

Real output per capita. See U.S. economic growth

Real personal consumption expenditures, 148f

Real rate of interest, definition, 115116, 514

Real U.S. exports/imports/net exports, 159f

Reason violations, rule (definition), 408

Recession, definition, 142, 514

Recovery, definition, 142, 514

Regressive taxes, 179180

definition, 180, 514

Regulation. See Deregulation; Incentive regulation

enthusiasm, discussion, 424

explanation, natural monopoly (impact), 420

performance, 423424

public interest justification, definition, 420, 513

structure, 418

Regulatory/deregulatory waves, U.S. economy, 5556


control, discussion, 87

definition, 10, 514

Required reserves, definition, 234, 514

Reserve account

changes, 219

definition, 216, 514

Reserve requirement, 244

definition, 514

example, 245t

Reserves. See Actual reserves; Excess reserves; Required reserves

calculations, example, 235t

questions/answers, 236a


definition, 234

example, 237t

Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), definition, 514

Resource markets (input markets), definition, 40, 510

Resource ownership, 449


availability, 11t

factors of production, 911

definition, 514

government allocation, 46

problem. See Limited resources.

production per country without specialization, 470t

production per country with specialization, 470t

production possibilities, 469t

wants/needs, relationship, 10f

waste, discussion, 381

Retained earnings, definition, 153, 514

Revenues, 397. See also Government; Marginal revenue; Total revenue

definition, 398, 514

example, 316t, 319t

graphing, 320

measurement, 316318

sources, 177, 179

Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act (1994), definition, 219, 514

Right to work laws, definition, 447, 514

Robinson-Patman Act, 411412

definition, 411, 514

Rockefeller, John D., 54

Rule of reason violations, definition, 408, 514



measurement, subjectivity, 307

ranking, 307t

Satisfaction, maximization, 311313

actions, 308

family, gossip, 291a

goods/services, consumption, 289

income, earning, 290291


business investment spending, relationship, 154f

habit, quality, 150

household/business relationships, 154f

relationships, 149f

Saving-borrowing relationship, 153155

definition, 153, 514

Savings and loans, 221222

Scarce resources, 1011

Scarcity, 1922, 3638

basic economic decisions, relationship, 37f

choice, relationship, 58

definition, 5, 514

economics, relationship, 5

economic systems, relationship, 37f

impact, 6

intensification, 114

modeling, 1920


intensification, unemployment (impact), 105

root, 5

solution, 11

Scarcity-related tradeoff problem, 6

Schumpeter, Joseph, 341a

Sectors, 336338

importance, changes, 336

industries/products, sample. See Manufacturing sector.

producing sectors, 336337

definition, 513

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

actions, 415

creation, 55


marginal cost curve, 401

number, 77, 368

Services. See Goods/services

consumption, satisfaction (maximization), 289

government purchases, definition, 155, 176, 510

movement, 464

production, 468a

business decisions, 42

production decision, 4041

real government purchases, 156f

real U.S. exports/imports, 159f

real U.S. net exports, 159f

receiving, identification, 42

U.S. exports/imports, 465t

Shadow banking, definition, 222, 514

Sherman Antitrust Act, 407409

cases, 410a411a

definition, 514

passage, 54

Section 2, cases, 409


definition, 70, 514

measurement, 72f

Short run, definition, 340341, 514

Short-run costs, 343345

pattern, 345348

summary, 345t

Sinclair, Upton, 54

Smith, Adam, 51, 263

Smoking, cost, 323a

Snowball effect, 164a

Social benefits/costs, 320325

definition, 323324, 514

Social insurance program, definition, 177, 514

Socialism, definition, 45, 514

Social net benefits

maximization, negative/positive externalities (usage), 325f

private benefits, relationship, 324325

Social regulation, 421423

definition, 421, 514

Social regulatory agencies, list, 422t

Social Security system, 189


costs, 324

economic loss, 105

limited resources, impact, 89

net benefit, maximization, 323325

Special-interest group, definition, 327, 514


absence, 470t

definition, 468, 514

gains, 470471

impact, 468469

inclusion, 470t

international level, 469

occurrence, 468


increase, 183

level, 239243

relationships, 239t

Spending stream

injections, definition, 149, 510

leakage, 267

definition, 149

St. Louis County, trash pickup/recycling (imposition), 17

Stagflation, definition, 270, 514


company profile, 299a

growth, holding company arrangement, 298

State banks, definition, 212, 514

State government expenditures, 175t

function, 178f

State utility commissions, 415

Statistical Abstract of the United States (publication), 14

Stock. See Common stock; Preferred stock

shares, price (understanding), 296

Strike, definition, 447, 514

Structural changes, 220222

Structural remedies, 414

Structural unemployment, 105

definition, 107, 514

factors, 107

Subprime mortgages, 222223

definition, 222, 514

issue, 223a

Substitutes, 89

Success, opportunity, 43

Sunspots, economic impact, 146a

Supply, 6468

case study, 96

classical economics. See Aggregate supply.

decrease, 7778

definition, 77, 508

effect, 81

effect, graph, 82f

graph, 77f

impact, 81

definition, 66, 514

discussion questions, 95

graphing, 6768

increase, 7778

definition, 77, 510

effect, 81

effect, graph, 82f

graph, 77f

law, definition, 67, 511

nonprice factors, definition, 75

price elasticity, 8691

factors, 91

quantity demanded/supplied, changes, 7880

graph, 79f

restriction. See Labor markets.

review questions, 9395

answers, 518

schedule, definition, 66, 514

seller's side, 6668

summary, 9192

Supply changes, 73, 7578

definition, 75

effect, 82

factors, 492

understanding, 83

Supply curve

definition, 67, 514

movement, 73

shift, 241

surpluses/shortages, measurement, 72f

Supply curve for labor, definition, 436, 514

Supply-side economics, 273, 275

definition, 273, 514

Surplus. See Federal budget receipts/outlays/surpluses

budget, definition, 186, 514

definition, 514

example, 70

measurement, 72f

Sustainability, concern, 441a

Swapped services, 129


Taft-Hartley Act, definition, 447, 514


absence, 474

definition, 472, 514

imposition, 475

increase, 475

ranking, 473t

Tax bracket indexation, 182

definition, 514


abatement, 182

definition, 514

base, 182

definition, 514

business investment spending, relationship, 154f

household spending, relationships, 149f

issues, 181182

rates, 182

definition, 514

reform, 181182

definition, 181, 514

Tax Reform Act (1986), 182

definition, 514

TC. See Total cost


changes, impact, 107

definition, 124, 340, 514

impact, 340

Teen employment, impact (understanding), 8a

Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), 454

Territorial division, definition, 408, 515

TFC. See Total fixed cost

Theology, economic impact, 146a

Theories. See Economic theory development, 13

Theory of Moral Sentiments, The (Smith), 263

30-60-90 rule, 409

Tight money policy, definition, 244, 515

Token money, definition, 207, 515

Total benefit (total utility)

change, 308

definition, 308, 515

graphs, 314f

Total cost (TC), 343344. See also Average total cost

definition, 309310, 345t, 515

examples, 310t, 343t, 344t, 346t, 347t

graphs, 314f, 321f

increase, 347

pattern, 345347

Total fixed cost (TFC), 345t

definition, 343, 515

Total income, nonincome-determined spending injection (impact), 162t

Total output, 266t

measurement, 267

nonincome-determined spending injection, impact, 267

Total planned spending, 266t

Total product, example, 434t, 436t

Total revenue, 8990

change, 317318, 397

definition, 89, 317, 515

demand, price elasticity (relationship), 90t

example, 436t

graph, 321f

Total spending (aggregate spending), 146150

definition, 146, 515

economic activity level, relationship, 147f

relationships, 233234

Total utility

definition, 289, 515

total benefit, definition, 308

Total variable cost (TVC), 345t

definition, 344, 515

Trade. See Free trade; U.S. trade

agreements, 477478

association, definition, 408, 515

balance, definition, 496

efficiency, relationship, 474

gains, 470471

globalization, expansion, 467

restraint, combinations/conspiracies, definition, 407, 507

restriction, discussion, 478

specialization, 474

subsidy, definition, 475, 515

U.S. balance, 496f


concept (emphasis), production possibilities model (usage), 21

definition, 6, 515

national level, 7

Trade-restricting policies, 472473

Traditional economies, 37, 38

barter, reliance, 38

definition, 38, 515

economic decisions, 38

strengths/weaknesses, 38t

Transfer payment, definition, 149, 176, 286, 515

Trash pickup/recycling, imposition (debate), 17

Traveler's checks, 207

chronology, 208t

Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS), definition, 193, 515

Trough, definition, 142143, 514

Trust fund, definition, 188, 515

Tying arrangement

cases, 410a411a, 413a

definition, 408, 515


Underemployment, definition, 112, 515

Undergraduate tuition, graph, 33f

Underground economy, definition, 131, 515

Unemployment, 104107

consequences, 105

definition, 21, 104, 515

development, 261262

labor force, relationship, 108111

measures/statistics, 108113

natural rate, definition, 113, 270, 512

participation rates, relationship, 108111

product possibilities model, usage, 22f


calculation, 111

interpretation, 112

types, 105107

Unemployment rates

acceptability, problem, 244

calculation, 110

definition, 110, 515

full employment, relationship, 112

graph, 143f

statistics, 109t

workers/labor force subgroups, 111t

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs), 15a

Unified budget, 187188

definition, 187, 515

Unilateral transfers, 497

Unions. See Craft union; Industrial union; Labor unions

case study, 460

discussion questions, 458459

management negotiations, 447

membership, 445446

review questions, 457458

answers, 524

summary, 455456

types, 445446

Unitary price elastic, definition, 515

Unit costs, 344345

analysis, 345

United States

export/import trading partners, ranking, 467t

people, power ranking, 249a

United States Football League (USFL), introduction (problem), 41a

United States v. Aluminum Company of America, 409

United States v. Philadelphia National Bank et al., 413a

Unlimited liability, definition, 293, 515

Unreported work, 129

Upper price limit, definition, 513

Urban farming, economic health indicator, 167a

Urban forecasts, economic health indicator, 167a

Uruguay Round, trade rules, 477

U.S. balance of trade, 496f

U.S. corporate employers, ranking, 293t

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), assistance programs, 377

U.S. dollars

Brazilian real, exchange rate, 490

demand curve, 489f

foreign currencies, exchange rates, 487t

value, decrease (impact), 492a

U.S. economic growth, real output per capita, 125f

U.S. economic system, 5156

U.S. economy

British foundations, 51

commodity standard, 210

cyclical behavior, 144145

development (highlights), 5356

industrial boom, 5355

New Deal, 55

policy problem, 132

recent developments, 56

regulatory/deregulatory waves, 5556

resources, availability, 11t

World War II era, 55

U.S. exports/imports, ranking, 465t

U.S. government, fiscal agents, 218

U.S. international financial transactions, 495t

U.S. international trade, overview, 464468

U.S. merchandise exports/imports, percentage distribution, 466t

U.S. money supply, 207t

M2, 209t

U.S. production, assessment, 128129

U.S. trade

composition, 464466

geographic distribution, 466467

size, 464465

U.S. Treasury bills, definition, 193, 515

U.S. Treasury bonds, definition, 193, 515

U.S. Treasury notes, definition, 193, 515

U.S. Treasury securities, 192a

definition, 193, 515

Usury laws, 84

definition, 515

Utility. See Total utility

definition, 289, 307, 515

maximization, 290

points, example, 309t

Utility-maximizing rule, statement, 290

Utility-price rule, 289290

real world example, presence, 290


points, example, 310

usage, 307



exercise, 6t

judgment, definition, 6, 515

measure, definition, 205, 511

Value of money, definition, 204, 515

Variable costs, definition, 341, 515

Variable factors, definition, 341, 515

Variables, 13

Velocity of money, definition, 209, 515

Vertical merger, definition, 297, 412, 515

Vertical price fixing, 410a

Viewpoints, 261275

Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. v. Reeder-Simco GMC, Inc., 413a

Voting process, behavior maximization, 327



decline, 436

definition, 10, 432, 515

rigidities, 443

Wagner Act, definition, 447

Wants/needs, resources (relationship), 10f


definition, 116, 515

effect, definition, 261

inflation, relationship, 116

storing, method (definition), 205, 511

Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 5152

Wellness programs, cost effectiveness, 351a

Western Pennsylvania, economy (changes), 164a

Western-style development, appropriateness, 49

Words, usage, 1719


accomplishment, 350

decision, 8a

right, laws (definition), 447, 514

Works Progress Administration (WPA), establishment, 55

World Trade Organization (WTO), definition, 477, 515

World War II, U.S. economy, 55


Yen, supply (increase), 493

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