Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Praise for the First Edition


Preface to the First Edition


About this Book

About the Title

About the Cover Illustration

1. Creating PDF documents from scratch

Chapter 1. Introducing PDF and iText

1.1. Things you can do with PDF

1.2. Working with the examples in this book

1.3. Creating a PDF document in five steps with iText

1.3.1. Creating a new Document object

1.3.2. Getting a PdfWriter instance

1.3.3. Opening the Document

1.3.4. Adding content

1.3.5. Closing the Document

1.4. Summary

Chapter 2. Using iText’s basic building blocks

2.1. Illustrating the examples with a real-world database

2.2. Adding Chunk, Phrase, Paragraph, and List objects

2.2.1. The Chunk object: a String, a Font, and some attributes

2.2.2. The Phrase object: a List of Chunks with leading

2.2.3. Paragraph object: a Phrase with extra properties and a newline

2.2.4. Distributing text over different lines

2.2.5. The List object: a sequence of Paragraphs called ListItem

2.2.6. The DrawInterface: vertical position marks, separators, and tabs

2.3. Adding Anchor, Image, Chapter, and Section objects

2.3.1. The Anchor object: internal and external links

2.3.2. Chapter and Section: get bookmarks for free

2.3.3. The Image object: adding raster format illustrations

2.3.4. Summary

Chapter 3. Adding content at absolute positions

3.1. Introducing the concept of direct content

3.1.1. Direct content layers

3.1.2. Graphics state and text state

3.1.3. A real-world database: three more tables

3.2. Adding text at absolute positions

3.2.1. Convenience method: PdfContentByte.showTextAligned()

3.2.2. Convenience method: ColumnText.showTextAligned()

3.3. Working with the ColumnText object

3.3.1. Using ColumnText in text mode

3.3.2. Using ColumnText in composite mode

3.4. Creating reusable content

3.4.1. Image XObjects

3.4.2. The PdfTemplate object

3.5. Summary

Chapter 4. Organizing content in tables

4.1. Constructing tables

4.1.1. Your first PdfPTable

4.1.2. PdfPTable properties

4.2. Changing the properties of a cell

4.2.1. PdfPCell in text mode

4.2.2. PdfPCell in composite mode

4.3. Dealing with large tables

4.3.1. Repeating headers and footers

4.3.2. Splitting tables

4.3.3. Memory management for LargeElement implementations

4.4. Adding a table at an absolute position

4.4.1. Working with writeSelectedRows()

4.4.2. Wrapping tables in columns

4.5. Summary

Chapter 5. Table, cell, and page events

5.1. Decorating tables using table and cell events

5.1.1. Implementing the PdfPTableEvent interface

5.1.2. Implementing the PdfPCellEvent interface

5.1.3. Combining table and cell events

5.2. Events for basic building blocks

5.2.1. Generic Chunk functionality

5.2.2. Paragraph events

5.2.3. Chapter and Section events

5.2.4. Page order and blank pages

5.3. Overview of the page boundaries

5.3.1. The media box

5.3.2. The crop box

5.3.3. Other page boundaries

5.4. Adding page events to PdfWriter

5.4.1. Adding a header and a footer

5.4.2. Solving the “page X of Y” problem

5.4.3. Adding a watermark

5.4.4. Creating a slideshow

5.5. Summary

2. Manipulating existing PDF documents

Chapter 6. Working with existing PDFs

6.1. Accessing an existing PDF with PdfReader

6.1.1. Retrieving information about the document and its pages

6.1.2. Reducing the memory use of PdfReader

6.2. Copying pages from existing PDF documents

6.2.1. Importing pages

6.2.2. Scaling and superimposing pages

6.2.3. N-up copying and tiling PDF documents

6.3. Adding content with PdfStamper

6.3.1. Adding content at absolute positions

6.3.2. Creating a PDF in multiple passes

6.3.3. Adding company stationery to an existing document

6.3.4. Inserting pages into an existing document

6.3.5. Filling out a PDF form

6.4. Copying pages with PdfCopy

6.4.1. Concatenating and splitting PDF documents

6.4.2. PdfCopy versus PdfSmartCopy

6.4.3. Concatenating forms

6.5. Summary

Chapter 7. Making documents interactive

7.1. Introducing actions

7.1.1. Document-navigation actions

7.1.2. Explicit destinations

7.1.3. JavaScript in PDF documents

7.1.4. More actions

7.2. Adding bookmarks

7.2.1. Creating bookmarks for a new document

7.2.2. Retrieving bookmarks from an existing document

7.2.3. Adding bookmarks to an existing document

7.2.4. Concatenating documents with bookmarks

7.2.5. Open parameters

7.3. Creating annotations

7.3.1. Text annotations

7.3.2. Link annotations

7.3.3. File attachments

7.3.4. Stamp, line, and rectangle annotations

7.4. JavaScript programming in PDF

7.4.1. Triggering JavaScript from a button

7.4.2. Showing and hiding an annotation

7.4.3. A popup triggered by a button that doesn’t need to be pushed

7.4.4. Additional actions

7.4.5. A PDF calculator

7.5. Summary

Chapter 8. Filling out interactive forms

8.1. Introducing AcroForms

8.2. Selecting states or trigger actions with button fields

8.2.1. Radio fields and radio buttons

8.2.2. Check boxes

8.2.3. Pushbuttons

8.3. Filling in data with text fields

8.3.1. Creating text fields

8.3.2. Filling out text fields

8.3.3. Text fields and fonts

8.3.4. Validating text fields

8.4. Selecting options with choice fields

8.4.1. Creating lists and combo boxes

8.4.2. Manipulating lists and combo boxes

8.5. Refining the form-filling process

8.5.1. Choosing field names

8.5.2. Optimizing the filling process

8.5.3. Partial form flattening

8.5.4. Customized form flattening

8.6. Introducing the XML Forms Architecture (XFA)

8.6.1. Static XFA forms

8.6.2. Dynamic XFA forms

8.7. Preserving the usage rights of Reader-enabled forms

8.7.1. Reader-enabling a form using Adobe Acrobat

8.7.2. Filling out Reader-enabled forms using iText

8.8. Summary

3. Essential iText skills

Chapter 9. Integrating iText in your web applications

9.1. Creating a PDF from a servlet

9.1.1. The five steps of PDF creation in a web application

9.1.2. Troubleshooting web applications

9.1.3. Generating a PDF from a JSP page

9.2. Making a form “web ready”

9.2.1. Adding a submit button to an existing form

9.2.2. Filling out a form on the server side

9.2.3. FDF and XFDF in web applications

9.3. JavaScript communication between HTML and PDF

Embedding a PDF Document as an HTML Object

HTML to PDF Communication

PDF to HTML Communication

9.4. Creating basic building blocks from HTML and XML

9.4.1. Parsing HTML

9.4.2. Parsing XML

9.5. Summary

Chapter 10. Brightening your document with color and images

10.1. Working with the iText color classes

10.1.1. Device colors

10.1.2. Spot colors

10.1.3. Painting patterns

10.1.4. Transparency

10.2. Overview of supported image types

10.2.1. JPEG, JPEG2000, GIF, PNG, BMP, WMF, TIFF, and JBIG2

10.2.2. Creating a raw image

10.2.3. CCITT compressed images

10.2.4. Creating barcodes

10.2.5. Working with java.awt.Image

10.2.6. Compressing images

10.2.7. Images consisting of multiple pages or frames

10.3. Making images transparent

10.3.1. Images and transparency

10.3.2. Masking images

10.3.3. Clipping images

10.4. Summary

Chapter 11. Choosing the right font

11.1. Getting fonts from a file

11.1.1. Font files and their extensions

11.1.2. Type 1 fonts

11.1.3. TrueType and OpenType fonts

11.2. Examining font types from a PDF perspective

11.2.1. Simple fonts

11.2.2. Composite fonts

11.3. Using fonts in iText

11.3.1. Overview of the Font classes

11.3.2. Type 3 fonts

11.3.3. CJK fonts

11.3.4. Writing from right to left

11.3.5. Advanced typography

11.4. Automating font creation and selection

11.4.1. Getting a Font from the FontFactory

11.4.2. Automatic font selection

11.5. Summary

Chapter 12. Protecting your PDF

12.1. Adding metadata

12.1.1. The info dictionary

12.1.2. The Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP)

12.2. PDF and compression

12.2.1. Compression levels

12.2.2. Compressing and decompressing existing files

12.3. Encrypting a PDF document

12.3.1. Creating a password-encrypted PDF

12.3.2. Public-key encryption

12.4. Digital signatures, OCSP, and timestamping

12.4.1. Creating an unsigned signature field

12.4.2. Signing a PDF

12.4.3. Adding multiple signatures

12.4.4. Verifying the signatures in a document

12.4.5. Creating the digest and signing externally

12.4.6. CRLs, OCSP, and timestamping

12.4.7. PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures (PAdES) profiles

12.5. Summary

4. Under the hood

Chapter 13. PDFs inside-out

13.1. PDF, why and how?

13.1.1. The ancestors of PDF

13.1.2. The history of PDF

13.1.3. PDF as an ISO standard

13.1.4. PDF/X, PDF/A, PDF/E, PDF/UA, and other types of PDF

13.2. Understanding the Carousel Object System

13.2.1. Basic PDF objects

13.2.2. The PDF file structure

13.2.3. Climbing up the object tree

13.3. Exploring the root of a PDF file

13.3.1. Page layout, page mode, and viewer preferences

13.3.2. Pages and page labels

13.3.3. Outlines, destinations, and names

13.3.4. AcroForms revisited

13.4. Summary

Chapter 14. The imaging model

14.1. Examining the content stream

PDF Syntax Notation

14.2. Path construction and painting operators

14.2.1. Constructing paths

14.2.2. Painting and clipping paths

14.2.3. Convenience methods to draw shapes

14.3. Overview of the graphics state methods

14.3.1. Line characteristics

14.3.2. Colors

14.3.3. Changing the coordinate system

14.3.4. Affine transformations using Java

14.4. Overview of the text and text state methods

14.4.1. Text state operators

14.4.2. Text-positioning and text-showing operators

14.4.3. Convenience methods for text

14.5. Using java.awt.Graphics2D

14.5.1. Drawing content to PdfGraphics2D

14.5.2. Drawing text to PdfGraphics2D

14.6. Summary

Chapter 15. Page content and structure

15.1. Making content visible or invisible

15.1.1. Optional content groups

15.1.2. Adding structure to layers

15.1.3. Optional content membership

15.1.4. Changing the state of a layer with an action

15.1.5. Optional content in XObjects and annotations

15.2. Working with marked content

15.2.1. Object data

15.2.2. Section 508 and accessibility

15.2.3. Adding structure

15.3. Parsing PDFs

15.3.1. Examining the content stream with PRTokeniser

15.3.2. Processing content streams with PdfContentStreamProcessor

15.3.3. Extracting text with PdfReaderContentParser and PdfTextExtractor

15.3.4. Finding text margins

15.3.5. Extracting images

15.4. Summary

Chapter 16. PDF streams

16.1. Finding and replacing image and font streams

16.1.1. Adding a special ID to an Image

16.1.2. Resizing an image in an existing document

16.1.3. Listing the fonts used

16.1.4. Replacing a font

16.2. Embedding files into a PDF

16.2.1. File attachment annotations

16.2.2. Document-level attachments

16.2.3. Go to embedded file action

16.2.4. PDF packages, portable collections, or portfolios

16.3. Integrating rich media

16.3.1. Movie annotations

16.3.2. 3D annotations

16.3.3. Embedding Flash into a PDF

16.3.4. Establishing communication between Flex and PDF

16.4. Summary

What You’ve Learned From This Book

Creating PDFs

Updating PDFs

Reading PDFs

A. Bibliography

A.1. Published by Adobe Systems

A.1.1. Specifications (PDF documents)

A.1.2. Presentations (PDF documents)

A.2. Published by the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM)

A.3. Published by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)

A.4. Published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

A.5. Other publications

Appendix B. Useful links

B.1. iText-related links

B.1.1. iText links

B.1.2. iText in Action links

B.2. PDF-related links

B.3. Technical links

B.3.1. Tools and products referred to in the book

B.3.2. Fonts

B.3.3. Accessibility

B.3.4. Miscellaneous

B.4. Other links

B.4.1. Certificate authorities

B.4.2. Movie links


List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

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