Chapter 2. Installing Alfresco

One of the remarkable features of Alfresco is the ease with which it can be installed and deployed. The simple out of the box installation is quite straight forward, with preconfigured options that are aimed at having a complete, working content management system in no time. This chapter provides you with a basic understanding of Alfresco architecture, various installation options, and the key terminologies used. By the end of this chapter, you will be well equipped with the information necessary to make a choice of a suitable operating system, database, application server, and other software required for your installation. This chapter is essential reading matter for anyone not already familiar with Alfresco.

By the end of this chapter, you will have learned about:

  • The overall architecture of Alfresco
  • Determining what is the correct installation option for you
  • Out of the box full installation of Alfresco
  • Installing Alfresco and all of the required software
  • Installing Alfresco Components
  • Installing modules with AMP Install

Installing Alfresco

Before delving directly into installation, it is important for you to understand the architecture behind Alfresco and the various installation options available to you. This will help you to make good decisions in selecting the appropriate software for your business application.

Out of the box installation architecture

The Out of the box deployment of Alfresco is a typical web application architecture, consisting of different layers, as shown in the next figure. This new architecture is basically N-tier and delivers scalability without the need for massive hardware and software investment. It can also accommodate more users with the existing hardware resources. The layered architecture of Alfresco provides the benefits of easily manageable, flexible, and highly scalable content management solution.

Out of the box installation architecture

Client Applications layer

The Client Applications layer contains the actual application, as the web browser, on the user's machine, that is, basically the presentation layer. Out of the box, Alfresco provides two client applications: Alfresco Explorer and Alfresco Share. Alfresco Explorer is a pure document management web application, and Alfresco Share is a web 2.0 application, that provides dynamic, collaborative support. In the next couple of chapters, we will talk about these two applications in detail. Along with these two applications, Alfresco provides support for CIFS, FTP, WebDAV, Microsoft office, and so on. Refer to the topic in Chapter 9, named Integrations, for more information on the different client applications that are integrated into Alfresco in order to leverage the services provided by Alfresco.

Repository Services layer

The Repository Services layer consists of Alfresco components and services. This new architecture provides a clear separation between the presentation tier and the repository tier. The Alfresco RESTful API provides access to its services via HTTP, which makes it accessible to other tools and applications. The Alfresco Surf platform enables you to build dynamic, REST-oriented web applications and collaborative web sites. More detailed information about Surf platforms are provided in Chapter 11. The SharePoint protocol offers greater choice for Microsoft users, by providing them with the first open source, fully-compatible SharePoint repository. Companies can leverage existing investments in Linux and Java, as well as Microsoft .NET connection software, to significantly reduce their SharePoint total cost of ownership and maximize their hardware and software investments. Chapter 11 describes SharePoint protocol in detail. The Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) specification defines a domain model and a set of API bindings that can be used by applications, to work with one or more Enterprise Content Management repositories or systems.

Data Storage layer

The Data Storage layer stores the data in a relational database and a file system.

The content in Alfresco is stored in persistent back-end systems such as a database and file system. There is a reason for using both database and a file system as content storage. Any content within Alfresco consists of two elements—the content itself and information about the content (metadata).

The actual content can be anything from simple documents (HTML, XML) to images, audio, and video. The actual content and its related versions are stored as binary files in the file system. Storing content in a file system has its own advantages. It allows a very large amount of content, random-access streaming, and options for different storage devices. It is important to note that Alfresco is agnostic with respect to the file system it utilizes. It is possible to configure Alfresco to use a vast diversity of file systems.

Alfresco uses Lucene—a popular open source search engine, to provide metadata searching, and full text search capabilities of the content. Apart from the actual binary content, Lucene's index files are also stored in the file system.

The content metadata consists of information that includes elements like:

  • The format of the content
  • The date the content was created
  • The language the content is in

The security settings are stored in the relational database.

The components of Alfresco applications

The application server hosts the user interface and domain logic. It provides an abstraction and enables communication between the client and storage layers. In the case of Alfresco, the application server houses Alfresco applications (such as the Alfresco Explorer and Alfresco Share) and the Alfresco repository.

The Alfresco repository provides a set of reusable cross-cutting content management services such as content storage, query, versioning, and transformation, which may be utilized by one or more applications.

An Alfresco application provides a complete solution tailored for a specific area of content management such as document management and records management. The user interfaces for all of these applications are referred to as Alfresco Explorer and Alfresco Share. Alfresco Explorer is the JSF based client, which is highly customizable and configurable according to specific user requirements. The out of the box web client gives you lot of packaged functionality. With the web client management console, you can manage users, security, content, business rules, and so on. Additionally, Alfresco Share introduces a new, simplified, easy-to-use, and adopt knowledge worker UI. The current JSF client is still available and is unchanged.

Accessing the application

There is no installation or configuration required for the Alfresco user interface. Any number of web browsers can connect to the application without prior client installation activities.

The out of box installation comes with Alfresco Share and the Alfresco Share web client, which you can use to connect to the Alfresco repository through web-based applications.

Apart from these applications, Alfresco's out of the box installation supports various client applications for accessing Alfresco content via Web Services or protocols such as FTP, WebDAV, and CIFS:

  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP): This is useful for transferring files from your local file system to the remote server.
  • WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV): This is primarily designed for editing and managing files on remote web servers in a structured way. For example, an application like Adobe Photoshop can directly open and edit a file in the Alfresco content repository. This gives you the flexibility of using your own favorite editor to edit the content on the Alfresco server.
  • Common Internet File System (CIFS): This maps Alfresco's content as your local file system folder.

Web Services: Most of the ECM products, on the market store content, are in a proprietary format, which is like a black box. Alfresco's content is stored as per the JCR (Java Content Repository-JSR 170) open standards. Any JCR-compliant client application can read content that is stored in the Alfresco repository. This is one of the key selling points of Alfresco. An API is provided out of the box so that you can connect to the Alfresco repository from your applications, through web services or JCR integration.

Choosing the right installation option

Alfresco is a completely open source application, which is developed using open standards. Hence, it runs on various operating systems, relational databases, application servers, web browsers, and portals, and supports various languages. Let us examine all of the choices, and determine which option is right for you.

Enterprise and community editions

Alfresco currently provides two types of product download options:

  • Alfresco Community Lab Network
  • Alfresco Enterprise Network

Both of these options have the same code base and features, and are completely open source. For both the options, you can use the Alfresco documentation (Wiki), community support (forums), and community-contributed add-on products. Alfresco Community Lab Network is free. Alfresco Enterprise Network requires a per-CPU license fee.

The Alfresco Community Labs Network is an unsupported product and is mainly designed for developers and technical enthusiasts in non-critical environments. Alfresco Community Lab is released early and often, and renders a daily build, while offering the latest functionality. It doesn't provide scalability or high availability certifications. I would recommend this for use as the research vehicle for new features, and as the platform for the Alfresco Community, and consider it as a test drive before you install the Enterprise edition.

If you are implementing Alfresco for a major corporation or a financial, insurance, government or healthcare organization, I would recommend that you go for Alfresco Enterprise Network support. The primary benefit is that with the support of Alfresco and its certified partners you will get a stable, reliable, certified, and supported application with warranty and indemnity. Your Alfresco version will be certified on all available stacks, such as Linux, Windows, MySQL, Oracle, and so on. You will also benefit from Alfresco support, which includes problem resolution, compatibility advice, migration advice, and upgrade support. For mission-critical applications, you will get 24 x 7 support from Alfresco experts.

Operating systems—Windows, Linux, UNIX, and MacOS

Choosing an operating system to run Alfresco on will be based on various factors. For some companies it depends on in-house expertise. For example, if you have administrators and I.T staff who can easily manage business applications running on a Microsoft windows platform, then your choice could be to go with the Windows operating system. For some companies it is based on the integration requirements with existing systems.

If you do not have any preferences, I would recommend that you go with Linux operating system for production use. Linux source code is freely distributed. Tens of thousands of programmers have reviewed the source code to improve performance, eliminate bugs, and strengthen security. No other operating system has ever undergone this level of review. The key advantages of Linux are listed below:

  • It has the best technical support available
  • It has no vendor lock-in
  • It runs on a wide range of hardware
  • It is exceptionally stable
  • It supports many tools and applications that you may need
  • It interoperates with many other types of computer systems
  • It has a low total cost of ownership

Databases—MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, and PostgreSQL

The data access layer of Alfresco is implemented using an open source software component and ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool called Hibernate. Hibernate abstracts the database layer and provides seamless integration between the Alfresco repository and any relational database.

If you have already chosen the Microsoft Windows operating system, then the natural choice for you would be MS SQL Server. If you already have a license for Oracle, then an Oracle database is the best choice for you. Alfresco also supports the PostgreSQL database.

If you do not have any preference, I recommend that you go with the MySQL database, which costs nothing if you go with the open source version. The MySQL database has become the world's most popular open source database because of its consistent, fast performance, high reliability, and easy usability. It's used in more than 10 million installations, ranging from large corporations to specialized embedded applications. MySQL runs on more than 20 platforms, including Linux, Windows, OS/X, HP-UX, AIX, and Netware, giving you the kind of flexibility that puts you in control.

Application servers—Tomcat and JBoss

Alfresco runs on any J2SE 5.0 complaint application server. Hence, there are no application server specific dependencies. However, it is important to make a choice of application server before moving into production.

Alfresco uses the Spring framework and not the Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) framework. This means that there is no dependency on JBoss or any other application server that provides EJB containers. Spring is an open source application framework for Java/JEE. The Alfresco repository uses the Spring Framework as the core foundation of its architecture. If you are developing a standalone application, then Apache Tomcat might be a good option. Tomcat powers numerous large-scale and mission-critical web applications across a diverse range of industries and organizations. It is the most widely-accepted web application server on the market.

On the other hand, you should consider using the JBoss application server, which has the highest market capture (> 35%) of J2EE-based application servers in the world. JBoss internally uses Tomcat, and hence you get the benefits of the Tomcat servlet engine as well.

Alfresco utilizes JBoss caching ability to distribute and maintain data caches, making it possible to build large-scale systems that outperform traditional Enterprise Content Management systems. Alfresco also utilizes the clustering, failover and load balancing facilities of the JBoss application server, in order to increase scalability. Alfresco's business process management features are powered by JBoss jBPM tool.

If you have already invested in JBoss, then Alfresco provides complementary industry-leading Enterprise Content Management technology to the JBoss enterprise middleware system suite.

Portals (optional)—JBoss Portal and Liferay

You can go with a portal of your choice; if you already have an enterprise portal then you can integrate Alfresco with it. If you do not have a portal in place and you would like to leverage the portal framework, then you can consider using either the JBoss portal or the Liferay portal. Both of these are based on J2EE technology; both of them are open source and open standards based, and both of them have Alfresco's built-in support.

JBoss Portal provides an open source platform for hosting and serving a portal's web interface, publishing and managing its content, and customizing its experience. Whereas most packaged portal frameworks help enterprises to launch portals more quickly, only JBoss Portal delivers the benefits of a zero-cost, open source license combined with a flexible and scalable underlying platform.

Liferay is the most downloaded and popular open source portal with 40,000 downloads per month. It runs on top of any J2EE servlet, such as Tomcat, so a full installation of JBoss is not required. However, it can be run against most full application-servers out of the box including JBoss, JRun, BEA, WebLogic and Orion. It has full set of web service interfaces to the portal. Liferay supports 800+ portlets (products) and has wider adoption in the market.

Choose the appropriate software for your installation

You need to make the best choice of software to install Alfresco. If you do not have any specific requirements, you might consider a complete open source stack for production usage, and go with Alfresco Enterprise Edition on the Linux operating system with the MySQL database running on the JBoss application server with a Liferay Portal.

The examples in this book were created and tested with the following choice of Alfresco installation:

  • Alfresco Enterprise 3
  • Operating System: Windows XP
  • Database: MySQL 5
  • Application server: Tomcat 6
  • JDK 5
  • Portal: None

Installing on Microsoft Windows

In our earlier section, you may have noticed that the repository application server is the default deployment option chosen. This means that the out of the box Alfresco installation is a typical web application, where the web application server becomes the host for an embedded repository and is accessible through the HTTP protocol. In this section, we will discuss the requirements and procedures for the two flavors of installation of Alfresco, Full Installation and Installation of Alfresco Tomcat Bundle.

Full installation

The default installation of Alfresco software requires installing the Windows enterprise version, Alfresco-Enterprise-<version>-Full-Setup.exe, downloaded from the SourceForge project location ( Alfresco is hosting its own community download area, so you can also download this from Select the download package, and you will be asked for the user name and password of the Alfresco content community.

At the time of writing this book, the latest version was Alfresco Enterprise 3.0.1 and installer file Alfresco-Enterprise-3.0.1-Full-Setup.exe is approximately 350 MB in size.

This installer will install:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK)—If JDK is not already installed on your machine
  • Apache Tomcat 6.0.18
  • Portable Open Office 3
  • Alfresco Explorer web application, packaged as a Web Archive (WAR)
  • Alfresco Share web application, packaged as a Web Archive (WAR)
  • Share point Protocol support

To install and run Alfresco, you need at least 500 MB disk space and at least 512 MB RAM on the desktop or server.

The following steps are a simple way of installing all of the software and components required to run Alfresco, through the installation wizard:

  1. Start the installation of Alfresco by double-clicking on the Alfresco installer. Select the language English from Language Selection dialog.
  2. Click yes when prompted for installation confirmation, and the installation wizard is launched.

    You will see this welcome screen:

    Full installation
  3. After you click Next, you will be asked for the type of setup. You will have two options: Typical and Custom. Typical will install everything, including Default Component, Samples, WCM, Java, OpenOffice. With the Custom option you can select the custom components for installation. For full installation, choose Typical and click on Next.
  4. You will see the option to choose the installation folder. Let us install Alfresco in the default folder proposed by the installer, which is C:Alfresco. Please note that you have the option to browse and select another folder by clicking on the Browse button. Once you are done with the folder selection, click on Next.
    Full installation
  5. In the next window, review the settings and click on Next to start installation.
  6. On the next screen, select the database MySQL. This should be installed and running already on your machine. Click on Next.
    Full installation
  7. On the next screen, provide the password for MySQL installed on your machine, and click on Next.
  8. The installer will try to establish the connection to MySQL and creates a new database named Alfresco. Click on Next.
  9. You will be notified upon successful creation of the database. On the next screen, you will be asked to put the database JDBC driver file (.jar) in the Tomcat C:Alfresco omcatlib folder.
  10. Once you have completed the installation, the final installation screen will be as shown , as in the screenshot below. Do not forget to read the contents of the Readme file, as it contains information about using CIFS , along with some troubleshooting tips.
    Full installation
  11. Run the alf_start.bat file, which is available at C:Alfresco. Wait a few seconds to allow Tomcat to start, and then fire up your web browser and browse to http://localhost:8080/Alfresco. Since this is the first time that you are using Alfresco, use admin as your username and password.

Installation of the Alfresco Tomcat bundle

This section provides the installation pre-configured Tomcat bundle for Alfresco, which requires JDK to already be installed on your machine.

Installing Java SE Developer Kit

The very first step for installing Alfresco is to install the Java SE Developer kit. Alfresco requires Java 1.5 or higher. If you already have JDK then you can skip this section.

To Install Java SDK, carry out the following steps:

  1. Download JDK 5.0 update or JDK 6.0 update from
  2. After downloading, double-click the installation file to automatically proceed with the installation.
  3. Accept the license agreement. Click on Next.
  4. In the next window, for a custom set-up, choose Default. Click on Next.
  5. In the next window, choose the desired browsers to install Java for [optional]. Click on Finish.
  6. Test your installation by issuing the command C:> java –version from the command prompt.
  7. Create a JAVA_HOME environment variable to set the path of Java SE Developer Kit.

Installing Alfresco bundled with Tomcat

For convenience, Alfresco provides the bundle of Alfresco with Tomcat. This bundle includes a pre configured Tomcat server, together with the Alfresco web application archive (Alfresco.war) file, the Alfresco Share web application archive (share.war), batch files, database setup scripts, a sample extension folder, and so on.

To download the Apache Tomcat bundled with Alfresco application, carry out the steps shown below:

  1. Browse to the customer or partner's portal.
  2. Log in to the Alfresco web client and Browse to Company Home > Downloads > 3.0 Releases > 3.x Enterprise > Installation Files > Alfresco DM.
  3. Download Alfresco-enterprise-tomcat-<version>.zip.

To install the Apache Tomcat bundled with Alfresco application, use the following steps:

  1. Unzip the downloaded bundle to C:
  2. Confirm the creation of the folder c:Alfresco, with unzipped files.
  3. The Alfresco application is packaged in a web application archive (WAR file) and is found under the webapps folder (C:Alfresco omcatwebapps).
  4. When installed, the WAR file automatically unpacks itself into a folder named Alfresco.

Installation of other Alfresco Components

This section describes the installation of the Alfresco components.

Installing SharePoint Protocol Support

If you have installed Alfresco by using the full setup, then this support will already be there. Otherwise, follow the steps below to add SharePoint protocol support.

To download Apache vti-module.amp and ROOT.war, use the following steps:

  1. Download vti-module.amp, Connector functionality for Microsoft SharePoint Protocol support, from
  2. Download ROOT.war, the Microsoft SharePoint Protocol support servlet that forwards Office requests to the main web application, from

To install SharePoint support, carry out the following steps:

  1. To install this module, copy vti-module.amp to the <Alfresco_installation_folder>amps folder
  2. Run the apply_amps.bat file, which is available at <Alfresco_installation_folder>
  3. Copy ROOT.war in <Alfresco_installation_folder> omcatwebapps folder
  4. Delete the Alfresco and ROOT folders in webapps, if they exist.

Installing the Alfresco license file

If you want to use Alfresco Enterprise edition, you require a license file. Alfresco Enterprise edition comes up with a 30 day evaluation license. If you don't provide a license file then you can evaluate Alfresco for 30 days. After that it, will be expired and you will only have 'read only' access to the repository.

To download the Alfresco license file, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Browse to the customer or partner's portal.
  2. Login to Alfresco web client and browse to Company Home > Downloads > 3 Releases > 3.x Enterprise > Licence Files
  3. Download the customer license, Alfresco-enterprise-<version>-customer-unlimited.lic, or partner license, Alfresco-enterprise-<version>-partner-unlimited.lic.

To install the license file, use the following steps:

  1. Shut down Alfresco, if it's already running
  2. Browse to the folder:
    <Alfresco_installation_folder>	omcatsharedAlfrescoextensionlicense
  3. Place the downloaded license file into this folder.
  4. Restart the Alfresco server.

After the successful installation of this license, the suffix '.installed' will be appended to the file name and you can begin to utilize the terms of your license immediately.

Installing and configuring the MySQL database

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the content in Alfresco is stored in persistent back-end systems, such as a database and a file system. So for the persistence of metadata, we need a database. Alfresco, by default, uses MySQL to persist the metadata.

If you have already installed MySQL on your machine, you can skip this section.

To install MySQL, use the following steps:

  1. Download the MySQL package from requires MySQL 4.1 or higher.
  2. After downloading the package navigate to your download location and unzip.
  3. Double-click on the setup.exe file to automatically start the installation.
  4. You will see the welcome message screen, as shown below. Click on Next.
    Installing and configuring the MySQL database
  5. Select the Typical setup on the next screen.
  6. Choose the default options for the remaining screens.
  7. Once that wizard completes, you will have the option to configure the MySQL server instance, as shown in the screenshot below. Select Configure the MySQL Server now and then click on Finish.
    Installing and configuring the MySQL database
  8. You will then see the welcome screen for the MySQL Server Instance configuration wizard, as shown below. Click on Next.
    Installing and configuring the MySQL database
  9. Choose the default selected options on the next screens.
  10. Select UTF8 Character set, when asked.
  11. Accept the option: Install As Windows Service option, as shown in the screen below. Click on Next.
    Installing and configuring the MySQL database
  12. In the next step, provide the password for the root user, and then click Next.
    Installing and configuring the MySQL database
  13. On the next screen, click on Execute, to start the configuration
  14. Open the MySQL command line client from All Programs| MySQL| MySQL Server 5.0| MySQL Command Line Client, and provide the root password.
  15. To test your installation, type the following command: mysql –u root –p

To set up the MySQL Database for Alfresco, carry out the following steps:

  1. At the command prompt, browse to <Alfresco_installation_folder>extrasdatabasesmysql.
  2. Run the db_setup.bat file.
  3. When asked for a password, enter the root password of MySQL, and thenpress Enter.
  4. If db_setup fails, this may either be because the MySQL service is not running, or because the MySQL command cannot be found. Either correct this or set up the Alfresco database and user manually, by loading the db_setup.sql file into MySQL, for example, mysql -u root -p <db_setup.sql>.
  5. If the set-up is successful, a MySQL database will be created with the following details
    • Database name: Alfresco
    • Database User Name: Alfresco
    • Database Password: Alfresco
  6. To confirm that the database has been created, log in to MySQL by using the following command:

    mysql -u root –p command.

  7. At the MySQL prompt, execute the command show databases. You will find the database created as Alfresco.

To configure the MySQL Database for Alfresco, you need to make the following outlined changes:

To convert the default installation to MySQL, we simple need to modify two files in the <Alfresco_installation_folder> omcatsharedclassesAlfrescoextension folder that are set to use default database. The files are and

In the file, make the following changes:

  • Comment out the Derby connection lines by using #
  • Uncomment the MySQL connection lines and adjust them as appropriate
  • Provide the proper value for database settings connection properties, such as, db.username, and db.password.

In the file, make the following changes:

  • Comment out the Derby line using #
  • Uncomment the MySQL line

Copy the Database Connector lib has following 2 steps involved:

  • Download the MySQL database connector JAR file
  • Copy that JAR file to <Alfresco-root> omcatlib.

Installing OpenOffice

For transforming documents such as office to PDF, OpenOffice is used. This is basically a cross-platform office application suite. OpenOffice is an optional installation that provides access to a range of document transformations in Alfresco.

To Install OpenOffice, follow the steps shown below:

  1. Download the latest stable version of OpenOffice from
  2. Run the downloaded installation file, and the installation wizard will start.
  3. Accept the license agreement, and then click on Next.
  4. Provide the required customer information, and then click on Next.
  5. Select the setup type as Custom, and then click on Next.
  6. Choose the module, which is the only module used by Alfresco; all others are not required for Alfresco. Change the installation folder to <Alfresco_installation_folder>OpenOffice by clicking on Change button, and then click on Next.
  7. Optionally, select the files for which you want OpenOffice to be the default application, and then click on Next.
  8. To configure OpenOffice as a headless service, perform thefollowing configuration
    • If this is a fresh Alfresco installation, browse to <Alfresco_installation_folder> omcatsharedclassesAlfrescoextensionootstrap
    • Rename the openoffice-startup-context.xml.sample file to openoffice-startup-context.xml, or:
    • From the command prompt (or via a .bat file), start OpenOffice by issuing the following command:
    • soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100; urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -nologo -headless

Installing Image Magick and CIFS

Installing Image Magick

Image Magick is a software suite that can read, convert, and write images in a variety of formats. Alfresco leverages the power of Image Magick for image transformations. Alfresco already has an executable for this, which is, imconvert.exe, which available in the <Alfresco_installation_folder>in folder. To implement Image Magick on the Windows operating system, you are required to add the imconvert.exe file to the system path, or you can copy this file to the C:WindowsSystem32 folder.

Installing CIFS

Alfresco supports the virtual file system via CIFS Interface. It already has win32netbios.dll available in the <Alfresco_installation_folder>in folder. To implement CIFS it on Windows operating system, you need to add the file win32netbios.dll to the system path, or you can copy this file to the C:WindowsSystem32 folder.

Installing WCM

To download Alfresco WCM, carry out the following steps:

  1. Browse to the customer or partner's portal.
  2. Log in to the Alfresco web client and browse to Company Home > Downloads > 3.0 Releases > 3.x Enterprise > Installation Files > Alfresco WCM.
  3. Download the file Alfresco-enterprise-wcm-<version>.zip.

To install the Alfresco application on a bundled Apache Tomcat use the following steps:

  1. Extract the Alfresco-enterprise-wcm-<version>.zip file into the C:Alfresco folder.
  2. Copy the wcm-bootstrap-context.xml file from the C:Alfresco folder to the C:Alfresco omcat sharedclassesAlfrescoextension folder.

Installing Microsoft Office Add-ins

To download the Microsoft Office Add-ins, carry out the following steps:

  1. Browse to the customer or partner's portal.
  2. Log in to the Alfresco web client and browse to Company Home > Downloads > 3.0 Releases >3.x Enterprise > Installation Files > Office Plugins.
  3. Download the installer file Alfresco-enterprise-office2003-addins-<version>.zip. This contains the office installer for all three Add-ins: Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point.
  4. If you want to install any individual add-in then you can choose the specific installer from Alfresco-enterprise-word2003-addin-<version>.zip, Alfresco-enterprise-excel2003-addin-<version>.zip, or Alfresco-enterprise-powerpoint2003-addin-<version>.zip.

To install the Microsoft Office Add-ins, carry out the following steps:

  1. Run the setup.exe file.
  2. The setup up program will download the required components from the Microsoft web site, if required.
  3. Run any of the Office applications.
  4. A Welcome window with configuration options will be displayed.
  5. Provide the Alfresco WebClient URL, i.e. http://localhost:8080/Alfresco/ in the Web Client URL area.
  6. Specify the WebDev URL by appending webdev/ to the web client URL in the area for the WebDev URL.
  7. Verify the CIFS mapping address in the CIFS server area.
  8. If you are using CIFS, authentication is automatic; otherwise, you need to enter your user name and password for Alfresco in the Authentication area.
  9. After performing all of the steps mentioned above, click on Save Settings.

Installing Flash player

Installing the Flash player is optional, but if you are using Alfresco Share, then it is advisable to install this, as Alfresco Share uses the Flash player for viewing Flash previews. It is also used when you want to make use of its Multi File upload facility.

To install Flash player, carry out the following steps:

  1. Download the latest version of the Flash player from Adobe's Flash Player Download site, at
  2. Follow the Wizard steps to install the Flash player.

Installing SWFTools

For previewing PDF files, Alfresco Share uses the pdf2swf utility of the SWFTools. This generates one frame per page of fully formatted text inside a Flash movie. Installing SWFTools is optional.

To install SWFTools, carry out the following steps:

  1. To install SWFTools, download the latest version from the SWFTools web site at,
  2. Follow the installation Wizard steps to install SWFTools.

Installation folder structure

Let's take a peek into the installation folder <Alfresco_installation_folder>, to look at the folders:

  • Alfresco: All of the shortcuts for installing, uninstalling, starting, and stopping Alfresco, are present in this folder as Windows services. In addition, restarting, stopping, and starting of Alfresco, are present as a normal console application. We can access this folder from the Start menu of Windows.
  • alf_data: All of the Alfresco content and Lucene indexes are stored in this folder.
  • Amps: All of the AMP extensions files that are required are in here, and then they use the apply_amps script to perform the updates.
  • bin: This folder contains the sub-installations of Alfresco. The main installation scripts in the Alfresco folder calls the sub-scripts in this folder in order to start the sub Alfresco Tomcat component of the installation, creating and setting up the permissions for the Alfresco MySQL database. This folder is very useful for people opting for the manual installation, rather than using an installer.
  • extras: This folder contains additional files, such as the space template for record management file plans, which can be imported into the Alfresco repository.
  • java: As is evident by the name, this folder contains the Java Development Kit. All of the Alfresco development is done by using Java as the core programming language.
  • licenses: This folder contains the licenses for Alfresco, MySQL, and Apache along with licenses for the other third party applications used inside Alfresco.
  • tomcat: Once again, as evident from the name, this folder holds the Tomcat installation, where the Alfresco application is deployed as a WAR file. You can see the Alfresco.war and share.war files in the webapps sub-folder of this folder.
  • Openoffice: This folder contains the entire portable office suite installation that is used for word processing, spread sheet processing, and so on.
  • virtual-tomcat: This folder contains the customized Tomcat, which is used for previewing files in WCM.
  • README: README files provide information about using CIFS, and some troubleshooting tips.

You can uninstall any program by double-clicking on the uninstall.exe file.

Starting and stopping Alfresco as a console application

The options for starting and stopping Alfresco as a console application can be viewed by selecting Start | All Programs | Alfresco Enterprise. The options are as shown in the following screenshot:

Starting and stopping Alfresco as a console application

The options there are discussed below:

  • Stop Alfresco Server: This option is used to stop Alfresco. It stops the MySQL server and the Tomcat application server.
  • Start Alfresco Server: Use this option to start the Alfresco as a console application. This will start the MySQL server and the Tomcat server.
  • Stop Virtual Server: This option is used to stop the Alfresco Virtual server. It stops the Virtual Tomcat application server.
  • Start Virtual Server: Use this option to start the Alfresco Virtual server, mainly used for Alfresco WCM. This will start the Virtual Tomcat Server.
  • Alfresco Explorer: This option is used to open the Alfresco Web Client in the browser.
  • Alfresco Share: This option is used to open Alfresco Share in the web browser.
  • Alfresco Web site: This option is used to open Alfresco's web site in the web browser.

Alternatively, you can always start, stop, and restart the Tomcat application server, and the MySQL database server, manually, by going to their respective folders. This gives more control to the user. However, the console option provides batch files to perform the start and stop procedures in a consolidated way, relieving the user of any unwanted errors.

Configuring Alfresco as a Windows service

You can also configure Alfresco as a Windows service in a standard Alfresco/Tomcat Installation. With the default installation, Alfresco is bundled as a web application that launches within Tomcat. To configure Alfresco to run as a Windows service, you need to set up Tomcat to run as a Windows service.

To configure Alfresco as a Windows service, carry out the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Go to the <Alfresco_installation_folder>/tomcat/bin folder.
  3. Use the following commands:
    • service.bat install Alfresco
    • tomcat5.exe //US//Alfresco:-DisplayName "Alfresco Server"
    • tomcat5.exe //US//Alfresco:-JvmMs=256 --JvmMx=512 --JvmSs=64
    • tomcat5.exe //US//Alfresco:-JavaHome<Alfresco_installation_folder>/java
    • tomcat5.exe //US//Alfresco:-Environment ALF_HOME=<Alfresco_installation_folder>/
    • tomcat5.exe //US//Alfresco:-Environment PATH=<Alfresco_installation_folder>/bin;%PATH%
    • tomcat5.exe //US//Alfresco:-StartPath <Alfresco_installation_folder>--Startup auto

To uninstall the service, go to the <Alfresco_installation_folder>/tomcat/bin and enter the following command: service.bat uninstall Alfresco.

To edit your service settings, go to the <Alfresco_installation_folder>/tomcat/bin and enter the following command: tomcat5w.exe //ES//Alfresco

To start the service, locate the service named Alfresco Server in your Windows Service control panel, and start Alfresco from this control panel.

Installing on Linux

Alfresco provides a nice package that includes all of the programs you need for using Alfresco on your Linux machine. Download this package from the customer or partner's portal by selecting the latest version of the Alfresco-<version>-linux-community.bin file.

This installer file contains Tomcat, Open Office and Alfresco. Make sure that you have permissions to execute the installer. Make sure that you have JDK 5 or higher installed on your machine before installing Alfresco.

Use the following command to change the permissions on the installer so that it can be executed:

> chmod a+x ./Alfresco-<version>-linux-community.bin

Become the root (super) user, in order to install, by executing the following command (for some platforms that have the super user account disabled by default, you might require "su –s").

> su

Next, execute the installer directly on the command prompt as follows.


Follow the instructions presented by the installer:

  1. You will be asked for the language in the Language Selection prompt; select English, and then click OK.
  2. On the next screen you will be prompted off confirmation off the installation. Click on Yes. The installation wizard is launched.
  3. Click on Next in the Welcome window.
  4. In the next window, provide the JDK installation location via the Browse button, and then click on Next.
  5. In the next screen, of Setup Type, select Typical, and then click on Next.
  6. You will be asked for a location into which you want to install the software, in the next window. If you choose to skip the 'Become root' step above, your home folder is selected by default. If you intend that Alfresco should be run by other users, or start on startup, you should change this to a different location. Exit the installer and become the root user. If you are the root user, the default of /opt/Alfresco-<version> will be selected. If you want to change it, /usr/local/Alfresco-<version> will often be another good choice.
  7. Review the settings in the Start Copying Files window, and then click on Next. The installation starts.
  8. In the OpenOffice Location window, select the OpenOffice location by clicking on the Browse button, selecting the location, and then clicking OK. If you do not want to use OpenOffice for your document conversions, then select the Alfresco installation folder as the location.
  9. In the Install Jammer Wizard Complete window, click Finish.
  10. In the next window, Readme, click Close.
  11. Run the file, which is available in the Alfresco root folder. Wait a few seconds to allow Tomcat to start, and then fire up your web browser and browse to http://localhost:8080/Alfresco. Because this is the first time that you are using Alfresco, use the username and password admin.

Installing extensions with AMP Install

Alfresco provides extensions as AMP files, which we can install with the help of the Module Management Tool in Alfresco. The Module Management Tool supports the installation of AMP modules, including upgrades to later versions, enabling and disabling of installed modules, uninstallation of installed modules, and listing of currently installed modules.

To install any AMP module in Alfresco, please refer to the following steps:

  1. Download the particular AMP file, with the .amp extension.
  2. Copy the <extension-module>.amp file to


  3. Run the apply_amps.bat file, which is available at <Alfresco_installation_folder>. This will install the particular module.
  4. Delete the Alfresco folder in webapps, if it exists, and restart the server.

Some of the extension modules available within Alfresco are Alfresco-blog-integration.amp for Blog Publishing, Alfresco-fb-doclib.amp for FaceBook integration and Alfresco-recordsmanagement.amp for Records Management sample functionality.

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