RSS syndication

In order to share the information in a space with external systems such as RSS feeds, you need to enable RSS Feed for that space.

Go to the details page of the News space, and click on the Enable RSS Syndication icon, as shown in the following screenshot:

RSS syndication

A new window is displayed, enabling you to select the RSS template that is to be applied to the space as an RSS feed. The RSS templates are custom scripts that determine the content to be shown as feeds. Alfresco comes with a built-in standard RSS template, called RSS_2.0_recent_docs.ftl, which renders a valid RSS2.0 XML document, showing the documents in the current space that have been created or modified in the last seven days. Choose the default RSS template from the drop-down menu, and then click on the OK button.

In order for anonymous users to be able to view the news feeds, they must have read permission on the News space. This means that the Guest (anonymous) user must have the Consumer role (READ access) for this space, in order for the RSS feed to be publicly viewable.

This can be achieved by using the Manage Space Users dialog, and inviting the Guest user into the News space.


It is very important to ensure that the guest user has the Consumer role on the space to view the RSS feeds of that space.

Using RSS feeds

Let us test the RSS syndication features on the News space. Once RSS feeds are enabled on a space, the RSS Feed Link icon is visible, as shown in the following screenshot:

Using RSS feeds

By clicking on the RSS Feed Link, you can view the RSS feeds of the News space in the web browser. You can view the RSS feeds of the News space in any RSS feeds enabled web browser or RSS aggregator.

Version 7.0 of Microsoft Explorer has a built-in RSS feeds viewer. You can receive content automatically by subscribing to a web feed and specifying the interval, at which Internet Explorer should check the web site for updates. To view your feeds, click on the Favorites Center button, and then click on the Feeds link. This allows you to subscribe to feeds from Internet Explorer, and read them in other programs, such as email clients.

RSS templates

The news information that is displayed as an RSS feed is controlled by the RSS template. RSS templates are custom scripts written in the FreeMarker template language. All of the RSS templates in Alfresco are located in the Company Home > Data Dictionary > RSS Templates space.

You can either customize an existing template by editing it, or can add a new RSS template by clicking on the Add Content link that is provided, as shown in the preceding screenshot.

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