Monthly, Daily, and Weekly Checklists

Even though you have probably created your profile and network by this point, you will want to keep an eye on both, as shown in Table 9-1. I often see profiles that are sorely out of date. As you add businesses, products, or services to your business, make sure they are reflected in your profile as well.

Also, continue to strategically build your network according to your industry and location, and see Who You Might Know, people new to LinkedIn who might be colleagues or classmates, and who in your network you should connect and build relationships with. Be proactive. As Stacy Donovan Zapar says, “Whether you are a job seeker or business person, it is much more effective to build your network before you need it.”

Table 9-1: Profile and Network

ProfileCheck headline for accuracy.Quarterly
PhotoUpdate photo. No 1970s glam shots!Quarterly or as needed
Add SectionsUpdate Add Sections (Publications, Patents, Languages, Organizations, etc.).Quarterly
SummaryUpdate Summary. Quarterly or as needed
SkillsUpdate skills as you learn or master new ones.Quarterly or as needed
Contact MeUpdate Contact Me.As needed
SearchCheck for “Findability”—keyword people search.Biweekly
Viewed My ProfileCheck and respond to “Viewed My Profile.”Daily
Network LocationCheck location and industry of your network.Weekly or as needed
Add People You May KnowCheck People You May Know and add connections.Weekly
Network StatisticsCheck for growth.Daily
RecommendationsAdd recommendations.As needed
LinkedIn BlogCheck LinkedIn’s Blog.Weekly

In Chapter 8 you created worksheets for your Goal and Campaign updates. Implement those worksheets (and schedulers) by posting or scheduling your updates daily.

LinkedIn doesn’t offer much in the way of monitoring and statistics, but you do have Signal. Make sure you are keeping an eye on what people say about you, your competition, and your clients, as shown in Table 9-2. This information can change daily.

Table 9-2: Updates

Updates TopicsLinkedIn Goal Status Updates, daily or upload into Scheduler. Daily or via Scheduler
Campaign Status Update, daily or upload into Scheduler. Daily or via Scheduler
SignalAdd to (Edit) and Save Critical List Worksheet.Monthly or as needed
Search LinkedIn Signal for “Critical List.”Daily or Weekly
Respond to updates when necessary.Daily or Weekly

Your groups (Table 9-3) can be one of the best ways to engage your target audience and build relationships with relevant LinkedIn members. But you must be proactive in moderating your own group and participating in groups of which you are a member.

Table 9-3: Groups

Create GroupCreate group following guidelines in Chapter 6.One time
RSS FeedSearch for up to 50 RSS feeds (Technorati).Monthly
RulesCreate rules and templates.One time or as needed
InviteInvite members. One time
URLCreate bitly URL for group.One time
Share URLShare your group in email signature, on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter updates.Daily
AnnouncementsCreate weekly announcements and calendar.Weekly or biweekly
MonitorMonitor your group’s discussions; make sure you moderate as needed. Daily or weekly depending on your group’s activity
SpammersDelete those spammers. Be proactive! Keep your group interesting, relevant, and free of spam.Daily or weekly as needed
Create Website for GroupSome people create a website or blog page describing their group (LinkedMinnesota is a good example).One time
Other GroupsParticipate in groups you are a member of. Read discussions. Respond when applicable. Most people only keep up with 3–5 groups.Daily

LinkedIn Answers (Table 9-4) are a great way to find “blog fodder” and position yourself as an expert in your area or interest or industry. You can be very active in Answers, answering several a day, or just use them selectively for certain projects. In either case, having a system and a schedule will make your time in Answers more effective.

Table 9-4: LinkedIn Answers

Repurpose ContentSearch questions asked in Answers on your area of expertise.Weekly
Create Editorial CalendarCreate a list of blog topics/Editorial Calendar (see worksheet from Chapter 8 or use your own).Weekly/monthly/quarterly
Answer QuestionsAnswer questions with blog article link.Several times weekly
Create new contentResearch “hot” questions in your area of expertise (those with a lot of answers).Weekly—create list
Use question as your new post (use the content of the answers—ask for permission if you do).1–5 times weekly

While LinkedIn events (Table 9-5) should not be the only way you market your event, you should definitely create an event for any business occasion you are offering. Not only might you drive some traffic to the event, you might even get some “Google Juice” (visibility). Events can also help support your positioning as an authority in your industry.

Table 9-5: Events

Create EventMake a list of upcoming events.Monthly
Event titles: compile keywords.As needed
Event dates: schedule.As needed
Create description of event.As needed
Landing page/registration page for event.As needed
Create summary with a call to action.As needed
Post event in updates. (Also consider putting into a status update scheduler.)Every few days until event
Invite your first-level connections.Weekly until event
Post event in relevant groups. (If you have your own group, make sure to put event URL in an announcement.)Weekly until event
Pay for an events ad (send to specific people: industries/search terms).One time

Polls (Table 9-6) might not be statistically accurate and I would never use the results to substantiate my claim in a lawsuit, but they sure are great for garnering interest in your network and building relationships. Plus, the results are cool and people love the pie charts!

Table 9-6: Polls

PollsMonitor existing polls.As needed
Respond to participants.As needed
Share in groups.As needed
Use in blog post.As needed
Create New PollsLook at editorial calendar. Do you have a blog, or a project that a blog could enhance?As needed

Keep an eye on your applications (Table 9-7). Some are a one-time-only addition (like WordPress) and some might require daily or weekly interaction (like Projects and Teamspaces). Another reason to monitor your applications is that occasionally LinkedIn will have glitches and your apps might simply disappear and need to be replaced or readded to your profile. In addition, LinkedIn will delete entire programs and add new ones. So keep an eye on Get More Applications as well as the existing apps on your profile.

Table 9-7: Applications

VideoCreate a file of videos to feature on LinkedIn.Monthly or as needed
PresentationCreate a presentation and insert video.As needed
SlideShareUpload using SlideShare.Monthly or as needed
BlogAdd WordPress or blog link.One time or as needed
Creative Portfolio DisplayCompile portfolio and upload (link) with creative portfolio display.Update weekly with new content
Box.netCreate a file with existing e-Docs you already have (testimonials, checklists, questionnaires, white papers, research, résumé, etc.). Upload relevant files.Create and organize into appropriate folders.Upload new content when available
TripIt My TravelSync TripIt’s My Travel with your travel booking site or add travel manually.Schedule travel monthly
Amazon Reading ListAmazon: Update when you read (or write) a new book.Monthly
FT Press eBookShelfSearch and download relevant articles.According to subscription
JD Supra Legal UpdatesJD Supra (if applicable).Check daily
Rofo Real Estate ProRofo (Real Estate) (if applicable).Check daily
Manymoon Projects and TeamspacesManage projects with your team, follow up with team members, add new projects.Daily or as needed

LinkedIn is very invested in making company profiles (Table 9-8) more interactive and more viable for its membership. Make sure you are using all company profiles have to offer (Targeted Status Updates, Statistics, Targeted Service pages). And don’t forget to add any new products or services you have to your company profile.

Table 9-8: Company Profile

Company ProfileCreate company profile. (Make sure the email address for your company is added to your settings; under Account, add email.)One time
Create description.One time; review yearly
Add administrators.As needed
Products and ServicesAdd products and services, logo, and description.As needed
Add video and special offers to products and services.As needed
Create targeted audience and banners for products and services.As needed
Status UpdatesCreate status updates for company.Daily
StatisticsCheck follower statistics.Weekly
Other CompaniesFollow other relevant companies (clients, prospects, competition).Receive daily or weekly email
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