
I have the best parents in the world. Thanks, Mom, for correcting my grammar (still) and never doubting my abilities to achieve any of my goals. Thanks, Dad, for living a life with no boundaries—showing me I could do the same.

Thanks to Alan for preventing me from throwing my Mac through the window. Many times.

Deep appreciation for Laurie Macomber, who educated me on Google and introduced me to LinkedIn. And who is the best besty.

More thank-yous go out:

To Mari Smith, who is the ultimate role model for many of us. Because of you, I knew I could create a career in this crazy industry. And you are part Canadian like me! Coolio!

To Bob Burg, I still see that first interview with you as being the beginning of my true career. You have been an amazing support to me. I am blessed to have you as a friend.

To Miles Austin, Jason Alba, Neal Schaffer, and Joseph Olewitz, who have been amazing mentors and role models. You guys are the most generous people I know!

To Laurie, Ava, Kris, Yael, and Natalie, who have seen me through so much. Every girl needs her pack. Thanks for being mine.

To Steve Cassady, if it weren’t for you, the #LinkedInChat would not be around today. Thanks for being such a marvelous co-moderator.

To Willem Knibbe, Alexa Murphy, Pete Gaughan, and Becca Anderson—excellent editors.

To John Hellerman and my amazing PR team at Hellerman Baretz Communications.

And a very special thanks to my most magnificent and wonderful tech editor, Stacy Donovan Zapar, who really should be getting co-author credit on this book. I could not have done this without her knowledge, generosity, time, and general amazingness.

Finally, thanks again to my tribe; my Twitter followers especially, who have been very supportive.

Thank you!

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