Women on LinkedIn

One of my passions, and a book I really do want to write, is on how women are using social media: what they should and should not being doing; how their innate skills make them amazing users, curators, and creators of social media content; and how some common traits of many women might be holding them back. Rather than interview someone for this section, I decided to share my thoughts and beliefs.

One thing I have found—and I am generalizing a great deal—is that many women tend more toward care-taking than self-promotion, both in life and in the world of social media. Yes, some of the smartest and most savvy marketing people I know are women. But when working one on one with some of the amazing female entrepreneurs I’ve had the privilege of knowing, I often come up against “I could never say that about myself—that’s bragging!” You know what? Brag away!

Get Over the “Little Ol’ Me” Syndrome

I have no doubt that if you Google something like “Find self-esteem in five easy steps,” you’ll find dozens of websites that can help you get to where you need to be in presenting yourself in life as well as online.

Do you want to feel more successful and create a more confident voice on LinkedIn? Then read Gail McMeekin’s The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women (Red Wheel/Weiser, 2012).

Work with a personal coach if you have the resources. I have been working with Susan Somerset Webb (www.linkedin.com/in/susansomersetwebb) and she has helped me move into an exciting and powerful time in my life. Even as an international speaker and author working with Fortune 500 clients, I still woke up some mornings thinking, “But what if they knew who I really was?” Many women, like me, feel like frauds no matter how successful we are. So we need to do whatever it takes to get over that feeling.

I read a lot, take workshops, and work with a coach. There are many free resources you can find if money is an issue to get over whatever is keeping you from fully acknowledging the awesomeness that you are. If you have low self-esteem and low confidence, or you’re stuck in caretaking mode, you need to shake it off and find your stride in order to be more successful on LinkedIn. And in life.

“Who Does She Think She Is?”
Ava Diamond (www.bigimpactspeaking.com) is a speaking mentor and messaging strategist. She is also a popular speaker and addresses what I call the “Little Ol’ Me” syndrome in many of her writings.
She has this to say about “bragging”: “Many of us heard this refrain as young girls when one of our friends would brag or even say something good about themselves. We were taught not to talk about ourselves because people wouldn’t like us.
“Today, we see ‘obnoxious braggers,’ and tell ourselves, ‘I never want to come across that way.’ So we don’t self-promote. We fly under the radar. We get no visibility. And that’s a big mistake.
“As women, learning to authentically self-promote is an art and a skill we must master to be successful in today’s world. When you do it right, the rewards are tremendous.”

LinkedIn is a tool that allows you to promote yourself, your business, and your products and services. Don’t be shy. Tell your audience why they should work for, buy from, or hire you. Tell them what you bring to the table that no one else does.

Get a Good Photo

Invest in yourself when it comes to your profile photo. That glamour shot from your high school graduation is not going to cut it on LinkedIn. If you can, spend some money and get a professional photographer to take you profile shots. By professional photo I don’t mean a hokey background and paste-it-on smile. I mean investing in a professional photographer who’s got the right lighting, the right angles, and the knowledge to make you look your best.

Note: My photographer, Christina Gressianu, is one of those natural talents whom I wish everybody had access to. The things that she can do with lighting and angles is amazing. She makes me look like myself, but better. Why do I mention this? Because having your photograph taken by a professional might be the boost you need to see yourself the way others see you. It might just give you the confidence you need to shine in your work life.

If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on a professional photographer, then keep an eye out for Groupon, Living Social, or Daily Deals specials. I often see offers for photo sessions at a fraction of the cost.

If you don’t have any money to invest in yourself for a professional photo session, then at the very least find a friend with a digital camera, spend some time on your hair and makeup, find a place you love, and have your friend take dozens of photos of you. Choose the best one.

If you’re not a fan of your body, don’t worry about it. The best LinkedIn photograph is a close-up on your face. Be smiling from the inside. As hokey as it sounds, it really comes across.

Get Video

Get used to yourself on video. I know this is hard for many of us…myself included. But this is a world of video: videos on YouTube, videoconference calls, video chats, Skype, Google+ hangouts, WOWsume, and so on. We have got to get used to what we look like on film. What can you video?

  • If you are a speaker or trainer, get some video of yourself doing your thing.
  • If you are a consultant, shoot some video of your work with a client (make sure no proprietary information gets shared without consent).
  • If you are a job seeker, put together a video résumé.
  • If you are an executive, speak to your clients and customers about the benefit of hiring your company.
  • If you have a product, let your customers know why they should buy it.

Many laptops have video cameras built in, and many even come with software. When no one is looking, start making videos of yourself. Test out lighting, test out angles, test out clothing choices, test out makeup and hair choices. And when you’re ready, shoot a short video that you can use on your LinkedIn profile.

I got one of my biggest speaking gigs to date because of the video on my LinkedIn profile.

If you can afford a professional videographer, that’s a great route to go. If you’ve had professional video taken of you, by all means post that video on your LinkedIn profile.

Shooting a Flattering Video of Yourself
Victoria Fricke has a very helpful article in her blog post, The Crimson Crow, on how to shoot flattering video of yourself. Although I have summarized some of the key points below, I recommend you read the whole article here:


  • Move the video screen as close to the camera as possible.
  • Make sure the room is well lit and that you are not casting shadows.
  • Play with the lights until the desired effect is achieved.

Adjust Computer Light

Adjust your computer’s brightness setting to eliminate glare and keep it from interfering with the video.

Start Recording

  • Sit directly in front of the lens.
  • When recording, be sure to look directly at the camera lens or eye—it is important to give the appearance of direct eye contact.
  • Be sure to sit up straight and maintain good posture.
  • Speak clearly without being too loud or too fast.
  • Leave your hair alone!

Until my PR firm Hellerman Baretz shot an amazing professional video of me, I used the video I shot and edited on my Mac, sitting in my living room.

By the way, that was the video that got me the gig. You don’t necessarily need a crew of eight, a make-up person, and a green screen. You need just a willingness to invest some time and shoot, reshoot, and reshoot until you are happy with the results.

I know, as a woman, that video can be downright scary. It doesn’t add 10 pounds—I’m pretty sure it adds 30. But we just have to get over it. And get that video up there!

Give Yourself Credit

Don’t be afraid to give yourself credit for your accomplishments. Don’t be shy of posting awards, honors, or any kind of mention of your magnificence! Too many women have the “little ol’ me” syndrome, and you know what? It just doesn’t fly on LinkedIn. You need to be confident in who you are, the business you work in, and the products and services you sell. If you’re a job seeker, trust me, this confidence comes across—even in a text-based site like LinkedIn.

Don’t be afraid to position yourself as an expert or thought leader. That’s not to say you need to put expert or guru next to your name like I did (although there’s no better way of getting over “little ol’ me” syndrome than publicly acknowledging your expertise in a public area like social media!). But don’t be shy about posting articles or sharing flattering articles about yourself, pictures of the awards you’ve won, or examples of your work in Box.net.

Get Recommendations

Share the successes you’ve had and the honors you’ve won in LinkedIn’s honors and awards sections. Don’t be shy. You’ve earned them!

Final Words

If you are having a hard time representing yourself in your best light, ask you friends and clients what they like best about you. Use their words to create the Professional headline, Summary and Experience sections that represent you in the best light.

My friend Dennis Moss (who is obviously not a woman, but I like this anyway) wrote in his Summary section, “Why you should hire me—(Things I Can’t Say About Myself:)” and then listed several short testimonials. How brilliant. Let other people brag on you!

Final thoughts:

  • Make sure you have a flattering picture (and don’t overexpose your assets!).
  • Make sure your profile is complete.
  • Make sure your profile represents you in the best light.
  • Make sure your profile represents all your honors and awards.
  • Use your website to post flattering articles written by or for you.
  • Mention social media mentions of you.
  • Showcase your work using Box.net.
  • Showcase yourself in a video using SlideShare.
  • Don’t be afraid to speak your mind in status updates, group discussions, and Answers.
  • Stick to your guns! Not everyone is going to agree with everything you say all they time. In fact, Gail McMeekin suggests that the more successful you become, the more people are likely to attack. So stay strong!
  • Don’t be a victim to “Little Ol’ Me” syndrome.
  • Get help if you need it (there are lots of women and mentors on LinkedIn who can help you).
  • Join the group “Connect: Professional Women’s Network.” I just discovered it and I love it!


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