Spin waves and electromagnetic waves in magnetic nanowires

M. Pardavi-Horvath1; E.V. Tartakovskaya2    1 The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
2 Institute of Magnetism NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine


This chapter focuses on the dynamic properties of nanowires. It shows how the properties of nanowires change from a single nanowire (or a large ensemble of noninteracting nanowires) to a strongly interacting nanowire system. The dominating role of the long-range magnetostatic dipolar interactions is demonstrated in establishing a configurational reorientation transition. The interaction of magnetic nanowires with electromagnetic waves (EMWs) leads to a specific spin-wave excitation spectrum due to its size and shape sensitivity. Magnetic nanowires are serious contestants for novel microwave devices, based on the propagation of EMW in the nanostructure. The results of modeling the electrodynamic diffraction problem show how the properties of these flexible systems of ordered magnetic nanowires can be tuned up to the THz frequency range.


Magnetic nanowires

Dipolar interactions

Spin waves (SWs)

Demagnetizing factors (DMFs)

Nanowire microwave properties

23.1 Introduction

Materials science is making great progress in our understanding of magnetic phenomena by bridging the gap between macroscopic and microscopic, from a few interatomic distances of small particles to extended thin-film and bulk materials. Small particles and low-dimensional magnetic systems received attention more than 50 years ago in an attempt to understand and describe low-dimensional magnetism quantitatively. There is a possibility to experimentally investigate a rich variety of physical phenomena, peculiar to materials on a nanosize length scale, and compare the results with theory, simulations, and mathematical models. At the same time, high technology is turning towards the “nano.” The road is open for more and more specific applications in information technology, communication, medical sciences, and in everyday life.

Magnetic and electromagnetic (EM) phenomena in nanoscale magnetic materials are particularly sensitive to change in the size and shape of materials as well as to the frequency and power of EM fields. During the past decade many new “nano-electromagnetic” phenomena were predicted, observed, and understood, and this understanding brought us new knowledge and new devices. Three-dimensional (3-D) magnetic nanocomposites, nanosize magnetic particles embedded into a nonmagnetic matrix, are remarkable systems for both theoretical and experimental investigations. However, there are still challenging tasks in understanding high-frequency phenomena or taking into account the statistical distribution of separation, shape, and size of real particle systems quantitatively.

Periodic two-dimensional (2-D) arrays of magnetic nanowires are ideal objects to test theoretical predictions related to fundamental properties and basic physics of small magnetic particles, and to investigate magnetic and EM properties of low-dimensional systems in general. By changing the size and shape of the elements, fundamental magnetization processes can be studied. By changing the separation, one can study the transition from single noninteracting nanoelements through an assembly of weakly interacting elements and finally examine the length scales for strong interactions and watch how thin film properties develop from individual nanoparticles. Important questions were raised at the early stages of research, such as: Is there a phase transition-like behavior between weak and strong interaction regimens? How does the statistical distribution of properties of the individual elements influence the dynamic properties? What is the relationship between static characteristics, for example, coercivity and switching field distribution (SFD), to high-frequency damping? How do these effects depend on array geometry? Today measurements of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), Brillouin Light Scattering (BLS), and of the broadband microwave behavior together with static magnetic properties and modeling can answer these questions.

Although the static magnetic properties and the magnetization switching of such systems are widely studied, surprisingly, the dynamic properties of nanoscale systems received relatively little attention until very recently. The measurement of dynamic magnetic properties at microwave frequencies can answer important questions about fundamental properties of arrays of magnetic nanoelements. Self-organized 2-D arrays of very high aspect ratio magnetic nanowires is a particularly attractive geometry due to its excellent orientation uniformity, simplicity, reproducibility, planarity, and cost advantages. The field is vibrant with many groups preparing and studying such materials. The latest achievements in the field were summarized at the International Conference on Nanoscaled Magnetism and Applications, held in Spain, in 2013 (DICNMA, 2014a,b). The annual INTERMAG, MMM, and PIERS conferences provide ample material to follow the development of the field.

Besides the aforementioned advantages of nanowires in analyzing fundamental properties of 2-D systems, it is an important fact that the matrix is insulating and nonmagnetic; therefore, the dominating interactions are simply dipolar magnetostatic. Such systems exhibit a strong uniaxial shape anisotropy. By electrodeposition, a great variety of magnetic metals, multilayers, and magnetic–nonmagnetic structures can be deposited into the pores of the porous anodic alumina substrate membrane (see Section 23.4 in this book). Due to the flexibility of the preparation, several extra degrees of freedom, such as wire length, diameter, aspect ratio, separation, and composition, make them ideal for studying interaction and dynamic effects. Figure 23.1 illustrates the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and self-correlation image of a 35 nm diameter, 65 nm periodicity permalloy nanowire sample used to study interaction effects.

Figure 23.1 AFM and self-correlation image of a Permalloy nanowire sample. Wire diameter: 35 nm, periodicity: 65 nm (Tartakovskaya et al., 2010).

The road to preparation of nanowire arrays was opened in 1970 by Possin, who used mica films to deposit nanowire arrays (Possin, 1970). Today most of the published results are obtained on nanowire arrays deposited in anodized alumina substrates. Hexagonally ordered, close-packed pores can be formed on the surface of anodized alumina, with the pore size and spacing controlled by the anodization conditions such as voltage, current density, and solution pH. Pores below 10 nm have been reported with packing densities corresponding to more than 1010 cm− 2. The center-to-center pore spacing is typically close to twice the pore size. Details of preparation technology and characterization of magnetic nanowire arrays are given in Part I of this book.

This chapter focuses on the dynamic properties of nanowires. To understand the electrodynamic and magnetodynamic behavior of magnetic nanowires, first, in Section 23.2, it is shown how the properties of a nanowire system change from a single nanowire (or a large ensemble of noninteracting nanowires) to a strongly interacting nanowire system. The dominating role of the long-range magnetostatic dipolar interactions is demonstrated in establishing the demagnetizing factors (DMFs) of a single wire and for a wire array. One of the striking consequences of the dipolar interactions in dense nanowire arrays, the configurational reorientation transition (CRT), is described.

Section 23.3 deals with the interaction of magnetic nanowires with electromagnetic waves (EMWs). When a magnetic system is excited by a high-frequency EMW, the excited spin system responds with a spin-wave (SW) excitation spectrum, strongly depending on the shape and size of the particles. In nanosize particles of nonellipsoidal geometry, the SW spectra are peculiar, as described in Section 23.3.1. If the shape of the very high aspect ratio nanowire is modified, the resulting hollow nanotubes and multilayered wires offer intriguing objects of theoretical and experimental research, with potential applications. Section 23.4.1 deals with the interactions of nanowires with EMWs. Magnetic nanowires are serious contenders for novel microwave devices, based on the propagation of EMW in the nanostructures. The results of modeling the electrodynamic diffraction problem show how the properties of this flexible system can be tuned up to the THz frequency range.

23.2 From single magnetic nanowire to 2-D nanowire arrays

23.2.1 Interactions in nanowire arrays Static magnetic properties of nanowires

The important static magnetic features of magnetic nanowires, to be used in the following discussion, are single-domain remanent state; well-defined easy axis (uniaxiality); controllable coercivity and anisotropy; sufficiently narrow SFD; thermally stable magnetization state; and tunable saturation magnetization (by the choice of the magnetic material and by porosity).

The single-domain state assumes that at least one dimension of the particle is smaller than the characteristic length for domain formation. The characteristic length has several definitions, all leading to the same order of magnitude: It can be defined as the exchange length λex=2A/MS21/2si1_e, the domain wall width λDW=A/K1/2si2_e, or the magnetostatic length λD=2AK1/2/Ms2si3_e, where A is the exchange interaction energy, K is the anisotropy energy, and Ms is the saturation magnetization at temperature T. For the existence of a thermally stable state at T, the size of the single-domain particle should be just around these limits; otherwise, the particle is superparamagnetic or multidomain. For traditional ferromagnetic metals (Fe, Co, Ni) the single-domain size is a few tens of nm, ideally fitting the nanowire technology.

For a single-domain particle the anisotropy has three contributions. For polycrystalline wires the magnetocrystalline anisotropy (HA) is usually negligible unless there is a preferential growth induced ordering. There might be a magnetoeleastic contribution due to the nonzero magnetostriction of the wire material, which can be optimized by proper choice of the materials. Finally, the dominating contribution for nanowires is the shape anisotropy. For single-domain-diameter wire particles the easy axis is preferred to coincide with the wire axis, thus minimizing the stray fields. For a large enough aspect ratio a, that is, wire length/diameter, a=/d10si4_e, the DMF along the wire can be taken as Nz0si5_e, whereas Nx = Ny = 0.5, as for an infinitely long ellipsoid of rotation. As a result, the nanowires are bistable, having only two magnetic states, “up” and “down” along the easy axis with a remanent magnetization Mr = Ms.

However, for nanowire systems, consisting of a large number of wires, an interesting situation takes place: The overall magnetic anisotropy of the array is determined not only by the shape anisotropy of the individual wires, which will induce a magnetic easy axis parallel to the wire axis, but also by the magnetostatic coupling among the wires, attempting to develop a magnetic easy axis perpendicular to the wire axis. Thus the uniaxial anisotropy is expected to be reduced for an interacting system of nanowires. Reducing the anisotropy field corresponds to a reduction in coercivity, measurable experimentally in hysteresis measurements.

The nonellipsoidal shape and the relatively large surface area of a small size particle produce a nonuniform internal field in nanoparticles. Close to saturation the magnetic moments at the wire ends are still canted to minimize the stray fields, and due to increased surface/volume ratio this canted structure persists to very high fields and contributes to switching field reduction by creating nucleation centers for easy reversal. For a solitary single domain particle the coercivity is equal to the switching field, Hc = Hsw < HA. For real nanoassemblies, with a large number of particles, the mean value of the switching field, that is, the coercivity, is usually much lower than that arising from nonuniform magnetization rotation processes. The statistical distribution of individual switching fields (SFD) is quite broad, due to nucleation at defects. The mechanism, responsible for SFD, contributes to the observed FMR linewidth, that is, to dynamic properties. At the same time, the FMR linewidth characterizes the microwave losses in devices, based on nanowire arrays. The role of shape anisotropy – demagnetizing tensor of nonellipsoidal magnetic elements

To discuss the role of interactions in large 2-D arrays of magnetic nanowires, first the knowledge of the demagnetizing tensor elements is needed. The equilibrium magnetic structure of the nanowire system is governed by the arrangement of the elements' magnetization according to the energy minimum, following the internal field. For zero magnetocrystalline and magnetoelastic anisotropy, the internal field Hi in an applied dc bias field H0 is determined by the demagnetizing field, HD = − NM created by the magnetized body, as:


si6_e  (23.1)

where Nsi7_e is the demagnetizing tensor. For magnetic bodies of a shape, different from the ellipsoid of rotation, the demagnetizing tensor elements can be calculated numerically (Pardavi-Horvath, 2009 and references therein). As shown earlier, in the first approximation the shape of the nanowires can be approximated by a long thin wire,  226B 2r, and a corresponding approximation for the internal field can be used. However, to describe and understand the behavior of the magnetization of individual nanowires and that of an interacting array, more precise calculations are necessary. The magnetization is not uniform inside a nanowire (or any other magnetic nanoparticle) because the internal field is inhomogeneous due to shape effects. There is a noncollinear magnetic spin structure at the ends of the wires, even for wires of very large aspect ratio and very high magnetic field, where the material is assumed to be saturated.

The demagnetizing field dominates the internal field in individual nanoparticles and interacting nanoparticle arrays. The calculation of the demagnetizing tensor elements for nonellipsoidal bodies is the hardest task in any micromagnetic technique, and significant effort was devoted to this problem from the time when shape and size effects in design of machines and devices, based on magnetic materials, in industrial technology required the knowledge of the DMFs for nonellipsoidal shape magnetic materials (see Pardavi-Horvath, 2009 and references therein). By now the numerical methods for calculating the demagnetizing tensor elements for small particles are well established.

To study the magnetic structure and SW excitations in nanowire arrays, the analysis of magnetostatic coupling energy requires the evaluation of the elements of the demagnetizing tensor, or its diagonal terms, the DMFs. To obtain a qualitative estimate, a simplified approach is frequently used, where long wires were considered as long ellipsoids and interacting dipoles. However, in the dense arrays of nanowires this approach is insufficient, especially it is inconvenient for quantitative analysis of configurational phase transitions to be described in Section In such a case the rigorous method of DMF calculation (Akhiezer et al., 1968), taking into account the specifics of nanoparticles' shape, should be performed.

The representation of a nanowire as an infinitely long cylinder is also inadequate when considering the configurational phase transition, as infinitely long cylinders do not interact via stray fields; the real aspect ratio of individual nanowire is large, but the finite length of the cylinders should be taken into account. Table 23.1 summarizes the calculated and experimentally obtained DMFs for single nanowires and interacting nanowires of actual geometry for a series of nanowire arrays. As shown in Table 23.1, row 5, the calculated values for a single nanowire are close to unity, but even this small difference is important for the analysis of phase equilibrium in the system. The DMF of the nanowire array can be calculated via summation of stray fields of all nanowires in array because of the long-range character of dipolar interaction (Table 23.1, row 7).

Table 23.1

Comparison of experimental and theoretical results for DMFs for a series of 2500 nm long nanowire samples. Wire diameter—2r; period of the array—D (dimensions in nm). Hr|| − Hr⊥ is the anisotropy of the FMR resonance field, due to the shape anisotropy of wires; Ixx(th) (single), Ixx(th) (interact) are the calculated normalized DMFs of an individual wire and for the interacting wire arrays; Ixx(exp) (interact) are the experimental data (Tartakovskaya et al., 2010)

Hr|| − Hr19261393− 150
Ixx(th) (single)0.990.9940.992
Ixx(exp) (interact)0.810.720.61
Ixx(th) (interact)0.870.750.6


In general, there are two techniques of such summation: the real space approach, which was used particularly in Tartakovskaya et al. (2010) and the numerical technique of the Fourier transformation of dipolar tensor (Guslienko et al., 2000). Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. For the array of cylindrical particles, the Fourier transformation simplifies the final calculation routine, but it is hard to apply to finite arrays and/or to disordered arrays. In both of these cases, the real space approach works without any restrictions. In the case of nanowires with rectangular cross section, according to the analytical results of Aharoni for DMF for rectangular prisms (Aharoni, 1998) the real space approach is the most useful for calculating of DMF in one-dimensional (1-D) and 2-D planar nanoparticle arrays, as it was demonstrated in Tartakovskaya (2010) and the same approach was applied to nanowire arrays in Tartakovskaya et al. (2010). Static dipolar interaction effects in nanowire arrays

To understand the interactions and the changes in magnetic structure caused by the interacting wires in a 2-D array, a more precise calculation of the demagnetizing tensor of the individual wires and of the nanowire system is necessary.

Due to the nonvanishing dipolar field of finite length nanowires there is always an in-plane component of this dipolar field from neighboring nanowires, coupling the individual 1-D wires into a 2-D system. For a saturated 2-D infinite array, the total dipole field acting on one wire is the sum of fields produced by all other wires and can be calculated micromagnetically or written in a simple approximation:


si8_e  (23.2)

where r is the radius of the wire, L the length, and D is the separation of wires. When all the magnetic moments of the wires are aligned perpendicular to the wire by an in-plane field, the total field acting on one wire is the sum of the dipole fields and self-demagnetizing field of the wire:


si9_e  (23.3)

where the first term is from the dipole fields, which is parallel to the applied field. The total effective anisotropy field is


si10_e  (23.4)

As the wire length L increases, when L = Lc = 2D3/(6.3r2) then Hk decreases linearly to zero. It is assumed that HA = 0 for polycrystalline materials. When L > Lc, Hk becomes negative, that is, there is a reorientation from easy axis to easy plane behavior, as discussed in Section In this situation for strongly coupled wires the magnetic easy axis reorients from parallel to perpendicular to the wire axis (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2008b; Tartakovskaya, 2010; Pardavi-Horvath, 2014).

Recognizing the importance of the long-range magnetostatic–dipolar interactions in the array anisotropy, that is, configurational anisotropy in the magnetic properties of 2-D nanoparticle arrays, there were several early experimental and numerical works, dealing with the topic. In Encinas-Oropesa et al. (2001) the dipolar interaction between wires was modeled by a mean field approach and measured on nanowire samples 50–250 nm diameter, with corresponding porosity P from 4% to 38%. Linear dependence of the effective field from shape anisotropy and dipolar coupling on porosity was predicted and observed as:


si11_e  (23.5)

The importance of magnetostatic interactions in dense nanowire arrays was demonstrated by Clime et al. (2006), by calculating the in-plane and out-of-plane interaction fields using a hybrid numerical-analytical method and showing that the high field behavior of such systems is dominated by the magnetostatic effect. Analytical calculations or numerical simulation is limited by computing power to relatively small size samples and first-order approximations. However, an analytical approach was published (Laroze et al., 2007) pointing out the fact that first-order approximations are valid only when the wires are far apart, as was shown in an early work for interaction in small particle systems (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 1996). The dipolar interactions were numerically modeled by micromagnetic simulations (NMAG package) on finite and infinite periodic systems. It was shown that the finite size models fail to capture some of the important details of the system (Zighem et al., 2011). Configurational phase transitions in arrays of nanowires

There is an interesting question about the existence of a proximity effect in small-particle magnetic systems, similar to the percolation limit in conductivity. The case of electrical percolation is well known for metal–nonmetal composites. At this volume fraction a transition occurs from positive to negative values of the real part of the composite dielectric constant, the signature of a metal. The composite conductivity changes sharply at the point of the electrical percolation threshold. A deeper analysis of the dielectric properties of metal-insulator composite, in which the metal component is supposed to obey the Drude law, a complex dielectric function and the insulator component is represented by a dielectric constant, reveals the existence of an optical threshold, depending on photon energy. It was observed that the optical threshold is different from the electrical percolation threshold. For magnetic nanoparticles in an insulating matrix, similar electrical and optical percolation effects are expected. Although electrical percolation takes place when the first continuous path opens for conduction, magnetic percolation is rather a proximity effect, due to long-range dipolar interactions between particles. The transition from noninteracting uniaxial wires to a weakly interacting system of nanowires, coupled by long-range dipolar forces, is easy to understand and calculate, based on the approach described earlier. However, a strongly interacting dipolar system can't be described by the usual far-field dipole approximation, and near field effects should be included in the description of this state. At a high density of wires the interaction becomes very strong, comparable to the exchange coupling, leading to an in-plane thin film-like behavior, as observed and discussed in Pardavi-Horvath et al. (2008b) and Tartakovskaya (2010).

Transitions between ground states of saturated nanowire systems with different kinds of dominating anisotropies are called configurational reorientation phase transitions. Change of the easy axis in magnetic crystals with temperature or pressure are well known as microscopic spin reorientation phase transitions and are caused by competing anisotropies, that is, spin–orbit coupling effects. There is a physical difference between macroscopic CRTs of a large system of nanowires, which are described here, and the classic microscopic spin reorientation phase transition. The Landau theory of phase transitions was developed to describe the microscopic phase transitions; however, the formalism of the original Landau theory can be applied to describe the change of easy axis in interacting nanostructured systems.

Spin reorientation phase transitions in ferromagnets were described in Landau and Lifshitz (1960) in the next way. An expansion of the thermodynamic potential Φ by the order parameter η,


si12_e  (23.6)

can be interpreted in terms of magnetic media, if we assume η=sinθsi13_e, where θ is the angle between the average magnetization vector and the easy anisotropy axis, K1 and K2 are the temperature-dependent magnetocrystalline anisotropy constants. Usually K1 226B K2, however, in the vicinity of the phase transition, where K1 changes its sign at some temperature point, K2 and its sign determine the order of the phase transition (first or the second one). If K2 = 0, the next term of the expansion should be considered.

The formalism developed for macroscopic configurational reorientation phase transitions, as described later, is based on the formal analogy between the classic formalisms of phase transitions and reorientations in magnetic nanostructures. Returning now to the arrays of magnetic nanowires, one can utilize the same formula (23.6), but now the magnetic energy plays the role of thermodynamic potential, whereas the dominating contribution to the anisotropy parameters, especially in soft magnetic materials, are the dipolar, magnetostatic forces, leading to the shape anisotropy. The first anisotropy constant K1 is proportional to the effective DMF of the wire in an interacting array. In the transition point the DMF approaches zero. FMR measurements, shown in Figure 23.2, unambiguously demonstrate that the transition from easy axis to easy plane behavior of dense nanowire array takes place due to the dipolar interactions between wires (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2008b).

Figure 23.2 Out-of-plane angular dependence of the FMR resonance field for a Permalloy nanowire series (SU), demonstrating the transition from the uniaxial “wire” anisotropy in samples SU-01 and SU-02 with Hr(0°) > Hr(90°) toward the “easy plane” anisotropy for SU-03, where Hr(0°) < Hr(90°) (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2008b).

However, it is not a phase transition in a thermodynamic sense (a detailed discussion about difference of phase transitions in bulk magnets and in arrays of magnetic nanoparticles is in Tartakovskaya (2010)). Because of its dependence on geometrical configuration of nanowires in array, such a reorientation transitions in arrays of nanoparticles called a CRT.

Here the second-order anisotropy parameter, K2, also has a dipolar origin; it can be calculated taking into account the nonuniformities of the magnetic structure, due to the nonuniform internal field near the top and bottom edges of nanowires. The sign of K2 determines the order of the configurational phase transition in the same way, as the corresponding temperature-dependent parameter of magnetocrystalline anisotropy determines the order of the phase transition in the classic Landau's theory (Tartakovskaya, 2010; Tartakovskaya et al., 2001, 2010).

Similar phenomena can be investigated in 1-D and 2-D arrays of planar nanodots and nanostripes, based on the general approach to the calculation of DMFs, described in Section For instance, in a 1-D array of ferromagnetic stripes the CRT between in-plane and out-of-plane ground states takes place due to the competition between shape anisotropy (which is reduced compared with a nonpatterned film) and out-of-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy (Choe, 2008), or a combination of anisotropies of magnetocrystalline and magnetoelastic origin (Navas et al., 2010).

On the contrary, in 2-D arrays of ferromagnetic wires the CRT can arise in magnetically soft material as a result of the competition between anisotropies of the same dipolar origin: that is, intrawire and interwire shape anisotropies (Guslienko et al., 2000). The other difference of CRT in 2-D arrays of circular nanowires and 1-D array of stripes is that stripes can be treated as infinite in this context, whereas such CRT exists in 2-D arrays of circular nanowires of finite length. As it was shown in Tartakovskaya et al. (2010) by calculating the effective magnetostatic energy taking into account the nonuniform micromagnetic state at the end of the wires, the CRT in long ferromagnetic nanowires due to the competition between different kinds of dipolar interactions is a first-order magnetic phase transition in the Landau sense.

A quite different reorientation transition results if an external magnetic field is applied to the nanowire sample, perpendicular to the wire axis. In this case the competition between the Zeeman interaction and shape anisotropy leads to a transition of the second order (Tartakovskaya, 2005), with the usual square root dependence of the order parameter near the phase transition point, θ22H0/2πMs1/2si14_e, where the order parameter θ is the angle of the magnetization with respect to the wire axis. This has a special influence on the SW spectra. The field dependence of frequencies of the dipolar-exchange modes in a nanowire arrays is quite different in the cases, when the external field is applied parallel or perpendicular to the wire. As it was observed in several BLS and FMR experiments (Encinas-Oropesa et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2002; Nguyen et al., 2006; Stashkevich et al., 2009), the SW dispersion behavior is more or less monotonic in parallel external field, whereas in perpendicular field it has a spike, when the value of this field approaches the shape anisotropy field of the infinite nanowire, H0=2πMssi15_e, as shown in Figure 23.3. This well-defined minimum of the dispersion relation corresponds to the softening of modes in the vicinity of the second-order reorientation phase transition. In addition, a special splitting of SW mode arises, due to the violation of the circular symmetry (Tartakovskaya, 2005).

Figure 23.3 The dependence of the theoretical (∇) and experimental BLS values (•) of resonance frequencies as a function of magnetic field applied normally to the axis of the Ni nanorods with low aspect ratio and R = 10 nm. The change of the character of the dispersion takes place near 2800 Oe. A softening of the lowest mode near the reorientation transition of the second order is also shown. Stashkevich et al. (2009) © 2009 American Physical Society.

23.3 Magnetic nanowires in EM fields

When a magnetized body, in our case, a magnetic nanowire sample is placed into a high-frequency (GHz range and above) EM field, it interacts with the EMWs. This interaction depends very strongly on microscopic material parameters and on the shape and size of the wires, the array configuration, the EMW frequency, and power. There are subtle, microscopic reactions to the EMW by exciting the precessional motion of electronic spins and generating SWs, that is, magnon excitations. Depending on the shape and size of the magnetic nanoparticle, higher order modes may contribute to the high-frequency magnetic behavior. The SW spectra of magnetic nanowire system are described in Section 23.3.1. On the other hand, there is a macroscopic interaction of a magnetic nanowire system with an incident EMW, resulting in changes by propagation and diffraction effects of EMW in the materials response. This approach is a fertile field of applications of nanowire systems in microwave devices for communication, information technology, and biomedical purposes.

Measuring FMR absorption and/or BLS provides the most convenient way to extract information about microscopic characteristics and changes in the magnetic behavior of small particle systems. The 2-D periodicity of nanowire materials provides an extra degree of freedom to evaluate intrinsic parameters.

The theory, experimental observation, and discussion of FMR in a single nanowire was discussed in Chapter 15. In the following, a brief reiteration of terms will introduce the topic of FMR in interacting nanowire systems, and the response of such systems to excitation by harmonic EM fields in the form of development of SW modes and effects of EMW propagation.

When a magnetic field applied to a magnetic material changes, in response the magnetization reacts with a change, relaxing in a short time to the new equilibrium position. This process is accompanied by an irreversible flow of energy to the magnetization and, via some intermediate stages, to the crystal lattice, where is it dissipated as heat. This energy loss dampens the motion of the magnetization, as described by the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert phenomenological equation of motion of the magnetization:


si16_e  (23.7)

where γ = ge/2m is the gyromagnetic ratio, and α is the Gilbert damping constant. The first term gives the torque that the magnetization M experiences in an internal magnetic field, Hi, and the second term, often neglected, is a damping torque, which acts to oppose the rotation of M. In ferromagnetic materials the internal field arises from the anisotropy fields, including magnetocrystalline, magnetoelastic, and shape anisotropies.

In FMR the sample is magnetized by a strong steady field H0, and a small amplitude rf field h0 of frequency ω0 is applied perpendicular to H0. The internal field Hi exerts a restoring torque on M. As a response, the total magnetization is precessing uniformly about the direction of the internal field, and energy is absorbed strongly from the small transverse rf field when its frequency is equal to the precessional frequency (usually in the GHz range), that is, at FMR.

The power absorbed by the magnetization from the rf field is given by ½χh02si17_e, where χ″ is the dissipative part of the magnetic susceptibility of the material. In FMR experiments ω0 = const, and H0 is swept through the resonance, that is, the maximum in χ″ at the FMR field of Hr = ω/γ.

The shape of the material plays a very important role in FMR. The internal field contains the demagnetizing field, determined by the shape of the specimen. The shape effects are expressed through the demagnetizing tensor components, or DMFs for an ellipsoid of rotation, Nx, Ny, and Nz. For nonellipsoidal shapes, the demagnetizing tensor elements are local, and only micromagnetic calculations can take it into account when calculating the inhomogeneous internal field and magnetization distribution in nonellipsoidal single-domain elements. In the first approximation, for a very long thin wire, magnetized along its axis (M = Mz), Nz = 0 and Nx = Ny = 1/2. The shape anisotropy and the role of demagnetizing tensor elements in the establishment of equilibrium magnetic structures, was discussed in Section 23.2. Due to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and anisotropic demagnetizing field, there is a strong angular dependence of the FMR. Measurements of this angular dependence is a convenient tool to extract the interaction field in nanostructures (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2011).

Although high-aspect ratio nanowires seem to be simple model materials, the study of the high-frequency phenomena in nanowires offers significant insight into their magnetism. Due to the high shape anisotropy the wires should show a uniform magnetization reversal and a rectangular hysteresis loop, except a rounding at the reversal due to statistical distribution of switching fields. As a result, there is a significant magnetic remanence when reducing the field to H = 0 from saturation. It was shown, that arrays of Fe–Ni nanowires exhibit resonance frequency tunability at zero field (natural) FMR absorption, opening the road to unbiased microwave devices (Kou et al., 2009; Darques et al., 2010).

The FMR signal for a single, infinitely long nanowire would be the Kittel textbook example of the microwave response of an ideal quasi-infinitely long material. For a large number of noninteracting identical wires, the signal intensity would increase proportional to the number of wires, or the filling factor. But many identical particles exist only in textbooks. Particles in a real system have a statistical distribution of switching fields, each has a slightly different resonance field, leading to a broadened FMR line, with the position of the FMR resonance field, Hr, hardly changing.

Upon decreasing the separation between particles, due to long-range dipolar interactions, each particle feels the interaction field from its neighbors. The internal field, Hi, of the system changes, and for particles on a periodic lattice of saturated particles, Hi and Hr will change by the interaction field. The linewidth is becoming wider from overlapping slightly different FMR spectra. Decreasing the separation further, the dipolar interaction is increasing, the particles are no more individuals, they are a coupled system, where the linewidth is expected to narrow (similar to classical exchange narrowing). The resonance field at this point is changing because the demagnetizing fields of the system are different from that of a single small element. The demagnetizing field at strong interaction should approach that of the thin film. The change of the FMR field is a direct measure of the dominating DMF of an element or the system. For a strongly interacting system the shape of the sample, and not of the wires, will determine the internal field (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2008b; Pardavi-Horvath, 2014). Collective excitations can be studied on such a system both theoretically and experimentally by FMR, as FMR is much more sensitive to the interaction effects, than static measurements.

23.3.1 SWs in magnetic nanowires

The motivation to study SWs in magnetic nanostructures has different aspects. SW play a significant role in technologically important processes, as the spin reorientation transition and the formation of reversal modes, which influence the hysteretic properties and stability of magnetic nanostructures (Chipara et al., 2002). In its turn, practically all the parameters of a magnetic material (including exchange stiffness, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, and shape anisotropy, as well as magnetostriction, surface, and interface effects) influence the measurable properties of SWs. From this point of view, investigations of SW in nanostructures play a significant role as a way of a testing novel magnetic materials. With respect to long cylindrical magnetic nanowires, in addition to all listed earlier, we should underline the special significance of the investigations of magnetization dynamics from the point of view of fundamental physics; particularly, the cross-stimulation of the theory of SW in nanowires and experiment in this field can be noted as an example, as it was stimulated by the FMR results (Ebels et al., 2001; Encinas-Oropesa et al., 2001), and the rigorous analytical theory was developed promptly (Arias and Mills, 2001). The detailed description of the FMR can be found in Chapter 15. The corresponding exact solution for exchange-dipolar SW in nanowires became an absolutely unique event in case of magnetic nanostructures, where spatial confinements leads to strong inhomogeneities of the demagnetizing field and, consequently, to large calculation difficulties. This theoretical achievement encouraged the subsequent experimental and theoretical investigations that during the last 15 years created a comprehensive picture of magnetization dynamics in both individual nanowires and nanowire arrays (Dmytriiev et al., 2012; Nielsch and Stadler, 2007).

In the following, first, the basic theoretical and experimental results describing SW dynamics in isolated nanowires with circular symmetry conserved will be covered. Then, the SW dynamics in interacting arrays of nanowires and generalization to the cases when circular symmetry is violated by noncylindrical shape of nanowires or arbitrary direction of applied field will be described. Dipolar-exchange SW modes of individual cylindrical nanowires

When fresh FMR results stimulated the development of a new theory on spin dynamics in nanowires, a definite theoretical basis already existed. The main ideas of SW formalism in magnetic films and multilayers and established calculations of magnetostatic modes in ferromagnetic cylinders were naturally applied to nanowires. Taking into account the dominant interactions, all the variety of magnetic films and multilayers are divided into three classes (Camley, 1999): thick, thin, and ultrathin. For thick films (more than a few hundreds nanometers), the theory implements a continuum model where the dipolar field dominates, whereas exchange interactions could be neglected. It is the same domain of small dimensions, where the theory of magnetostatic SW in particles with cylindrical shape was developed (Joseph and Schlonann, 1961). In ultrathin films (less than 100 atomic layers) a discrete model is more appropriate. The so-called thin films with thickness of a few tens of nanometers lay between these two limiting cases: the continuum model is still valid; however, both dipolar and exchange interactions should be taken into account (Kalinikos and Slavin, 1986). It is evident, that magnetic nanowires with radii from 10 to 100 nm belong to this last dimension range. Such nanowires were grown for a long time. Electrodeposited Ni wires in polymer templates were probed by the FMR technique Figure 23.4 (Ebels et al., 2001; Encinas-Oropesa et al., 2001). A special double-peak of absorption derivative spectra was observed for nanowires with R = 40 nm, whereas for nanowires with much larger or smaller radii this additional peak vanished (or it was much less pronounced). This strange behavior was not observed previously and could not been explained in the frame of magnetostatic theory.

Figure 23.4 FMR spectra in parallel applied field for Ni nanowire arrays of different diameter as indicated in the figure. The arrows indicate the approximate position of the resonance field for the different absorption peaks. Ebels et al. (2001) © 2001 American Physical Society.

Here, the theoretical approach to calculate dipolar-exchange SW in nanowires, given in Arias and Mills (2001), will be reviewed, as it provides a good understanding of the possible generalization of the theory, as well, as unavoidable restrictions of it. Following Arias and Mills (2001), we consider an infinitely long uniform cylindrical nanowire embedded in the external magnetic field of a strength H0, directed along the nanowire. In such a case the average magnetization is parallel to the nanowire (to axis z), whereas the linearized SW mode has two perpendicular components, mx and my. For the following analysis we should note an important consequence of the infinite length and uniformity of the nanowire: It gives the possibility to write the spatial dependence of SW components and of the corresponding magnetic potential ΦM as


si18_e  (23.8)

Here k is a wave vector along the nanowire. In finite cylinders, where the dependencies like Eq. (23.8) are not valid, the theory of dipolar-exchange SW is usually based on use of a basic set of functions followed by the implementation of the Ritz method of finding the approximate solutions, like in Kakazei et al. (2004).

The SW components obey the Landau–Lifshitz (L–L) equations,


si19_e  (23.9)

where Ω is the frequency of SW, the parameters of the magnetic material of the wire are the saturation magnetization MS and an exchange stiffness D. The magnetic potential ΦM inside the wire obeys the magnetostatic condition


si20_e  (23.10)

whereas outside the magnetic material ΦM satisfies the Laplace's equation. The set of differential equations (23.8) and (23.9) can be reduced to one equation of higher order for the magnetic potential:


si21_e  (23.11)

Such a symmetrical form of the equation for the magnetic potential is obtained due to the unperturbed circular symmetry of the given geometry of the nanowire. As we will see later, this equation cannot lead to the exact solution in the case when this symmetry is violated.

Using Eq. (23.8) a solution of (23.4) can be written in cylindrical coordinates as


si22_e  (23.12)

where Jm() are Bessel function of the first kind.

Inserting Eq. (23.12) into Eq. (23.11), we find a bicubic equation by the radial wave vector K,


si23_e  (23.13)

The magnetic potential inside the wire can be represented as a linear combination of three linearly independent solutions (which correspond to the roots of Eq. (23.13)) of the form Eq. (23.12), whereas outside there exists one independent solution of Laplace's equation in the form of the modified Bessel function. The usual way to find a dispersion relation for the SW is to apply the appropriate boundary conditions, the number of which should be the same as the number of solutions, that is, in our case it is four. Two of these boundary conditions stem from general magnetostatics: they are defined by the continuity of the radial component of the induction and the tangential component of the dipolar field. The other two boundary conditions should define the magnetization behavior on the side surface of the cylinder.

In the article described earlier, Arias and Mills considered the most general case of mixed boundary conditions (medium pinning), not specifying their origin. They proved that the boundary conditions lead to the special effects in nanowires, in particular to the hybridization of the uniform FMR mode with the exchange modes with small wave vector, what strongly distinguishes the SW dynamics in nanowires and thin films. In such a case some exchange modes can lie below the FMR mode in wires (Figure 23.5), whereas in films they always lie above. The situation, when the frequencies of FMR mode and one of exchange modes are close, can be realized in wires for specific values of radii. In such a way this theory explains the satellite of the FMR peak, observed in the experiments (Figure 23.6).

Figure 23.5 Theoretically calculated SW frequencies for a nanowire in parallel field as a function of ln(kR), where k is a wave vector along the nanowire. The hybridization arises due to the dipolar-exchange origin of excitations. Arias and Mills (2001) © 2001 American Physical Society.
Figure 23.6 Theoretical calculations of absorption derivatives of FMR spectra in parallel applied field for Ni nanowire arrays of R = 80 nm. The shape of the double peak and the positions of the resonance fields agree with the experimental results of Figure 23.4. Arias and Mills (2001) © 2001 American Physical Society.

The agreement between the double-peaked FMR signal and the explanation of this shape by dipolar-exchange SW theory highlighted the validity of the theoretical approach, but could not be considered a comprehensive approval of the theory. In early 2000, Ni nanowire samples were fabricated by electrochemical deposition of ferromagnetic material (Ni) into hexagonally arranged alumina membrane, shown in Figure 23.7 (Nielsch et al., 2000). These new, improved samples were investigated by BLS technique. These experiments quantitatively proved Arias's and Mills's theory (Wang et al., 2002). The dependence of the measured SW frequencies in the wires on the applied field and wire radius demonstrated the predicted quantization of SW in the confined nanowires' geometry and unambiguously showed the validity of dipolar-exchange approach, whereas previous theories, where exchange was ignored, turned out to be insufficient in this case.

Figure 23.7 Top view SEM micrographs of 1 μm thick Ni-filled alumina membranes (a) unthinned, (b) 50 nm, and (c) 100 nm underneath the initial surface (Nielsch et al., 2000).

In a theoretical fitting of the experimental data (Wang et al., 2002), the approximate formalism based on general dipolar exchange theory was used. It employed the concept of small or large pinning of magnetic modes on the surfaces of nanowires. In the absence of the external field, it gives a possibility to write the expression for the frequency of the bulk standing modes (that is, when kKsi24_e) in the simple analytical form.


si25_e  (23.14)

where the parameters am correspond to the antinodes or nodes of the SW functions on the surfaces and, in such a case, the ratios am/R play the role of radial wave vectors of SW. A good agreement between the experimental data and the calculations by formula (23.14) was achieved under the assumption of low pinning on the surfaces, as shown in Figure 23.8.

Figure 23.8 Variation of bulk SW frequencies with nanowire radius in zero applied magnetic field. The experimental data points, for each radius, correspond to the three values of the azimuthal quantum number m, which corresponds to the quantized value of radial SW vector. The solid curves represent the fits of the experimental data by the theory (see text). The ♦ denotes the frequency of the bulk SW for bulk Ni. Wang et al. (2002) © 2002 American Physical Society.

It is appropriate to mention here about the discussion of pinning in confined systems. A great deal of attention was paid to the question of dipolar boundary conditions in ferromagnetic nanostructures. It was shown that in thin nanoelements with rectangular cross section (Guslienko and Slavin, 2005), as well as in planar disks (Ivanov and Zaspel, 2002), the inhomogeneity of dipolar field near the sharp angles on side leads to the strong pinning of SW. However, in infinite cylindrical wires such strong dipolar inhomogeneities can be avoided, so only the surface anisotropy, which is not large on smooth surfaces, can be the source of the pinning. It explains why the low pinning conditions used in Wang et al. (2002) for fitting the data in circular nanowires is a physically reasonable choice.

Summarizing, the quantized dipolar-exchange SW modes in long isolated cylindrical nanowires were investigated in early 2000s, and remarkable agreement between theoretical results and experimental data (both of FMR and BLS techniques) was achieved. From the short overview given here, it is evident that it was possible to find exact analytical solutions just due to the unperturbed circular symmetry of the problem. Future extension of the initial investigations should answer the questions: How did the dipolar interaction between nanowires influence the dynamical behavior of the magnetization in both cases of arrays of saturated or nonsaturated wires? What happens if the cross section of the nanowire is not completely circular? How can the violation of the circular symmetry by the external field with nonzero perpendicular component change the result?

The attempts to generalize the theory by taking into account all these physical conditions simultaneously demonstrated that it is a complicated task (Nguyen and Cottam, 2004, 2005a,b, 2007). Further, we clarify these questions in more details. Collective SW modes in arrays of interacting nanowires

The influence of dipolar interaction between nanowires on the SW modes should be much more pronounced than between thin magnetic layers in multilayers. Actually, the static dipolar interaction between parallel, saturated infinite nanowires is equal to zero in the same way as interaction between ideal films in a multilayer. However, there is a remarkable difference in the interaction between SW modes in thin films in a multilayer and the nanowires in an array. The dipolar field generated by SW in a film decreases with a distance of its surface exponentially, whereas the dipolar field from the uniform mode of ferromagnetic cylinder falls of inversely with the square of the distance (Arias and Mills, 2003). For instance, a clear influence of dipolar interaction of the lowest mode was observed in FMR experiments with samples of Ni nanowire arrays with different porosity (Encinas-Oropesa et al., 2001).

The theory of collective SW in arrays of ferromagnetic nanowires, based on a multiple scattering approach, was developed by Arias and Mills (2003). The formalism demonstrated the advantages of real space approach, which is applicable to any ordered or even disordered nanowire array. An explicit expression for SW frequencies was found for collective SW of a nanowire pair. Numerical calculations of SW dispersion in a linear array of ferromagnetic cylinders show hybridization between collective modes and the standing wave modes of individual cylinders. Results of this theory were experimentally proved by BLS in hexagonal arrays of permalloy (Liu et al., 2005) and FeCo (Wang et al., 2006) nanowires. An excellent agreement between the theory and experiment was achieved. It was shown, that in 2-D arrays with usual magnetic and geometrical parameters only the lowest frequency SW mode can be influenced by the interwire interaction. The reduction of the frequency of the collective SW, in comparing with the frequency of the lowest mode of an individual wire, was demonstrated by the investigation of BLS data in arrays with various interwire spacing as shown in Figure 23.9.

Figure 23.9 Frequencies of the SWs in Fe48Co52 nanowire arrays as a function of interwire separation, at a longitudinal magnetic field of 0.6 T. Experimental data are marked by dots with error bars. Calculated frequencies of the two lowest energy collective SW modes are represented by solid lines. Corresponding predicted frequencies for the isolated single nanowire are shown as horizontal dashed lines (Wang et al., 2006).

A comprehensive study, both experimentally and by micromagnetic simulation, of a densely packed array of permalloy nanowires with wire diameter much greater than the exchange length demonstrated new features of SW dynamics in nanowires (Dmytriiev et al., 2012). Particularly, the tunneling of end modes was observed, which is more efficient in arrays with smaller distance between nanowires, due to the common action of static and dynamic parts of the dipolar field in an array.

For the present, we considered individual nanowire or array of the nanowires magnetized in the same direction. But in a real case, the external field might not be strong enough to saturate the sample. The shape anisotropy of long individual nanowire forces the average magnetization to lie along the nanowire. The individual wires are bistable, having two possible ground states, up and down. As was mentioned, static dipolar interaction between parallel circular nanowires with homogeneous magnetization and infinite length is impossible. But nanowires never happen to be infinitely long, and, so they interact via stray fields arising due to poles on their end surfaces. If we consider only two wires, the energetically favorable is opposite alignment, as it allows flux closure through the wires (Figure 23.10).

Figure 23.10 (a) Dipolar magnetostatic interactions illustrated on a cross-section of a nanowire array. On the left side the energetically favored antiparallel orientation is shown, which allows flux closure through the wires. On the right a parallel orientation is sketched, which requires to quench the flux lines in between the wires. (b) Top view of a nanowire array as an illustration of the geometric frustration in a hexagonal arrangement (Schlörb et al., 2010).

However, if the interacting nanowires are arranged on a hexagonal lattice, they cannot establish such an antiferromagnetic order where the closest neighbors to every nanowire are oppositely aligned (Figure 23.10). In such a case, it is convenient to consider a nonsaturated array of axially magnetized interacting nanowires as an aggregate of two oppositely magnetized wire populations, without specifying the magnetic order of the whole array (the same concerns disordered arrays of parallel wires). The calculation of the effective permeability tensor on the basis of a Maxwell–Garnett homogenization procedure (Boucher and Ménard, 2008) was done in this representation. Further, the calculation results were compared and found to agree well with the data of broadband microstrip line measurements of interacting amorphous CoFeB nanowires (Boucher et al., 2009).

The investigation of unsaturated arrays has a strong motivation: to develop microwave devices, which can be operated in low magnetic fields. As a result, attention was paid to FMR studies of magnetic excitations of such materials. As it was observed, in both dilute (Encinas et al., 2007) and dense (Kou et al., 2009) arrays, the FMR signal strongly depends on the remanent state of the sample. It was shown, that the Kittel formula, which is usually applied to FMR data in thin films, is insufficient in the present case. Nanowires magnetized in two different directions have different resonance frequencies, so two FMR peaks arise due to the presence of two (up and down) populations of wires. Double FMR resonance was observed both in parallel (Carignan et al., 2009a,b) and perpendicular (Boucher et al., 2011) external static fields. It was proven that the origin of double-peak shape in such a case is just the existence of two unsaturated populations: Above the saturation one peak vanished, and only one FMR peak was observed. An influence of magnetocrystalline anisotropy on microwave properties was probed by magnetometry and BLS in cobalt, permalloy, and nickel arrays of unsaturated nanowires (Cherif et al., 2011).

In De La Torre Medina et al. (2010), the FMR absorption properties of two bistable nanowire arrays (30 nm diameter Co55Fe45 and 40 nm diameter Ni83Fe17) were investigated. The in-field measurements over the full hysteresis cycle demonstrated, that the two SW branches that correspond to the double FMR peak have different dispersion relations, dependently on the magnetic configuration (Figure 23.11), whereas the intensity of every FMR peak is proportional to the fraction of the correspondent nanowire population. The FMR- FORCs (first-order reversal curves diagrams) technique allowed measuring of the dipolar interaction field and its dependence on the magnetic configuration of the bistable array of nanowires, and the results were explained on the basis of analytical mean-field theory (De La Torre Medina et al., 2010).

Figure 23.11 Dispersion relations of two SW branches measured over the full hysteresis cycle in (a) CoFe and (b) NiFe nanowires. Empty (filled) symbols correspond to the descending (ascending) part of the cycle. Included also the dispersion relations of the saturated array of interacting nanowires (dash-dotted line), the single nanowire (dotted line) and the calculated resonance frequencies (continuous line). De La Torre Medina et al. (2010) © 2010 American Physical Society. SWs in ferromagnetic nanowires with noncircular cross section

Interesting attempts to apply Yablonovitch's ideas related to photonic crystals to magnetic superlattices were made in the context of 2-D arrays of long nanocylinders (Vasseur et al., 1996; Tiwari and Stroud, 2010), but for the present time planar arrays of nanoparticles are considered the most suitable material for magnonics application (Kruglyak et al., 2010). A large domain of SW investigations in planar arrays of dots, antidots, and nanostripes is beyond the scope of the present review (see, for instance, Wang et al., 2009; Kumar et al., 2014 and references therein). The significant progress in fabrication and investigation of thin magnetic nanowires with rectangular cross section (which also are called nanostripes or strips) was the driving force to attempt the theoretical investigation of nanowires with noncircular cross sections. A calculation of SW dispersion of linear chain of parallel cylindrical nanowires (Arias and Mills, 2003) was an attempt to approach this physical situation. For a quantitative fitting of the experimental data the more exact description of the shape of the wires was a challenging task. However, to develop the exact theory of dipolar-exchange modes in nanostripes, based on the example of circular nanowires, seemed unfeasible. The method of calculations of SW frequencies and wave vectors was presented for nanowires in the magnetostatic limit, with exchange interaction neglected. The key to the solution was to apply the extinction theorem. The special attractiveness of this approach is that it does not use a basic set of functions, and as a result, it can be applied to wires of arbitrary cross section. In the first article on the subject (Arias and Mills, 2004), the application of the general results to the wires with square, rectangular, and ellipsoidal cross section was demonstrated. In the next article (Arias and Mills, 2005), the generalization of the approach to the case of large width/height ratio was presented, which allowed to apply the calculations to long, thin nanostripes. It is interesting that this problem was solved at the same time in another way: The rectangular cross section was approximated by an ellipsoidal, then the exact solution for dipolar-exchange SW was found by the use of the Mathieu basic set of functions (Gubbiotti et al., 2004). Magnetic structure and dynamics of multilayered nanowires and magnetic nanotubes

To make devices with controlled properties, recently nanomaterials of new geometries were proposed, like multilayered nanowires (MNWs) and nanotubes. The attractive common feature of MNW and nanotubes is the presence of extra dimensions, which makes their properties more easily tunable, compared with nanowires.

Fabrication of the first MNW was stimulated by the interest in giant magnetoresistance, observed in multilayers, and was reported almost simultaneously by several research groups (Piraux et al., 1994; Blondel et al., 1994; Liu et al., 1995). These novel materials, consisting of alternating layers of Co and Cu, were made by deposition into a disordered array of polimer pores. Later a variety of materials was used for MNW fabrication (Saidin et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2010). Remarkable progress was achieved in electrochemical synthesis of large-area highly ordered MNW by using ordered templates like nanoporous anodic alumina. (See in Part I of this book.) Due to this technique the magnetic segments in MNW became ordered not only along the wires, but they are arranged into a planar ordered matrix as well, that is, it is an ordered crystal in all three directions.

Together with extensive investigation as a new magnetoresistive material (Dubois et al., 1997; Nasirpouri et al., 2007; Pullini et al., 2007), MNW were recognized as a perfect model structure that opens new possibilities for investigations of interactions between nanoparticles. Depending on varying parameters, like the aspect ratio of magnetic segments and its relation to the exchange length, the distance between the wires and the height of nonmagnetic components, MNW can combine properties of planar magnetic nanodisks or elongated magnetic nanorods; moreover, it can be investigated how the properties of arrays of such nanoparticles, due to the dipolar interaction between them, are related to the geometries of long wires or multilayered thin films. Three different micromagnetic states, in-plane flower, out-of-plane flower, and vortex states, were recognized in Ni/Cu MNW by analysis of hysteresis loops, depending on the different aspect ratios of magnetic components (Chen et al., 2003). The corresponding phase diagram, which shows what micromagnetic state can be realized in the system with various diameter/exchange length and aspect ratios, qualitatively agreed with the phase diagrams of 2-D arrays of elongated cylinders (Ross et al., 2002) and planar disks (Scholz et al., 2003).

Configurational phase transition and reversal modes in CoNi/Cu MNWs were investigated by Tang et al. (2007). It was shown, that by varying the thickness of magnetic segment while keeping the thickness of Cu constant, the easy axis can be turned from the direction perpendicular to nanowire to parallel to nanowire, whereas the magnetization reversal will be of different types: from coherent rotation in disk-shaped magnetic segments, to a combination of coherent rotation and a curling mode in a rod-shaped ones. Targeted investigations of dipolar interactions between magnetic segments in CoCu/Cu MN by FMR and magnetometry were presented in De La Torre Medina (2010). It can be observed from the FMR spectra (Figure 23.12) that the resonance field of the multilayered sample is higher than in the sample of pure Co nonlayered sample. A comparison of experimental results and model calculations allowed to develop a comprehensive anisotropy diagram (Figure 23.13) that describes what is the direction of the easy axis (parallel or perpendicular to the wire axis), depending on the aspect ratio of magnetic segments, exchange length, and thickness of Cu. This anisotropy was proved to be only of dipolar origin.

Figure 23.12 Dispersion relations for samples for arrays of nonlayered and multilayered MNWs. The type of the sample and the layers thickness in nm are indicated in the figure. De La Torre Medina et al. (2008) © 2008 American Physical Society.
Figure 23.13 Anisotropy diagram as a function of the aspect ratio of the magnetic rl = l/d and nonmagnetic rg = g/d layers. The continuous line shows the values of rl and rg for which the effective anisotropy is zero. Above this curve, the effective field is positive, while below it is negative. The easy magnetization axis is represented by the white arrow. De La Torre Medina et al. (2008) © 2008 American Physical Society.

Special attention was paid recently to the magnetostrictive iron–gallium alloys (FeGa), named galfenol (for a review on galfenol alloy, see Atulasimha and Flatau, 2001), because of their anticipated use in actuators, transducers, and magnetic sensors. The first fabrication of highly ordered galfenol nanowires, deposited into nanoporous anodic alumina membranes, was reported by McGary and Stadler (2005). Then, a comprehensive study of galfenol-based magnetostrictive MNW was undertaken (Reddy et al., 2011). MNW samples with different diameters of wires, aspect ratio of galfenol segments, and different thickness of nonmagnetic Cu were grown to investigate magnetization reversal properties (Figure 23.14).

Figure 23.14 100 nm diameter galfenol-based MNWs. (a) [> 25 ARFeGa], (b) [4.0 ARFeGa/0.5ARCu)]29, (c) [3.0 ARFeGa/3.0ARCu]8, (d) [1.0 ARFeGa/1.0ARCu]15, (e) [0.5 AR(FeGa)/5.0ARC)]50. Here, AR = aspect ratio = length/diameter. The subscripts denote number of [FeGa/Cu] bilayers (Reddy et al., 2011).

Magnetocrystalline anisotropy was excluded due to the randomization of crystalline easy axes of the polycrystalline segments, so the magnetic properties of such MNW can be treated as the result of the interplay between intrasegment exchange, dipolar interaction, and Zeeman energy. Comprehensive study of hysteretic properties and magnetization reversal mechanisms in FeGa/Cu MNW and comparison to individual MNWs with measurements on interacting MNW in arrays (Park et al., 2013; Reddy et al., 2012) conclusively shows the importance of dipolar interactions both between segments in nanowire and between nanowires in the array. Depending on the size of the magnetic segments, multilayer nanowires can present very interesting vortex structure from rigid vortex in disks, to specific vortices of elongated cylinders (Park et al., 2010), it makes the theoretical investigation of dipolar interaction between vortices convenient (Altbir et al., 2007).

Investigation of SW dynamics in cylindrical MNW was performed only theoretically. SW spectra including damping were obtained by solving the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation in the “effective-medium” approximation. The results could be used in constructing magnonic crystals (Kruglyak et al., 2005).

A special case of the nanowire geometry is the case of nanotubes. Recently the interest to the theoretical and experimental investigation of ferromagnetic nanotubes is intensified. (See details of fabrication in Chapter 24.) There are several advantages of the tubular shape that make the potential application of magnetic nanotubes even wider than that of the homogeneous nanowires. For example, changing the wall thickness gives an additional varying geometrical parameter, allows tuning of the magnetic properties more effectively. It was shown, that dipolar fields in arrays of Ni nanotubes can be controlled by varying the thickness of the tube wall. It was shown also that the dipolar interaction between nanotubes is weaker than between solid nanowires, which observation gives the possibility to decrease the undesirable effect of dipolar interaction in dense arrays (Velázquez-Galvan et al., 2014). Basic magnetic properties can be manipulated in a nanotube due to its large surface fraction. The temperature dependence of the magnetization also can be changed. It was shown (Sharif et al., 2013) that reduced dimensionality and enhanced surface effects lead to a deviation from Bloch law, M=1BTλsi26_e, where the exponent λ decreases considerably compared with both nanowire and bulk. Manipulation of domain wall motion is quite important for applications (see Part II of this book). It is known, that Walker breakdown exists in bulk materials, which is an unavoidable restriction on domain wall velocity, V. However, it was shown (Yan et al., 2011) by numerically solving the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation that the Walker breakdown does not exist in nanotubes: although above the critical velocity of the vortex domain wall the slope of the curve V(H) suddenly decreases, whereas after this change V(H) continues to increase (Figure 23.15). It was shown that this striking feature of domain wall motion in nanotubes is connected with magnon emission by the domain wall, which process is similar to the Cherenkov emission of photons. Dispersion of SW, associated with the domain wall, was calculated numerically (Figure 23.16), and the result on dispersion is in agreement with analytical calculations (Gonzalez et al., 2010).

Figure 23.15 Domain wall velocity as a function of field applied along a Permalloy nanotube. Dots: simulations. The dashed line corresponds to the velocity at the Walker limit. The solid lines above and below this dashed line are linear fits to the data of two distinct regions, Walker regimen (below) and magnonic regimen (above) (Yan et al., 2011).
Figure 23.16 SW dispersion relation of a saturated Permalloy nanotube obtained from numerical calculations. The line is a guide to the eye (Yan et al., 2011).

The magnetization singularity on the axis, which exists in wires, is “cut out” in a nanotube. It allows to provide a comprehensive and rigorous theoretical investigation of technologically important properties of nanotubes. The magnetic configurations and reversal in thick nanotubes, with opposite chirality of end domains (Chen et al., 2011), and thin ferromagnetic nanotubes, with the same chirality of end domains (Chen et al., 2010) were investigated recently by both by micromagnetic simulation and analytical approach. A theoretical procedure was proposed to control the propagation and chirality switching of a vortex domain wall in nanotubes by magnetic field pulses (Otalóra et al., 2012).

23.4 Interactions of EMWs with nanowires

23.4.1 EMW propagation in nanostructures

Nanowire systems attract increased attention from the microwave device community, as there is a definite need to replace the traditional ferrite-based passive and active microwave devices with better materials. Ferrites are the most important materials to create low loss high-frequency devices, like isolators, circulators, phase shifters, and so on. However, the low magnetization of the oxides prevents their use at frequencies in the upper GHz (mm wave) range. Due to their unique EM properties, magnetic nanowire systems are good candidates to replace the ferrites.

The key to these application lies in the fact, that the diameter of these nanowires is much less than the skin depth, and as a consequence, the EM field completely penetrates the wires. The individual metallic wires are separated from each other by a nonmetallic, insulating matrix of the alumina substrate. Thus the whole structure behaves as an insulator, that is, a low loss material. At the same time, the large magnetization of the metallic ferromagnet (Fe, Ni, Fe–Ni, Co) ensures the high-frequency operation. The large aspect ratio and the parallel arrangement of the wires create a favorable uniaxial shape anisotropy and a tunable remanent state, such that self-biased devices can be built without the need for bulky and expensive permanent bias magnets. To have a high magnetization, these nanowire structures are dense. As a result, the influence of the dipolar interactions must be taken into account in the design. Numerous publications deal with the modeling of the dipolar field for nanowire structures, as described in Section 23.2.

To illustrate the interest in the EM properties of nanowire structures, some of the publications dealing with the design of nanowire-based microwave devices are briefly listed here. In an early paper (Caloz and Itoh, 2005) the idea of using these man-made metamaterials for high-frequency electronics was raised and later reviewed, based on recent developments of the field (Caloz et al., 2010; Hamoir et al., 2013). An unbiased microwave circulator on nanowire membranes was proposed (Saib et al., 2005; Darques et al., 2009; Darques et al., 2010). A 3 mm device was fabricated with the wire's height 50% in an alumina template with porosity of P = 20%, as seen in Figure 23.17 (Darques et al., 2010). It exhibits a circulation at 29.2 GHz with insertion losses as low as − 6 dB and isolation of 35 dB. The modeled and measured transmission and reflection S parameters of the device are shown in Figure 23.18 (Darques et al., 2010). A similar circulator concept was presented (Marson et al., 2007, 2008). An integrated self-biased planar microwave circuit on nanowire substrates was proposed (Carignan et al., 2009b; Carreón-González et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2012). The concept and experiments on several nonreciprocal microwave devices have been reported (Kuanr et al., 2009a, Sharma et al. 2014b). Band stop filters and phase shifters were designed and fabricated (Hamoir et al., 2012; Sharma et al., 2014a). Nanowires were applied to design tunable microwave devices (Spiegel and Huynen, 2009). A 20 GHz noise suppressor was made from nanowires (Li et al., 2011). Unbiased planar microwave circulators working in the X-band (8–12 GHz) for airborne applications were designed and built from ferromagnetic nanowire arrays. It was shown that it is possible to precisely control the circulation frequency. Numerical optimization of the device parameters (nanowires type, quality of alumina membrane, and geometrical dimensions) meet the commercial requirements and confirm the potential of the nanowired substrates for on-board systems in aerospace applications (Hamoir et al., 2013).

Figure 23.17 (a) Scanning electron microscope top view of an alumina membrane having pore diameter of 50 nm and porosity 20%; (b) sketch of the microwave circulator, where a metallic disk with three ports is evaporated on one face of the membrane: only the region below the disk is filled beforehand with nanowires; (c) top photograph of an actual device having one port connected to a 50 Ω load (Darques et al., 2010).
Figure 23.18 Measured forward S12 and reverse S21 transmission for a 3 mm circulator based on NiFe nanowires embedded into an alumina template (porosity P = 20%), filled with NiFe nanowires over 50% of substrate height (Darques et al., 2010). EMW interactions with nanowire structures

For successful application of EM phenomena, the understanding of the details of the EMW propagation in these devices is required. As early as in 1887, Lord Raleigh discussed wave propagation in periodic lattices. He developed the mathematical formalism to describe the wave–material interaction. From there many fruitful applications followed; one of them was the formalism of Bloch waves for the description of electrons in a crystal. In a review by Elachi on waves in active and passive periodic structures, the theory of propagation in unbounded and bounded periodic media, and a wide variety of applications were discussed (Elachi, 1976). In the 1960s the main emphasis was on the exact solution of EMW equations in periodic, sinusoidal, and laminated media. With the arrival of periodic nanostructures and potential applications, it was necessary to develop theories of the interaction of these nanostructures with EMW and describe the propagation and diffraction effects in geometrically confined (bounded) structures. It should be kept in mind that EMW treatments include optical frequencies (light propagation) and X-rays.

With the advent of periodic magnetic nanostructures the task became even more complex. The characteristic size of the elements, 2r, of these 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D periodic structures is much below the wavelength λ of the EM wave in the material, 2r < λ. Still, the EM field over any of the elements is rapidly changing, making it necessary to include propagation effects. Moreover, the periodicity of the nanoelement lattice Λ (wires, layers, spherical particles) is not commensurate with the rf field periodicity, Λ ≠ , as illustrated in Figure 23.19.

Figure 23.19 Incommensurate size relationship between the EM wavelength λ, propagating in a 2r diameter nanowire array of periodicity Λ, length ; where λ >  > Λ, resulting an inhomogeneous rf field distribution over the nanowires.

To describe the EMW propagation in magnetic nanostructures, it is necessary to solve Maxwell's equations together with the L–L equation rigorously and with proper electrodynamic boundary conditions, including the possible nonlinear response of the system. At the same time, to model very long, parallel nanowires is a relatively simple task among the periodic magnetic nanostructures. Usually there is an easy axis of magnetization, coinciding with the wire long axis and with the direction of the applied bias dc magnetic field.

An often-neglected aspect of the high-frequency behavior of small particles is that for the nanowire array geometry there is a large microwave magnetic field generated outside the wire of radius r, by the precession of the magnetization. For a SW with finite wave vector k, this field falls off as ~ exp(2kr)/r1/2 far from the wire. For long wavelength modes, this field has a very long range. In the limit of zero wave vector, the field created by the precession of the magnetization falls off inversely with the square of the distance from the center of the wire. The existence of this large field outside the nanowire is a substantial change with respect to the thin film case. For the thin film, for the uniform precession mode, excited in an FMR experiment, the macroscopic magnetic field created by precession of the magnetization is completely confined to the film. For a SW whose wave vector k is parallel to the film surfaces, there is a macroscopic field outside with the spatial variation ~ exp(2kz), if the film surfaces are parallel to the xy plane, but the prefactor that controls the strength of this field scales as 4πMs(kd), where d is the film thickness. This field is thus very weak in the thin film limit, or whenever the wavelength of the SW is large compared to the film thickness.

On the other side, the existence of large rf demagnetizing fields outside the nanowire has interesting implications. They contribute to the interactions between the nanowires, so one is led to explore the collective excitations of the nanowire array. By changing the ratio of the interwire separation to the range of interaction, SWs of variable wavelength k could be excited. In the case of nanowire arrays, the nature of their collective excitations due to dynamic demagnetizing effects is a most interesting topic, and it was discussed in Section 23.3.1. This dynamic contribution to the interactions at high frequencies will affect the “proximity effects,” as described earlier. The increased interaction strength is expected to reduce the threshold wire separation for the onset of magnetic percolation. This effect has a very strong shape dependence, as the dynamic demagnetizing fields are very sensitive to the shape.

Several approaches were developed to treat the EMW interaction with nanowire structures; however, all those methods have to face some numerical complications: the devices, based on magnetic nanostructures are of finite size, roughly scaled with half of the wavelength, that is, the size can be several mm, too big for a usual micromagnetic simulation, whereas the nm size elements require fine discretization. Another significant problem is to deal with the statistical distribution of the huge number of particles in any device-size geometry. The question of how to take into account the statistical distribution of particle size, shape, separation in calculating the interactions in a nanowire (or other nanostructured magnetic system) is mostly open. Likewise, the temperature dependence is usually ignored; however, these nanoparticle devices have to operate in a feasible wide temperature range, where the stability of such small magnetic particles against thermal fluctuation is uncertain.

Most of the theoretical modeling of numerical simulation of FMR and spin dynamics in an applied rf field, is based on the L–L formalism, including damping, and usually neglecting exchange interactions. The “magnetic” approach either deals with the system as an assembly of isolated spins, or the magnetic particles are treated as macrospins on a regular array. A review on the simulations of magnetodynamics in nanometric systems was published by Schmool (Schmool, 2009). Micromagnetic calculations were performed by several authors. It is based on solving the L–L equation with damping included. The most time-consuming part of the calculations is to find the demagnetizing tensor elements, necessary to obtain the equilibrium magnetic structures. The nanostructure chapter of Schmool (2009) is mostly about nanodots, but the methodology is adaptable for other geometries, like to wires. Rivkin et al. (2007) applied translational symmetry principles to analyze an infinite array of magnetic dots and got good agreement with experiments.

Another way to model composite magnetic materials is using an effective media approach. Calculating the permeability tensor and the permittivity, the EMW propagation in a nanocomposite of magnetic particles embedded in a dielectric matrix can be analyzed by using the Maxwell–Garnett formula. The task is to calculate microscopic parameters and from there to determine the macroscopic behavior of the nanostructure. Hillion analyzed the propagation of a harmonic plane wave in a medium consisting of magnetic particles in a periodic dielectric matrix and showed the resulting TE and TM modes (Hillion, 2010). Boucher and Ménard (2008) applied a similar, general model to obtain the effective permeability and permittivity tensors of ferromagnetic nanowire arrays, based on a Maxwell–Garnett homogenization procedure. It incorporates the effects of the geometric parameters of the array, the shape of the wires, and their intrinsic dielectric and magnetic properties. Effective external tensors, which include the dynamic dipolar dielectric and magnetic interwire interactions, are then derived to provide a link between the effective susceptibilities of the array and those measured in microwave cavity experiments. The authors Wang et al. (2013) and Liberal et al. (2011) applied a numerical homogenization technique to create an effective medium and extract the dispersive and nonreciprocal permeability tensor of a magnetic nanowire system. Using the resulting parameters, they analyzed the performance of microwave devices (isolators, phase shifters) by full wave simulations.

It is possible to solve the problem rigorously by applying a mathematical technique, developed for MMIC microwave devices, based on the decomposition into autonomous blocks with virtual Flouqet channels (FAB; Golovanov, 2006). A rigorous electrodynamic model was built (Makeeva et al., 2009c), based on the solution of the nonlinear 3-D propagation–diffraction boundary problem, to describe the interaction of EMW with anisotropic 3-D nanostructures. The model was applied to solve the size and shape effects in nanowire arrays up to photonic frequencies. The model solves the nonlinear Maxwell's equations (23.15) and (23.16) with electrodynamic boundary conditions, together with the L–L equation, including the exchange term (23.17) and (23.18):


si27_e  (23.15)


si28_e  (23.16)


si29_e  (23.17)


si30_e  (23.18)

where E and H are the EM fields, M is the magnetization, Hq is the effective exchange field, σ is the electrical conductivity, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, ωr = αγH0 is the relaxation frequency, χ0 is the susceptibility, q = 2A/μ0M0 is the exchange constant, and H0 and M0 are the bias magnetic field and the saturation magnetization.

A 3-D periodic array of nanowires is assumed, as shown in Figure 23.20, with a, b, c periodicity along axes x, y, z. The 3-D magnetic nanocomposite is divided by using the decomposition of the elementary cell of array onto FABs (2r—diameter, l—length of nanowire). The cells are in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds with virtual Floquet channels (FAB). A monochromatic homogeneous plane EMW (TEM-wave, fields E = Ex0, H = Hy0; wave vector k; frequency ω) is incident on the input cross-section S1 of a 2-D periodic array of metallic magnetic nanowires, embedded in a nonmagnetic, dielectric matrix, having relative permittivity ɛr = 5 and relative magnetic permeability μr = 1. A bias magnetic field H0 = H0y0 is applied normal to the propagation direction z (Figure 23.20a), along the axis of nanowires (Figure 23.20b). For the calculations the model of the elementary cell of the 2-D periodic array is considered, where each cell contains one ferromagnetic nanowire (Figure 23.20c) as an autonomous block with Floquet channels (FAB). The values of parameters used in the calculations for magnetic nanowires are 2r = 50 nm, l = 500 nm of Fe (4πM0 = 21,580 kG, exchange constant A = 2.2 × 10 −9 Oe cm2, Gilbert damping α = 0.0023; conductivity σ = 1.03 × 105 S m− 1). The periodicity of the array is a = b = 256 nm, c = 550 nm.

Figure 23.20 Geometry of the magnetic nanowire array for the EM diffraction problem: (a) direction of incident plane EMW of wave vector k; (b) 2-D array of nanowires, periodicity a, b, c; 2r—wire diameter, l—wire length; the bias magnetic field H0 is normal to k; (c) model of the cell of the array using the autonomous blocks with Floquet channels (FAB) with input cross-sections S1, S2. a = 3.5r; b = 1.25l, c = 2r. Makeeva et al. (2009b), reproduced courtesy of The Electromagnetics Academy. Shape and size effects in the EMW propagation in nanoarrays

High permeability, low loss magnetic materials are required to replace the low magnetic moment ferrites in mm-wave devices. Metallic ferromagnetic nanoparticles in an insulating matrix, are good candidates for the new generation of microwave materials. The microwave properties of such a composite can be controlled by the shape, size, and periodicity of the novel nanocomposite microwave material, as it was shown by (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2009). Using the computational algorithm for calculating the FAB conductivity matrix Y (Golovanov and Makeeva, 2009), the complex wave number Γ0 of the fundamental mode of the clockwise and counterclockwise polarized modes and quasi-extraordinary EMWs in 3-D arrays of magnetic nanowires were determined from the characteristic equation (Makeeva et al., 2009b). The main results of the calculation of the real and imaginary parts of complex wave number Γ0 of the fundamental mode of quasi-extraordinary EMW (k = ky0), depending on bias magnetic field H0 = H0y, at f = 26 GHz for the parallel orientation of the bias magnetic field H0 to the axis of magnetic nanowires, are shown in Figure 23.21.

Figure 23.21 Calculated real and imaginary parts of the complex wave number Γ0 (propagation constant) of the fundamental mode of quasi-extraordinary EMW (k = kz0) depending on bias magnetic field H0 = H0y0 in a 3-D array of Fe nanowires (2r = 25 nm,  = 500 nm). f = 26 GHz; — Re Γ0; …… Im Γ0. Courtesy of G. Makeeva.

For the case, presented in Figure 23.21, the separation of the magnetic nanowires of diameter 2r = 25 nm is large (a = b = 256 nm, c = 550 nm), and as for lower density arrays, and the model of noninteracting nanowires is applicable. The wires behave as thin long cylinders in a bias magnetic field H0. Respectively, for longitudinal orientation of the magnetic field H0 the DMFs are Nx = Ny = 2π, Nz = 0, and in this case the eigenfrequency of the FMR of the array is (Gurevich and Melkov, 1996)


si31_e  (23.19)

Upon reducing the periodicity of the magnetic nanowires to a < 340 nm, the system becomes strongly coupled, and the exchange interaction plays the dominant role. For the diameter of the nanowires 2r = 25 nm at separation a = b = 67 nm the array behaves as an effective quasi-continuum, that is a thin magnetic film with DMFs Nx = 0, Ny = 4π, Nz = 0, and the eigenfrequency of the FMR for high-density arrays becomes


si32_e  (23.20)

The increase of the resonance field with decreasing separation as given in Eq. (23.20) is illustrated in Figure 23.22. The calculated bias magnetic field H0 dependence of the imaginary part of the effective permeability Im μ of a 3-D Co80Ni20 nanowire array (4πM0 = 15,356 kG, α = 0.005, σ = 1.0 × 107 S m− 1, A = 1.5 × 10 −9 Oe cm2) is shown in Figure 23.22, for variable periodicity of the arrays: H0 = H0y0 at f = 26 GHz.

Figure 23.22 Bias magnetic field H0 dependence of the imaginary part of the effective permeability of a 3-D array of magnetic nanowires of Co80Ni20 (4πM0 = 15,356 kG, α = 0.005, σ = 1.0 × 107 S m− 1, A = 1.5 × 10− 9 Oe cm2) for variable periodicity of the arrays with 2r = 25 nm,  = 500 nm; H0 = H0y0; f = 26 GHz. Courtesy of G. Makeeva.

There is an interesting and important consequence of the strong interaction in nanoparticle arrays. By a similar model, the full nonlinear propagation effects were studied on a regular 3-D array of Fe nanospheres, assuming that a wave packet is propagating in the nanostructure and in the arrays the propagating EMW is a superposition of inhomogeneous plane waves. The dependence of the propagation constants Γ0 of the EMWs on the lattice period of nanoparticles on a 3-D periodic array of r = 150 nm Fe nanospheres was calculated for the fundamental mode of clockwise and counterclockwise polarized EMWs, and for the ordinary and extraordinary EMWs, propagating in the array at f = 30 GHz, and shown in Figure 23.23 (Makeeva et al., 2009c).

Figure 23.23 Propagation constants of EMWs in 3-D magnetic nanosphere array depending on r/a, the ratio of the Fe nanosphere radius r = 150 nm to the periodicity a: curves 1, 2—clockwise and counterclockwise polarized EMWs; curves 3, 4—ordinary and extraordinary EMW; H0 = 1000 Oe; f = 30 GHz. Makeeva et al. (2009c), reproduced courtesy of The Electromagnetics Academy.

Figure 23.23 demonstrates, that due to the change of the character of the propagation of EMWs with decreasing separation r/a, the propagation constants change significantly on the interval 0.1 < r/a < 0.35. The propagation constants of counterclockwise polarized and extraordinary modes become imaginary for r/a > 0.25 and, consequently, these waves are not propagating waves. As it is well known, EMW do not propagate in metals – that is, the nanoarray behaves like a metal, reaching the percolation length for conduction without direct metallic contact between the particles! Upon further reducing the separation of nanospheres to r/a > 0.25 (transition to the range of exchange length), the exchange interaction in the system of strongly coupled magnetic nanoparticles plays a dominant role, and the magnetic nanoarray starts to behave like a quasi-bulk continuum (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2008a). As for the case of ferromagnetic metals, from the four normal modes there are two counterclockwise polarized and ordinary modes with real propagation constants, having a large phase velocity, propagating in the gyromagnetic nanostructured media as the separation r/a of magnetic nanoparticles 0.25 < r/a < 0.35 approaches the exchange length. There is an interaction range where extremely low loss nanocomposites can be designed. Using the values of the computed propagation constants and the dispersion relations, the complex diagonal μ1 and off-diagonal μ2 components of the effective permeability tensor, and the effective permittivity ɛ of the periodic magnetic nanosystems, depending on r/a, were calculated (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2009). For weakly interacting nanospheres the magnetic losses are about two orders smaller, whereas the nonreciprocity is doubled as compared to YIG. Upon reducing the separation of nanospheres to r/a = 0.35 the imaginary part of the permeability increases due to an additional loss mechanism by the excitation of SWs in the system. EMW scattering in nanowires at THz frequencies

In the GHz frequency range, the EM wavelength is still much larger than the size of the particles, and any treatment has to take care of propagation and magnetostatic effects, as before. What happens when the EMW frequency is getting comparable to the characteristic nm size of a particle on a 2-D or 3-D nanoarray? Indeed, this frequency range is in the THz, where many intriguing new phenomena are taking place, and potential magnetophotonic band gap effects are anticipated, and applications can be expected to be developed. In the THz frequency range the penetration (skin) depth δ1 of EMW in conducting (metallic) media can be close to the nanowire diameter δ1 ≤ 2r, leading to interesting resonance and SW effects.

The normal skin effect is present, if the mean free path of conductivity electrons is smaller than the penetration depth δ1 of the EM field in a metal. For a ferromagnetic metal nanowire, the skin depth is given by


si33_e  (23.21)

where δ is the skin depth in a metal, ω is the frequency, σ is the electrical conductivity of the metal, μeff=μeffiμeffsi34_e is the effective scalar permeability (Gurevich and Melkov, 1996) determined by the components of the high-frequency dynamic permeability tensor μˆsi35_e (Akhiezer et al., 1968). The effective scalar permeability μeff depends on the dynamic permeability μˆsi36_e, and it is a function of frequency ω, the orientation of the bias magnetic field H0, and the rf magnetic field H of the exciting EM wave. The skin depth in metallic ferromagnetic wires δ1 (23.21) depends not only on the conductivity, but also on the magnetization, and at THz frequencies it can become the order of the size 2r ~ 10 nm (nanowire diameter) due to the large values of permeability (μeff=μeffiμeffsi37_e).

If the nanowire diameter is larger than the penetration depth of the EM field 2r > δ1 there is an inhomogeneous distribution of the magnetization and the rf magnetic field across the nanowire. This results in the modification of the spectrum of excited collective exchange SW-modes in such ferromagnetic nanowire arrays at THz frequencies.

To get an insight into the THz behavior of a 2-D nanowire array, the diffraction of EMW on arrays of ferromagnetic metallic (iron) nanowires was modeled at THz frequencies at EM accuracy by solving the 3-D diffraction problem for Maxwell's equations with electrodynamic boundary conditions, complemented by the L–L equation, including the exchange term. Using the computational algorithm based on the decomposition approach by autonomous blocks with Floquet channels (FABs), as in Golovanov (2006; Golovanov and Makeeva, 2009) the scattering parameters of the S matrix of 2-D magnetic nanowire arrays, depending on the bias magnetic field H0, were calculated for nanowire diameters 10 < 2r < 60 nm at a frequency of 30 THz (Makeeva et al., 2009a). The geometry of the wire array and the parameters are the same as in Figure 23.20.

The transmission |T21| and reflection |R11| coefficients were calculated at a bias field of 75 Oe for 2-D periodic arrays of nanowires. The scattering parameters depend very strongly on the nanowire diameter in the 10 ≤ 2r ≤ 60 nm wire diameter range. There is an optimal geometry where there is a transmission maximum |T21|max at 2r = 27 nm, coinciding with the minimum of the reflection |R11|min. Upon increasing the wire diameter, the reflection is increasing to |R11| = 1, while the transmission is gradually decreasing.

When in the array of metallic nanowires the diameter of the nanowires 2r is larger than the skin-depth δ in a metal at a frequency f = 30 THz, the EMWs are damped with the attenuation coefficient k″ ~ 1/δ (Gurevich and Melkov, 1996).


si38_e  (23.22)

where k0 is the wave number of EMWs in free space, μeff=μeffiμeffsi39_e is the effective scalar permeability: μeffR=μeff+μeffsi40_e, and δ1 is the skin-depth in the ferromagnetic metallic medium.

According to Eq. (23.22) the minimum of the absorption of EMWs is determined by the maximum of the skin-depth δ1 = δ(μeffR)−1/2. This maximum is realized when the effective permeability μeffR has a minimum (i.e., the real part of the effective permeability μeff=0si41_e and the imaginary part of the effective permeability μeff0si42_e), that is, in the antiresonance point. The frequency of the ferromagnetic antiresonance (FMAR) in an unbounded ferromagnetic metallic medium is


si43_e  (23.23)

where ωar is the frequency of antiresonance; ωH = γH0 and ωM = 4πMs.

Applying the condition for antiresonance in Eq. (23.23) to a finite size ferromagnetic ellipsoid, the resonance condition becomes


si44_e  (23.24)

where ω0 is the eigenfrequency of the FMR of the magnetized ellipsoid, determined by the internal magnetic field H0int


si45_e  (23.25)

where Nsi46_e is the demagnetizing tensor (introduced in Section

Upon increasing the bias magnetic field H0 several types of exchange SW modes are excited in the ferromagnetic metal (iron) nanowire array at f = 30 THz. These are radial surface SW modes with complex wave numbers, having hyperbolic distributions of the rf magnetization, satisfying the boundary conditions on the surface of the nanowire, and depending on H0. When the standing SW resonance conditions in magnetic nanoarrays are satisfied, the frequencies of the radial antiresonance modes become (Gurevich and Melkov, 1996):


si47_e  (23.26)

where ω0n are the eigenfrequencies of the standing SW resonances of exchange SW modes of order n in a thin ferromagnetic nanowire, determined by the internal magnetic field H0int. The maxima of the transmission coefficients |T21| are located in the antiresonance points as given by Eq. (23.26).

When the skin-depth δ1 = δ(μeffR)− 1/2 near these antiresonance points increases, the transmitted EMWs through the magnetic nanoarray are also increasing. The effective permeability depends on the interactions in the array through the separation and the diameter of the nanowires, thus the transmission can be influenced by array geometry. The maxima of |T21| can be tuned by the bias magnetic field H0 for different wire diameter/periodicity ratios. Upon increasing the wire diameter the maximum of the transmission coefficient is moving to lower fields, and the transmission at the maximum is decreasing.

The rf magnetization profiles of the exchange SW modes modes are numerically simulated taking into account the skin depth of the EMW in a ferromagnetic metal (Fe) at THz frequencies (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2011). The EMW having a wave vector k = kz0 and fields E = Ex0, H = Hy0 is incident on a 2-D array of ferromagnetic metallic nanowires, biased by a magnetic field H0 ⊥ k. The wire axis is y0, the wire diameter 10 ≤ 2r ≤ 25 nm, length  = 300 nm. If the nanowire diameter is somewhat larger than the penetration depth of the EM field, there is an inhomogeneous distribution of the magnetization and the magnetic field close to the nanowire surface. This results in the modification of the spectrum of excited collective exchange SW modes in such ferromagnetic arrays at THz frequencies. The rf magnetization profiles of these modes are numerically simulated for iron nanowires and shown in Figure 23.24 (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2011). Figure 23.24a shows the bias field dependence of the transmission spectra for different nanowire diameters. The extrema correspond to specific SW mode excitations. The transmission maxima are the FMAR points (Makeeva et al., 2009a). The minima of transmission curves correspond to the minima of the skin depth, that is, when the effective permeability μeffR has a maximum, that is, to the FMR. At standing wave resonances μeffR and thus the power absorption increases and δ collapses.

Figure 23.24 (a) Bias field dependence of the transmission coefficient for different wire diameters, ad correspond to 2r = 10, 15, 20, and 25 nm; (b) magnetization profiles of radial surface exchange SW modes across a nanowire in a 2r = 10 nm iron nanowire array, for different values of the bias field H0. Points 1–4 in (a): correspond to curves in (b): 1, 2—n = 2; 3, 4—n = 1. H0 = H0y0 (Pardavi-Horvath et al., 2011).

Upon increasing the bias field H0, the second-order SW modes n = 2 and then n = 1 (k = 0) modes are excited by the spatially uniform TEM wave. However, these modes are influenced by the skin effect. These are radial surface SW modes with complex wave numbers, having a hyberbolic distribution of the rf magnetic field, as shown by curves 1–4 in Figure 23.24b. The distribution of the rf magnetization component Mφ for the second order (n = 2) and then n = 1 SW modes, depending on the coordinate r across the nanowire are shown at the field points 1–4 marked in the (a) part of the figure for the 10 nm wire array.

23.5 Conclusions and future trends

The development of technology for the preparation of stable, reproducible, well-controlled 2-D arrays of magnetic nanowires opened the path to test theoretical predictions, related to fundamental properties and basic physics of small magnetic particles, and to investigate magnetic and EM properties of low-dimensional systems in general. By changing the size and shape of the elements fundamental magnetization processes can be studied. Changing the separation one can study the transition from single noninteracting nanoelements through an assembly of weakly interacting elements and finally examine the length scales for strong interactions, and watch how thin film properties develop from individual nanoparticles.

Magnetic nanowires are serious contenders for novel microwave devices, based on the propagation of EMW in these nanostructures. Passive nonreciprocal microwave devices on magnetic nanowire substrates are being developed. The results of modeling the electrodynamic diffraction problem show how the properties of these flexible systems can be tuned up to the THz frequency range. The theoretical and experimental study of the microscopic effects in the high-frequency behavior of magnetic nanowires led to the description and understanding of SW phenomena in confined geometries. There is a macroscopic interaction of a magnetic nanowire system with an incident EMW, resulting in novel propagation and diffraction effects of EMW in the materials response. By controlling the configuration alone one can control the interactions among nanowires, creating metamaterials with designer electrical and magnetic properties. This approach is a fertile field for potential applications of nanowire systems in microwave devices for communication, information technology, and biomedical purposes.

To make devices with controlled properties, recently nanomaterials of new geometries were proposed, like MNWs and nanotubes. The attractive common feature of these structures is the presence of extra degrees of freedom, what makes their properties more easily tunable.

With the technology moving into the THz range, microwave ferrites have to be replaced. Metallic ferromagnet-based nanowires, embedded in an insulating matrix, might provide a solution. However, there are some open questions for theory and technology of how to take into account and control the statistical distribution of particle size, shape, and separation in calculating and controlling the interactions in a magnetic nanowire (or other nanostructured) system. Likewise, the temperature dependence is usually ignored; however, these nanoparticle devices have to operate in a feasible wide temperature range, where the stability of such small magnetic particles against thermal fluctuation is uncertain.


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