4.5. Flame Progagation through Stratified Combustible Mixtures

Liquid fuel spills occur under various circumstances, and in the presence of an ignition source, a flame can be established and propagate across the surface. In a stagnant atmosphere how the flame propagates through the combustible mixture of the fuel vapor and air is strongly dependent on the liquid fuel's temperature. The relative tendency of a liquid fuel to ignite and propagate is measured by various empirical techniques. Under the stagnant atmosphere situation a vapor pressure develops over the liquid surface, and a stratified fuel vapor–air mixture develops. At a fixed distance above the liquid an ignition source is established, and the temperature of the fuel is raised until a flame flashes. This procedure determines the so-called flashpoint temperature [40]. After the ignition there generally can be no flame propagation. The point at which a further increase of the liquid temperature causes flame propagation over the complete fuel surface is called the fire point. The differences in temperature between the flashpoint and fire point is generally slight.
The stratified gaseous layer established over the liquid fuel surface varies from a fuel-rich mixture to within the lean flammability limits of the vaporized fuel and air mixture. At some point above the liquid surface, if the fuel temperature is high enough, a condition corresponds to a stoichiometric equivalence ratio. For most volatile fuels this stoichiometric condition develops. Experimental evidence indicates that the propagation rate of the curved flame front that develops is many times faster than the laminar flame speed discussed earlier. There are many less volatile fuels, however, that only progress at low rates.
It is interesting to note that stratified combustible gas mixtures can exist in tunnel-like conditions. The condition in a coal mine tunnel is an excellent example. The marsh gas (methane) is lighter than air and accumulates at the ceiling. Thus a stratified air–methane mixture exists. Experiments have shown that under the conditions described the flame propagation rate is much faster than the stoichiometric laminar flame speed. In laboratory experiments simulating the mine-like conditions, the actual rates were found to be affected by the laboratory-simulated tunnel length and depth. In effect, the expansion of the reaction products of these type laboratory experiments drives the flame front that is developed. The overall effect is similar in context to the soap bubble–type flame experiments discussed in Section In the soap bubble flame experiment measurements, the ambient condition is about 300 K and the stoichiometric flame temperature of the flame products for most hydrocarbon fuels is somewhat above 2200 K, so that the observed flame propagation rate in the soap bubble is seven to eight times the laminar flame speed. Thus, in the soap bubble experiment the burned gases drive the flame front, and of course, a small differential pressure exists across this front.
Under the conditions described for coal mine tunnel configurations, the burned gas expansion effect develops differently. To show this effect, Feng et al. [41,42] considered analytically the propagation of a fuel layer at the roof of a channel over various lengths and depths of the configuration in which the bottom layer was simply air. For the idealized infinite depth of the air layer, the results revealed that the ratio of the propagating flame speed to that of the laminar flame speed was equal to the square root of the density ratio (ρu/ρb); that is, the flame propagation for the layered configuration is about 2.6–2.8 times the laminar flame speed. Indeed the observed experimental trends [41,42] fit the analytical derivations. The same trends appear to hold for the case of a completely premixed combustible condition of the roof of a channel separated from the air layer below [41].
The physical perception derived from these analytical results was that the increased flame propagation speed over the normal flame speed was due to a fluid dynamical interaction resulting from the combustion of premixed gases; that is, after the combustible gas mixture moves through the flame front, the expansion of the product gases causes a displacement of the unburned gases ahead of the flame. This displacement results in redistributing the combustible gaseous layer over a much larger area in the induced curved, parabolic-type, flame front created. Thus, the expansion of the combustible mixture sustains a pressure difference across the flame, and the resulting larger combustible gas area exposed to the flame front increases the burning rate necessary for the elevated flame propagation rate [40,42].
The inverse of the tunnel experiments discussed is the propagation of a flame across a layer of a liquid fuel which has a low flashpoint temperature. The stratified conditions discussed previously described the layered fuel vaporair mixture ratios. Under these conditions, the propagation rates were found to be four to five times the laminar flame speed. This increased rate compared with the other analytical results is apparently due to diffusion of air to the flame front behind the parabolic leading edge of the propagating flame [41].
Experiments [43] with very high flashpoint fuels (jet propellant, kerosene, diesel, etc.) revealed that the flame propagation occurred in an unusual manner and a much slower rate. In this situation, at ambient conditions any possible amount of fuel vapor above the liquid surface creates a gaseous mixture well outside the fuel’s flammability limits. What was discovered [44,45] was that for these fuels the flame will propagate because the liquid surface under the ignition source is raised to a local temperature that is higher than the cool ambient temperature ahead of the initiated flame. Experimental observations revealed [45] that this surface temperature variation from behind the flame front to the cool region ahead caused a variation in the surface tension of the liquid fuel. Since the surface tension of a liquid varies inversely with the temperature, a gradient in surface tension is established and creates a surface velocity from the warmer temperature to the cooler temperature. Thus, volatile liquid is pulled ahead of the flame front to provide the combustible vapor–air mixture for flame propagation. Since the liquid is a viscous fluid, currents are established throughout the liquid fluid layer by the surface movement caused by the surface tension variation. In the simplest context of thin liquid fuel films, the problem of estimating the velocities in the liquid is much like the Couette flow problem, except that movement of the viscous liquid fuel is not established by a moving plate, but by the surface tension variation along the free surface. Under such conditions at the surface the following equality exists:



where τ is the shear stress in the liquid, μ the liquid fuel viscosity, u the velocity parallel to the surface, y the direction normal to the surface, s the surface point, σ the surface tension, T the temperature, and x the direction along the surface.
The following proportionality is readily developed from the above equation:



where us is the surface velocity and h is the depth of the fuel layer. In some experiments the viscosity of a fuel was varied by addition of a thickening agent that did not affect the fuel volatility [40]. For a fixed fuel depth it was found that the flame propagation rate varied inversely with the induced viscosity, as noted by the above proportionality. Because the surface tension induced velocity separates any liquid fuel in front of the initiated induced flame, thin fuel layers do not propagate flames [40]. For deep fuel layers the Couette flow condition does not hold explicitly, and an inverted boundary layer type flow exists in the liquid as the flame propagates. Many nuances with respect to the observed flame propagation for physical conditions varied experimentally can be found in the references detailed by Ref. [40].
Propagation across solid fuel surfaces is a much more complex problem because the orientation of the solid surface can be varied. For example, a sheet of plastic or wood held in a vertical position and ignited at either the top or bottom edge shows vastly different propagation rates because of gravity effects. Even material held at an angle has a different burning rate than the two possible vertical conditions. A review of this solid surface problem can be found in Refs [4648].
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