Chapter 6

Diffusion flames


Nonpremixed combustion is examined for gaseous fuel jets and liquid droplets. The jet diffusion flame structure is analyzed and the characteristic flame height and shape described including the effects of buoyancy and turbulence. Droplet evaporation and combustion in quiescent environments are analyzed and the “d2” law of diffusion-controlled burning derived. Droplet combustion in sprays or clouds is presented as well as an analysis of the effects of convection on condensed-phase fuel-burning rates.


Droplet combustion; Jet diffusion flame; Nonpremixed combustion

6.1. Introduction

Earlier chapters were concerned with flames in which the fuel and oxidizer are homogeneously mixed. Even if the fuel and oxidizer are separate entities in the initial stages of a combustion event and mixing occurs rapidly compared to the rate of combustion reactions, or if mixing occurs well ahead of the flame zone (as in a Bunsen burner), the burning process may be considered in terms of homogeneous premixed conditions. There are also systems in which the mixing rate is slow relative to the reaction rate of the fuel and oxidizer, in which case the mixing controls the burning rate. Most practical systems are mixing-rate-controlled and lead to diffusion flames in which fuel and oxidizer come together in a reaction zone through molecular and turbulent diffusion. The fuel may be in the form of a gaseous fuel jet or a condensed medium (either liquid or solid), and the oxidizer may be a flowing gas stream or the quiescent atmosphere. The distinctive characteristic of a diffusion flame is that the burning (or fuel consumption) rate is determined by the rate at which the fuel and oxidizer are brought together in proper proportions for reaction.
Since diffusion rates vary with pressure and the rate of overall combustion reactions varies approximately with the pressure squared, at very low pressures the flame formed will exhibit premixed combustion characteristics even though the fuel and oxidizer may be separate concentric gaseous streams. Figure 6.1 details how the flame structure varies with pressure for such a configuration where the fuel is a simple higher-order hydrocarbon [1]. Normally, the concentric fuel-oxidizer configuration is typical of diffusion flame processes.
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