

^, boolean logical exclusive OR 142, 144

truth table 144

--, predecrement/postdecrement 115, 116

--, prefix/postfix decrement 115, 116

-, private visibility symbol 81

-, subtraction 60, 61

!, logical negation 142, 144

truth table 145

!=, not equals 61, 63

? quantifier (regular expressions) 530

?:, ternary conditional operator 99, 118

. metacharacter (regular expressions) 534

.NET Framework 753

"", empty string 83

{, left brace 44

{n,} quantifier (regular expressions) 534

{n,m} quantifier (regular expressions) 534

{n} quantifier (regular expressions) 534

}, right brace 44

@ verbatim string character 506

@ XPath attribute symbol 897

* asterisk occurrence indicator 901

*, multiplication 60, 61

*, quantifier (regular expressions) 534

/ forward slash in end tags 783

/ XPath root selector 896

/, division 60, 61

/* */ delimited comment 42

//, single-line comment 41, 42

, escape character 55

", double-quote escape sequence 55

d character class (digit) (regular expressions) 531, 540

D character class (non-digit) (regular expressions) 531

, newline escape sequence 55

, carriage-return escape sequence 55

S character class (non-whitespace) (regular expressions) 531

s character class (whitespace) (regular expressions) 531, 540

, horizontal tab escape sequence 55

uyyyy notation 1148

W character class (non-word character) (regular expressions) 531

w character class (word character) (regular expressions) 531

&, boolean logical AND 142, 144

&, menu access shortcut 444, 445

&&, conditional AND 142, 143

truth table 143

%, remainder 60, 61

+ quantifier (regular expressions) 533

+, addition 60, 61

+, concatenation operator 516

+, public visibility symbol 72

++, prefix/postfix increment 115

++, preincrement/postincrement 115

+=, addition assignment operator 115

<, less than 61

<!--...--> XML comment tags 787

<? and ?> XML processing instruction delimiters 895

<=, less than or equal 61

<>, angle brackets for XML elements 783

=, assignment operator 59

==, comparison operator 509

==, is equal to 61

=>, lambda operator 294

>, greater than 61

>=, greater than or equal to 61

| alternation (regular expression) 530

|, boolean logical inclusive OR 142, 144

||, conditional OR 142, 143

truth table 143


abbreviating assignment expressions 115

abnormally terminate a program 199

Abs method of Math 152

absolute addressing (XPath) 896

absolute positioning 631

absolute Source 1041

absolute value 152

abstract base class 1098

abstract class 334, 339, 340, 358, 1098

abstract data type (ADT) 276

abstract keyword 318, 339

abstract method 339, 341, 344

abstract operation in the UML 1095

AcceptButton property of class Form 403

AcceptsReturn property of class TextBox 415

access modifier 69, 77, 1088

internal 254

private 254, 304

protected 254, 304

public 69, 254, 304

access rule in ASP.NET 930

access shortcut 442

accessor 78

Account class

ATM case study 1052, 1055, 1059, 1061, 1069, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1082, 1093, 1125

with a constructor to initialize instance variable balance 88

with a Debit method that withdraws money from account 1154

accounts-receivable file 546

action 98, 102, 276

action expression in the UML 96, 1066

action of an object 1065

action state in the UML 96, 1065

action state symbol 96

actions (verbs) 8

activation in a UML sequence diagram 1080

Activation property of class ListView 475, 476

activation record 159

active control 410

active tab 16

active window 402, 1157

ActiveLinkColor property of class LinkLabel 456

ActiveMdiChild property of class Form 487

activity 96

activity (UML) 1052, 1064, 1068

activity diagram 96, 98, 99

do...while statement 132

for statement 126

if statement 98

if...else statement 99

in the UML 102

sequence statement 96

switch statement 139

while statement 103

activity diagram (UML) 1052, 1065, 1067, 1085

actor in use case (UML) 1051

ActualWidth property of MultiScaleImage control 1037

add a database to a project 592

Add Connection dialog 592

Add method of class ArrayList 759, 760

Add method of class Dictionary<K, V> 555

Add method of class Hashtable 768

Add method of class HttpSessionState 655

Add method of class List<T> 244

Add method of class ObjectCollection 461

Add method of class PointCollection 847

Add method of class XContainer 918

Add method of UIElementCollection class 807

Add Tab menu item 482

Add User Control... option in Visual Studio .NET 501

Add Windows Form... option in Visual Studio 486

AddDay method of structure DateTime 455

adding a file to a Visual Studio project 850

adding a service reference to a project in Visual C# 2010 Express 958

adding a service reference to a project in Visual Web Developer 957

addition 60

AddLast method of class LinkedList 775

address of a WCF service 950

AddYears method of structure DateTime 455

Adobe Flash 1001

Adobe Flex 1001

ADT (abstract data type) 276

advertisement 648

AfterSelected event of class TreeView 471

aggregation 1058

Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) 664, 940

Ajax web application 664, 940

algebraic notation 60

algorithm 103

all XML Schema element 892

AllowsTransparency property of Window control 823

Alphabetic icon 23

alphabetizing 509

Alt key 437

Alt key shortcut 442

Alt property of class KeyEventArgs 438, 440

alternation, | (regular expression) 530

analysis stage of the software life cycle 1050

ancestor node of a DOM tree 902

anchor a control 411, 411

demonstration 412

Anchor property of class Control 413

angle bracket (<>) for XML elements 783

Angle property of AxisAngleRotation3D control 872

anonymous function 293

anonymous object-creation expression 296, 605

anonymous type 242, 296, 605

Equals method 298, 605

ToString method 296, 605

anonymous type in LINQ 298

Any extension method of


IEnumerable<T> 242, 914

Apache HTTP Server 622

App.xaml 797

App.xaml (Silverlight) 1002

App.xaml.cs (Silverlight) 1002

App.xaml.vb 797

Appearance property of class CheckBox 420

Append method of class StringBuilder 521

AppendFormat method of class StringBuilder 522, 523

AppendText method of class File 548

Apple Computer, Inc. 1145

application 12, 44

Application class 450

Application.Current.Shutdown method 815

Application.Exit method 463

Application.xaml StartupUri property 797

application-development process 276

Applicaton class Exit method 450

applying an XSLT style sheet to an XML document 918

applying transforms to a Polygon 854

arbitrary number of arguments 227

args parameter of Main method 229

argument promotion 159

argument to a method 45, 72

ArgumentException class 768

ArgumentOutOfRangeExc eption class 308, 507, 516, 523, 762

arithmetic operators 59

arithmetic overflow 276

ArrangeIcons value of enumeration MdiLayout 489

array 188

Length property 189

pass an array element to a method 206

pass an array to a method 206

array-access expression 188

Array class 231, 753, 754, 755, 757

Array class static methods for common array manipulations 755

array-creation expression 189

array initializer 192

for jagged array 218

for rectangular array 217

nested 217

array-access expression

for jagged arrays 218

for rectangular arrays 217

ArrayList class 753, 758, 760

property Capacity 759

property Count 759

arrays as references 208

arrow 96

arrowhead in a UML sequence diagram 1080, 1081

article.xml 903

article.xml displayed by Internet Explorer 788

artifact in the UML 1142

as operator 914

as operator (downcasting) 355

ascending modifier of a LINQ orderby clause 237

ascending order 901

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 1146

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character set 140, 1131

ASCII character, test for 439

ASP.NET 4, 621

AJAX 664

ASP.NET Web Site template 922, 947

Development Server 627

login 664

membership capabilities 924

registration 664

server control 621

start page 635, 638, 644, 650, 659

validation control 641

ASP.NET Ajax 940

ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit 943

ASP.NET Development Server 953

ASP.NET Web Site template 922, 947

aspect ratio 867

ASPX file 621

ASPX file that takes

reservation information 984

.aspx filename extension 621

assembly (compiled code) 50

assign a value to a variable 59

assigning base class and derived class references to base class and derived class variables 337

assignment operator, = 59, 61

assignment operators 115

assignment statement 59


left to right 118

right to left 111, 118

association (in the UML) 1056, 1057, 1058, 1090, 1091

name 1056

associativity of operators 60, 65, 118

left to right 65

right to left 60, 65

asterisk (*) occurrence indicator 883

asynchronous call 1079

asynchronous request 941

asynchronous web service invocation 1011

AsyncPostBackTrigger class 945

ATM (automated teller machine) case study 1045, 1050, 1077

ATM class (ATM case study) 1055, 1056, 1057, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1064, 1069, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1089

ATM system 1050, 1051, 1053, 1055, 1060, 1064, 1069, 1088

attached property (WPF) 803

ATTLIST attribute-list declaration (DTD) 884

attribute 1090, 1091

compartment in a class diagram 1062

declaration in the UML 1062, 1064

in the UML 72, 1055, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1064, 1068

name in the UML 1062

attribute (UML) 8

attribute (XAML) 796

attribute (XML) 791

attribute element 892

attribute-list declaration 884

Attribute method of class XElement 913

attribute node 897

attribute value in XML 791

authenticating a user 926

AuthorISBN table of Books database 587, 588, 589

Authors table of Books database 587

auto-implemented property 82

auto-hide 19

auto-implemented properties 559

autoincremented database column 587

automated teller machine (ATM) 1045, 1050

user interface 1046

automatic garbage collection 383

automatically implemented property 82

AutoPopDelay property of class ToolTip 431

AutoPostBack property of a DropDownList ASP.NET control 937

AutoScroll property of class Form 403

AutoScroll property of class Panel 417

AutoSize property of class TextBox 32

average 103, 106

Axis property of AxisAngleRotation3D control 872

AxisAngleRotation3D control 872

Angle property 872

Axis property 872


BackColor property of a form 30

BackColor property of class Control 411

background color 30

background garbage collector 271

Background property of TextBlock control 850

Background property of WPF controls 816

BackgroundImage property of class Control 411

backslash, () 55

backward reference 707

BalanceInquiry class (ATM case study) 1055, 1058, 1061, 1062, 1065, 1066, 1069, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1089, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096

BankDatabase class (ATM case study) 1055, 1059, 1061, 1069, 1070, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1082, 1089, 1091

bar chart 194, 195

Bar chart printing application 195

bar of asterisks 194, 195


for constructor initializers 318

for invoking overridden methods 327

keyword 304, 318, 327, 329

base attribute of element extension 892

base case 179

base class 301, 1094

constructor 308

default constructor 308

direct 301, 303

indirect 301, 303

method overridden in a derived class 327

base type (XML Schema) 892

BasicShapes example 842

Begin method of class Storyboard (Silverlight) 1016

behavior 8, 9, 1068

behavior of a system 1064, 1065, 1068

behavior of the system 1078

bidirectional navigability in the UML 1089

Big O notation 671, 677, 681, 685, 690

BigInteger struct 181

binary (base 2) number system 1133

binary arithmetic operators 111

binary digit 544

binary operator 59, 60, 144

binary search algorithm 672, 676

binary search tree 716, 721

binary tree 693, 716, 722

binary tree sort 722

BinaryFormatter class 575

Deserialize method 575

Serialize method 577

BinarySearch method of class Array 757

BinarySearch method of class ArrayList 762

Binding class (WPF) 831

ElementName property 831

IsAsync property 837

Path property 831

Source property 831

Binding markup extension 822

binding of a WCF service 950

BindingNavigator class 596

BindingSource class 596

DataSource property 598

EndEdit method 598

MoveFirst method 600

bit 544

bit (size of unit) 1146

bit manipulation 544

BitArray class 753

bitwise operators 422

bitwise Xor operator 451

BizTalk 795

blackjack 968

Blackjack game WCF web service 970

blank line 42

block 156

block of statements 101, 110

blueprint 8

BlurEffect 861

BMP (Windows bitmap) 35


of a class declaration 44

of a loop 102

of a method 45

of an if statement 61

Bohm, C. 95

Books database 587

table relationships 590

bool attribute 1060

bool simple type 99, 1129

boolean expression 99

boolean logical AND, & 142, 144

boolean logical exclusive OR, ^ 142, 144

truth table 144

boolean logical inclusive OR, | 144

Boolean struct 693

Border control 799, 861, 1007

Margin property 1007

BorderStyle property of class Panel 417

bottom tier 623

boundary of control 500

bounds checking 199

Box class definition

represents a box with

length, width and height

dimensions with

indexers 258

boxing 764, 768

boxing conversion 694

braces ({ and }) 101, 110, 124

braces not required 137

braces, { } 192

break keyword 137

break mode 1156

break statement 137, 140

exiting a for statement 140

breakpoint 1153

disabling 1158

inserting 1156, 1160

bricks-and-mortar store 647

brittle software 323

Browse... button 28

brush 847

Brush class (WPF) 816

ImageBrush class 823

Brush property of DiffuseMaterial control 871

bubbling events (WPF) 811

buffer 547

BufferedStream class 547

buffering 547

Buffering state of MediaElement (Silverlight) 1038

bug 1153

Build Web Site command in Visual Web Developer 636

built-in array capabilities 753

built-in data types 890

business letter marked up as XML 789

business logic 624

business rule 624

button 4, 400

Button ASP.NET web control 641

Button class 6, 401, 415

Click event 415

FlatStyle property 415

Text property 415

Button control

Click event 808, 809

Windows Forms 799

WPF 799, 808, 816, 1007

Button properties and events 415

Button property of class MouseEventArgs 435

ButtonBase class 415

byte 545

byte simple type 1129

Byte struct 693


C format specifier 91, 130

C programming language 3

.cs file name extension 44

C# keywords 43

C# Language Specification 736

C# programming language 3

C++ programming language 3

Calculating values to be placed into the elements of an array 193

calculations 65, 96

CalendarForeColor property of class DateTimePicker 453

CalendarMonth-Background property of class DateTimePicker 453

call stack 390

callback function 942

calling method (caller) 69

camel casing 58

Camera property of Viewport3D control 872

CancelButton property of class Form 403

CanExecute event of CommandBinding class 815

CanExecute method of ICommand interface 812

Canvas control (WPF) 803, 844

Left attached property 803, 807

SetLeft method 807

SetTop method 807

Top attached property 803, 807

ZIndex attached property 803

capacity of a collection 758

Capacity property of class ArrayList 758, 759, 761

Capacity property of class List<T> 243, 246

Capacity property of class StringBuilder 519

Card class represents a playing card 200

card games 199

card shuffling Fisher-Yates 202

Card shuffling and dealing application 203

carriage return 55

carry bit 1140

Cascade value of enumeration MdiLayout 489

cascaded method calls 290

cascaded window 489

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 633

case 136, 137

keyword 136

case sensitive 43

CashDispenser class (ATM case study) 1055, 1057, 1061, 1062, 1069, 1082

casino 162, 167


downcast 336

cast operator 110, 160, 171


general catch clause 379

catch all exception types 379

catch an exception 376

catch block (or handler) 379

catch block with no exception type 379

catch block with no identifier 379

catch-related errors 382

Categorized icon 23

CDATA keyword (DTD) 884

Ceiling method of Math 152

CenterX property of ScaleTransform control 862

CenterY property of ScaleTransform control 862


simple type 58

char array 507

char simple type 1129

Char struct 505

CompareTo method 528

IsDigit method 528

IsLetter method 528

IsLetterOrDigit method 528

IsLower method 528

IsPunctuation method 528

IsSymbol method 528

IsUpper method 528

IsWhiteSpace method 528

static character-testing methods and case-conversion methods 526

ToLower method 528

ToUpper method 528

character 161, 544

constant 140

character class (regular expressions) 531

character class subtraction 535

character classes and quantifiers 531

character constant 506

character data in XML 884

character entity reference 884

character set 545, 1146

Character struct 693

check box 415

CheckBox class 401, 420

Appearance property 420

Checked property 420

CheckedChanged event 420

CheckState property 420

CheckStateChanged event 420

Text property 420

ThreeState property 420

CheckBox control 861

WPF 816

CheckBox properties and events 420

CheckBoxes property of class ListView 475, 476

CheckBoxes property of class TreeView 471

Checked event handler 847

Checked event of RadioButton control 808, 809

Checked property of class CheckBox 420

Checked property of class RadioButton 423

Checked property of class ToolStripMenuItem 446, 450

Checked property of class TreeNode 471

CheckedChanged event of class CheckBox 420

CheckedChanged event of class RadioButton 424

CheckedIndices property of class CheckedListBox 464

CheckedItems property of class CheckedListBox 464

CheckedListBox class 442, 459, 463

CheckedIndices property 464

CheckedItems property 464

GetItemChecked method 464

ItemCheck event 463, 464

SelectionMode property 464

CheckedListBox properties and events 464

CheckOnClick property of class ToolStripMenuItem 446

CheckState property of class CheckBox 420

CheckStateChanged event of class CheckBox 420

child element (XML) 788, 790

child node 470, 715

child node (XML) of a DOM tree 902

child window 486

child window maximized 488

child window minimized 488

children (in DOM tree) 902

Children property of Panel control 807

Choices 879

Choose Data Source dialog 592

Choose Items... option in Visual Studio 502

circular, doubly linked list 707

circular, singly linked list 706

class 8, 9, 150, 1063, 1069, 1073, 1088

class keyword 69

declaration 42, 44

declare a method 68

instance variable 68, 76, 153

instantiating an object 68

name 43, 44, 278, 403, 495, 1090

partial 636

partial class 636

user defined 42

class average 103

class cannot extend a sealed class 357

class constraint 738

class diagram

for the ATM system model 1058, 1084

in the UML 1052, 1055, 1058, 1060, 1062, 1088, 1091

class diagram (in the UML) 1069, 1096, 1097, 1098

class hierarchy 301, 340

class keyword 69

class library 278, 302, 329, 495

Class View (Visual Studio .NET) 283

“class-wide” information 271


Application 450

ArgumentException 768

ArgumentOutOfRangeException 762

Array 231, 753, 754, 755, 757, 758

ArrayList 754, 758, 759, 760, 762

BinaryFormatter 575

Binding 831

BindingNavigator 596

BindingSource 596, 598

BitArray 753, 754

Brush 816

BufferedStream 547

Button 415, 1007

ButtonBase 415

Canvas 803, 844

CheckBox 420, 861

CheckedListBox 442, 459, 463

CollectionView 836

ColorAnimation 867

ComboBox 442, 466

CommandBinding 815

Console 546, 547

ContentPresenter 796, 799, 827, 829

Control 410, 411, 413, 499

ControlTemplate 828

Convert 59, 231

DataContext 591, 595

DataContractJsonSerializer 966

DataGridView 591

DataTemplate 834

DateTimePicker 452

Delegate 408

Dictionary 555, 556, 754

Dictionary<K, V> 555, 556

DiffuseMaterial 871, 871

DirectionalLight 872

Directory 548, 552

DirectoryInfo 480, 548

DispatchTimer 825

DivideByZeroException 375, 378, 382

DockPanel 799

DoubleAnimation 867

DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs 964, 1011

DropDownList 640, 937

Ellipse 843

EmissiveMaterial 871

EventArgs 405, 808

Exception 381

ExecutionEngine-Exception 382

File 547, 548, 551, 556

FileInfo 480

FileStream 547

Font 422

Form 402, 403, 487

FormatException 376, 378

GradientStop 852

Graphics 437, 469

Grid 802, 803

GridView 939

GridViewColumn 834

GroupBox 417, 801

Hashtable 766, 768

HttpSessionState 649, 654, 655, 655, 655, 656

Image 638, 1007

ImageBrush 823, 850

ImageList 471, 475

IndexOutOfRange-Exception 199

InvalidCastException 355, 694, 753, 769

InvalidOperation-Exception 757, 765, 775

ItemCheckEventArgs 464

KeyEventArgs 437, 438, 440

KeyNotFoundException 772

Label 796

LinearGradient-Brush 850

LinkedList 754, 772, 775

LinkedListNode 772

LinkLabel 442, 455, 456

List<T> 243, 244, 244, 246, 754, 973

ListBox 442, 459

ListBox.ObjectCollection 460

ListDictionary 663

ListView 475

ListViewItem 476

Match 505, 528, 529

MatchCollection 529

Math 151, 152

MediaElement 850, 1038

MemoryStream 547

MenuStrip 443

Model3DGroup 869

ModelVisual3D 869

MonthCalendar 451

MouseButtonEventArgs 808

MouseEventArgs 435

MouseWheelEventArgs 808

MulticastDelegate 408

MultiScaleImage 1025

NullReference-Exception 382

NumericUpDown 401, 432

object 305, 330

ObjectCollection 460, 461, 463

OpenFileDialog 569, 574

OutOfMemoryException 382, 695

Page 636, 647, 652

PaintEventArgs 499

Panel 417, 807

Path 475, 555

PerspectiveCamera 872

PictureBox 428, 490

Point 847

Point3D 872

PointAnimation 867

PointCollection 847

Polygon 843

PolyLine 843

Process 458

Queue 754, 754

RadioButton 420, 423, 808

Random 162, 855

Rect 1037

Regex 529, 535

ResourceManager 430

Resources 430

SaveFileDialog 563

ScaleTransform 862

SolidBrush 437

SortedDictionary 754, 770, 772

SortedList 754, 754

SortedSet<T> 778

Stack 740, 753, 754, 762

StackOverflow-Exception 382

StoryBoard 1016

Stream 547, 547

StreamReader 547

StreamWriter 547

string 505

StringBuilder 505, 518, 521, 522, 523

SystemException 381

TabControl 481

TabPage 481

TextBlock 850

TextBox 401

TextReader 547

TextWriter 547

Timer 501

ToolStripMenuItem 443, 445

ToolTip 430, 431

TreeNode 470, 471

TreeNodeCollection 470

TreeView 442, 470, 471, 906

TreeViewEventArgs 471

Type 331, 355

UIElementCollection 807, 808

UInt32 693

Unauthorized-AccessException 475

Uri 964, 1011

UserControl 499

ValueType 526, 694

Vector3D 872

WeatherData (WeatherViewer) 1011

WebClient 963, 1011

XAttribute 913

XComment 914

XContainer 912

XDocument 903, 1012

XDocumentType 913

XElement 903

XmlReader 785

XName 905

XNamespace 913, 915

XNode 914

XObject 914

XProcessing-Instruction 914

XslCompiledTrans-form 920

XText 914

Clear method of class Array 758

Clear method of class ArrayList 759

Clear method of class Dictionary 556

Clear method of class Graphics 469

Clear method of class List<T> 243

Clear method of class ObjectCollection 463

Clear method of class PointCollection 847

Clear method of UIElementCollection class 808

ClearSelected method of class ListBox 460

ClearType xxxv

CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) 4

click a Button 403, 415

Click event handler 847

Click event of Button control 808, 809

Click event of class Button 415

Click event of class PictureBox 428

Click event of class ToolStripMenuItem 445, 446

clicking 12

Clicks property of class MouseEventArgs 435

client code 336

client of a class 9, 276, 1068, 1078

Client that consumes the WelcomeRESTXMLService 963

Client that consumes WelcomeSOAPXMLService 959

client tier 624

ClipRectangle property of class PaintEventArgs 499, 500

clock 500

cloning objects

shallow copy 331

close a project 17

close a window 403

close box 7, 37, 38

Close method of class Form 403

Closed state of MediaElement (Silverlight) 1038

CLR (Common Language Runtime) 5, 383, 396

CML (Chemical Markup Language) 783

Cocoa 3

code-behind file 621

code reuse 301, 752

code search engines and code sites xxxi

code snippets 82

code snippets (IDE) switch 172

code value (Unicode) 1147

code walkthrough 41

code-behind class (WPF) 796, 797

coin tossing 163

collaboration diagram in the UML 1052, 1078

collaboration in the UML 1075, 1076, 1079

collapse a tree 22

Collapse method of class TreeNode 471

collapse node 470

collection 243, 731, 752

collection class 752

collection initializers 247

CollectionView class (WPF) 836

CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView method 837

collision 765

Color property of DirectionalLight control 872

Color property of GradientStop control 852

Color structure 437

ColorAnimation control (WPF) 867, 1016

column 217

Column attached property of Grid control 803

column of a database table 586, 587

ColumnDefinition class associated with Grid control 802

ColumnDefinition control (WPF) 1007

ColumnDefinitions property of Grid control 802

columns of a two-dimensional array 217

ColumnSpan attached property of Grid control 803

ComboBox class 401, 442, 466

DropDownStyle property 466, 467

Items property 466, 467

MaxDropDownItems property 466

SelectedIndex property 467

SelectedIndex-Changed event 467

SelectedItem property 467

Sorted property 467

ComboBox control

DisplayMember property 611

SelectedIndex-Changed event handler 600, 612, 613

ComboBox control (WPF) 816

ComboBox demonstration 466

ComboBox properties and an event 466

ComboBox used to draw a selected shape 467

ComboBoxStyle enumeration 467

DropDown value 467

DropDownList value 467

Simple value 467

comma (,) 128

comma in an argument list 56

comma-separated list 128

of parameters 155

of arguments 56, 58

command binding (WPF) 815

command library (WPF) 812

command-line argument 153, 229, 231

command-line arguments 229

Command Prompt 41, 229

CommandBinding class (WPF) 815

CanExecute event 815

Executed event 815

PreviewCanExecute event 815

PreviewExecuted event 815

CommandBindings property of Window control 815

commands (WPF) 812

comment 41

CommissionEmployee class represents a commission employee 306, 323

CommissionEmployee class that extends Employee 348

Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) 4

Common Language Runtime (CLR) 5, 383, 396

Common Programming Errors overview xxix

communication diagram in the UML 1052, 1078, 1079

CompareTo method

of IComparable 737

of interface IComparable 367

CompareTo method of IComparable 723

CompareTo method of struct Char 528

comparing integers using if statements, equality operators and relational operators 62

comparison operator 367

comparison operators 61

compilation error 1153

compile 46

compile-time type safety 731

compiling 693

complex content in XML Schema 891

ComplexNumber class 368

complexType XML Schema element 889

component 3, 401

component diagram in the UML 1142

component in the UML 1142

component selection drop-down list 24

component tray 431, 596

composite key 586

composite primary key 588

composite structure diagram in the UML 1143

composition 267, 302, 304, 1057, 1083

demonstration 270

compound assignment operators 115, 117

compound interest 128

compound-interest calculating with for 129

computing the sum of the elements of an array 194

Concat method of class string 516

concatenate strings 273

concrete class 339

concrete derived class 344

condition 132

conditional AND (&&) operator 241

conditional AND, && 142, 144

truth table 143

conditional expression 99, 251

conditional operator, ?: 99, 118

conditional OR, || 142, 143

truth table 143

confusing the equality operator == with the assignment operator = 61

connect to a database 591, 592

consistent state 252, 261

console application 41, 46

Console class 546, 547

ReadLine method 73

console window 41, 54, 55

Console.Write method 56

Console.WriteLine method 45, 54


keyword 140, 153, 193

const keyword 275

constant 140, 153, 193

declare 193

must be initialized 193

constant integral expression 133, 140

constant run time 671

constant string expression 133, 140


Nan of structure Double 376, 396

NegativeInfinity of structure Double 376

PositiveInfinity of structure Double 376

constituent controls 499

constrained version of a linked list 708

constructor 84

naming 85

parameter list 85

constructor constraint (new()) 739

constructor initializer 263, 318

with keyword base 318

consuming a web service 952

container 401, 402

container element (XML) 788

Contains method of class ArrayList 759, 762

Contains method of class List<T> 243, 246

Contains method of class Rect 1037

Contains method of class Stack 765

ContainsKey method of class Dictionary<K, V> 555

ContainsKey method of Hashtable 768

content control (WPF) 796

content page in ASP.NET 924

Content property of ContentPresenter class 829

Content property of ModelVisual3D control 869

ContentControl class (WPF) 796, 799

ContentPresenter class (WPF) 827

Content property 829

context node (XPath) 900

context-sensitive help 26

contextual keyword 43, 44, 79

Continue command (debugger) 1157

continue keyword 140

continue statement 140, 141

terminating an iteration of a for statement 141

contract of a WCF service 950

contravariance 777, 778

control 15, 22, 401

control (WPF) 796, 826

control boundary 500

Control class 410, 499

Anchor property 413

BackColor property 411

BackgroundImage property 411

Dock property 413

Enabled property 411

Focused property 411

Font property 411

ForeColor property 411

Hide method 411

KeyDown event 437, 438

KeyPress event 437, 438

KeyUp event 437, 438

Location property 413

MaximumSize property 413

MinimumSize property 413

MouseDown event 435

MouseEnter event 435

MouseHover event 435

MouseLeave event 435

MouseMove event 435

MouseUp event 435

OnPaint method 499

Padding property 413

Select method 410

Show method 411

Size property 413

TabIndex property 410

TabStop property 411

Text property 411

Visible property 411

control layout and properties 410

Control property of class KeyEventArgs 438, 440

control statement 97, 98, 121

nesting 97

stacking 97

control structure 95

control template (WPF) 826, 827

control variable 121, 121, 123, 125

controller logic 624

Controls 6, 853

AxisAngleRotation3 D 872

BindingNavigator 596

Border 799, 861, 1007

Button 6, 641, 799, 808, 816, 1007

Canvas 803, 844

CheckBox 816, 861

ColorAnimation 867, 1016

ColumnDefinition 1007

ComboBox 816

ContentControl 796, 799

ControlTemplate 861, 1013

DataGridView 591

DiffuseMaterial 871, 871

DirectionalLight 872

DockPanel 799

DoubleAnimation 867, 1016

DropDownList 640

Ellipse 843

EmissiveMaterial 871

Expander 799

Form 796

GeometryModel3D 870

GradientStop 852

Grid 796, 802, 803, 1007

GridView 833

GroupBox 6, 801

HyperLink 640

Image 638, 1007

ImageBrush 823, 850

ItemsPanel 1007

ItemsSource 1023

Label 15, 27, 31, 796

Line 843

LinearGradient-Brush 850

LinqDataSource 660

ListBox 1007

ListView 831

MaterialGroup 871

MediaElement 850, 1038

Menu 816

MenuItem 816

MeshGeometry3D 870

Model3DGroup 869

ModelVisual3D 869

MultiScaleImage 1025, 1037

MultiScaleSubImage 1025

Panel 6, 796

PerspectiveCamera 872

PictureBox 15, 27, 34

PointAnimation 867, 1016

Polygon 843

Polyline 843

RadialGradient-Brush 850, 861

RadioButton 6, 799, 808, 816, 847, 861

RadioButtonList 641

Rectangle 843

RegularExpressionValidator 645

RequiredFieldValidator 644, 645

RichTextBox 813

RotateTransform 853

RotateTransform3D 872

RowDefinition 1007

ScaleTransform 853, 862

ScriptManager 944

Separator 816

SkewTransform 853, 862

Slider 820

SolidColorBrush 847

SpecularMaterial 871

StackPanel 801, 1007

Storyboard 865, 1016

Style 1013

TabContainer 944

TextBlock 836, 840, 1007

TextBox 809, 852, 1007

TextDecoration 842

ToolBar 816

ToolBarTray 816

ToolkitScriptManager 944

TranslateTransform 853

UserControl 1003

ValidatorCalloutExtender 946

VideoBrush 1040

Viewport3D 867

VisualBrush 850

Window 796, 804, 824

WrapPanel 799

Controls property of class GroupBox 417, 418

Controls property of class Panel 417

ControlTemplate class (WPF) 828

TargetType property 828

Triggers property 829

ControlTemplate control (WPF) 861, 1013

ControlToValidate property of an ASP.NET validation control 645

converge on a base case 180


a binary number to decimal 1138

a hexadecimal number to decimal 1138

an integral value to a floating-point value 160

an octal number to decimal 1138

Convert class 59, 62, 231

ToDecimal method 91

ToInt32 method 231

cookie 648, 649

deletion 649

expiration 649

expiration date 649

header 649

Copy method of class Array 757

Copy method of class File 548

copying objects

shallow copy 331

CopyTo method of class string 508

Cos method of Math 152

cosine 152

Count extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 242

Count method (LINQ) 555

Count property of Hashtable 769

Count property of class ArrayList 759, 761

Count property of class HttpSessionState 654, 656

Count property of class List<T> 245

counter-controlled repetition 109, 112, 121, 123

with the for repetition statement 123

with the while repetition statement 121

covariance 777


interface 777

CoverCollage Deep Zoom Composer project 1028

craps (casino game) 162, 167

Craps class simulates the dice game craps 167

create a child Form to be added to an MDI Form 486

create a class library 277

create a Class Library Project 279

create a generic method 747

create a reusable class 277, 495

create a WCF Service in Visual Web Developer 954

create an object of a class 71

create and initialize an array 191

Create method of class File 548

CreateDirectory method of class Directory 548

CreateInstance method of class Array 758

CreateText method of class File 548

credit inquiry 570

cropping 867

.cs file name extension 22

.csproj file extension 35

CSS attribute 633

CSS class 633

Ctrl key 437

Ctrl key 136

Ctrl + z 136

Current property of IEnumerator 757

current time 501

CurrentState property of MediaElement (Silverlight) 1038

CurrentValue property of class ItemCheckEventArgs 464

cursor 45, 54

Custom control 1013

custom control 498, 499

creation 499, 502

Custom palette 30

Custom tab 30

Custom value of enumeration DateTimePicker-Format 452

CustomFormat property of class DateTimePicker 453

customize a Form 22

customize Visual Studio IDE 17

customizing gradients 852


D format specifier 91, 195

D2 format specifier 252

dangling-else problem 100

data abstraction 276

data binding 591, 867

data binding (WPF) 831

to LINQ 831

data hierarchy 545

data in support of actions 276

data independence 4

Data menu 17

data provider (WPF) 837

data representation 277

data source 236

Data Source Configuration Wizard 595

Data Sources window 596

data structure 188, 693

data template (WPF) 834

data validation 81

data view (WPF) 836

database 17, 546, 585

add to a project 592

saving changes in LINQ to SQL 598

schema 587

database connection 592

Database Explorer window 592

database management system (DBMS) 546, 585

database schema 587, 590

database table 586

DataBind method of a GridView 664

DataContext class 591, 595

SubmitChanges method 591, 598

DataContext of WPF controls 836

DataContract attribute 965

DataContractJsonSerializer class 966

DataGridView class 591

DataMember attribute 965, 988

DataSource property

BindingSource class 598

DataTemplate class (WPF) 834

DataTip 1159

data-type attribute (XPath) 901

Date class

declaration 268

Date property of a DateTime 452

DateChanged event of class MonthCalendar 451, 452

DateTime structure 501

AddDay method 455

AddYears method 455

DayOfWeek property 455

Now property 501, 636

ToLongDateString method 455

ToLongTimeString method 501

DateTimePicker class 452

CalendarForeColor property 453

CalendarMonthBack-ground property 453

CustomFormat property 453, 453

Format property 452, 453

MaxDate property 453, 455

MinDate property 453, 455

ShowCheckBox property 453

ShowUpDown property 453

Value property 452, 453, 455

ValueChanged event 453

DateTimePickerFormat enumeration 452

Custom value 452

Long value 452

Short value 452

Time value 452

DayOfWeek enumeration 455

DayOfWeek property of structure DateTime 455

DB2 585

DBCS (double byte character set) 1148

DBMS (database management system) 546, 585

dealing 199

debug a web application in Visual Web Developer 635

Debug menu 17

debugger 1153

break mode 1156

breakpoint 1153

Continue command 1157

defined 1153

Instruction Pointer 1157

Locals window 1159

logic error 1153

margin indicator bar 1156

Step Into command 1163

Step Out command 1163

Step Over command 1163

suspending program execution 1160

Watch window 1159, 1160

debugging 17

decimal 87, 88

decimal (base 10) number system 1133

decimal digit 544

decimal point 111

decimal simple type 58, 87, 1130

DecimalPlaces property of class NumericUpDown 432

decision 61, 98

decision in the UML 1066

decision symbol 98

DeckOfCards class represents a deck of playing cards 200

declaration 58

class 42, 44

method 45

declarative programming 234, 782, 795

declare a constant 193

declare a method of a class 68

decrement 121

decrement operator, -- 115, 116

Deep Zoom 1001, 1025

Deep Zoom Composer 1025

Compose tab 1028

Export tab 1029

Import tab 1027

Layer View 1028

DeepZoomCoverCollage 1025


case in a switch 136

keyword 136

default case 166

default constructor 267, 308

default event of a control 408

default initial value of a field 79

default namespace 794

demonstration 794

default namespace (XAML) 796

default settings 6

default type constraint (object) of a type parameter 743

default value 119

default value for optional parameter 177, 178

deferred execution 247

definitely assigned 105, 170

[email protected] 2

delegate 291, 407

Delegate class 408

MulticastDelegate class 408

registering an event handler 407

Delegate class 408

delegate keyword 291, 407

Delete method of class Directory 548

Delete method of class File 548, 556

deletion 697

delimited comments 42

dependency property (WPF) 822, 829

attached property 803

dependent condition 144

deployment diagram in the UML 1142

Deposit class (ATM case study) 1055, 1058, 1061, 1069, 1077, 1078, 1086, 1089, 1093, 1094, 1095

DepositSlot class (ATM case study) 1055, 1057, 1061, 1069, 1078, 1090

dequeue operation of queue 277, 712

derived class 301, 1094, 1095

descendant node of a DOM tree 902

Descendants method of class XContainer 912

descending modifier of a LINQ orderby clause 237

descriptive words and phrases (OOD/UML case study) 1060, 1062

deselected state 423

Deserialize method of class BinaryFormatter 575

deserialized object 575

design mode 28, 37

design process 10, 1045, 1051, 1070, 1075

design specification 1051

Design view 15, 796

Silverlight 1004

destructor 271

diacritic 1147

dialog 14

DialogResult enumeration 428, 564

diamond 96, 98

dice game 167

dictionary 655, 770, 878

Dictionary<K, V> generic class 555, 754

Add method 555

Clear method 556

ContainsKey method 555

Keys property 556

Remove method 556

DictionaryEntry structure 769

DiffuseMaterial control 871

Brush property 871

digit 58, 1133

digit character class (d) 531

direct base class 301, 303

direct events, (WPF) 811

Direction property of DirectionalLight control 872

DirectionalLight control 872

Color property 872

Direction property 872

Directory class 548, 552

CreateDirectory method 548

GetFiles method 555

Directory class methods (partial list) 548

DirectoryInfo class 480, 548

Exists method 481

FullName property 480

GetDirectories method 480

GetFiles method 480

Name property 480

Parent property 481

disabling a breakpoint 1158

DispatcherTimer class 825, 879

Interval property 825

IsEnabled property 825

Tick event 825

display line numbers in the IDE 47

display output 65

Display property of an ASP.NET validation control 645

DisplayMember property ComboBox control 611

DisplayMemberBinding property of GridViewColumn class 834

DisplayWeather-Forecast method (WeatherViewer) 1012

Dispose method (link to MSDN article) 367

Dispose method of interface IDisposable 367, 390

distance between values (random numbers) 166

Distinct extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 242

Distinct query operator (LINQ) 555

distributed computing 950

divide by zero 376, 378

DivideByZeroException class 375, 378, 379, 382

division 60

division by zero is undefined 277

.dll file 279

.dll file 496

.dll file name extension 50

DNS (Domain Name System) server 622

do keyword 131

do...while repetition statement 97, 131, 132

dock a control 411

Dock property of class Control 413, 596

docking demonstration 413

DockPanel control (WPF) 799

LastChildFill property 799

DOCUMENT (representing a Web Form in the Visual Web Developer Properties window) 631

Document navigation using XNode 906

Document Object Model (DOM) tree 902

Document property of class XObject 914

document root 896

Document Type Definition (DTD) 785, 790, 883

for a business letter 883

DOM (Document Object Model) tree 902

ancestor node 902

child node 902

descendant node 902

parent node 902

root node 903

sibling node 902

DOM parser 902

domain name system (DNS) server 622

dotted line in the UML 96

Double 737

double-byte character set (DBCS) 1148

(double) cast 110

double-clicking 12

double equals, == 61

double-precision floating-point number 87

double quotes, " 45, 55

to delineate a string 791

double-selection statement 97

double simple type 58, 108, 1130

Double struct 693

Double.NaN 376, 396

Double.NAN constant 1023

Double.Negative-Infinity 376

Double.Positive-Infinity 376

DoubleAnimation control 867, 1016

Duration property 867

From property 867

To property 867

doubly linked list 707

down-arrow button 30

downcast 354, 769

downcasting 336

DownloadStringComplet edEventArgs class 1011

DownloadStringComplet edEventArgs class 964

drag the mouse 23

DragMove method of Window control 824

Draw event of class ToolTip 431

draw on control 500

DrawEllipse method of class Graphics 469

Drawing Polylines and Polygons 845

DrawPie method of class Graphics 470

DrawPolygons example 844

DrawRectangle method of class Graphics 470

drop-down list 401, 466

DropDown value of enumeration ComboBoxStyle 467

DropDownList ASP.NET web control 640

DropDownList value of enumeration ComboBoxStyle 467

DropDownStyle property of class ComboBox 466, 467

DropShadowEffect 861

DTD (Document Type Definition) 785, 790

.dtd filename extension 790

DTD repository 882

dummy value 107

duplicate elimination 722

Duration property of DoubleAnimation control 867

dynamic binding 354

dynamic content 3

dynamic data structures 693

dynamic memory allocation 695, 696

dynamic resizing 233

dynamic resizing of a List collection 244

dynamic resource (WPF) 821

dynamically linked library 50, 279, 496


E format specifier 91

Edit menu 17

editable list 467

efficiency of

binary search 676

insertion sort 685

linear search 672

merge sort 690

selection sort 681

efficient (Unicode design basis) 1145

Electric Rain’s ZAM3D 870

element (XAML) 796

element (XML) 783

ELEMENT element type declaration (DTD) 883

Element method of class XContainer 913

element of an array 188

element of chance 162

element type declaration 883

element XML Schema element 889

ElementName property of Binding class 831

Elements method of class XContainer 906

Elements method of class XElement 906

element-to-element binding 821

elided UML diagram 1056

eligible for destruction 271

eligible for garbage collection 271, 274

eliminate resource leak 384

Ellipse control 843

ellipsis button 33

else 98

EmissiveMaterial control 871

Employee abstract base class 344, 363

Employee class with FirstName, LastName

and MonthlySalary properties 238

Employee class with references to other objects 269

Employee hierarchy test application 351

empty element 791

EMPTY keyword (DTD) 885

empty statement 102

empty statement (semicolon by itself) 64, 132

empty string

"" 83

string.Empty 83

EmptyStackException indicates a stack is empty 742

Enable Paging setting for an ASP.NET GridView 939

Enable Sorting setting for an ASP.NET GridView 939

Enabled property of class Control 411

encapsulation 9, 81, 357

encoding 1145

encoding attribute in xml declaration 786

“end of data entry” 107

end-of-file (EOF) indicator 136

end-of-file marker 546

end tag 783

end tag (XAML) 796

EndEdit method of class BindingSource 598

endpoint (of a WCF service) 950

EndPoint property of LinearGradientBrush control 850

endpointBehaviors element in web.config 961

EndsWith method of class string 511, 512

enqueue operation of queue 277, 712

EnsureCapacity method of class StringBuilder 519

Enter (or Return) key 29

enter data from the keyboard 401


&amp; 884

&apos; 884

&gt; 884

&lt; 884

&quot; 884

entity-relationship diagram 589

entry point of an application 153

enum 170

keyword 170

enumeration 170

enumeration constant 170


ComboBoxStyle 467

DateTimePickerFormat 452

DayOfWeek 455

MdiLayout 489

SelectionMode 459

XmlNodeType 914

enumerator 752, 757

fail fast 757

of a LinkedList 775

equal likelihood 164

Equals method of an anonymous type 298, 605

Equals method of class object 330

Equals method of class string 509

Error List window 52

Error property of class Console 546

Error property of DownloadStringCompl etedEventArgs 964, 1012

ErrorMessage property of an ASP.NET validation control 645

escape character 55

escape sequence 55, 58

newline, 55, 58

event 403, 1064

event argument 405

event driven 3, 403

event handler 403, 407

event handling 403

WPF 804

event handling model 403

event multicasting 408

event routing (WPF) 809

event sender 407

EventArgs class 405, 808

events 3

events at an interval 501

EventSetter class (WPF) 821

exception 373

Exception Assistant 379

Exception Assistant 1164

Exception class 381, 381

Exception class properties 391

exception handler 373, 382

Exceptions 199

ArgumentException 768

ArgumentOutOfRangeException 762

IndexOutOfRange-Exception 199

InvalidCastException 355, 753, 769

InvalidOperation-Exception 757, 765, 775

KeyNotFoundException 772

.exe file name extension 50

executable 50

execute an application 46

Execute method of ICommand interface 812

Executed event of CommandBinding class 815

ExecutionEngineException class 382

exhausting memory 181

Exists method of class Directory 548

Exists method of class DirectoryInfo 481

Exit method of class Application 450, 463

exit point of a control statement 97

Exp method of Math 152

expand a tree 22

Expand method of class TreeNode 472

expand node 470

ExpandAll method of class TreeNode 472

Expander control (WPF) 799

Expat XML Parser 785

expiration date of a cookie 649

explicit conversion 111

explicit type argument 736

exponential method 152

exponentiation operator 130

expression 59

Expression Blend 782

expression lambda 296

extend a class 301

extend an XML Schema data type 892

extender 946

extensibility 4, 336

Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) 781

Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) 622, 783, 893

extensible language 71

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 781, 956

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 785, 795, 893

extension element base attribute 892

extension method 242, 288

extension XML Schema element 892

external DTD 790


F format specifier 91, 111

factorial 180

Factorial method 180

false keyword 98, 99

fault tolerant 59

fault-tolerant program 373

field 76, 545

in a database table 586

of a class 9

field width 129

fields 153, 172

FIFO (first-in, first-out) 277

file 546

as a collection of bytes 546

File class 547, 551

Delete method 556

File class methods (partial list) 548

File menu 17

File name extensions

.aspx 621

.cs 22

File Name property of a file in the Solution Explorer 48

FileAccess enumeration 564

FileInfo class 480

FullName property 480

Name property 480

file-position pointer 569

files 544

FileStream class 547, 564, 569, 580

Seek method 575

Fill property of a shape control 843

Fill value of Stretch property 867

FillEllipse method of class Graphics 437, 470

FillPie method of class Graphics 470

FillRectangle method of class Graphics 470

filter a collection using LINQ 233

filtering array elements 293

final state in the UML 96, 1066

final value 122

Finalize method of class object 331

finally block 379, 383

finally blocks always execute, even when no exception occurs 384

Find method of class LinkedList 776

Finished design of

MasterDetail application 609

firewall 950

First extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 242

first-in, first-out (FIFO) data structure 277, 712

FirstDayOfWeek property of class MonthCalendar 452

FirstNode property of class TreeNode 471

Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm 202

#FIXED keyword (DTD) 884

fixed text 59

in a format string 56

flag 107

FlatStyle property of class Button 415

Flickr 1016

API Key 1016

FlickrViewer 1016

float simple type 58, 87, 1129

Float struct 693

floating-point literal 87

floating-point number 87, 107, 108, 109

division 111

double precision 87

double simple type 87

float simple type 87

single precision 87

floating-point literal double by default 87

Floor method of Math 152

flow of control 102, 109

in the if statement 98

in the if...else statement 99

in the while statement 102

flow-based layout 798

focus 402

Focused property of class Control 411

Font class 422

Style property 422

Font dialog 33

Font property of a Label 33

Font property of class Control 411

Font property of class Form 403

font size 33

font style 33, 421

Font window 33

FontFamily property of TextBlock control 841


Arial 841

Courier New 842

Segoe UI 842

Times New Roman 841

FontSize property of TextBlock control 842

FontStyle enumeration 422

FontStyle property of TextBlock control 842

FontWeight property of TextBlock control 842

for keyword 122

for repetition statement 97, 122, 123, 126, 128, 129

activity diagram 126

header 124

foreach repetition statement 204

foreach statement 203, 758, 761, 764

on rectangular arrays 225

ForeColor property of class Control 411

Foreground property of TextBlock control 850

foreign key 588, 590

form 15

form background color 30

Form class 402

AcceptButton property 403

ActiveMdiChild property 487

AutoScroll property 403

CancelButton property 403

Close method 403

Font property 403

FormBorderStyle property 403

Hide method 403

IsMdiChild property 487

IsMdiContainer property 486, 487

LayoutMdi method 488, 489

Load event 403

MaximumSize property 413

MdiChildActivate event 488

MdiChildren property 487

MdiParent property 487

MinimumSize property 413

Padding property 412

Show method 403

Text property 403

Form control (Windows Forms) 796

Form properties, methods and events 403

Form1.cs 37

formal parameter 155

format item 56

Format menu 17

Format method of String 252

Format property of class DateTimePicker 452, 453

Format specifiers 91

C 91, 130

D 91, 195

D2 252

E 91

F 91, 111

G 91

N 91

table 91

X 91

format string 56

FormatException class 376, 378, 379

FormatString 523

formatted output

field width 129

left justify 129

right justify 129


display formatted data 56

FormBorderStyle property of class Form 403

forms authentication 925

forward reference 707

forward slash character (/) in end tags 783, 897

fragile software 323

frame (in the UML) 1082

Framework Class Library 737

from clause of a LINQ query 236

From property of DoubleAnimation control 867

FromArgb method of class Color 820

FullName property of class DirectoryInfo 480

FullName property of class FileInfo 480

FullName property of class Type 331

FullPath property of class TreeNode 471

FullStackException indicates a stack is full 742

fully qualified class name 75, 160, 278, 281, 403, 404, 496

function key 440


G format specifier 91

game playing 162

game programming xxxi

garbage collection 383

garbage collector 271

general catch clause 379

general class average problem 107

generalization in the UML 1094

generating LINQ to SQL classes 594

generic class 243, 731, 740

Generic classes

Dictionary 754

LinkedList 754, 772

LinkedListNode 772

List 754

Queue 754

SortedDictionary 754, 770, 772

SortedList 754

SortedSet<T> 778

Stack 754

generic interface 731

generic method 731, 734

creating 747

implementation 734

generics 731

class 731

class constraint 738

compile-time type safety 731

constructor constraint (new()) 739

default type constraint (object) of a type parameter 743

interface 731

interface constraint 738

method 734

overloading 739

reference type constraint class 739

reusability 740

scope of a type parameter 743

specifying type constraints 737

Stack class 740

type argument 736, 743

type checking 731

type constraint of a type parameter 737, 738

type parameter 735

type parameter list 735

value type constraint struct 739

where clause 738

Geometry property of GeometryModel3D control 870

GeometryModel3D control 870

Geometry property 870

Material property 871

get accessor of a property 68, 78, 81

get keyword 78

get request (HTTP) 960

GetCreationTime method of class Directory 548

GetCreationTime method of class File 548

GetDefaultView method of CollectionViewSource class 837

GetDirectories method of class Directory 475, 548

GetDirectories method of class DirectoryInfo 480

GetEnumerator method of interface IEnumerable 757

GetExtension method of class Path 555

GetFiles method of class Directory 548, 555

GetFiles method of class DirectoryInfo 480

GetHashCode method of class Object 766

GetItemChecked method of class CheckedListBox 464

GetLastAccessTime method of class Directory 548

GetLastAccessTime method of class File 548

GetLastWriteTime method of class Directory 548

GetLastWriteTime method of class File 548

GetLength method of an array 221

GetNodeCount method of class TreeNode 472

GetObject method of class ResourceManager 430

GetPosition method of MouseEventArgs class 808

GetSelected method of class ListBox 460

GetType method of class object 331, 355

GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) 35

global namespace 75

glyph 1147

Good Programming Practices overview xxix

goto elimination 95

goto statement 95

gradient 850

GradientStop control 852

Color property 852

Offset property 852

Grammar 878

graph information 195

Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) 35

graphical user interface (GUI) 15, 161, 400

graphics 1001

Graphics class 437, 469

Clear method 469

DrawEllipse method 469

DrawPie method 470

DrawRectangle method 470

FillEllipse method 437, 470

FillPie method 470

FillRectangle method 470

Graphics property of class PaintEventArgs 499, 500

greedy quantifier 533

Grid control (WPF) 796, 802, 1007

Column attached property 803

ColumnDefinition class 802

ColumnDefinitions property 802

ColumnSpan attached property 803

Row attached property 803

RowDefinition class 802

RowDefinitions property 802

RowSpan attached property 803

GridView ASP.NET data control 657

GridView class DataBind method 664

GridView control (WPF) 833

GridViewColumn class (WPF) 834

DisplayMemberBinding property 834

GroupBox control 6, 417

Controls property 418

properties 417

Text property 417

GroupBox control (Windows Forms) 801

GroupBox control (WPF) 801

Header property 801

guard condition 98

guard condition in the UML 1066

guestbook on a website 657

GUI (graphical user interface) 15, 400

GUI control 401

GUI control, basic examples 401


handle an event 407

handle an exception 376

Handled property of RoutedEventArgs class 809

has-a relationship 267, 301

has-a relationship (composition) 1057

HasElements property of class XElement 906

hash function 766

hash table 765

hashing 765

Hashtable class 753, 754, 766

ContainsKey method 768

Count property 769

method Add 768

property Values 769

head of a queue 693, 712

Header property of GroupBox control 801

Height property of a shape control 843

Height property of structure Size 413

Help menu 17, 24

helper method 138, 721

HelpLink property of Exception 391

hexadecimal (base 16) number system 1133

“hidden” fields 172

hide implementation details 254, 276, 277

Hide method of class Control 411

Hide method of class Form 403

hiding implementation details 766

hierarchy 787

horizontal tab 55

HorizontalAlignment property of WPF controls 798

host 622

hostname 622

hot key 442

HourlyEmployee class that extends Employee 346

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 622

HTML Visualizer 1159

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 622, 648

being used with firewalls 950

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) request type 960 (XML Schema URI) 888

HttpSessionState class 649, 654, 655, 656

Add method 655

Count property 654

IsNewSession property 654

Keys property 654, 656

SessionID property 654

Timeout property 654

HyperLink ASP.NET web control 640

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 622

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 622, 648, 960



DB2 585

IBM Corporation 1145

ICollection interface 753

ICommand interface (WPF) 812

CanExecute method 812

Execute method 812

IComparable interface 367, 723

IComparable<T> interface 737, 778

CompareTo method 737

IComparer<T> interface 778

IComponent interface 367, 401

icon 17

IDE (Integrated Development Environment) 12

identifier 43, 58

identity column in a database table 587

IDictionary interface 753

IDisposable interface 367, 390

Dispose method 367

IEC 60559 1129

IEEE 754 1129

IEnumerable interface 807

method GetEnumerator 757

IEnumerable<T> interface 238, 591, 753, 757

Any extension method 242, 914

Count extension method 242

Distinct extension method 242

First extension method 242

IEnumerator interface 367, 757

if single-selection statement 61, 97, 98, 132

activity diagram 98

if...else double-selection statement 97, 98, 99, 109, 132

activity diagram 99

ignoring element zero 199

IList interface 753

image 1001

Image ASP.NET web control 638

Image Collection Editor 476

Image control (WPF) 1007

Image property of class PictureBox 34, 428

image resource 430

ImageBrush control (WPF) 823, 850

ImageSource property 850

ImageIndex property of class ListViewItem 476

ImageIndex property of class TreeNode 471

ImageList class 471, 475

Images property 476

ImageList property of class TabControl 483

ImageList property of class TreeView 471

Images property of class ImageList 476

ImageSource property of ImageBrush control 850

ImageUrl property of an Image web control 638

immutable 273

immutable string 508

imperative programming 234


a function 344

an interface 334, 358, 365

multiple interfaces 362

implementation-dependent code 254

implementation inheritance 342

implementation phase 1098

implementation process 1070, 1088

implicit conversion 111

implicit conversions between simple types 160

implicitly typed local variable 205, 236, 237, 243

implicityly typed local variable 205

#IMPLIED keyword (DTD) 884

In property of class Console 546

increment 121, 128

a control variable 122

expression 141

of a for statement 126

increment and decrement operators 116

increment operator, ++ 115

Increment property of class NumericUpDown 432

indefinite repetition 107

indentation 45, 98, 100

indent size 44

independent software vendor (ISV) 329

index 188

Index property of class ItemCheckEventArgs 464

index zero 188

indexer 257, 259, 508

index types 258

of a Hashtable 768

of an ArrayList 762

provide access to an object’s members 260

IndexOf method of class Array 758

IndexOf method of class ArrayList 759, 761

IndexOf method of class List<T> 243

IndexOf method of class string 512

IndexOfAny method of class string 512

IndexOutOfRangeExcept ion class 199, 382

indirect base class 301, 303

infer a local variable’s type 205, 236

infinite loop 102, 110, 125, 181

infinite recursion 181

infinity symbol 590

information hiding 9, 78, 276, 357

information tier 623

inherit from class Control 500

inherit from Windows Form control 499

inheritance 9, 301, 305, 329, 1093, 1094, 1097, 1098

examples 302

hierarchy 302

hierarchy for university CommunityMembers 303

implementation vs. interface inheritance 342

multiple 301

single 301

inheritance with exceptions 382

Init event of a Web Form 635

Init event of an ASP.NET web page 636

initial state 96

initial state in the UML 1065, 1066

initial value of an attribute 1062

initial value of control variable 121

InitialDelay property of class ToolTip 431

initialization 128

initializer list 192


jagged and rectangular arrays 220

readonly arrays 760

the elements of an array with an array initializer 192

two-dimensional arrays in declarations 219

inlining method calls 357

InnerException property of Exception 391, 394

innermost square brackets 198

inorder traversal of a binary tree 716

input 16

input data from the keyboard 65

input/output operations 96

InputGestures property 812

Insert method of class ArrayList 759

Insert method of class List<T> 244

Insert Separator option 445

Insert Snippet window 82

inserting a breakpoint 1156

inserting separators in a menu 445

insertion point 696, 697

insertion sort algorithm 681, 685

instance of a class 76

instance variable 68, 76, 88, 153

InstanceContextMode property of ServiceBehavior attribute 969

instantiate an object of a class 8

instantiating an object of a class 68

Instruction Pointer 1157

int simple type 58, 108, 115, 1129

Int16 struct 693

Int32 737

integer 57

division 60, 107

mathematics 276

quotient 60

value 58

integer array 192

integer division without exception handling 374

integer division yields an integer result 110

Integer struct 693

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 12

IntelliSense 48, 236, 289, 291, 585, 591, 784

support for extension methods 290

interaction between a web service client and a web service 957

interaction diagram in the UML 1078

interaction overview diagram in the UML 1143

interactions among objects 276, 1075, 1079

interest rate 128

interface 9, 238, 334, 359, 365

declaration 358

inheritance 342

interface constraint 738

interface keyword 358, 365


ICollection 753

ICommand 812

IComparable 367, 723, 737

IComparable<T> 778

IComparer<T> 778

IComponent 367, 401

IDictionary 753

IDisposable 367, 390

IEnumerable 591, 753, 757, 807

IEnumerable<T> 238

IEnumerator 367, 757

IList 753

IQueryable 591

ISerializable 576


access modifier 282

keyword 282

internal data representation 277

internal member 283

internal members in a class are accessible by other classes in the same assembly 282

Internet Explorer 788

Internet Information Services (IIS) 622

Interval property of class Timer 501

Interval property of DispatcherTimer class 825

InvalidCastException 355, 694

InvalidCastException class 753, 769

InvalidOperationExcep tion class 757, 765, 775

Invoice class implements IPayable 360

invoke a method 83

IP address 622

IPayable interface declaration 360

IQueryable interface 591

is-a relationship 301, 335

is operator 354

IsAsync property of Binding class 837

IsAsynchronous property of ObjectDataProvider class 837

IsAsynchronous property of XmlDataProvider class 837

IsDigit method of struct Char 528

IsEnabled property of DispatcherTimer class 825

ISerializable interface 576

IsLetter method of struct Char 528

IsLetterOrDigit method of struct Char 528

IsLower method of struct Char 528

IsMdiChild property of class Form 487

IsMdiContainer property of class Form 486, 487

IsMouseOver property of WPF controls 829

IsMuted property of MediaElement 1041

IsNewSession property of class HttpSessionState 654

IsPostBack property of class Page 647

IsPunctuation method of struct Char 528

IsSymbol method of struct Char 528

IsUpper method of struct Char 528

IsValid property of class Page 647

IsWhiteSpace method of struct Char 528

Italic FontStyle 842 ItemActivate event of class ListView 476

ItemCheck event of class CheckedListBox 463, 464

ItemCheckEventArgs class 464

CurrentValue property 464

Index property 464

NewValue property 464

Items property of class ComboBox 466, 467

Items property of class ListBox 459, 460

Items property of class ListView 476

ItemSize property of class TabControl 483

ItemsPanel control (WPF) 1007

ItemsSource control (WPF) 1023

ItemsSource property of ListView 832

ItemTemplate property of ListView control 834


of a loop 121, 128, 141

iteration statement 97

iteration variable 203

iterative 181

iterative model 1050

iterator 341

class 341


Jacopini, G. 95

jagged array 217, 218, 219

Java 3

JavaScript 641

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 951

JIT (just-in-time) compiler 5

joining database tables 589, 604

LINQ to SQL 602

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) 35

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 35

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) 951

JSON serialization 966

Just My Code 1164

just-in-time (JIT) compiler 5


key code 440

key data 440

key event 437, 438

key value 440, 722

key-value pair 655

keyboard 57, 401

keyboard shortcuts 442

KeyboardEventArgs class (WPF) 809

KeyChar property of class KeyPressEventArgs 437

KeyCode property of class KeyEventArgs 438

KeyData property of class KeyEventArgs 438

KeyDown event (WPF) 809

KeyDown event of class Control 437, 438

KeyEventArgs class 437

Alt property 438, 440

Control property 438, 440

KeyCode property 438

KeyData property 438

KeyValue property 438

Modifiers property 438

Shift property 438, 440

KeyEventArgs properties 438

KeyNotFoundException class 772

Keypad class (ATM case study) 1052, 1055, 1057, 1069, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1081, 1090

KeyPress event of class Control 437, 438

KeyPressEventArgs class 437

KeyChar property 437, 438

KeyPressEventArgs properties 438


function 440

modifier 437

Keys enumeration 437

Keys property of class Dictionary 556

Keys property of Hashtable 769

Keys property of HttpSessionState class 654, 656

KeyUp event (WPF) 809

KeyUp event of class Control 437, 438

KeyValue property of class KeyEventArgs 438

Keywords 42

abstract 318, 339

base 304, 318, 327, 329

bool 99

break 137

case 136

char 58

class 42, 69

const 140, 153, 193, 275

continue 140

decimal 58, 87

default 136

delegate 291, 407

do 131

double 87

else 98

enum 170

false 99

float 58, 58

for 122

get 78

if 61, 97, 98

interface 358

internal 254, 282

is 354

namespace 278, 495

new 71, 84, 189, 191, 218

null 79, 83, 119, 190

operator 369

out 183

override 200, 309, 318

params 227

partial 406, 636

private 77, 254, 304, 1088

protected 254, 304

public 44, 69, 69, 77, 155, 254, 304, 1088

readonly 275

ref 183, 206

return 78, 158

sealed 357

set 79

static 130

struct 83, 526

this 255, 256, 257, 275

true 99

value (contextual) 79

var 205, 236

virtual 318

void 45, 69

while 102, 131

Koenig, Andrew 373

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