31. ATM Case Study, Part 2: Implementing an Object-Oriented Design


In this chapter you’ll learn:

• Incorporate inheritance into the design of the ATM.

• Incorporate polymorphism into the design of the ATM.

• Fully implement in C# the UML-based object-oriented design of the ATM software.

• Study a detailed code walkthrough of the ATM software system that explains the implementation issues.

You can’t work in the abstract.

I. M. Pei

To generalize means to think.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

We are all gifted. That is our inheritance.

Ethel Waters

Let me walk through the fields of paper touching with my wand dry stems and stunted butterflies...

Denise Levertov


31.1 Introduction

31.2 Starting to Program the Classes of the ATM System

31.3 Incorporating Inheritance and Polymorphism into the ATM System

31.4 ATM Case Study Implementation

31.4.1 Class ATM

31.4.2 Class Screen

31.4.3 Class Keypad

31.4.4 Class CashDispenser

31.4.5 Class DepositSlot

31.4.6 Class Account

31.4.7 Class BankDatabase

31.4.8 Class Transaction

31.4.9 Class BalanceInquiry

31.4.10 Class Withdrawal

31.4.11 Class Deposit

31.4.12 Module ATMCaseStudy

31.5 Wrap-Up

Answers to Self-Review Exercises

31.1 Introduction

In Chapter 30, we developed an object-oriented design for our ATM system. In this chapter, we took a deeper look at the details of programming with classes. We now begin implementing our object-oriented design by converting class diagrams to C# code. In the final case study section (Section 31.3), we modify the code to incorporate the object-oriented concepts of inheritance and polymorphism. We present the full C# code implementation in Section 31.4.

31.2 Starting to Program the Classes of the ATM System


We now apply access modifiers to the members of our classes. In Chapter 4, we introduced access modifiers public and private. Access modifiers determine the visibility, or accessibility, of an object’s attributes and operations to other objects. Before we can begin implementing our design, we must consider which attributes and methods of our classes should be public and which should be private.

In Chapter 4, we observed that attributes normally should be private and that methods invoked by clients of a class should be public. Methods that are called only by other methods of the class as “utility functions,” however, should be private. The UML employs visibility markers for modeling the visibility of attributes and operations. Public visibility is indicated by placing a plus sign (+) before an operation or an attribute; a minus sign (–) indicates private visibility. Figure 31.1 shows our updated class diagram with visibility markers included. [Note: We do not include any operation parameters in Fig. 31.1. This is perfectly normal. Adding visibility markers does not affect the parameters already modeled in the class diagrams of Figs. 30.1830.21.]

Fig. 31.1. Class diagram with visibility markers.



Before we begin implementing our design in C#, we introduce an additional UML notation. The class diagram in Fig. 31.2 further refines the relationships among classes in the ATM system by adding navigability arrows to the association lines. Navigability arrows (represented as arrows with stick arrowheads in the class diagram) indicate in which direction an association can be traversed and are based on the collaborations modeled in communication and sequence diagrams (see Section 30.7). When implementing a system designed using the UML, programmers use navigability arrows to help determine which objects need references to other objects. For example, the navigability arrow pointing from class ATM to class Bank-Database indicates that we can navigate from the former to the latter, thereby enabling the ATM to invoke the BankDatabase’s operations. However, since Fig. 31.2 does not contain a navigability arrow pointing from class BankDatabase to class ATM, the BankDatabase cannot access the ATM’s operations. Associations in a class diagram that have navigability arrows at both ends or do not have navigability arrows at all indicate bidirectional navigability—navigation can proceed in either direction across the association.

Fig. 31.2. Class diagram with navigability arrows.


The class diagram of Fig. 31.2 omits classes BalanceInquiry and Deposit to keep the diagram simple. The navigability of the associations in which these classes participate closely parallels the navigability of class Withdrawal’s associations. Recall that Balance-Inquiry has an association with class Screen. We can navigate from class BalanceInquiry to class Screen along this association, but we cannot navigate from class Screen to class BalanceInquiry. Thus, if we were to model class BalanceInquiry in Fig. 31.2, we would place a navigability arrow at class Screen’s end of this association. Also recall that class Deposit associates with classes Screen, Keypad and DepositSlot. We can navigate from class Deposit to each of these classes, but not vice versa. We therefore would place navigability arrows at the Screen, Keypad and DepositSlot ends of these associations. [Note: We model these additional classes and associations in our final class diagram in Section 31.3, after we have simplified the structure of our system by incorporating the object-oriented concept of inheritance.]

Implementing the ATM System from Its UML Design

We’re now ready to begin implementing the ATM system. We first convert the classes in the diagrams of Fig. 31.1 and 31.2 into C# code. This code will represent the “skeleton” of the system. In Section 31.3, we modify the code to incorporate the object-oriented concept of inheritance. In Section 31.4, we present the complete working C# code that implements our object-oriented design.

As an example, we begin to develop the code for class Withdrawal from our design of class Withdrawal in Fig. 31.1. We use this figure to determine the attributes and operations of the class. We use the UML model in Fig. 31.2 to determine the associations among classes. We follow these four guidelines for each class:

  1. Use the name located in the first compartment of a class in a class diagram to declare the class as a public class with an empty parameterless constructor—we include this constructor simply as a placeholder to remind us that most classes will need one or more constructors. In Section 31.4.10, when we complete a working version of this class, we add any necessary arguments and code to the body of the constructor. Class Withdrawal initially yields the code in Fig. 31.3.

    Fig. 31.3. Initial C# code for class Withdrawal based on Figs. 31.1 and 31.2.


  2. Use the attributes located in the class’s second compartment to declare the instance variables. The private attributes accountNumber and amount of class Withdrawal yield the code in Fig. 31.4.

    Fig. 31.4. Incorporating private variables for class Withdrawal based on Figs. 31.131.2.


  3. Use the associations described in the class diagram to declare references to other objects. According to Fig. 31.2, Withdrawal can access one object of class Screen, one object of class Keypad, one object of class CashDispenser and one object of class BankDatabase. Class Withdrawal must maintain references to these objects to send messages to them, so lines 10–13 of Fig. 31.5 declare the appropriate references as private instance variables. In the implementation of class Withdrawal in Section 31.4.10, a constructor initializes these instance variables with references to the actual objects.

    Fig. 31.5. Incorporating private reference handles for the associations of class Withdrawal based on Figs. 31.1 and 31.2.


  4. Use the operations located in the third compartment of Fig. 31.1 to declare the shells of the methods. If we have not yet specified a return type for an operation, we declare the method with return type void. Refer to the class diagrams of Figs. 30.1830.21 to declare any necessary parameters. Adding the public operation Execute (which has an empty parameter list) in class Withdrawal yields the code in lines 23–26 of Fig. 31.6. [Note: We code the bodies of the methods when we implement the complete ATM system.]

    Fig. 31.6. C# code incorporating method Execute in class Withdrawal based on Figs. 31.1 and 31.2.


Software Engineering Observation 31.1


Many UML modeling tools can convert UML-based designs into C# code, considerably speeding up the implementation process.

This concludes our discussion of the basics of generating class files from UML diagrams. In the next section, we demonstrate how to modify the code in Fig. 31.6 to incorporate the object-oriented concepts of inheritance and polymorphism, which we presented in Chapters 11 and 12, respectively.

Self-Review Exercises

31.1 State whether the following statement is true or false, and if false, explain why: If an attribute of a class is marked with a minus sign (-) in a class diagram, the attribute is not directly accessible outside of the class.

31.2 In Fig. 31.2, the association between the ATM and the Screen indicates:

a) that we can navigate from the Screen to the ATM.

b) that we can navigate from the ATM to the Screen.

c) Both a and b; the association is bidirectional.

d) None of the above.

31.3 Write C# code to begin implementing the design for class Account.

31.3 Incorporating Inheritance and Polymorphism into the ATM System

We now revisit our ATM system design to see how it might benefit from inheritance and polymorphism. To apply inheritance, we first look for commonality among classes in the system. We create an inheritance hierarchy to model similar classes in an elegant and efficient manner that enables us to process objects of these classes polymorphically. We then modify our class diagram to incorporate the new inheritance relationships. Finally, we demonstrate how the inheritance aspects of our updated design are translated into C# code.

In Section 30.3, we encountered the problem of representing a financial transaction in the system. Rather than create one class to represent all transaction types, we created three distinct transaction classes—BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit—to represent the transactions that the ATM system can perform. The class diagram of Fig. 31.7 shows the attributes and operations of these classes. They have one private attribute (accountNumber) and one public operation (Execute) in common. Each class requires attribute accountNumber to specify the account to which the transaction applies. Each class contains operation Execute, which the ATM invokes to perform the transaction. Clearly, BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit represent types of transactions. Figure 31.7 reveals commonality among the transaction classes, so using inheritance to factor out the common features seems appropriate for designing these classes. We place the common functionality in base class Transaction and derive classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit from Transaction (Fig. 31.8).

Fig. 31.7. Attributes and operations of classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit.


Fig. 31.8. Class diagram modeling the generalization (i.e., inheritance) relationship between the base class Transaction and its derived classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit.


The UML specifies a relationship called a generalization to model inheritance. Figure 31.8 is the class diagram that models the inheritance relationship between base class Transaction and its three derived classes. The arrows with triangular hollow arrowheads indicate that classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit are derived from class Transaction by inheritance. Class Transaction is said to be a generalization of its derived classes. The derived classes are said to be specializations of class Transaction.

As Fig. 31.7 shows, classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit share private int attribute accountNumber. We’d like to factor out this common attribute and place it in the base class Transaction. However, recall that a base class’s private attributes are not accessible in derived classes. The derived classes of Transaction require access to attribute accountNumber so that they can specify which Account to process in the BankDatabase. A derived class can access the public and protected members of its base class. However, the derived classes in this case do not need to modify attribute accountNumber—they need only to access its value. For this reason, we have chosen to replace private attribute accountNumber in our model with the public read-only property AccountNumber. Since this is a read-only property, it provides only a get accessor to access the account number. Each derived class inherits this property, enabling the derived class to access its account number as needed to execute a transaction. We no longer list accountNumber in the second compartment of each derived class, because the three derived classes inherit property AccountNumber from Transaction.

According to Fig. 31.7, classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit also share operation Execute, so base class Transaction should contain public operation Execute. However, it does not make sense to implement Execute in class Transaction, because the functionality that this operation provides depends on the specific type of the actual transaction. We therefore declare Execute as an abstract operation in base class Transaction—it will become an abstract method in the C# implementation. This makes Transaction an abstract class and forces any class derived from Transaction that must be a concrete class (i.e., BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit) to implement the operation Execute to make the derived class concrete. The UML requires that we place abstract class names and abstract operations in italics. Thus, in Fig. 31.8, Transaction and Execute appear in italics for the Transaction class; Execute is not italicized in derived classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit. Each derived class overrides base class Transaction’s Execute operation with an appropriate concrete implementation. Fig. 31.8 includes operation Execute in the third compartment of classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit, because each class has a different concrete implementation of the overridden operation.

A derived class can inherit interface and implementation from a base class. Compared to a hierarchy designed for implementation inheritance, one designed for interface inheritance tends to have its functionality lower in the hierarchy—a base class signifies one or more operations that should be defined by each class in the hierarchy, but the individual derived classes provide their own implementations of the operation(s). The inheritance hierarchy designed for the ATM system takes advantage of this type of inheritance, which provides the ATM with an elegant way to execute all transactions “in the general” (i.e., polymorphically). Each class derived from Transaction inherits some implementation details (e.g., property AccountNumber), but the primary benefit of incorporating inheritance into our system is that the derived classes share a common interface (e.g., abstract operation Execute). The ATM can aim a Transaction reference at any transaction, and when the ATM invokes the operation Execute through this reference, the version of Execute specific to that transaction runs (polymorphically) automatically (due to polymorphism). For example, suppose a user chooses to perform a balance inquiry. The ATM aims a Transaction reference at a new object of class BalanceInquiry, which the C# compiler allows because a BalanceInquiry is a Transaction. When the ATM uses this reference to invoke Execute, BalanceInquiry’s version of Execute is called (polymorphically).

This polymorphic approach also makes the system easily extensible. Should we wish to create a new transaction type (e.g., funds transfer or bill payment), we would simply create an additional Transaction derived class that overrides the Execute operation with a version appropriate for the new transaction type. We would need to make only minimal changes to the system code to allow users to choose the new transaction type from the main menu and for the ATM to instantiate and execute objects of the new derived class. The ATM could execute transactions of the new type using the current code, because it executes all transactions identically (through polymorphism).

An abstract class like Transaction is one for which the programmer never intends to (and, in fact, cannot) instantiate objects. An abstract class simply declares common attributes and behaviors for its derived classes in an inheritance hierarchy. Class Transaction defines the concept of what it means to be a transaction that has an account number and can be executed. You may wonder why we bother to include abstract operation Execute in class Transaction if Execute lacks a concrete implementation. Conceptually, we include this operation because it is the defining behavior of all transactions—executing. Technically, we must include operation Execute in base class Transaction so that the ATM (or any other class) can invoke each derived class’s overridden version of this operation polymorphically via a Transaction reference.

Derived classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit inherit property Account-Number from base class Transaction, but classes Withdrawal and Deposit contain the additional attribute amount that distinguishes them from class BalanceInquiry. Classes Withdrawal and Deposit require this additional attribute to store the amount of money that the user wishes to withdraw or deposit. Class BalanceInquiry has no need for such an attribute and requires only an account number to execute. Even though two of the three Transaction derived classes share the attribute amount, we do not place it in base class Transaction—we place only features common to all the derived classes in the base class, so derived classes do not inherit unnecessary attributes (and operations).

Figure 31.9 presents an updated class diagram of our model that incorporates inheritance and introduces abstract base class Transaction. We model an association between class ATM and class Transaction to show that the ATM, at any given moment, either is executing a transaction or is not (i.e., zero or one objects of type Transaction exist in the system at a time). Because a Withdrawal is a type of Transaction, we no longer draw an association line directly between class ATM and class Withdrawal—derived class Withdrawal inherits base class Transaction’s association with class ATM. Derived classes BalanceInquiry and Deposit also inherit this association, which replaces the previously omitted associations between classes BalanceInquiry and Deposit, and class ATM. Note again the use of triangular hollow arrowheads to indicate the specializations (i.e., derived classes) of class Transaction, as indicated in Fig. 31.8.

Fig. 31.9. Class diagram of the ATM system (incorporating inheritance). Abstract class name Transaction appears in italics.


We also add an association between Transaction and BankDatabase (Fig. 31.9). All Transactions require a reference to the BankDatabase so that they can access and modify account information. Each Transaction derived class inherits this reference, so we no longer model the association between Withdrawal and BankDatabase. The association between class Transaction and the BankDatabase replaces the previously omitted associations between classes BalanceInquiry and Deposit, and the BankDatabase.

We include an association between class Transaction and the Screen because all Transactions display output to the user via the Screen. Each derived class inherits this association. Therefore, we no longer include the association previously modeled between Withdrawal and the Screen. Class Withdrawal still participates in associations with the CashDispenser and the Keypad, however—these associations apply to derived class Withdrawal but not to derived classes BalanceInquiry and Deposit, so we do not move these associations to base class Transaction.

Our class diagram incorporating inheritance (Fig. 31.9) also models classes Deposit and BalanceInquiry. We show associations between Deposit and both the DepositSlot and the Keypad. Class BalanceInquiry takes part in only those associations inherited from class Transaction—a BalanceInquiry interacts only with the BankDatabase and the Screen.

The modified class diagram in Fig. 31.10 includes abstract base class Transaction. This abbreviated diagram does not show inheritance relationships (these appear in Fig. 31.9), but instead shows the attributes and operations after we have employed inheritance in our system. Abstract class name Transaction and abstract operation name Execute in class Transaction appear in italics. To save space, we do not include those attributes shown by associations in Fig. 31.9—we do, however, include them in the C# implementation. We also omit all operation parameters—incorporating inheritance does not affect the parameters already modeled in Figs. 30.1830.21.

Fig. 31.10. Class diagram after incorporating inheritance into the system.


Software Engineering Observation 31.2


A complete class diagram shows all the associations among classes, and all the attributes and operations for each class. When the number of class attributes, operations and associations is substantial (as in Figs. 31.9 and 31.10), a good practice that promotes readability is to divide this information between two class diagrams—one focusing on associations and the other on attributes and operations.

Implementing the ATM System Design Incorporating Inheritance

In the previous section, we began implementing the ATM system design in C#. We now incorporate inheritance, using class Withdrawal as an example.

  1. If a class A is a generalization of class B, then class B is derived from (and is a specialization of) class A. For example, abstract base class Transaction is a generalization of class Withdrawal. Thus, class Withdrawal is derived from (and is a specialization of) class Transaction. Figure 31.11 contains the shell of class Withdrawal, in which the class definition indicates the inheritance relationship between Withdrawal and Transaction (line 3).

    Fig. 31.11. C# code for shell of class Withdrawal.


  2. If class A is an abstract class and class B is derived from class A, then class B must implement the abstract operations of class A if class B is to be a concrete class. For example, class Transaction contains abstract operation Execute, so class Withdrawal must implement this operation if we want to instantiate Withdrawal objects. Figure 31.12 contains the portions of the C# code for class Withdrawal that can be inferred from Fig. 31.9 and Fig. 31.10. Class Withdrawal inherits property AccountNumber from base class Transaction, so Withdrawal does not declare this property. Class Withdrawal also inherits references to the Screen and the BankDatabase from class Transaction, so we do not include these references in our code. Figure 31.10 specifies attribute amount and operation Execute for class Withdrawal. Line 6 of Fig. 31.12 declares an instance variable for attribute amount. Lines 17–20 declare the shell of a method for operation Execute. Recall that derived class Withdrawal must provide a concrete implementation of the abstract method Execute from base class Transaction. The keypad and cash-Dispenser references (lines 7–8) are instance variables whose need is apparent from class Withdrawal’s associations in Fig. 31.9—in the C# implementation of this class in Section 31.4.10, a constructor initializes these references to actual objects.

    Fig. 31.12. C# code for class Withdrawal based on Figs. 31.9 and 31.10.


We discuss the polymorphic processing of Transactions in Section 31.4.1 of the ATM implementation. Class ATM performs the actual polymorphic call to method Execute at line 99 of Fig. 31.26.

Self-Review Exercises

31.4 The UML uses an arrow with a __________ to indicate a generalization relationship.

a) solid filled arrowhead

b) triangular hollow arrowhead

c) diamond-shaped hollow arrowhead

d) stick arrowhead

31.5 State whether the following statement is true or false, and if false, explain why: The UML requires that we underline abstract class names and abstract operation names.

31.6 Write C# code to begin implementing the design for class Transaction specified in Figures 31.9 and 12.22. Be sure to include private references based on class Transaction’s associations. Also, be sure to include properties with public get accessors for any of the private instance variables that the derived classes must access to perform their tasks.

31.4 ATM Case Study Implementation

This section contains the complete working implementation of the ATM system. The implementation comprises 655 lines of C# code. We consider the 11 classes in the order in which we identified them in Section 30.3 (with the exception of Transaction, which was introduced in Section 31.3 as the base class of classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit):












We apply the guidelines discussed in Sections 31.231.3 to code these classes based on how we modeled them in the UML class diagrams of Figs. 31.931.10. To develop the bodies of class methods, we refer to the activity diagrams presented in Section 30.5 and the communication and sequence diagrams presented in Section 30.6. Our ATM design does not specify all the program logic and may not specify all the attributes and operations required to complete the ATM implementation. This is a normal part of the object-oriented design process. As we implement the system, we complete the program logic and add attributes and behaviors as necessary to construct the ATM system specified by the requirements document in Section 30.2.

We conclude the discussion by presenting a test harness (ATMCaseStudy in Section 31.4.12) that creates an object of class ATM and starts it by calling its Run method. Recall that we are developing a first version of the ATM system that runs on a personal computer and uses the keyboard and monitor to approximate the ATM’s keypad and screen. Also, we simulate the actions of the ATM’s cash dispenser and deposit slot. We attempt to implement the system so that real hardware versions of these devices could be integrated without significant code changes. [Note: For the purpose of this simulation, we have provided two predefined accounts in class BankDatabase. The first account has the account number 12345 and the PIN 54321. The second account has the account number 98765 and the PIN 56789. You should use these accounts when testing the ATM.]

31.4.1 Class ATM

Class ATM (Fig. 31.13) represents the ATM as a whole. Lines 5–11 implement the class’s attributes. We determine all but one of these attributes from the UML class diagrams of Figs. 31.931.10. Line 5 declares the bool attribute userAuthenticated from Fig. 31.10. Line 6 declares an attribute not found in our UML design—int attribute currentAccountNumber, which keeps track of the account number of the current authenticated user. Lines 7–11 declare reference-type instance variables corresponding to the ATM class’s associations modeled in the class diagram of Fig. 31.9. These attributes allow the ATM to access its parts (i.e., its Screen, Keypad, CashDispenser and DepositSlot) and interact with the bank’s account information database (i.e., a BankDatabase object).

Fig. 31.13. Class ATM represents the ATM.






Lines 14–20 declare an enumeration that corresponds to the four options in the ATM’s main menu (i.e., balance inquiry, withdrawal, deposit and exit). Lines 23–32 declare class ATM’s constructor, which initializes the class’s attributes. When an ATM object is first created, no user is authenticated, so line 25 initializes userAuthenticated to false. Line 26 initializes currentAccountNumber to 0 because there is no current user yet. Lines 27–30 instantiate new objects to represent the parts of the ATM. Recall that class ATM has composition relationships with classes Screen, Keypad, CashDispenser and DepositSlot, so class ATM is responsible for their creation. Line 31 creates a new BankDatabase. As you’ll soon see, the BankDatabase creates two Account objects that can be used to test the ATM. [Note: If this were a real ATM system, the ATM class would receive a reference to an existing database object created by the bank. However, in this implementation, we are only simulating the bank’s database, so class ATM creates the BankDatabase object with which it interacts.]

Implementing the Operation

The class diagram of Fig. 31.10 does not list any operations for class ATM. We now implement one operation (i.e., public method) in class ATM that allows an external client of the class (i.e., class ATMCaseStudy; Section 31.4.12) to tell the ATM to run. ATM method Run (lines 35–52) uses an infinite loop (lines 38–51) to repeatedly welcome a user, attempt to authenticate the user and, if authentication succeeds, allow the user to perform transactions. After an authenticated user performs the desired transactions and exits, the ATM resets itself, displays a goodbye message and restarts the process for the next user. We use an infinite loop here to simulate the fact that an ATM appears to run continuously until the bank turns it off (an action beyond the user’s control). An ATM user can exit the system, but cannot turn off the ATM completely.

Inside method Run’s infinite loop, lines 41–45 cause the ATM to repeatedly welcome and attempt to authenticate the user as long as the user has not been authenticated (i.e., the condition !userAuthenticated is true). Line 43 invokes method DisplayMessageLine of the ATM’s screen to display a welcome message. Like Screen method DisplayMessage designed in the case study, method DisplayMessageLine (declared in lines 14–17 of Fig. 31.14) displays a message to the user, but this method also outputs a newline after displaying the message. We add this method during implementation to give class Screen’s clients more control over the placement of displayed messages. Line 44 invokes class ATM’s private utility method AuthenticateUser (declared in lines 55–75) to attempt to authenticate the user.

Fig. 31.14. Class Screen represents the screen of the ATM.


Authenticating the User

We refer to the requirements document to determine the steps necessary to authenticate the user before allowing transactions to occur. Line 58 of method AuthenticateUser invokes method DisplayMessage of the ATM’s screen to prompt the user to enter an account number. Line 59 invokes method GetInput of the ATM’s keypad to obtain the user’s input, then stores this integer in local variable accountNumber. Method AuthenticateUser next prompts the user to enter a PIN (line 62), and stores the PIN in local variable pin (line 63). Next, lines 66–67 attempt to authenticate the user by passing the accountNumber and pin entered by the user to the bankDatabase’s AuthenticateUser method. Class ATM sets its userAuthenticated attribute to the bool value returned by this method—user-Authenticated becomes true if authentication succeeds (i.e., the accountNumber and pin match those of an existing Account in bankDatabase) and remains false otherwise. If userAuthenticated is true, line 71 saves the account number entered by the user (i.e., accountNumber) in the ATM attribute currentAccountNumber. The other methods of class ATM use this variable whenever an ATM session requires access to the user’s account number. If userAuthenticated is false, lines 73–74 call the screen’s DisplayMessageLine method to indicate that an invalid account number and/or PIN was entered, so the user must try again. We set currentAccountNumber only after authenticating the user’s account number and the associated PIN—if the database cannot authenticate the user, currentAccountNumber remains 0.

After method Run attempts to authenticate the user (line 44), if userAuthenticated is still false (line 41), the while loop body (lines 41–45) executes again. If userAuthenticated is now true, the loop terminates, and control continues with line 47, which calls class ATM’s private utility method PerformTransactions.

Performing Transactions

Method PerformTransactions (lines 78–111) carries out an ATM session for an authenticated user. Line 80 declares local variable Transaction, to which we assign a Balance-Inquiry, Withdrawal or Deposit object representing the ATM transaction currently being processed. We use a Transaction variable here to allow us to take advantage of polymorphism. Also, we name this variable after the role name included in the class diagram of Fig. 30.7currentTransaction. Line 81 declares another local variable—a bool called userExited that keeps track of whether the user has chosen to exit. This variable controls a while loop (lines 84–110) that allows the user to execute an unlimited number of transactions before choosing to exit. Within this loop, line 87 displays the main menu and obtains the user’s menu selection by calling ATM utility method DisplayMainMenu (declared in lines 114–123). This method displays the main menu by invoking methods of the ATM’s screen and returns a menu selection obtained from the user through the ATM’s keypad. Line 87 stores the user’s selection, returned by DisplayMainMenu, in local variable mainMenuSelection.

After obtaining a main menu selection, method PerformTransactions uses a switch statement (lines 90–109) to respond to the selection appropriately. If mainMenuSelection is equal to the underlying value of any of the three enum members representing transaction types (i.e., if the user chose to perform a transaction), lines 97–98 call utility method CreateTransaction (declared in lines 126–149) to return a newly instantiated object of the type that corresponds to the selected transaction. Variable currentTransaction is assigned the reference returned by method CreateTransaction, then line 99 invokes method Execute of this transaction to execute it. We discuss Transaction method Execute and the three Transaction derived classes shortly. We assign to the Transaction variable currentTransaction an object of one of the three Transaction derived classes so that we can execute transactions. For example, if the user chooses to perform a balance inquiry, ( MenuOption ) mainMenuSelection (line 90) matches the case label Menu-Option.BALANCE_INQUIRY, and CreateTransaction returns a BalanceInquiry object (lines 97–98). Thus, currentTransaction refers to a BalanceInquiry and invoking currentTransaction.Execute() (line 99) results in BalanceInquiry’s version of Execute being called polymorphically.

Creating Transactions

Method CreateTransaction (lines 126–149) uses a switch statement (lines 131–146) to instantiate a new Transaction derived class object of the type indicated by the parameter type. Recall that method PerformTransactions passes mainMenuSelection to method CreateTransaction only when mainMenuSelection contains a value corresponding to one of the three transaction types. So parameter type (line 126) receives one of the values MenuOption.BALANCE_INQUIRY, MenuOption.WITHDRAWAL or MenuOption.DEPOSIT. Each case in the switch statement instantiates a new object by calling the appropriate Transaction derived class constructor. Each constructor has a unique parameter list, based on the specific data required to initialize the derived class object. A BalanceInquiry (lines 135–136) requires only the account number of the current user and references to the ATM’s screen and the bankDatabase. In addition to these parameters, a Withdrawal (lines 139–140) requires references to the ATM’s keypad and cashDispenser, and a Deposit (lines 143–144) requires references to the ATM’s keypad and depositSlot. We discuss the transaction classes in detail in Sections 31.4.831.4.11.

After executing a transaction (line 99 in method PerformTransactions), userExited remains false, and the while loop in lines 84–110 repeats, returning the user to the main menu. However, if a user does not perform a transaction and instead selects the main menu option to exit, line 103 sets userExited to true, causing the condition in line 84 of the while loop (!userExited) to become false. This while is the final statement of method PerformTransactions, so control returns to line 47 of the calling method Run. If the user enters an invalid main menu selection (i.e., not an integer in the range 1–4), lines 106–107 display an appropriate error message, userExited remains false (as set in line 81) and the user returns to the main menu to try again.

When method PerformTransactions returns control to method Run, the user has chosen to exit the system, so lines 48–49 reset the ATM’s attributes userAuthenticated and currentAccountNumber to false and 0, respectively, to prepare for the next ATM user. Line 50 displays a goodbye message to the current user before the ATM welcomes the next user.

31.4.2 Class Screen

Class Screen (Fig. 31.14) represents the screen of the ATM and encapsulates all aspects of displaying output to the user. Class Screen simulates a real ATM’s screen with the computer monitor and outputs text messages using standard console output methods Console.Write and Console.WriteLine. In the design portion of this case study, we endowed class Screen with one operation—DisplayMessage. For greater flexibility in displaying messages to the Screen, we now declare three Screen methods—DisplayMessage, DisplayMessageLine and DisplayDollarAmount.

Method DisplayMessage (lines 8–11) takes a string as an argument and prints it to the screen using Console.Write. The cursor stays on the same line, making this method appropriate for displaying prompts to the user. Method DisplayMessageLine (lines 14–17) does the same using Console.WriteLine, which outputs a newline to move the cursor to the next line. Finally, method DisplayDollarAmount (lines 20–23) outputs a properly formatted dollar amount (e.g., $1,234.56). Line 22 uses method Console.Write to output a decimal value formatted as currency with a dollar sign, two decimal places and commas to increase the readability of large dollar amounts.

31.4.3 Class Keypad

Class Keypad (Fig. 31.15) represents the keypad of the ATM and is responsible for receiving all user input. Recall that we are simulating this hardware, so we use the computer’s keyboard to approximate the keypad. We use method Console.ReadLine to obtain keyboard input from the user. A computer keyboard contains many keys not found on the ATM’s keypad. We assume that the user presses only the keys on the computer keyboard that also appear on the keypad—the keys numbered 0–9 and the Enter key.

Fig. 31.15. Class Keypad represents the ATM’s keypad.


Method GetInput (lines 8–11) invokes Convert method ToInt32 to convert the input returned by Console.ReadLine (line 10) to an int value. [Note: Method ToInt32 can throw a FormatException if the user enters non-integer input. Because the real ATM’s keypad permits only integer input, we simply assume that no exceptions will occur. See Chapter 13 for information on catching and processing exceptions.] Recall that ReadLine obtains all the input used by the ATM. Class Keypad’s GetInput method simply returns the integer input by the user. If a client of class Keypad requires input that satisfies some particular criteria (i.e., a number corresponding to a valid menu option), the client must perform the appropriate error checking.

31.4.4 Class CashDispenser

Class CashDispenser (Fig. 31.16) represents the cash dispenser of the ATM. Line 6 declares constant INITIAL_COUNT, which indicates the number of $20 bills in the cash dispenser when the ATM starts (i.e., 500). Line 7 implements attribute billCount (modeled in Fig. 31.10), which keeps track of the number of bills remaining in the CashDispenser at any time. The constructor (lines 10–13) sets billCount to the initial count. [Note: We assume that the process of adding more bills to the CashDispenser and updating the bill-Count occur outside the ATM system.] Class CashDispenser has two public methods—DispenseCash (lines 16–21) and IsSufficientCashAvailable (lines 24–31). The class trusts that a client (i.e., Withdrawal) calls method DispenseCash only after establishing that sufficient cash is available by calling method IsSufficientCashAvailable. Thus, DispenseCash simulates dispensing the requested amount of cash without checking whether sufficient cash is available.

Fig. 31.16. Class CashDispenser represents the ATM’s cash dispenser.


Method IsSufficientCashAvailable (lines 24–31) has a parameter amount that specifies the amount of cash in question. Line 27 calculates the number of $20 bills required to dispense the specified amount. The ATM allows the user to choose only withdrawal amounts that are multiples of $20, so we convert amount to an integer value and divide it by 20 to obtain the number of billsRequired. Line 30 returns true if the Cash-Dispenser’s billCount is greater than or equal to billsRequired (i.e., enough bills are available) and false otherwise (i.e., not enough bills). For example, if a user wishes to withdraw $80 (i.e., billsRequired is 4), but only three bills remain (i.e., billCount is 3), the method returns false.

Method DispenseCash (lines 16–21) simulates cash dispensing. If our system were hooked up to a real hardware cash dispenser, this method would interact with the hardware device to physically dispense the cash. Our simulated version of the method simply decreases the billCount of bills remaining by the number required to dispense the specified amount (line 20). It is the responsibility of the client of the class (i.e., Withdrawal) to inform the user that cash has been dispensed—CashDispenser does not interact directly with Screen.

31.4.5 Class DepositSlot

Class DepositSlot (Fig. 31.17) represents the deposit slot of the ATM. This class simulates the functionality of a real hardware deposit slot. DepositSlot has no attributes and only one method—IsDepositEnvelopeReceived (lines 7–10)—which indicates whether a deposit envelope was received.

Fig. 31.17. Class DepositSlot represents the ATM’s deposit slot.


Recall from the requirements document that the ATM allows the user up to two minutes to insert an envelope. The current version of method IsDepositEnvelopeReceived simply returns true immediately (line 9), because this is only a software simulation, so we assume that the user inserts an envelope within the required time frame. If an actual hardware deposit slot were connected to our system, method IsDepositEnvelopeReceived would be implemented to wait for a maximum of two minutes to receive a signal from the hardware deposit slot indicating that the user has indeed inserted a deposit envelope. If IsDepositEnvelopeReceived were to receive such a signal within two minutes, the method would return true. If two minutes were to elapse and the method still had not received a signal, then the method would return false.

31.4.6 Class Account

Class Account (Fig. 31.25) represents a bank account. Each Account has four attributes (modeled in Fig. 31.10)—accountNumber, pin, availableBalance and totalBalance. Lines 5–8 implement these attributes as private instance variables. For each of the instance variables accountNumber, availableBalance and totalBalance, we provide a property with the same name as the attribute, but starting with a capital letter. For example, property AccountNumber corresponds to the accountNumber attribute modeled in Fig. 31.10. Clients of this class do not need to modify the accountNumber instance variable, so AccountNumber is declared as a read-only property (i.e., it provides only a get accessor).

Fig. 31.18. Class Account represents a bank account.



Class Account has a constructor (lines 11–18) that takes an account number, the PIN established for the account, the initial available balance and the initial total balance as arguments. Lines 14–17 assign these values to the class’s attributes (i.e., instance variables). Account objects would normally be created externally to the ATM system. However, in this simulation, the Account objects are created in the BankDatabase class (Fig. 31.19).

Fig. 31.19. Class BankDatabase represents the bank’s account information database.



public Read-Only Properties of Class Account

Read-only property AccountNumber (lines 21–27) provides access to an Account’s accountNumber instance variable. We include this property in our implementation so that a client of the class (e.g., BankDatabase) can identify a particular Account. For example, BankDatabase contains many Account objects, and it can access this property on each of its Account objects to locate the one with a specific account number.

Read-only properties AvailableBalance (lines 30–36) and TotalBalance (lines 39–45) allow clients to retrieve the values of private decimal instance variables available-Balance and totalBalance, respectively. Property AvailableBalance represents the amount of funds available for withdrawal. Property TotalBalance represents the amount of funds available, plus the amount of deposited funds pending confirmation of cash in deposit envelopes or clearance of checks in deposit envelopes.

public Methods of Class Account

Method ValidatePIN (lines 48–51) determines whether a user-specified PIN (i.e., parameter userPIN) matches the PIN associated with the account (i.e., attribute pin). Recall that we modeled this method’s parameter userPIN in the UML class diagram of Fig. 31.9. If the two PINs match, the method returns true; otherwise, it returns false.

Method Credit (lines 54–57) adds an amount of money (i.e., parameter amount) to an Account as part of a deposit transaction. This method adds the amount only to instance variable totalBalance (line 56). The money credited to an account during a deposit does not become available immediately, so we modify only the total balance. We assume that the bank updates the available balance appropriately at a later time, when the amount of cash in the deposit envelope has be verified and the checks in the deposit envelope have cleared. Our implementation of class Account includes only methods required for carrying out ATM transactions. Therefore, we omit the methods that some other bank system would invoke to add to instance variable availableBalance to confirm a deposit or to subtract from attribute totalBalance to reject a deposit.

Method Debit (lines 60–64) subtracts an amount of money (i.e., parameter amount) from an Account as part of a withdrawal transaction. This method subtracts the amount from both instance variable availableBalance (line 62) and instance variable totalBalance (line 63), because a withdrawal affects both balances.

31.4.7 Class BankDatabase

Class BankDatabase (Fig. 31.19) models the bank database with which the ATM interacts to access and modify a user’s account information. We determine one reference-type attribute for class BankDatabase based on its composition relationship with class Account. Recall from Fig. 31.9 that a BankDatabase is composed of zero or more objects of class Account. Line 5 declares attribute accounts—an array that will store Account objects—to implement this composition relationship. Class BankDatabase has a parameterless constructor (lines 8–15) that initializes accounts with new Account objects (lines 13–14). The Account constructor (Fig. 31.25, lines 11–18) has four parameters—the account number, the PIN assigned to the account, the initial available balance and the initial total balance.

Recall that class BankDatabase serves as an intermediary between class ATM and the actual Account objects that contain users’ account information. Thus, methods of class BankDatabase invoke the corresponding methods and properties of the Account object belonging to the current ATM user.

private Utility Method GetAccount

We include private utility method GetAccount (lines 18–29) to allow the BankDatabase to obtain a reference to a particular Account within the accounts array. To locate the user’s Account, the BankDatabase compares the value returned by property AccountNumber for each element of accounts to a specified account number until it finds a match. Lines 21–25 traverse the accounts array. If currentAccount’s account number equals the value of parameter accountNumber, the method returns currentAccount. If no account has the given account number, then line 28 returns null.

public Methods

Method AuthenticateUser (lines 33–43) proves or disproves the identity of an ATM user. This method takes a user-specified account number and a user-specified PIN as arguments and indicates whether they match the account number and PIN of an Account in the database. Line 36 calls method GetAccount, which returns either an Account with userAccount-Number as its account number or null to indicate that userAccountNumber is invalid. If GetAccount returns an Account object, line 40 returns the bool value returned by that object’s ValidatePIN method. BankDatabase’s AuthenticateUser method does not perform the PIN comparison itself—rather, it forwards userPIN to the Account object’s ValidatePIN method to do so. The value returned by Account method ValidatePIN (line 40) indicates whether the user-specified PIN matches the PIN of the user’s Account, so method AuthenticateUser simply returns this value (line 40) to the client of the class (i.e., ATM).

The BankDatabase trusts the ATM to invoke method AuthenticateUser and receive a return value of true before allowing the user to perform transactions. BankDatabase also trusts that each Transaction object created by the ATM contains the valid account number of the current authenticated user and that this account number is passed to the remaining BankDatabase methods as argument userAccountNumber. Methods GetAvailableBalance (lines 46–50), GetTotalBalance (lines 53–57), Credit (lines 60–64) and Debit (lines 67–71) therefore simply retrieve the user’s Account object with utility method GetAccount, then invoke the appropriate Account method on that object. We know that the calls to GetAccount within these methods will never return null, because userAccountNumber must refer to an existing Account. GetAvailableBalance and GetTotalBalance return the values returned by the corresponding Account properties. Also, methods Credit and Debit simply redirect parameter amount to the Account methods they invoke.

31.4.8 Class Transaction

Class Transaction (Fig. 31.20) is an abstract base class that represents the notion of an ATM transaction. It contains the common features of derived classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit. This class expands on the “skeleton” code first developed in Section 31.2. Line 3 declares this class to be abstract. Lines 5–7 declare the class’s private instance variables. Recall from the class diagram of Fig. 31.10 that class Transaction contains the property AccountNumber that indicates the account involved in the Transaction. Line 5 implements the instance variable accountNumber to maintain the Account-Number property’s data. We derive attributes screen (implemented as instance variable userScreen in line 6) and bankDatabase (implemented as instance variable database in line 7) from class Transaction’s associations, modeled in Fig. 31.9. All transactions require access to the ATM’s screen and the bank’s database.

Fig. 31.20. abstract base class Transaction represents an ATM transaction.



Class Transaction has a constructor (lines 10–16) that takes the current user’s account number and references to the ATM’s screen and the bank’s database as arguments. Because Transaction is an abstract class (line 3), this constructor is never called directly to instantiate Transaction objects. Instead, this constructor is invoked by the constructors of the Transaction derived classes via constructor initializers.

Class Transaction has three public read-only properties—AccountNumber (lines 19–25), UserScreen (lines 28–34) and Database (lines 37–43). Derived classes of Transaction inherit these properties and use them to gain access to class Transaction’s private instance variables. We chose the names of the UserScreen and Database properties for clarity—we wanted to avoid property names that are the same as the class names Screen and BankDatabase, which can be confusing.

Class Transaction also declares abstract method Execute (line 46). It does not make sense to provide an implementation for this method in class Transaction, because a generic transaction cannot be executed. Thus, we declare this method to be abstract, forcing each Transaction concrete derived class to provide its own implementation that executes the particular type of transaction.

31.4.9 Class BalanceInquiry

Class BalanceInquiry (Fig. 31.21) inherits from Transaction and represents an ATM balance inquiry transaction (line 3). BalanceInquiry does not have any attributes of its own, but it inherits Transaction attributes accountNumber, screen and bankDatabase, which are accessible through Transaction’s public read-only properties. The BalanceInquiry constructor (lines 6–8) takes arguments corresponding to these attributes and forwards them to Transaction’s constructor by invoking the constructor initializer with keyword base (line 8). The body of the constructor is empty.

Fig. 31.21. Class BalanceInquiry represents a balance inquiry ATM transaction.


Class BalanceInquiry overrides Transaction’s abstract method Execute to provide a concrete implementation (lines 11–27) that performs the steps involved in a balance inquiry. Lines 14–15 obtain the specified Account’s available balance by invoking the GetAvailableBalance method of the inherited property Database. Line 15 uses the inherited property AccountNumber to get the account number of the current user. Line 18 retrieves the specified Account’s total balance. Lines 21–26 display the balance information on the ATM’s screen using the inherited property UserScreen. Recall that DisplayDollarAmount takes a decimal argument and outputs it to the screen formatted as a dollar amount with a dollar sign. For example, if a user’s available balance is 1000.50M, line 23 outputs $1,000.50. Line 26 inserts a blank line of output to separate the balance information from subsequent output (i.e., the main menu repeated by class ATM after executing the BalanceInquiry).

31.4.10 Class Withdrawal

Class Withdrawal (Fig. 31.22) extends Transaction and represents an ATM withdrawal transaction. This class expands on the “skeleton” code for this class developed in Fig. 31.11. Recall from the class diagram of Fig. 31.9 that class Withdrawal has one attribute, amount, which line 5 declares as a decimal instance variable. Figure 31.9 models associations between class Withdrawal and classes Keypad and CashDispenser, for which lines 6–7 implement reference attributes keypad and cashDispenser, respectively. Line 10 declares a constant corresponding to the cancel menu option.

Fig. 31.22. Class Withdrawal represents an ATM withdrawal transaction.





Class Withdrawal’s constructor (lines 13–21) has five parameters. It uses the constructor initializer to pass parameters userAccountNumber, atmScreen and atmBankData-base to base class Transaction’s constructor to set the attributes that Withdrawal inherits from Transaction. The constructor also takes references atmKeypad and atmCash-Dispenser as parameters and assigns them to reference-type attributes keypad and cash-Dispenser, respectively.

Overriding abstract Method Execute

Class Withdrawal overrides Transaction’s abstract method Execute with a concrete implementation (lines 24–79) that performs the steps involved in a withdrawal. Line 26 declares and initializes a local bool variable cashDispensed. This variable indicates whether cash has been dispensed (i.e., whether the transaction has completed successfully) and is initially false. Line 29 declares and initializes to false a bool variable transactionCanceled to indicate that the transaction has not yet been canceled by the user.

Lines 32–78 contain a do...while statement that executes its body until cash is dispensed (i.e., until cashDispensed becomes true) or until the user chooses to cancel (i.e., until transactionCanceled becomes true). We use this loop to continuously return the user to the start of the transaction if an error occurs (i.e., the requested withdrawal amount is greater than the user’s available balance or greater than the amount of cash in the cash dispenser). Line 35 displays a menu of withdrawal amounts and obtains a user selection by calling private utility method DisplayMenuOfAmounts (declared in lines 83–127). This method displays the menu of amounts and returns either an int withdrawal amount or an int constant CANCELED to indicate that the user has chosen to cancel the transaction.

Displaying Options With private Utility Method DisplayMenuOfAmounts

Method DisplayMenuOfAmounts (lines 83–127) first declares local variable userChoice (initially 0) to store the value that the method will return (line 85). Line 88 declares an integer array of withdrawal amounts that correspond to the amounts displayed in the withdrawal menu. We ignore the first element in the array (index 0), because the menu has no option 0. The while statement at lines 91–124 repeats until userChoice takes on a value other than 0. We will see shortly that this occurs when the user makes a valid selection from the menu. Lines 94–102 display the withdrawal menu on the screen and prompt the user to enter a choice. Line 105 obtains integer input through the keypad. The switch statement at lines 108–123 determines how to proceed based on the user’s input. If the user selects 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, line 114 sets userChoice to the value of the element in the amounts array at index input. For example, if the user enters 3 to withdraw $60, line 114 sets user-Choice to the value of amounts[ 3 ]—i.e., 60. Variable userChoice no longer equals 0, so the while at lines 91–124 terminates, and line 126 returns userChoice. If the user selects the cancel menu option, line 117 executes, setting userChoice to CANCELED and causing the method to return this value. If the user does not enter a valid menu selection, lines 120–121 display an error message, and the user is returned to the withdrawal menu.

The if statement at line 38 in method Execute determines whether the user has selected a withdrawal amount or chosen to cancel. If the user cancels, line 75 displays an appropriate message to the user before control is returned to the calling method—ATM method PerformTransactions. If the user has chosen a withdrawal amount, line 41 assigns local variable selection to instance variable amount. Lines 44–45 retrieve the available balance of the current user’s Account and store it in a local decimal variable availableBalance. Next, the if statement at line 48 determines whether the selected amount is less than or equal to the user’s available balance. If it is not, lines 69–71 display an error message. Control then continues to the end of the do...while statement, and the loop repeats because both cashDispensed and transactionCanceled are still false. If the user’s balance is high enough, the if statement at line 51 determines whether the cash dispenser has enough money to satisfy the withdrawal request by invoking the cash-Dispenser’s IsSufficientCashAvailable method. If this method returns false, lines 64–66 display an error message, and the do...while statement repeats. If sufficient cash is available, the requirements for the withdrawal are satisfied, and line 54 debits the user’s account in the database by amount. Lines 56–57 then instruct the cash dispenser to dispense the cash to the user and set cashDispensed to true. Finally, lines 60–61 display a message to the user to take the dispensed cash. Because cashDispensed is now true, control continues after the do...while statement. No additional statements appear below the loop, so the method returns control to class ATM.

31.4.11 Class Deposit

Class Deposit (Fig. 31.23) inherits from Transaction and represents an ATM deposit transaction. Recall from the class diagram of Fig. 31.10 that class Deposit has one attribute, amount, which line 5 declares as a decimal instance variable. Lines 6–7 create reference attributes keypad and depositSlot that implement the associations between class Deposit and classes Keypad and DepositSlot, modeled in Fig. 31.9. Line 10 declares a constant CANCELED that corresponds to the value a user enters to cancel a deposit transaction.

Fig. 31.23. Class Deposit represents an ATM deposit transaction.



Class Deposit contains a constructor (lines 13–21) that passes three parameters to base class Transaction’s constructor using a constructor initializer. The constructor also has parameters atmKeypad and atmDepositSlot, which it assigns to the corresponding reference instance variables (lines 19–20).

Overriding abstract Method Execute

Method Execute (lines 24–59) overrides abstract method Execute in base class Transaction with a concrete implementation that performs the steps required in a deposit transaction. Line 26 prompts the user to enter a deposit amount by invoking private utility method PromptForDepositAmount (declared in lines 62–74) and sets attribute amount to the value returned. Method PromptForDepositAmount asks the user to enter a deposit amount as an integer number of cents (because the ATM’s keypad does not contain a decimal point; this is consistent with many real ATMs) and returns the decimal value representing the dollar amount to be deposited.

Getting Deposit Amount with private Utility Method PromptForDepositAmount

Lines 65–66 in method PromptForDepositAmount display a message asking the user to input a deposit amount as a number of cents or “0” to cancel the transaction. Line 67 receives the user’s input from the keypad. The if statement at lines 70–73 determines whether the user has entered a deposit amount or chosen to cancel. If the user chooses to cancel, line 71 returns constant CANCELED. Otherwise, line 73 returns the deposit amount after converting the int number of cents to a dollar-and-cents amount by dividing by the decimal literal 100.00M. For example, if the user enters 125 as the number of cents, line 73 returns 125 divided by 100.00M, or 1.25—125 cents is $1.25.

The if statement at lines 29–58 in method Execute determines whether the user has chosen to cancel the transaction instead of entering a deposit amount. If the user cancels, line 58 displays an appropriate message, and the method returns. If the user enters a deposit amount, lines 32–35 instruct the user to insert a deposit envelope with the correct amount. Recall that Screen method DisplayDollarAmount outputs a decimal value formatted as a dollar amount (including the dollar sign).

Line 38 sets a local bool variable to the value returned by depositSlot’s IsDepositEnvelopeReceived method, indicating whether a deposit envelope has been received. Recall that we coded method IsDepositEnvelopeReceived (lines 7–10 of Fig. 31.17) to always return true, because we are simulating the functionality of the deposit slot and assume that the user always inserts an envelope in a timely fashion (i.e., within the two-minute time limit). However, we code method Execute of class Deposit to test for the possibility that the user does not insert an envelope—good software engineering demands that programs account for all possible return values. Thus, class Deposit is prepared for future versions of IsDepositEnvelopeReceived that could return false. Lines 43–50 execute if the deposit slot receives an envelope. Lines 43–47 display an appropriate message to the user. Line 50 credits the user’s account in the database with the deposit amount. Lines 53–55 execute if the deposit slot does not receive a deposit envelope. In this case, we display a message stating that the ATM has canceled the transaction. The method then returns without crediting the user’s account.

31.4.12 Class ATMCaseStudy

Class ATMCaseStudy (Fig. 31.24) simply allows us to start, or “turn on,” the ATM and test the implementation of our ATM system model. Class ATMCaseStudy’s Main method (lines 6–10) simply instantiates a new ATM object named theATM (line 8) and invokes its Run method (line 9) to start the ATM.

Fig. 31.24. Class ATMCaseStudy starts the ATM.


31.5 Wrap-Up

In this chapter, you used inheritance to tune the design of the ATM software system, and you fully implemented the ATM in C#. Congratulations on completing the entire ATM case study! We hope you found this experience to be valuable and that it reinforced many of the object-oriented programming concepts that you’ve learned.

Answers to Self-Review Exercises

31.1 True. The minus sign () indicates private visibility.

31.2 b.

31.3 The design for class Account yields the code in Fig. 31.25. We public auto-implemented properties AvailableBalance and TotalBalance to store the data that methods Credit and Debit, will manipulate.

Fig. 31.25. C# code for class Account based on Figs. 31.1 and 31.2.


31.4 b.

31.5 False. The UML requires that we italicize abstract class names and operation names.

31.6 The design for class Transaction yields the code in Fig. 31.26. In the implementation, a constructor initializes private instance variables userScreen and database to actual objects, and read-only properties UserScreen and Database access these instance variables. These properties allow classes derived from Transaction to access the ATM’s screen and interact with the bank’s database. We chose the names of the UserScreen and Database properties for clarity—we wanted to avoid property names that are the same as the class names Screen and BankDatabase, which can be confusing.

Fig. 31.26. C# code for class Transaction based on Figures 31.9 and 31.10.


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