
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking or tapping a link to get to the indexed material.

References to figures are in italics.


A-frame construction, 17–18


assembly, 75–78

installation, 79–80

overview, 73–74

parts and tools needed, 74–75

schematic diagram, 75

testing, 79

theory, 80

wiring diagram, 77

AM, 137–138

ambient light compensation, 171–172

Amplitude Modulation, 137–138

antigravity sketch, 167–168, 173–174

Arduino microcontroller board, 81–83

attaching to the levitation machine, 165–166

configuring the Arduino environment, 93–94

programming, 94, 167–168, 198–201


balloon popper

assembly, 53–56

parts and tools needed, 54

schematic diagram, 53

testing, 56–57

wiring diagram, 55

See also balloon-popping laser gun

balloon-popping laser gun

assembling the balloon popper, 53–56

assembling the can shooter, 59–65

assembling the ray gun, 50–52

overview, 49–50

overview of can shooter, 57

parts and tools needed, 50

parts and tools needed for can shooter, 57–59

testing the balloon popper, 56–57

testing the can jumper, 65

testing the ray gun, 52–53

theory, 65–66


assembly, 109–114

bug detector, 107

FM transmitter, 107

overview, 107–108

parts and tools needed, 109

schematic diagram, 108

testing, 114

using, 114

See also bug detector

bug detector, 107

assembly, 117–121

overview, 115

parts and tools needed, 117

schematic diagram, 116

testing, 119–121

theory, 121–122

wiring diagram, 120

See also covert radio bug

buying components, 211


can shooter

assembly, 59–65

design, 59

overview, 57

parts and tools needed, 57–59

schematic diagram, 58

testing, 65

capacitors, 5–6

circuits, 205

schematic diagrams, 205–206

symbols, 207

coil gun

assembly, 2–8

overview, 1–2

parts and tools needed, 2

schematic diagram, 3

summary, 14

test firing, 8–13

theory, 13–14

wiring diagram, 4

codes for resistors, 208–209

component boxes, 211

component suppliers, 211

continuity test, 214

covert radio bug

assembly, 109–114

bug detector, 107

FM transmitter, 107

overview, 107–108

parts and tools needed, 109

schematic diagram, 108

testing, 114

using, 114

See also bug detector

current, measuring, 213–214


Darlington-Pair, 184

datasheets, 208

diffuser, 64

diodes, 210–211

double-throw switches, 7

driving motors, 201–202

dry joints, 212


feedback, 137

FETs, 68, 72

flash bomb

assembly, 142–146

overview, 141

parts and tools needed, 141–142

schematic diagram, 142

theory, 146–147

using the flash bomb, 146

flash guns, 146–147

FM, 137–138

FM transmitter, 112–114

See also laser voice transmitter

Frequency Modulation, 137–138


germanium diode, 115, 121


HB LEDs, 149

See also high-brightness LED strobe

high-brightness LED strobe

assembly, 150–156

overview, 149

parts and tools needed, 150

schematic diagram, 151

theory, 157–158


intruder alarm

assembly, 75–78

installation, 79–80

overview, 73–74

parts and tools needed, 74–75

schematic diagram, 75

testing, 79

theory, 80

wiring diagram, 77

IR distance sensor, 201

IR proximity detector, 195–196


joystick, construction of, 38, 39


laser diodes, 71–72

laser gun, balloon-popping

assembling the balloon popper, 53–56

assembling the can shooter, 59–65

assembling the ray gun, 50–52

overview, 49–50

overview of can shooter, 57

parts and tools needed, 50

parts and tools needed for can shooter, 57–59

testing the balloon popper, 56–57

testing the can jumper, 65

testing the ray gun, 52–53

theory, 65–66

laser sight, touch-activated

assembling the sight, 68–71

layout of the components, 69

overview, 67

parts and tools needed, 67–68

schematic diagram, 69

testing and calibration, 71

theory, 71–72

wiring diagram, 71

laser turret, mini

assembly, 36–45

controlling more than one turret from a joystick, 45, 46

overview, 35

parts and tools needed, 35–36

schematic diagram, 37

theory, 45–48

wiring diagram, 44

laser voice transmitter

aligning the transmitter with the receiver, 137

assembly of the receiver, 125–130

assembly of the transmitter, 131–137

duplex transmission, 137

how the receiver works, 140

how the transmitter works, 138–140

overview, 123, 130–131

parts and tools needed, 125, 131

receiver, 123–124

schematic diagram, 124, 130, 139

testing, 134–135

theory, 137–140

wiring diagram, 128

laser-grid intruder alarm

assembly, 75–78

installation, 79–80

overview, 73–74

parts and tools needed, 74–75

schematic diagram, 75

testing, 79

theory, 80

wiring diagram, 77

LED strobe

assembly, 150–156

overview, 149

parts and tools needed, 150

schematic diagram, 151

theory, 157–158


charging, 8

high-brightness LEDs (HB LEDs), 149

using, 157–158

See also high-brightness LED strobe

levitation machine

ambient light compensation, 171–172

assembly, 161–169

basic principles, 170

control software, 172–175

making something to levitate, 168–169

overview, 159

parts and tools needed, 159–160

position sensing, 170–171

programming the Arduino board, 167–168

schematic diagram, 166

testing, 169–170

wiring diagram, 165

light-seeking microbot

assembling the charger, 182–184

assembly, 178–182

overview, 177

parts and tools needed, 178

schematic diagram, 179, 183

theory, 184


measuring current, 213–214

measuring voltage, 213

Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors. See MOSFETs

microbot, light-seeking

assembling the charger, 182–184

assembly, 178–182

overview, 177

parts and tools needed, 178

schematic diagram, 179, 183

theory, 184

microcontroller board, 81–83

attaching to the levitation machine, 165–166

configuring, 93–94

programming, 94, 167–168, 198–201

mini laser turret

assembly, 36–45

controlling more than one turret from a joystick, 45, 46

overview, 35

parts and tools needed, 35–36

schematic diagram, 37

theory, 45–48

wiring diagram, 44

minigun, ping-pong ball

assembly, 27–31

finding the muzzle velocity, 31–33

overview, 25–26

parts and tools needed, 26–27

testing, 31

theory, 33

MOSFETs, 65–66

motor controllers

assembly, 97–100

overview, 96

parts and tools needed, 97, 98

pulse width modulation, 106

schematic diagram, 97

wiring diagram, 101

motor drivers, 187–191

multimeters, 213–214

muzzle velocity, measuring, 31–33


operational amplifiers, 138–139

oscilloscopes, 214–215


perforated board, 59, 60, 61

persistence of vision, theory of, 103, 104

persistence-of-vision display

Arduino microcontroller board, 81–83

Arduino sketch (program code), 103–106

assembling the woodwork, 95–96

assembly, 85–89

changing the message, 102–103

computer setup, 89–93

configuring the Arduino environment, 93–94

installing on Linux, 93

installing on Mac OS X, 92–93

installing on Windows, 89–92

making the battery connector, 95

motor controller, 96–100, 101, 106

overview, 81, 83

parts and tools needed, 84–85

platform, 100

programming the Arduino board, 94

putting it all together, 100–102

schematic diagram, 84

stripboard layout for the LED module, 86

testing the LED module, 94–95

theory, 103–106

phototransistors, 66

ping-pong ball minigun

assembly, 27–31

finding the muzzle velocity, 31–33

overview, 25–26

parts and tools needed, 26–27

testing, 31

theory, 33

PIR sensors, 194–195

pliers, 211–212

position sensing, 170–171

projectiles, 8

measuring projectile speed, 9–10

pulse width modulation. See PWM

PWM, 106


radio bug

assembly, 109–114

bug detector, 107

FM transmitter, 107

overview, 107–108

parts and tools needed, 109

schematic diagram, 108

testing, 114

using, 114

See also bug detector

ray gun

assembly, 50–52

testing, 52–53

wiring diagram, 52

See also balloon-popping laser gun

resistance measurement, 214

resistors, 208–209

robots. See light-seeking microbot; surveillance robot


schematic diagrams

example, 206

general information, 205

SCRs (silicone-controlled rectifiers), 4, 6

servo motors, 45–47

servos, 39–41

adjusting the servo arms, 43

shield boards, 83

sight, assembly, 68–71

sling. See trebuchet


assembling the charger, 182–184

assembly, 178–182

overview, 177

parts and tools needed, 178

schematic diagram, 179, 183

theory, 184

snips, 211–212

soldering, 212

stripboard, 41–43, 70, 85–87, 97–99, 109, 110

stripping wires, 211–212

suppliers, 211

surveillance robot

assembling it all, 191–197

assembling the motor drivers, 187–191

overview, 185

parts and tools needed, 187, 191–192

schematic diagram, 186, 188

testing, 198

testing the motor controller module, 189–191

wiring diagram, 191

switches, double-throw, 7

symbols for common electronics, 207


Thyristors, 4

See also SCRs (silicone-controlled rectifiers)

time travel, 137

timer ICs, 47–48


basic tools needed, 211

component boxes, 211

multimeters, 213–214

oscilloscopes, 214–215

snips and pliers, 211–212

soldering, 212

touch sensor, 68, 70

touch-activated laser sight

assembling the sight, 68–71

layout of the components, 69

overview, 67

parts and tools needed, 67–68

schematic diagram, 69

testing and calibration, 71

theory, 71–72

wiring diagram, 71

transistors, 209–210


action, 16

assembly, 17–22

cutting list, 17

firing, 22

overview, 15–16

parts and tools needed, 16–17

theory, 22–23

tuning, 22


voice transmitter

aligning the transmitter with the receiver, 137

assembly of the receiver, 125–130

assembly of the transmitter, 131–137

duplex transmission, 137

how the receiver works, 140

how the transmitter works, 138–140

overview, 123, 130–131

parts and tools needed, 125, 131

receiver, 123–124

schematic diagram, 124, 130, 139

testing, 134–135

theory, 137–140

wiring diagram, 128

voltage, measuring, 213


wire stripping, 211–212

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