
  • ^, boolean logical exclusive OR 215, 218

    • truth table 218

  • --, prefix/postfix decrement 173, 174

  • -, subtraction 86, 87

  • !, logical negation 215, 218

    • truth table 219

  • !=, not equals 90

  • ?:, ternary conditional operator 152, 176

  • ?? (null coalescing operator) 536, 537

  • ?., null-conditional operator (C# 6) 535, 536, 860

  • ?[], null-conditional operator (C# 6) 860

  • . (member access operator) 109

  • "", empty string 277

  • {, left brace 70

  • }, right brace 70

  • @ verbatim string character 669

  • *, multiplication 86, 87

  • *=, multiplication compound assignment operator 173

  • / forward slash in end tags 962

  • /* */ delimited comment 67

  • //, single-line comment 67

  • , escape character 80

  • ", double-quote escape sequence 80

  • =, division compound assignment operator 173

  • , newline escape sequence 79, 80

  • , carriage-return escape sequence 80

  • , horizontal tab escape sequence 80

  • &, boolean logical AND 215, 217

  • &, menu access shortcut 599, 601

  • &&, conditional AND 216, 217

    • truth table 216

  • %=, remainder compound assignment operator 173

  • +, concatenation operator 680

  • ++, prefix/postfix increment 173

  • +=, addition compound assignment operator 173

  • <, less than 90

  • <=, less than or equal 90

  • <>, angle brackets for XML elements 962

  • =, assignment operator 84

  • -=, subtraction compound assignment operator 173

  • ==, comparison operator 673

  • ==, is equal to 90

  • => (in an expression-bodied method) 273

  • >, greater than 90

  • >=, greater than or equal to 90

  • |, boolean logical inclusive OR 215, 217

  • $ (dollar sign for interpolated string) 81

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