
Section 23.1 Introduction

  • Computers can perform operations concurrently.

  • Tasks that proceed independently of one another are said to execute asynchronously and are referred to as asynchronous tasks.

  • Only computers that have multiple processors or cores can truly execute multiple asynchronous tasks concurrently.

  • Visual C# apps can have multiple threads of execution, where each thread has its own method-call stack, allowing it to execute concurrently with other threads while sharing with them application-wide resources such as memory and processors. This capability is called multithreading.

  • Operating systems on single-core computers create the illusion of concurrent execution by rapidly switching between activities (threads).

  • Today’s multicore computers, smartphones and tablets enable computers to perform tasks truly concurrently.

  • Asynchronous programming is a technique for writing apps containing tasks that can execute asynchronously, which can improve app performance and GUI responsiveness in apps with long-running or compute-intensive tasks.

  • The async modifier and await operator greatly simplify asynchronous programming, reduce errors and enable your apps to take advantage of the processing power in today’s multicore computers, smartphones and tablets.

  • In .NET, many classes for web access, file processing, networking, image processing and more provide methods that return Task objects for use with async and await, so you can take advantage of this new asynchronous programming model.

Section 23.2.1 async Modifier

  • The async modifier indicates that a method or lambda expression contains at least one await expression.

  • An async method executes its body in the same thread as the calling method.

Section 23.2.2 await Expression

  • When an async method encounters an await expression: If the asynchronous task has already completed, the async method simply continues executing. Otherwise, program control returns to the async method’s caller until the asynchronous task completes execution. When the asynchronous task completes, control returns to the async method and continues with the next statement after the await expression.

  • The mechanisms for determining whether to return control to the async method’s caller or continue executing the async method, and for continuing the async method’s execution when the asynchronous task completes, are handled entirely by code that’s written for you by the compiler.

Section 23.2.3 async, await and Threads

  • The async and await mechanism does not create new threads. The method that you call to start an asynchronous task on which you await the results is responsible for creating any threads that are used to perform the asynchronous task (e.g., Task method Run).

Section 23.3.1 Performing a Task Asynchronously

  • If a long-running calculation were to be performed synchronously in a GUI app, the GUI would freeze until the calculation completed and the user would not be able to interact with the app.

  • Launching a calculation asynchronously and executing it on a separate thread keeps the GUI responsive.

  • The recursive implementation of the Fibonacci calculation is a compute-intensive calculation.

Section 23.3.2 Method calculateButton_Click

  • A method is declared async to indicate to the compiler that the method will await an asynchronous task.

  • In effect, an async method allows you to write code that looks as if it executes sequentially, while the compiler deals with the complicated issues of managing asynchronous execution.

Section 23.3.3 Task Method Run: Executing Asynchronously in a Separate Thread

  • A Task promises to return a result at some point in the future.

  • Class Task is part of .NET’s Task Parallel Library (TPL) for parallel and asynchronous programming.

  • Task static method Run receives a Func<TResult> delegate as an argument and executes a method in a separate thread. The method returns a Task<TResult>, where TResult represents the type of value returned by the method being executed.

  • The Func<TResult> delegate represents any method that takes no arguments and returns a result of generic type TResult.

Section 23.3.4 awaiting the Result

  • Task property Result returns the value returned by a Task.

  • An async method can perform other statements between those that launch an asynchronous Task and await the Task’s results. In such a case, the method continues executing those statements after launching the asynchronous Task until it reaches the await expression.

  • You can place the await expression on the right side of an assignment. The await operator unwraps and returns the Task’s result so you can use it directly without accessing the Task’s Result property.

Section 23.3.5 Calculating the Next Fibonacci Value Synchronously

  • Handling short computations in the GUI thread does not cause the GUI to become unresponsive.

Section 23.4 Sequential Execution of Two Compute-Intensive Tasks

  • An app that performs synchronous tasks on a single-core computer often takes longer to execute than on a multicore computer, because the processor is shared between the app and all the other apps that happened to be executing on the computer at the same time. On the dual-core system, one of the cores could have been handling the “other stuff” executing on the computer, reducing the demand on the core that’s doing the synchronous calculation.

Section 23.5 Asynchronous Execution of Two Compute-Intensive Tasks

  • When you run any program, your program’s tasks compete for processor time with the operating system, other programs and other activities that the operating system is running on your behalf. In any app, the time to perform the app’s tasks can vary based on your computer’s processor speed, number of cores and what else is running on your computer.

  • Executing asynchronous methods in separate threads on a dual-core computer typically takes less time than executing the same tasks sequentially.

  • Executing asynchronous methods in multiple threads on a single-core processor can actually take longer than simply performing them synchronously, due to the overhead of sharing one processor among the app’s threads, all the other apps executing on the computer at the same time and the chores the operating system was performing.

Section 23.5.1 awaiting Multiple Tasks with Task Method WhenAll

  • You can wait for multiple Tasks to complete by awaiting the result of Task static method WhenAll, which returns a Task that waits for all of WhenAll’s argument Tasks to complete and places all the results in an array. This array can be used to iterate through the results of the await-ed Tasks.

Section 23.5.3 Modifying a GUI from a Separate Thread

  • GUI controls are designed to be manipulated only by the GUI thread—modifying a control from a non-GUI thread can corrupt the GUI, making it unreadable or unusable.

  • When updating a control from a non-GUI thread, you must schedule that update to be performed by the GUI thread. To do so in Windows Forms, you check the InvokeRequired property of class Form. If this property’s value is true, the code is executing in a non-GUI thread and must not update the GUI directly. Instead, you call the Invoke method of class Form, which receives as an argument a Delegate representing the update to perform in the GUI thread.

  • A MethodInvoker (namespace System.Windows.Forms) is a Delegate that invokes a method with no arguments and a void return type.

Section 23.5.4 awaiting One of Several Tasks with Task Method WhenAny

  • Task static method WhenAny enables you to wait for any one of several Tasks specified as arguments to complete. WhenAny returns the Task that completes first.

Section 23.6 Invoking a Flickr Web Service Asynchronously with HttpClient

  • A web service is software that can receive method calls over a network using standard web technologies. Because there can be unpredictably long delays while awaiting a web-service response, asynchronous Tasks are frequently used in GUI apps that invoke web services (or perform network communication in general) to ensure that the apps remain responsive.

Section 23.6.1 Using Class HttpClient to Invoke a Web Service

  • Class HttpClient (namespace System.Net.Http) can invoke a web service. Class HttpClient is one of many .NET classes that support asynchronous programming with async and await.

Section 23.6.2 Invoking the Flickr Web Service’s Method

  • HttpClient’s CancelPendingRequests method terminates its executing asynchronous tasks.

  • Class HttpClient’s GetStringAsync method uses the URL specified as the method’s string argument to request information from a web server and returns a Task<string> representing a promise to eventually return a string.

Section 23.6.3 Processing the XML Response

  • XML represents data as elements, attributes and text.

  • XML delimits elements with start tags and end tags.

  • A start tag consists of the element name, possibly followed by attributeName=value pairs, all enclosed in angle brackets.

  • An end tag consists of the element name preceded by a forward slash (/) in angle brackets.

  • An element’s start and end tags enclose text that represents a piece of data or other nested elements.

  • If an element is empty—that is, it does not contain text or nested elements between its start and end tags—then the element can be represented by a start tag that ends with /> rather than >.

  • Namespace System.Xml.Linq contains the classes used to manipulate XML using LINQ to XML.

  • XDocument method Parse converts into an XDocument object a string of XML.

  • LINQ to XML can query an XDocument to extract data from the XML.

  • XDocument method Descendants returns a list of XElement objects representing the elements with the name specified as an argument.

  • XElement method Attribute extracts XAttributes representing an element’s attributes.

  • XAttribute property Value returns the value of a given attribute.

Section 23.6.4 Binding the Photo Titles to the ListBox

  • You cannot bind a LINQ query’s result directly to a ListBox. You must first convert the results to a List with method ToList or to an array with ToArray.

  • A ListBox’s DataSource property indicates the source of the data that populates the ListBox’s Items collection. A ListBox’s DisplayMember property indicates which property of each item in the data source should be displayed in the ListBox.

Section 23.6.5 Asynchronously Downloading an Image’s Bytes

  • HttpClient’s GetByteArrayAsync method launches in a separate thread a Task<byte[]> that gets a byte[] from the URL specified as the method’s string argument.

Section 23.7 Displaying an Asynchronous Task’s Progress

  • ProgressBar property Minimum gets or sets a ProgressBar’s minimum value.

  • ProgressBar property Maximum gets or sets a ProgressBar’s maximum value.

  • ProgressBar property Value gets or sets a ProgressBar’s current value. As this number increases, a ProgressBar fills with color.

  • Enumerable static method Repeat creates a list of elements containing the first argument’s value. The length of the list is specified by the second argument. Repeat is a generic method—the type of the list it returns is determined by the first argument’s type.

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