
Section 13.1 Introduction

  • An exception is an indication of a problem that occurs during a program’s execution.

  • Exception handling enables you to create apps that can resolve (or handle) exceptions.

Section 13.2 Example: Divide by Zero without Exception Handling

  • An exception is thrown when a method or the CLR detects a problem and is unable to handle it.

Section 13.2.1 Dividing By Zero

  • A stack trace includes the name of the exception in a descriptive message that indicates the problem that occurred and the complete method-call stack at the time the exception occurred.

  • Division by zero is not allowed in integer arithmetic.

  • Division by zero is allowed with floating-point values. Such a calculation results in the value infinity, which is represented by Double.PositiveInfinity or Double.NegativeInfinity, depending on whether the numerator is positive or negative. If both the numerator and denominator are zero, the result of the calculation is Double.NaN.

  • When division by zero occurs in integer arithmetic, a DivideByZeroException is thrown.

Section 13.2.2 Enter a Non-Numeric Denominator

  • A FormatException occurs when int.Parse receives a string that does not represent a valid integer.

Section 13.3.1 Enclosing Code in a try Block

  • A try block encloses the code that might throw exceptions, as well as the code that should not execute if an exception occurs.

Section 13.3.2 Catching Exceptions

  • A catch block can specify an identifier representing the exception that the catch block can handle. A general catch clause catches all exception types, but cannot access exception information.

  • At least one catch block and/or a finally block must immediately follow the try block.

Section 13.3.3 Uncaught Exceptions

  • An uncaught exception is an exception that occurs for which there’s no matching catch block.

Section 13.3.4 Termination Model of Exception Handling

  • After an exception is handled, program control does not return to the throw point, because the try block has exited. Instead, control resumes after the try statement’s last catch block. This is known as the termination model of exception handling.

Section 13.3.5 Flow of Control When Exceptions Occur

  • When a method called in a program detects an exception, or when the CLR detects a problem, the method or the CLR throws an exception.

  • The point in the program at which an exception occurs is called the throw point.

  • If an exception occurs in a try block, the try block terminates immediately, and program control transfers to the first of the following catch blocks in which the exception parameter’s type matches the type of the thrown exception.

  • The try block and its corresponding catch and finally blocks together form a try statement.

  • The CLR locates the matching catch by comparing the thrown exception’s type to each catch’s exception-parameter type. A match occurs if the types are identical or if the thrown exception’s type is a derived class of the exception-parameter type.

  • Once an exception is matched to a catch block, the other catch blocks are ignored.

Section 13.4 .NET Exception Hierarchy

  • The C# exception-handling mechanism allows objects only of class Exception and its derived classes to be thrown and caught.

  • Class Exception of namespace System is the base class of the .NET Framework Class Library exception class hierarchy.

Section 13.4.1 Class SystemException

  • The CLR generates SystemExceptions, which can occur at any point during the execution of the program. Many of these exceptions can be avoided if apps are coded properly.

  • A benefit of using the exception class hierarchy is that a catch block can catch exceptions of a particular type or—because of the is-a relationship of inheritance—can use a base-class type to catch exceptions in a hierarchy of related exception types.

  • A catch block that specifies an exception parameter of type Exception can catch all exceptions that derive from Exception, because Exception is the base class of all exception classes.

Section 13.5 finally Block

  • The most common type of resource leak is a memory leak.

  • A memory leak occurs when a program allocates memory but does not deallocate it when it’s no longer needed. Normally, this is not an issue in C#, because the CLR performs garbage collection of memory that’s no longer needed by an executing program.

Section 13.5.1 Moving Resource-Release Code to a finally Block

  • C#’s exception-handling mechanism provides the finally block, which is guaranteed to execute if program control enters the corresponding try block.

  • The finally block executes regardless of whether the corresponding try block executes successfully or an exception occurs. This makes the finally block an ideal location in which to place resource-release code for resources acquired and manipulated in the corresponding try block.

  • If a try block executes successfully, the finally block executes immediately after the try block terminates. If an exception occurs in the try block, the finally block executes immediately after the matching catch block (if any) completes.

  • If the exception is not caught by a catch block associated with the try block, or if a catch block associated with the try block throws an exception, the finally block executes before the exception is processed by the next enclosing try block (if there is one).

  • A throw statement can rethrow an exception, indicating that a catch block performed partial processing of the exception and now is throwing the exception again for further processing.

Section 13.6 The using Statement

  • The using statement simplifies writing code in which you obtain an IDisposable resource, use the resource in a try block and release the resource in a corresponding finally block.

Section 13.7 Exception Properties

  • Property Message of class Exception stores the error message associated with an Exception object.

  • Property StackTrace of class Exception contains a string that represents the method-call stack.

Section 13.7.1 Property InnerException

  • Another Exception property used frequently by class library programmers is InnerException. Typically, you use this property to “wrap” exception objects caught in your code, so that you then can throw new exception types specific to your libraries.

Section 13.7.3 Demonstrating Exception Properties and Stack Unwinding

  • When an exception is thrown but not caught in a particular scope, stack unwinding occurs and an attempt is made to catch the exception in the next outer try block.

Section 13.8 User-Defined Exception Classes

  • User-defined exception classes should derive directly or indirectly from class Exception of namespace System.

  • User-defined exceptions should typically extend Exception, have a class name that ends with “Exception” and define a parameterless constructor, a constructor that receives a string argument (the error message), and a constructor that receives a string argument and an Exception argument (the error message and the inner-exception object).

Section 13.9.1 Null-Conditional Operator (?.)

  • C# 6’s new null-conditional operator (?.) accesses a property or calls a method only if its left operand is not null; otherwise, evaluation of the expression terminates and the value of the entire expression is null.

Section 13.9.3 Nullable Types

  • A nullable type is a value type that also can be null.

  • You specify a nullable type by following a value type’s name with a question mark (?).

  • The GetValueOrDefault method checks whether a nullable-type variable contains a value. If so, the method returns that value; otherwise, it returns the value type’s default value.

  • The HasValue property returns true if a nullable-type variable contains a value; otherwise, it returns false.

  • The Value property returns the nullable-type variable’s underlying value.

Section 13.9.4 Null Coalescing Operator (??)

  • The null coalescing operator (??) has two operands. If the left operand is not null, the entire ?? expression evaluates to the left operand’s value; otherwise, it evaluates to the right operand’s value.

Section 13.10 Exception Filters and the C# 6 when Clause

  • Prior to C# 6, you could catch an exception based only on its type.

  • C# 6 introduces exception filters that enable you to catch an exception based on a catch’s exception type and a condition that’s specified with a when clause.

  • You also can specify an exception filter for a general catch clause that does not provide an exception type.

  • A catch class with an exception filter catches an exception only if the when clause’s condition is true.

  • If an exception filter’s condition is false, the exception will not be caught and the original exception’s stack-trace information will be preserved until the exception is caught.

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