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Chapter 1. Solving complex operational
warehouse challenges
Providing access to enterprise data and powerful analytics capabilities to more
users, at all levels of the business, can enable significant improvements in the
efficiency and effectiveness of the business enterprise. These improvements can
enable business to lower costs, meet business performance measurements, and
make a direct positive impact on profitability. With that impact, the logical
progression is to enable additional growth and gain market share. We can call
that “being successful.
In this chapter we describe the capabilities required for building an operational
business intelligence (BI) architectural framework. Such a framework can enable
an expanding number of business users to provide analytic services as part of
their normal daily business processes. These services can be made easily
accessible to users in a format with which they are familiar, and would require
little to no additional training to take advantage of their use.
In particular, for IBM, this framework for solving complex operational warehouse
challenges is provided by the IBM InfoSphere Warehouse offering and the
Advanced Edition. We describe this offering in detail in the remaining chapters of
this book.
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