318 Solving Operational Business Intelligence with InfoSphere Warehouse Advanced Edition
8.6.3 Recovery
If you are performing a table space recovery and the table space already exists,
you can select “End of logs” to recover the selected database objects by
restoring data and processing the recovery logs through the end of the available
log data. Use this option to fix a problem where the log data was correct but the
database contents became physically corrupted.
To use DB2 Recovery Expert, the monitored database must be recoverable; the
logarchmeth1 database configuration parameter must be set to disk or storage
The following scenario illustrates how DB2 Recovery Expert can be used to
recover a dropped table. The schema level repository retains a copy of system
catalog tables each time you refresh the schema level repository following
backup operations. Using the Recovery option from the Task Manager menu,
you can browse through and select the objects that you want to recover.
In our example, as shown in Figure 8-6 on page 319, we want to recover the
schema CSTINSIGHT and the dropped table CUSTOMER_TXN. DB2 Recovery
Expert correctly identifies the dependencies, table space TA, involved in the
recovery process.
Chapter 8. Building a corporate backup and recovery strategy 319
Figure 8-6 Identifying dependencies in a recovery scenario
The Next step in the process is to generate the recovery plan for the dropped
tables from the DB2 Recovery Expert.
Figure 8-7 on page 320 shows the recovery plan generated for the recovery of
the dropped table. The active scenario displayed looks to “Recreate object
definitions from the SLR and generate Redo SQL”.
320 Solving Operational Business Intelligence with InfoSphere Warehouse Advanced Edition
Figure 8-7 Selecting the recovery plan to restore the dropped table
When you click Run to select and execute the recovery plan, DB2 Recovery
Expert performs the recovery steps listed to complete the recovery of data.
Figure 8-8 on page 321 shows the status page and the successful completion of
the recovery operation for the CSTINSIGHT.CUSTOMER_TXN table. The status
message window shows detailed, step-by-step progress through the recovery
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