

Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


       •  A

Account No. field

     customers, 45

     vendors, 56

account registers for deposits, 160

Accountant & Taxes reports, 243–244


     external, 245

     merging changes from, 375–376

accountant’s copy

     canceling, 376

     creating, 371–372

     dividing dates, 373–375

     merging accountant changes, 375–376

     overview, 371

     saving, 372

     sending to online servers, 372–373


     preferences, 286–287

     sensitive activities, 26

accounts. See also charts of accounts

     Audit Trail reports, 404

     creating, 32–35

     credit cards, 167–168

     depreciation, 336–337

     editing and deleting, 37–38

     hiding, 38

     inventory, 274

     merging, 38–39

     names, 32 numbers for, 29–32

     payroll, 204

     subaccounts, 35–37

     transferring funds between, 162, 189

     type errors, 380

     vendor settings, 56–57

     year-end reconciliation, 358

accounts payable

     bills, 140

     issues, 393–396

     reports, 403

     tips, 397

     unpaid transactions, 85

accounts receivable

     aging problems, 392

     applying credits to invoices, 117–118

     bank deposits, 122–126

     cash sales, 119–121

     Customer Center, 126–128

     discounts, 118–119

     finance charges, 131–132

     issues, 389–391

     payments, calculations, 116

     payments, deposits, 116–117

     payments, receiving, 114–115

     reports, 128–131

     statements, 132–134

     tips, 393

     tracking, 126–128

     underpayments, 117

     unpaid transactions, 85

accrual basis payments, 393, 399

active jobs and customers, 52

Add/Edit Multiple List Entries window

     customers, 42, 46–47

     sales tax items, 75

     vendors, 58

Add Icon Bar dialog, 19

Add Loan window, 396

Add New dialog, 206

Add New Account dialog

     account creation, 32–35

     credit cards, 167

     reimbursable expenses, 146

Add Rules Details dialog, 186

Add Shipping Address Information dialog, 44

Add To Do dialog, 60

Add To My Reminders List option, 99

Additional Customization window, 305–306, 308

Additional Info tab

     customers, 45–46

     employees, 209

     vendors, 57, 63

Additional Profit And Loss Budget Criteria window, 262

Address & Contact field for employees, 209

Address Info tab, 51

Adjust Quantity/Value On Hand window, 86, 279–282

Adjust Row Amounts dialog, 260

adjustments, inventory, 279–282

Admin passwords, 21–23

administrators, setting up, 12

Advanced Options dialog, 248

Advanced Setup, 9–10

Advisors, 406

aging issues, 392

aging reports

     A/R, 129–131

     preferences, 297

Align Printer dialog, 109


     check printing, 153

     form printing, 109

All Non-Taxable Codes option, 156

All Open Transactions As Of Statement Date option, 134

All Sales Tax Codes option, 156

All Taxable Codes option, 156

Allow Background Downloading Of Service Messages option, 300

Almost Due tab, 128

Always Ask For A Password Before Connecting option, 300

Always Show Years As 4 Digits option, 292

Amount column in Audit Trail reports, 404

Annual Interest Rate setting, 131

A/P Account option for unpaid bills, 148

App Center, 17


     credit memos, 101–102

     credits to invoices, 117–118

A/R. See accounts receivable

A/R aging reports, 129–131

Ask What To Do option, 106, 298

Assess Finance Charge On Overdue Finance Charges setting, 131

Assess Finance Charges window, 131–132

Asset Value field, 283


     balance sheets, 237

     balances, 5

     charts of accounts, 27–28

     depreciation, 336–338

     fixed, 75–76, 359

     opening trial balances, 82

Assign Check Numbers dialog

     check printing, 154

     payment printing, 150

     unpaid bills, 148

ATM withdrawals, 167

Attach File feature, 309

Attachments window, 309

Audit Trail reports

     credit cards, 55

     deleted invoices, 98

     description, 243

     working with, 403–404

Autofill Payee Account Number In Check Memo option, 288

Automate Transaction Entry option, 100

automatic backups, 321

automatic markups for reimbursable expenses, 145

Automatically Apply Payments option

     accounts receivable, 114

     payment preferences, 294

Automatically Calculate Payments option

     accounts receivable, 114

     payment preferences, 294

Automatically Connect Without Asking For A Password option, 300

Automatically Open Drop-Down Lists When Typing option, 291

Automatically Place Decimal Point option, 291

Automatically Remember Account Or Transaction Information option, 291

Available Credit dialog, 101–102

Avg Cost field, 282

       •  B

Backup Options dialog, 318–319

backups, 316–317

     automatic, 321

     to CDs, 320

     location, 318

     multiple currencies, 343

     networks, 317–318

     reminders, 319

     restoring, 323–327

     saving, 319

     scheduling, 320–323

     time stamps, 318–319

     tips, 384

     types, 384

     verification, 319

     year-end, 371

balance sheets

     budgets, 262–264

     issues, 395–397

     opening trial balances, 83–84

     reports, 237–238, 401

     year-end, 361


     beginning. See beginning balances

     gathering, 4–5

     issues, 392

bank accounts

     accounts receivable deposits, 122–126

     opening trial balances, 84

     year-end reconciliation, 358

Bank Feed Setup window, 181

bank feeds, 180

     Bank Feeds Center, 183–187

     online bill payments, 188–189

     setting up, 180–181

     transactions, adding, 184–187

     transactions, viewing, 183–184

     transferring funds between accounts, 189

     web connect, 182–183

Bank Feeds Center, 16, 183–187

Bank Feeds (Online Banking) option, 288

Bank Feeds window, 183

bank loan proceeds, 125


     issues, 386

     reports, 242

     tips, 387

Basic Customization window, 302–303

Basic Payroll service, 202

Batch Invoice window, 99

Batch Invoice Summary window, 99


     cash sales, 120–121

     check printing, 153

     form printing, 111

     invoices, 99

     payroll history, 212–214

Beep When Recording A Transaction option, 291

Begin Reconciliation window

     settings, 169–170

     tips, 386

     undoing reconciliation, 177–178

Beginning Balance window, 268

beginning balances

     cash flow, 268

     entering, 81–82

     in reconciliation, 170

     reconciliation problems, 175–177

     trial, 82–87

Bill Pay Service, 188–189

Bill To field in invoice headers, 92

Billable field in timesheets, 194

Billable Time And Costs window, 107

Billing Rate Level field, 56


     credits, 150

     payments, 146–147

     payments, full, 149

     payments, online, 188–189

     payments, printing, 150–154

     preferences, 287

     purchase orders, 138–142

     recording, 136–138

     recurring, 142–144

     reimbursable expenses, 144–146

     sales tax, 154–157

     splitting, 138

     unpaid, 147–149

Bills To Pay list, 394–395

blank paper, 108

bounced checks, 163–165

Bring Back All One Time Messages option, 291

Budget Overview report, 265–266

budget vs. actual reports, 264–265

Budget window, 257–258


     Budget window, 257–258

     deleting, 257

     importing, 267

     multiple, 257

     outside data, 265–267

     preparing for, 258

     Profit & Loss, 258–263

     reports, 263–265

     saving, 256

       •  C

Calculate Charges From Due Date/Invoice Date setting, 131


     finance charges, 132

     tips, 383

Calendar center, 17

calendar preferences, 287

canceling accountant’s copy, 376

Carousel view in Report Center, 234–235


     balances, 4

     cash sales, 119–121

     disbursement tracking, 166–167

     over and short problems, 121–122

     year-end reconciliation, 358

cash basis payments, 393, 399

cash flow

     projecting, 267–269

     reports, 238–240

Cash Flow Forecast reports, 240

Cash Flow Projector tool, 267–269

Cash in Drawer account, 121

Cash Receipts window, 268

CDs, backups to, 320

Challenge Question section, 54

Change Check Date When Non-cleared Check Is Printed option, 288

Change Item Prices window, 71

Change QuickBooks Password dialog, 21–22, 27

changed accounts, journal entries for, 342–343

changed transactions in reconciliation, 176–177

Chart Of Accounts window

     editing accounts, 37–38

     new accounts, 32

     subaccounts, 36

     charts of accounts

     account numbers, 29–32

     creating, 13–14, 27–28

     simplifying, 383

     subaccounts, 36


     missing check numbers, 173

     outstanding, 85

     preferences, 288

     printing issues, 385–386

     QuickBooks, 151–154

     returned, 163–165

     voiding, 165–166

Choose Billable Time And Costs dialog

     customer invoices, 198

     reimbursable expenses, 105–106

     transaction expenses, 106–107

Choose Installation Type window, 356

Choose Template For Invoice Packing Slip option, 298

Choose Your Installation Type window, 352


     budgets, 262, 264

     creating, 78

     overview, 77

     reporting by, 242–243

     subclasses, 78

     timesheets, 194

Classify Cash dialog, 239

cleared transactions in reconciliation, 177

clearing transactions, 171–172

client computers, installation on, 355

Client Data Review tool, 246

client-server networks, installation on, 356


     books, 369–371

     QuickBooks, 20

     windows, 383

collapsing transactions, 297

Collections Center, 127–128

collections report, 402


     desktop view, 290

     reports, 279

     transaction templates, 304


     Display tab, 248

     transaction templates, 304

     Vendors list, 59

Comment On Report dialog box, 251

comments for reports, 251

company files

     creating, 7–8, 12

     deleting, 314–316

     loading, 314

     portable, 324–327

     verifying and rebuilding, 327–328

company information

     entering, 10–11

     preferences, 304

Company Information dialog, 304

Company Preferences tab. See Preferences dialog

Company Snapshot window, 244–245


     Balance Sheet reports, 401

     Profit & Loss reports, 400–401

complex passwords

     accountant’s copy, 373

     Credit Card Protection, 54

     description, 20–21

Condense Data utility, 329–332

condensing data files, 328–331

Confirmation And Next Steps dialog, 219

consistency in account names, 32

Contacts tab

     customers, 49

     Vendor Information pane, 60

Copy Across option, 259–260

Copy Down option

     customers, 46

     vendors, 58

copying estimates, 103

Cost field for service items, 69

Cost Of Goods Sold account, 274

Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS) field, 275

costs in inventory items, 275

counting inventory, 277–284

Create A New Company option, 7

Create Backup wizard

     creating backups, 316–317

     scheduling backups, 320–321

Create Credit Memos/Refunds window, 101

Create Estimates window, 102

Create Invoices window

     batching invoices, 99

     customers, 198

     Doc Center, 309

     editing invoices, 97–98

     estimates, 105

     overview, 90–91

     packing slips, 98

Create Items Receipts window, 139–140

Create Message window, 310–311

Create New Budget wizard, 256–259, 261–262

Create Purchase Orders window, 138–139

Create Statements dialog, 133–134

Credit Card Information field, 45

Credit Card Protection feature, 54

credit cards and credit card data

     accounts, 167–168

     as bills, 169

     customers, 45

     deposits, 123

     permissions, 25–26

     securing, 53–55

     year-end reconciliation, 358

Credit Limit field

     customers, 45

     vendors, 56


     applying to invoices, 117–118

     bill payments, 150

     issuing, 100–102

     vendors, 141–142


     multiple. See multiple currencies

     preferences, 293–294

Currency List, 77, 346

Custom And Network Options window

     client-server networks, 356

     peer-to-peer networks, 352, 355

custom fields

     customers, 53

     items, 70

     vendors, 57, 62–63

Custom Fields dialog, 70

Custom Setup wizard, 207

customer balances

     gathering, 4–5

     issues, 392

Customer Center

accounts receivable, 126–128

     currency data, 348–349

     description, 16

     jobs, 51

     new customers, 42

     overview, 47–48

Customer Credit Card Audit Trail log, 55

Customer Credit Card Security feature, 26

Customer Information pane, 49–50

Customer Message Not Found dialog, 95

Customer Snapshot reports, 129

Customer Type field, 45


     active and inactive, 52

     Additional Info tab, 45–46

     budgets, 261–264

     creating, 42

     credit card data, 25–26, 53–55

     custom fields, 53

     Customer Center, 47–48

     Customer Information pane, 49–50

     Customers & Jobs tab, 48

     deleting, 51–52

     description, 380

     hiding, 51–52

     information, 42–44

     invoicing for time, 198–199

     Job Info tab, 46

     jobs, 50–53

     merging, 52–53

     message lists, 80

     multiple, 46–47

     multiple currencies, 346–348

     payment settings, 44–45

     price levels, 76

     profile lists, 78–81

     reports, 131, 401–402

     sales tax codes and items, 74–75

     sales tax settings, 44

     timesheets, 194

Customers & Jobs tab, 47–49

customization preferences, 286

     1099s, 300

     accounting, 286–287

     bills, 287

     calendar, 287

     checks, 288

     currency, 293–294

     desktop view, 289–290

     document management, 308–309

     e-mail, 309–311

     general, 290–292

     in installation, 12–13

     Integrated Applications, 292–293

     Items & Inventory, 293

     payments, 294

     reminders, 294–295

     reports and graphs, 295–297

     Sales & Customers, 297–298

     sales tax, 299

     search, 299

     send forms, 299

     service connections, 299–300

     spelling, 300

     time and expenses, 300–302

     transaction templates, 302–308

Customize Columns dialog

     customers, 46, 48

     vendors, 58–59

Customize Icon Bar dialog, 17–19

Customize Your Menus window, 19

       •  D

data entry

     issues, 379–381

     tips, 383

data files

     condensing, 328–331

     overwriting, 325–327

Data Review settings, 216

Database Server Manager program

     client-server networks, 356

     peer-to-peer networks, 353–354

databases, fragmented, 383


     Audit Trail reports, 404

     bounced checks, 164

     condensing data files, 329

     deposits, 122

     dividing, 373–375

     invoice headers, 92

     memorized transactions, 100

     payroll schedules, 217

     Profit & Loss reports, 236

     statements, 133

     timesheets, 194

     unpaid bills, 148

     year-closing, 370–371

     year-to-date payroll data, 213–214

Days In Advance To Enter field, 100

debit card withdrawals, 167

Default Date To Use For New Transactions option, 292

Default Markup Percentage option, 302

Defragmentation tool, 383


     accounts, 37–38

     budgets, 257

     company files, 314–316

     customers, 51–52

     icons, 18

     invoices, 97–98

     jobs, 51–52

     transactions, 172

     unmatched transactions, 187

     users, 23

     vendors, 61–62

delimited text files for budget reports, 266

deposit slips, 126


     account registers, 160

     accounts receivable, 116–117, 122–126, 389–390

     bank feeds, 187

     Make Deposits window, 161–162

     outstanding, 85


     accounts, 336–337

     journal entries, 336–338

Description On Purchase Transactions field, 275


     icons, 18

     vehicles, 81

desktop view preferences, 289–290


     Balance Sheet reports, 401

     bills, 137–138

     inventory reports, 283

     invoices, 107

     reconciliation reports, 174

differential backups, 384

direct connect bank feeds, 180–181

direct deposits for accounts receivables, 116–117

Discount And Credits dialog

     accounts payable, 395

     bill payments, 149–150

     credits, 118

     discounts, 119

discounts and discount items

     accounts receivable, 118–119

     bill payments, 149

     creating, 70

     description, 67

     invoices, 94–95

     sales tax, 399

Display tab for reports, 247–248


     icons, 18

     subaccounts, 36–37

     time, 194

dividing dates for accountant’s copy, 373–375

Doc Center

     description, 16

     overview, 308–309

document management preferences, 308–309

Don’t Add Any option, 106, 298

Don’t Refresh option, 295

Don’t Save The Desktop option, 290

Draw Graphs In 2D (Faster) option, 296

Due On Or Before filter, 148

duplicate entries, 379–380

Duplicate Row option

     customers, 46

     vendors, 58

       •  E  


     forms and reports, 309–310

     invoices, 96

     sending, 310–311

     setting up, 310

E-mail service, 311

Easy Step Interview wizard, 9–10

Edit Account dialog

     Charts Of Accounts, 37

     merging accounts, 39

     tax-line assignments, 369

     type errors, 380

Edit Company List window, 315

Edit Item window, 404–405


     941/943 tax payments, 225

     accounts, 37–38

     invoices, 97–98

     paycheck data, 218

     timesheet reports, 197

     transactions, 173

     user information, 23–24

     vendor information, 60–62

     vendor records, 58

EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System), 204, 224

EIN (employer identification number)

     entering, 10

     vendors, 63

Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), 204, 224

Employee Center

     940 tax payments, 227

     customizing, 221–222

     description, 16, 220–221

     employee setup, 207–208

     payroll, 218

     tabs, 221

     W–2 forms, 229

Employee Defaults window, 208


     creating, 209–210

     description, 380

     Payroll Setup wizard, 215–216

     setting up, 207–208

     taxes, 209

     types, 210

Employees & Payroll reports, 242

employer identification number (EIN)

     entering, 10

     vendors, 63

Employment Info field for employees, 210

Enable Collections Center option, 298

Enable Price Levels option, 298

Enhanced Payroll service, 202

Enter Bills window

     memorized bills, 142

     simultaneous items and bills, 141

     vendor bills, 136–137

Enter Bills or Write Check window, 106

Enter Credit Card Charges window

     credit card data, 167–168

     tips, 397

Enter Payroll Information dialog, 217–218

Enter Sales Receipts window, 120

Enter Vehicle Mileage dialog, 200–201

Enter Windows Password dialog, 323

Entered/Last Modified column, 403

Enterprise version, 378

equity in charts of accounts, 27–28

errors in 941/943 tax payments, 225

estimates, 102–103


     exporting budgets to, 266

     exporting reports to, 254

     tax form worksheets, 230–231

exchange rates, tracking, 345–346


     1099 forms, 365–366

     reimbursable expenses, 107

existing transactions, permissions for, 26

Expense Account field, 69


     charts of accounts, 27–28

     preferences, 300–302

     reimbursable, 105–107, 144–146

     sales transactions, 106–107

     splitting, 138

Export dialog, 266


     budgets, 266

     reports, 254

Express Start, 8–9

External Accountants, 245

EZ Setup option, 206–207

       •  F  

FAM (Fixed Asset Manager) program, 76

Favorites menu, 19

Federal Tax Liabilities, 223–227

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), 226–227

feeds. See bank feeds


     bounced checks, 164

     merchant card, 124–125


     customers, 53

     items, 70

     vendors, 57, 62–63

File Download dialog, 183

File Form dialog

     940 forms, 227

     W–2 forms, 229

file hosting for peer-to-peer networks, 353–354

file verification for backups, 319

Filename For New Company dialog, 12


     backing up, 316–323

     condensing, 328–331

     deleting, 314–316

     portable, 324–327

     size, 381–383

     verifying and rebuilding, 327–328

Filter By option, 148


     customers, 46

     reports, 249

     statements, 134

     unpaid bills, 148

     vendors, 58

Filters tab, 249

Finance Charge Account setting, 131

Finance Charge template, 91

finance charges, 131–132

Financial Institutions Directory web page

     bank feeds, 180–181

     online bill payments, 188

financial reports. See standard financial reports

Find & Select Items window, 280

Fine Alignment dialog, 109

fiscal year, 12

Fixed Asset Item list, 75–76

Fixed Asset Manager (FAM) program, 76

fixed assets

     balances, 5, 83

     depreciation, 336–337

     list, 75–76

     year-end, 359

F.O.B field, 93

FOB (Free On Board) preferences, 298

folders, 383


     QuickBooks checks, 153

     reports, 250–251

     transaction templates, 304

Fonts & Numbers tab, 250–251


     invoices, 92, 95–97

     reports, 250

     transaction templates, 306

Form 1099-MISC, 366–367

format defaults for reports, 297


     1099. See 1099 forms

     e-mail, 309–310

     printing settings, 108–111

     tax, 223–227

     W–2, 229–230

fragmented databases, 383

Full Access permission, 25

full backups, 384

Full Payroll service, 202–203

Fund Transfers To Be Sent window, 189

FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act), 226–227

       •  G

general expenses, 144

general preferences, 290–292

Give Me The Option Of Saving A File Whenever I Download Web Connect Data option, 299–300

Grace Period setting, 131

graphics for icons, 18


     preferences, 295–297

     reports, 243

Grid And Snap Settings dialog, 308

Grid view in Report Center, 234–235

gross payroll amounts, 220

groups and group items

     creating, 70, 71

     description, 67

     memorized bills, 142–144

     memorized invoices, 100

     memorized reports, 252–254

       •  H

Have A Question? window, 203

head taxes, 227


     invoices, 92–93

     reports, 250

     transaction templates, 305–306

help, payroll, 203

Hide Transactions After The Statement’s End Date option, 170


     accounts, 38

     customers, 51–52

     jobs, 51–52

Home page, 15–16

How Often field for memorize transactions, 100

       •  I

I Understand That My Company File Will Be Updated To This New Version Of QuickBooks option, 7


     adding, 19

     deleting, 18

     displaying, 18

     icon bar, 15

     order, 18

If QuickBooks Is Run By My Browser, Don’t Close It After Web Connect Is Done option, 300

ignoring unmatched transactions, 187

importing budgets, 267

inactivating vendors, 61–62

inactive accounts, 38

inactive jobs and customers, 52

income accounts

     charts of accounts, 27–28

     items, 66

     reimbursable expenses, 145–146

income statements, 235–237

income taxes, withholding, 204–205

Income Tracker, 126–127

Incorporate Accountant’s Changes window, 375–376

incremental backups, 384

information gathering

     opening trial balances, 83

     in setup, 2–3

inkjet printers, 153

Insights Dashboard tab, 245


     administrator setup, 12

     charts of accounts, 13–14

     company files, 7–8, 12

     company information, 10–11

     customization, 12–13

     Express Start, 8–9

     fiscal year, 12

     legal entity type, 11–12

     on networks, 351–356

     QuickBooks Setup window, 6–7

     start date, 13–14

     type of business information, 11

Integrated Applications preferences, 292–293

interest income in reconciliation, 170

Intuit Packing Slip template, 91

Intuit Product template, 91

Intuit Professional and Service template, 91


     accounts, 274

     adjustments, 279–282

     condensing transactions, 330

     counting, 277–284

     gathering information on, 5

     item mistakes, 404–405

     items, 67, 272, 274–277

     negative, 404

     opening trial balances, 86

     Physical Inventory Worksheet, 277–279

     purchasing items, 139–142

     reports, 241, 282–284

     tracking setup, 272–274

     year-end, 358–359

Inventory Adjustment account, 281

Inventory And Purchase Orders Are Active option, 293

Inventory Stock Status By Item reports, 283

Inventory Stock Status By Vendor reports, 283

Inventory Valuation Detail reports, 241


     applying credits to, 117–118

     batching, 99

     creating, 90–92

     credit memos, 101

     customers for time, 198–199

     discounts, 94–95

     editing, 97–98

     footer information, 95–97

     header information, 92–93

     issues, 392

     line items, 94–95

     memorized, 99–100

     packing slips, 97

     pending, 97

     price levels, 94

     progress billing, 104–105

     reimbursable expenses, 105–107

     saving, 96

     sending, 96

     subtotals, 95

     voiding and deleting, 97–98

Issue A Refund window, 102

Item Description field, 282

Item List window, 274, 284

Item Name/Number field

     inventory items, 275

     service items, 68


     Currency list, 77

     custom fields, 70

     customers, 74–75

     Fixed Asset Item list, 75–76

     inventory, 272, 274–277

     lists, 67–71

     mileage, 200–201

     payroll, 205–207

     Price Level list, 76–77

     prices, 71

     sales tax, 71–72

     sales tax payments, 73

     types, 67

     uses, 66–67

Items & Inventory Preferences dialog, 273, 293

       •  J

Job Info tab, 46, 51

Job Type lists, 79


     active and inactive, 52

     budgets, 261–264

     creating, 51

     customers, 46

     deleting, 51–52

     hiding, 51–52

     merging, 52–53

     multiple estimates for, 103

     preferences, 293

     reports, 131

     timesheets, 194

     working with, 50

journal entries

     changed accounts, 342–343

     depreciation, 336–338

     Make General Journal Entries window, 334–335

     multiple currencies, 343–351

     outside payroll services, 338–343

     year-end, 368–369

       •  K

Keep Custom Item Information When Changing Item In Transactions option, 292

Keep Previously Saved Desktop option, 290

Keep QuickBooks Running For Quick Startups option, 291

keyboard shortcuts, 381

       •  L

laser printers, 153

Last Modified By column, 403

Layout Designer window, 307–308

Lead Center, 17

legal company name, 10

legal entity type, 11–12

letterheads in forms, 109

Letters and Envelopes window, 398


     balances, 5

     charts of accounts, 27–28

     payroll, 222–228, 340, 388–389

Liability Payment window, 223, 388

license requirements for multi-user installations, 351

List view in Report Center, 234–235


     Currency, 77

     customer and vendor profile, 78–81

     Fixed Asset Item, 75–76

     items, 67–71

     Other Names, 78

     Price Level, 76–77

loading company files, 314

Loan Manager, 395–397

local taxes, 227–228

Locate Discrepancies dialog, 176, 386

location for backups, 318

Login page

     last files worked on, 6

     passwords, 22

Logo dialog, 153


     QuickBooks checks, 153

     transaction templates, 304

logs for credit card data, 55

       •  M

mail, 398

Make Account Inactive option, 38

Make Deposits window

     accounts receivable, 393

     bank deposits, 391

     settings, 161–162

     working in, 123–125

Make General Journal Entries window

     depreciation, 337

     overview, 334–335

     payroll entries, 341

     trial balances, 83–84

Manage Bounced Check dialog, 163–164

Manage Sales Tax window, 155

Manage Templates window, 302–303

manual processes

     payroll, 203–204

     payroll history entries, 212–213

Manually Import Transactions window, 182

Manufacturer’s Part Number field, 275, 277

Map Vendor Payment Accounts window, 362–365

Mark All Expenses As Billable option, 302

Mark All Time Entries As Billable option, 301

Mark Finance Charge Invoices “To Be Printed” setting, 131

marking pending invoices, 97

markup percentage for reimbursable expenses, 145

matched transactions for bank feeds, 184–185

maximum size of files, 381–383

Memo column in Audit Trail reports, 404

Memorize Report dialog

     aging reports, 130

     customized reports, 252

     groups, 253

Memorize Transaction dialog

     bills, 143

     estimates, 103

     invoices, 99–100

     payroll entries, 341

memorized bills, 142–144

memorized invoices, 99–100

Memorized Report List window, 252

memorized reports, 130–131, 252–254

Memorized Transaction List window

     bills, 143

     description, 81

     invoice groups, 100


     credit, 100–102

     invoice footers, 95–96

menu bar, 15

merchant card fees, 124–125


     accountant changes, 375–376

     accounts, 38–39

     customers and jobs, 52–53

     vendors, 62

messages in invoice footers, 95

Method option for unpaid bills, 148

mileage, tracking, 199–202

Mileage Rates dialog, 200–201

Minimum Finance Charge setting, 131

Missing Checks reports, 173

Modify Report dialog

     aging reports, 129–130

     budgets, 265

     inventory, 278–279

     preferences, 296

     standard financial reports, 246–249

moving memorized reports into groups, 253

multi-user installations

     license requirements, 351

     options, 351–352

multiple budgets, 257

multiple currencies, 343

     customers and vendors, 346–348

     enabling, 344

     exchange rates, 345–346

     open transactions, 348

     preferences, 293–294

     reports, 351

     selecting, 344–345

     special backups, 343

     transactions in, 349–350

     viewing data, 348–349

multiple customers

     adding, 46–47

     statements, 134

Multiple Customers option, 134

multiple job estimates, 103

Multiple Sales Tax Codes option, 156

multiple vendor records, 58

Multiple Windows option, 289

My Preferences tab. See Preferences dialog

       •  N


     accounts, 32

     Audit Trail reports, 404

     backups, 322

     company, 10

     customers, 42

     maximum number of, 383

     memorized transactions, 99–100

     timesheets, 194

     types, 380–381

     users, 20–23


     Favorites menu, 19

     Home page, 15–16

     icons, 18–19

     QuickBooks centers, 15–17

negative inventories, 404

net payroll amounts, 220


     backups, 317–318

     installation on, 351–356

Never Update Name Information When Saving Transactions option, 292

New Class dialog, 78

New Customer window

     customer information, 42–43

     jobs, 46

     multiple currencies, 346–347

New Customer Message window, 95

New Employee form, 209

New Item dialog

     inventory, 274, 276–277

     service items, 68

     tax groups, 74

     time tracking tasks, 193

New Job window, 51

New Memorized Report Group dialog, 252

New Memorized Transaction Group window, 100, 143

New Payment Method window, 80

New Payroll Schedule dialog, 217

New Price Level dialog, 76

new printer issues, 385

New Sales Rep dialog, 79

New Sales Tax Code window, 72

New Terms dialog, 79–80

New Vehicle dialog, 81

New Vendor dialog

     multiple currencies, 346

     vendors, 55

Next Date field for memorize transactions, 100

940 tax payments, 226–227

941/943 tax payments, 223–225

No Access permission, 25

No Company Open window

     deleted files in, 315–316

     options, 6–7

     peer-to-peer networks, 355

No Custom Pricing option, 298

non-inventory part items

     creating, 70

     description, 67

nonposting transactions, 85

Notes field in timesheets, 194

Notes tab

     Customer Information pane, 50

     Vendor Information pane, 60

Num column in Audit Trail reports, 403

Number Of Backup Copies To Keep option, 323

Number Remaining field, 100


     for accounts, 29–32

     in reports, 250–251

       •  O

Officer Employee type, 210

On Hand field, 275, 282

One Window view option, 289

online bill payments, 188–189

online servers, sending accountant’s copy to, 372–373

Open A Sample File option, 7

Open Backup Copy dialog, 324

Open Balance reports, 128

open invoices, 392

Open Or Restore An Existing Company option, 7

Open Or Restore Company window

     description, 7

     peer-to-peer networks, 355

     portable files, 326

Open Portable Company File dialog, 326

Open Purchase Order reports, 241

open transactions with multiple currencies, 348

Opening Balance Equity account, 86–87

opening trial balances

     description, 82

     steps, 83–87

order of icons, 18

other charge items

     creating, 70

     description, 67

Other Current Asset account, 274

Other Names list

     description, 381

     overview, 78

     time tracking, 193

outside payroll services, journal entries for, 338–343

outstanding checks and deposits, 85

over problem in cash sales, 121–122

Overdue tab, 128

Overview reports, 263

overwriting data files, 325–327

Owner Employee type, 210

       •  P

packing slips

     preferences, 298

     printing, 97

     template, 91

paper settings, 108

parent accounts, 36–37

partial check pages, 153


     accountant’s copy, 373

     administrators, 12, 21–23

     backups, 323

     Credit Card Protection, 54

     users, 20–23, 27

     year closing date, 370

Pay Bills window

     accounts payable, 393–395

     check printing, 154

     memorized bills, 142–143

     payment printing, 150

Pay Liabilities window, 388

Pay Sales Tax dialog

     options, 156–157

     Sales Tax Liability report differences, 399–400

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), 12, 53

payment items

     creating, 70, 71

     description, 67

Payment Method lists, 80

Payment Summary dialog, 150, 154

Payment Terms field

     customers, 45

     vendors, 56


     accounts receivable, 116

     bank feeds, 187

     bills, 146–150

     customer settings, 44–45

     online bills, 188–189

     preferences, 294

     price level settings, 76

     sales tax, 156–157

     vendor settings, 56

Payments To Deposit window

     bank deposits, 391

     bank feeds, 187

     columns, 122–123

     credit cards, 125

     options, 161

     reconciliation, 172


     Employee Center, 220–222

     employee setup, 207–210

     gathering information on, 5

     invoicing customers for time, 198–199

     issues, 387

     items, 205–207

     liabilities, non-tax, 228

     liabilities, payroll payment schedules, 222

     liabilities, taxes, 222–228

     manual processing, 203

     mileage tracking, 199–202

     payment schedules, 222

     Payroll Setup wizard, 214–216

     reconciliation, 341–342

     running, 218–220

     schedules, 216–218

     services, available, 202–203

     services, journal entries for, 338–343

     setting up, 204–205

     tax form worksheets, 230–231

     taxes, 388

     time tracking, 192–193

     timesheets, 193–194

     timesheets, printing, 197–198

     timesheets, reports, 196–197

     timesheets, Single Activity, 194–195

     timesheets, Weekly, 195–196

     tips, 389

     W–2 forms, 229–230

     year-end, 359–360

     year-to-date data, 212–214

Payroll Checkup feature, 216

Payroll Info field for employees, 209–210

Payroll Item List, 205–206

Payroll Schedule List window, 217

Payroll Setup wizard

     EZ Setup, 206

     payroll history, 212

     payroll setup, 214–216

Payroll Summary window, 216

Payroll tab in Employee Center, 221

Payroll Tax Form window

     940 tax payments, 227

     941/943 tax payments, 225

     W–2 forms, 230

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), 12, 53

PDF files for forms, 109

peer-to-peer networks, installation on, 352–354

pending builds reports, 283–284

pending invoices, 97

% Of Tot Asset field, 283

% Of Tot Retail field, 283

performance, Profit & Loss budgets, 265


     credit card data, 55

     overview, 20

     users, 24–26

Personal field for employees, 209

petty cash, 166–167

Physical Inventory Worksheet, 277–279

P.O. Number field, 93

portable company files, 324–327

Preferences dialog

     1099 forms, 362–363

     1099 vendors, 63

     account numbers, 29

     bill payments, 149

     Currency list, 77

     customization. See customization preferences

     estimates, 102

     general preferences, 290–292

     inventory tracking setup, 272–273 jobs, 51

     journal entries, 334

     multiple currencies, 344

     packing slips, 98

     Price Level list, 76

     printing, 110

     reimbursable expenses, 144

     sales tax, 156

     sales tax items, 71–72

     Ship Via lists, 80

     time display, 194

     time tracking, 192

     workers comp, 228

     year closing date, 370

Preferred Delivery Method field, 45

Preferred Payment Method field, 45

Premier version, 378

prepayments for accounts receivable, 389

preprinted forms, 108

Pressing Enter Moves Between Fields option, 291

Preview Paycheck dialog, 218, 220

Preview window and previewing

     form printouts, 111

     timesheets, 198

     transaction template headers, 305–306

     transaction templates, 303

Previous Reconciliation reports, 173

Price Level field, 45

Price Level list, 76–77


     invoices, 94

     items, 71

     preferences, 298

Print Account Names On Voucher option, 288

Print Checks window, 154

Print dialog, 109–111

Print/E-file Form dialog, 230

Print Letters And Envelopes window, 398

Print Name On Check As field, 56

Print Packing Slip dialog, 98

Print Preview window, 367

Print Reports dialog

     aging reports, 131

     inventory, 278

     reconciliation reports, 174

Print Selected Time And Costs As One Invoice Item option, 107

Print Timesheets window, 198

Print W–2 And W–3 Forms window, 230

Printer Setup dialog

     form printing settings, 108

     new printers, 385

     QuickBooks checks, 152–153

printers and printing, 108

     941/943 forms, 226

     1099 forms, 367

     bill payments, 150–154

     deposit slips, 126

     form settings, 108–111

     invoices, 96

     issues, 385–386

     packing slips, 97

     Physical Inventory Worksheet, 277–279

     reconciliation reports, 173–174

     settings vs. options, 109–110

     statements, 134

     status stamps, 304

     timesheets, 197–198

     transaction templates, 307

Pro version, 378

Process Multiple Reports dialog, 253–254

product template, 91

profile lists, 78–81

Profit & Loss budgets

     Balance Sheet, 262–264

     based on last year, 261

     classes, 262, 264

     creating, 258–259

     customers and jobs, 261–262

     entering amounts, 259–260

     increasing and decreasing monthly figures, 260

     performance, 265

Profit & Loss reports, 235–237

     comparing, 400–401

     year-end, 360–361

Profit & Loss By Class reports, 243

Profit & Loss Unclassified reports, 243

progress billing invoices, 104–105

Progress template, 91

projecting cash flow, 267–269

Prompt For Time/Costs To Add option, 105, 297

Prompt Me To Modify Report Options Before Opening A Report option, 295

Prompt Me To Refresh option, 295

purchase orders, 138–142


     inventory item mistakes, 404–405

     reports, 241

       •  Q

Quick Start centers, 14–17

QuickBooks Accountant version, 2

QuickBooks Bill Pay Service, 188–189

QuickBooks centers, 15–17

QuickBooks Login page

     last files worked on, 6

     passwords, 22

QuickBooks Setup window

     Advanced Setup, 9–10

     company files, 7–8

     initial login, 6–7

     launching, 2, 14–15

QuickMath calculator, 383


     accounts receivable, 128

     inventory, 284

       •  R

ranges of account numbers, 31


     exchange, 345–346

     mileage, 200

rebates, 125

rebuilding company files, 327–328

Receive Payments window

     accounts receivable, 114–115, 393

     bank account deposits, 116–117, 390

     credits, 118

     discounts, 119

     returned checks, 163–164

     underpayments, 117

Reconcile window

     problems, 175

     settings, 170–173

reconciled balances, 4

reconciliation, 169

     adjusting entries, 175

     Begin Reconciliation window, 169–170

     beginning balance problems, 175–177

     interest income and service charges, 170

     issues and tips, 386–387

     missing check numbers, 173

     payroll accounts, 341–342

     problems, 175

     Reconcile window, 170–171

     reports, 173–174

     transactions, adding, 172

     transactions, clearing, 171–172

     transactions, editing, 173

     transactions, voiding and deleting, 172

     undoing, 177–178

     year-end, 358

Reconciliation Discrepancies account, 175


     accounts receivable payments, 114–115

     bank deposits, 122–123

     bills, 136–140

     liabilities, 340

     payroll, 339–340

     petty cash expenses, 166

     reimbursable expenses, 146

     returned payments, 163–165

     vendors credits, 141–142

recurring bills, 142–144

Refresh Automatically option, 295


     deposit accounts, 125

     issuing, 100–102

register, writing checks from, 151

Regular Employee type, 210

reimbursable expenses

     invoices, 105–107

     managing, 144–146


     backups, 319

     inventory items, 275

     preferences, 294–295

removing transactions, 330–332

renamed transactions in bank feeds, 185–186

reopening 941/943 tax payment forms, 226

Reorder Point field, 275

Rep field

     customers, 46

     invoice headers, 93

Report Center, 16, 234–235


     accounts receivable, 128–131

     budgets, 263–265

     comments, 251

     Company Snapshots, 244–245

     Display tab, 247–248

     e-mail, 309–310

     exporting, 254

     Filters tab, 249

     finding problems with, 400–404

     Fonts & Numbers tab, 250–251

     format defaults, 297

     headers and footers, 250

     inventory, 282–284

     memorized, 252–254

     mileage, 201–202

     multiple currencies, 351

     preferences, 295–297

     printing, 110

     reconciliation, 173–174

     Report Center, 234–235

     sales tax, 155–156

     sensitive, 26

     sharing, 254

     standard financial. See standard financial reports

     timesheets, 196–197

reprinting checks, 154

Reset QuickBooks Administrator Password dialog, 22–23

restoring backups, 323–327

Retail Value field, 283

returned checks, 163–165

Review And Create Paychecks window, 218–219

reviewing payroll runs, 218–220

rights. See permissions

Rules List window, 186

       •  S

sale tax group items

     creating, 73–74

     description, 67


     discount accounts, 119

     inventory item mistakes, 404–405

     reports, 240–241

Sales & Customers category, 297–298

Sales Price field

     inventory items, 275

     inventory reports, 283

     service items, 69

sales rep lists, 79

sales tax

     adjusting, 157

     codes, adding, 72–73

     codes, assigning, 74–75

     customer settings, 44

     discounted items, 399

     issues, 399–400

     managing, 155

     in opening trial balances, 86

     paying, 73, 156–157

     preferences, 299

     reports, 155–156

     tracking, 154

Sales Tax Adjustment dialog, 157

Sales Tax Company Preferences dialog, 72

sales tax items

     creating, 71–72

     description, 67

Sales Tax Liability reports

     Pay Sales Tax differences, 399–400

     working with, 155–156

Sales Tax Preferences dialog, 73, 156

Sales Tax Settings tab

     customers, 51

     vendors, 63

Save Accountant’s Copy dialog, 372

Save Backup Copy dialog, 319

Save Company File As dialog, 324, 326

Save Current Desktop option, 290

Save Portable Company File dialog, 325

Save Transactions Before Printing option, 292

Save When Closing Company option, 289


     941/943 forms, 226

     accountant’s copy, 372

     backups, 319

     budgets, 256

     invoices, 96

     memorized reports, 253

Schedule Backup dialog, 322–323

Schedule Memorized Transaction dialog, 100, 143


     backups, 320–323

     payroll, 216–218

     payroll payment, 222

SDI (state disability insurance), 228

search preferences, 299

security for credit card data, 53–55

security logs, 55

Select 1099s To Print dialog, 367

Select Bills To Mark As Paid dialog, 187

Select Checks To Print dialog, 153–154

Select Default Accounts To Use option, 288

Select Employees For Form W–2/W–3 window, 229

Select Item Receipt dialog, 140

Select Previous Reconciliation Report dialog, 174

Select Sales Tax Code window, 156

Select Timesheets To Print window, 197–198

Selective Access permission, 25

Send Accountant’s Copy dialog, 372–373

Send Center window, 219

send forms preferences, 299


     accountant’s copy to online servers, 372–373

     bill payments, 150

     e-mail, 310–311

     invoices, 96

     paycheck data, 219

     statements, 132–134

sensitive accounting activities, 26

sensitive accounting reports, 26

Sent Email tab

     Customer Information pane, 50

     Vendor Information pane, 60

separators for icons, 18

service charges in reconciliation, 170

service connection preferences, 299–300

service items, 67

     creating, 68–69

     timesheets, 194

Set Closing Date And Password dialog, 370

Set The Dividing Date window, 373–374

Set Up Budgets window, 258, 261–262

Set Up Custom Fields For Items dialog, 70

Set Up Custom Fields For Names dialog

     customers, 53

     vendors, 62

Set Up User Password And Access wizard, 23

Set Up YTD Amounts wizard, 212–213

sharing reports, 254

Ship field, 93

Ship To field, 92

Ship Via list, 80


     customer addresses, 44

     invoice information for, 80, 92–93

     preferences, 298

short problem in cash sales, 121–122

shortcuts, keyboard, 381

Show Accounts By reports, 297

Show All Bills option, 148

Show Estimates reports, 129

Show Home Page When Opening A Company File option, 290

Show Items By reports, 297

Show Lowest Subaccount Only, 30

Show ToolTips For Clipped Text option, 291

shrinkage, inventory, 279

signatures for QuickBooks checks, 153

Single Activity timesheets, 193–195

size of files, 381–383

Sort By option for unpaid bills, 148

special backups for multiple currencies, 343

spelling preferences, 300

Split column in Audit Trail reports, 404

splitting expenses, 138

standard checks, 152

standard financial reports, 235

     Accountant & Taxes, 243–244

     balance sheets, 237–238

     banking, 242

     cash flow, 238–240

     by class, 242–243

     Employees & Payroll, 242

     inventory and purchasing, 241

     Profit & Loss, 235–237

     sales, 240–241

     trial balances, 237

     vendors, 240

     year-end, 360–361

start date, selecting, 4, 13–14

Start With Payee Field On Check option, 288

State column in Audit Trail reports, 404

state disability insurance (SDI), 228

state taxes, 227–228

state unemployment insurance (SUI), 228

Statement Of Cash Flows reports, 238–239, 297

statements, sending, 132–134

status stamps, 304

Statutory Employee type, 210

Stock Status reports, 283

strong passwords

     accountant’s copy, 373

     Credit Card Protection, 54

     description, 20–21


     benefits, 397

     creating, 35–36

     displaying, 36–37

     viewing, 36

subclasses, 78

subitems for inventory, 275–277

subtotal items

     creating, 70

     description, 67

subtotals in invoices, 95

SUI (state unemployment insurance), 228

Summary reports for reconciliation, 174

summary transactions, condensing, 329

       •  T

tasks, time tracking, 193

Tax Code field in inventory items, 275

Tax Code reports, 156

tax form worksheets, 230–231

Tax Forms Workbook Options/Settings dialog, 231

Tax Identification Number (TIN), 63

tax-line assignments, 368

Tax-Line Mapping field, 34

Tax Payments window, 222

Tax Worksheets dialog, 231

taxes. See also sales tax

     employees, 209

     payroll, 222–228, 388–389

     Payroll Setup wizard, 216

     reimbursable expenses, 107

     vendor settings, 56

     withholding, 204–205

     year-end processes, 368–369

Taxes Defaults dialog, 209

Tech Help window, 328


     invoices, 90–92

     payroll entries, 341

     transactions, 302–308

templates lists, 81

1099 forms

     confirming entries, 366

     filing method, 367

     issuing, 361

     preferences, 300–301

     printing, 367

     setup, 362–363

     vendors, 364–365

     wizard, 363–367

1099-MISC form, 63, 366–367

1099 Print dialog, 367

1099 vendors, 63

1099 wizard, 300–301, 363–367

term lists, 79–80

Termination Check option, 217–218

Terms field in invoice headers, 93

Terms List window, 79

text files for budget reports, 266


     displaying, 194

     formatting, 292

     tracking, 192–193

Time & Expenses Preferences window, 145, 300–302

Time By Item reports, 197

Time By Job Detail reports, 197

Time By Job Summary reports, 196

Time By Name reports, 197

Time/Enter Single Activity window, 195

Time Format option, 292

time stamps for backups, 318–319

timesheets, 193–194

     printing, 197–198

     reports, 196–197

     Single Activity, 194–195

     time display, 194

     Weekly, 195–196

TIN (Tax Identification Number), 63

title bar, 15

title text for icons, 18

To Do’s tab

     customers, 49

     vendors, 60

Total Value field, 275

Track Reimbursed Expenses As Income option, 301


     accounts receivable, 126–128

     cash disbursements, 166–167

     cash receipts, 121–122

     depreciation, 336–337

     exchange rates, 345–346

     inventory, 272–274

     mileage, 199–202

     reimbursable expenses, 144

     sales tax, 154–157

     time, 192–193

transaction templates, 302–303

     color, 304

     columns, 306

     company information, 304

     fonts, 304

     footers, 306

     headers, 305–306

     layout, 307–308

     list, 305

     logos, 304

     managing, 303–304

     printing, 307

     status stamps, 304


     adding, 172

     clearing, 171–172

     collapsing, 297

     editing, 173

     in multiple currencies, 349–350

     nonposting, 85

     permissions, 26

     reimbursable expenses, 106

     removing, 330–332

     voiding and deleting, 172

Transactions List window, 183–184, 186

Transactions tab

     customers, 47, 49

     Employee Center, 221

     Vendor Center, 59

     Vendor Information pane, 60

Transfer Funds Between Accounts window, 162, 189

transferring funds

     between accounts, 162, 189

     payroll accounts, 338–339

trial balances

     opening, 82–87

     reports, 237

TurboTax program, 369

Turn Off Pop-Up Messages For Products And Services option, 291

type of business, selecting, 11


     account errors, 380

     customer and vendor, 79

     items, 67

       •  U

unbilled costs, 402

Undeposited Funds account

     bank deposits, 389–390

     cash receipts, 116–117

     issues, 392

underpayments, 117

undoing reconciliation, 177–178

Unit of Measure feature, 273–274

unmatched transactions in bank feeds, 186–187

unpaid bills

     reports, 240

     viewing, 147–149

Unpaid Bills Detail report, 240

Unscheduled Liabilities window, 228

Unscheduled Payroll runs, 217

update service, 332

Use Account Numbers option, 29

Use Class Tracking feature, 77

Use Patterns option, 296

Use Undeposited Funds As A Default Deposit To Account option

     accounts receivable, 114

     payment preferences, 294

User List dialog

     External Accountants, 245

     permissions, 24

     removing users, 23


     deleting, 23

     information editing, 23–24

     names, 20–23

     overview, 20

     passwords, 27

     permissions, 24–26

       •  V

Vehicle lists

     adding vehicles to, 81

     mileage tracking, 199–200

Vendor Center, 58

     currency data, 348–349

     custom fields, 62–63

     description, 16

     editing vendor information, 60–62

     new vendors, 55

     Vendor Information pane, 60

     Vendors list, 59

Vendor Information pane, 60

Vendor Type setting, 57


     1099 forms, 63, 364–365

     account settings, 56–57

     Additional Info tab, 57

     balances, 4–5

     bills. See bills

     creating, 55

     credits, 141–142

     custom fields, 62–63

     deleting and inactivating, 61–62

     description, 381

     editing information, 60–62

     information, 55

     merging, 62

     multiple currencies, 346–348

     multiple records, 58

     payment settings, 56

     payroll, 204–205

     profile lists, 78–81

     reports, 240

     tax settings, 56

     time tracking, 193

     Vendor Center, 58–63

Vendors list, 59

Vendors tab, 59

Verify Your 1099 Vendors’ Information window, 364


     backups, 319

     company files, 327–328

     vendor information, 364


     choosing, 2–3

     comparing, 378

Via field, 93


     bank feed downloaded transactions, 183–184

     reconciliation reports, 174

     subaccounts, 36

     unpaid bills, 147–149

Voided/Deleted Transactions Detail reports, 243

Voided/Deleted Transactions Summary reports, 243

voided transactions

     reconciliation, 177

     reports, 243


     checks, 165–166

     invoices, 97–98

     transactions, 172

voucher checks, 152

       •  W

W–2 forms, 229–230

wallet checks, 152

Warn About Duplicate Check Numbers option, 288

Warn About Duplicate Invoice Numbers option, 298

Warn About Duplicate Purchase Order Numbers option, 273, 293

Warn If Not Enough Inventory Quantity On Hand (QOH) To Sell option, 273, 293

Warn When Deleting A Transaction Or Unused List Item option, 291

Warn When Editing A Transaction option, 291

web connect for bank feeds, 180, 182–183

Weekly Timesheets, 195–196

windows, closing, 383

Windows CD Writing wizard, 320

Windows Defragmentation tool, 383

withholding taxes, 204–205

workers comp, 210, 228

Workers Comp field, 210

Workers Comp Preferences dialog, 228

Write Checks window

     accounts payable, 394

     check batches, 153

     credit cards, 168

     manually prepared checks, 151

     payroll account reconciliation, 342

     payroll taxes, 388

     petty cash, 166

Write Off Amount dialog, 117

       •  Y

year-end to-do list

     1099 forms, 361–367

     accountant’s copy, 371–376

     backups, 371

     closing books, 369–371

     description, 358

     financial reports, 360–361

     fixed assets, 359

     inventory, 358–359

     journal entries, 368–369

     payroll, 359–360

     reconciliation, 358

year-to-date payroll data, 212–214

You’ve Got a Company File window, 9

       •  Z

zeroing-out Opening Balance Equity account, 86–87

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