Customizing DTMF Commands

Lync Server 2013 enables attendees to use DTMF commands when in a conference to control certain features normally visible within a Lync client. For example, users can send DTMF tones that might mute their microphone, play an attendee roll call, or lock the conference. Usually these features can be accessed through a Lync client, but without a visible user interface, DTMF tones must be used. By default, a global configuration of the key mappings is assigned to all users. If required, administrators can modify the global configuration or modify the key mappings on a per-site basis.

The following DTMF commands are available to assign to phone keys:

AdmitAllEnables users waiting in the lobby to join the meeting. This key is not enabled by default. Assign a value to enable this feature.

AudienceMuteCommandMutes all microphones except the presenter. This key is 4 by default.

CommandCharacterDesignates the key pressed before entering any other DTMF command digits. This key is * by default.

EnableDisableAnnouncementsCommandToggles whether entry and exit announcements are played during the meeting. This key is 9 by default.

HelpCommandPlays a summary of the DTMF commands available to a user. This key is 1 by default.

LockUnlockConferenceCommandToggles whether the audio conference is locked or unlocked to allow new participants to join. This key is 7 by default.

MuteUnmuteCommandToggles whether the participant’s audio microphone is muted or unmuted. This key is 6 by default.

PrivateRollCallCommandPlays a roll call of participants only to the user issuing the command. This key is 3 by default.

To set the DTMF values, an administrator must use the following Lync Server Management Shell syntax:

Set-CsDialInConferencingDtmfConfiguration -Identity <Global or site:<Site Name> -AdmitAll <Digit> -AudienceMuteCommand <Digit> -CommandCharacter <Digit> -EnableDisableAnnouncementsCommand <Digit> -HelpCommand <Digit> -LockUnlockConferenceCommand <Digit> -MuteUnmuteCommand <Digit> -PrivateRollCallCommand <Digit>

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