
active cell

In Excel, the cell that is currently selected and open for editing.


In Excel, the specific data a function requires to calculate a value.

arithmetic operator

An operator that is used with numerals: + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), or / (division). See also operator.

aspect ratio

In computer displays and graphics, the ratio of the width of an image or image area to its height. The aspect ratio is an important factor in maintaining correct proportions when an image is printed, rescaled, or incorporated into another document.


An individual item of character formatting, such as style or color, that determines how text looks.


In Excel, the process of examining a worksheet for errors.


A feature that provides the ability to complete data entry for a cell based on similar values in other cells in the same column.


A feature that corrects common capitalization and spelling errors (such as changing teh to the) as you type them.


In Excel, the ability to extend a series of values based on the contents of one cell.


In PowerPoint, the underlying scheme, including colors, shading, texture, and graphics, that appears behind the text and objects on a slide.

blank notebook

In OneNote, the default notebook template; a notebook containing one section and one untitled page.

building block

In Word, frequently used text saved in a gallery, from which it can be inserted quickly into a document.

bullet point

An item in a list in which each list entry is preceded by a symbol, rather than by a number.


The capitalization (uppercase or lowercase) of a word or phrase. In title case, the first letter of all important words is capitalized. In sentence case, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized.


A box at the intersection of a column and row in a table or worksheet.

cell address

In Excel, the location of a cell, expressed as its column letter and row number, as in A1.

cell range

In Excel, a reference to a connected group of cells.

character formatting

The collection of attributes applied to text.

character spacing

The space between characters, which can be expanded or contracted so that characters are pushed apart or pulled together.

character style

A variation of a font, such as bold or italic.

Click and Type

A feature that allows you to double-click a blank area of a document to position the insertion point in that location, with the appropriate paragraph alignment already in place.


A storage area shared by all Office programs where cut or copied items are stored.

color scheme

In PowerPoint, a set of 12 complementary colors used for different elements of a slide. A color scheme consists of a background color, a color for lines and text, and additional colors balanced to provide a professional look.


In a chart, a vertical representation of plotted data from a table or worksheet. In page layout, the area between margins where text is allowed to flow. (Pages can have one column or multiple columns.)

column break

A break inserted in the text of a column to force the text below it to move to the next column.

conditional format

A format that is applied only when cell contents meet certain criteria.

conditional formula

A formula that calculates a value using one of two different expressions, depending on whether a third expression is true or false.


A value that does not change based on other factors; a non-variable value.

content pane

The pane of a program window in which the active document appears.

context menu

Also referred to as a shortcut menu, a menu of commands or options specific to a selected element, that appears when you right-click a user-interface or content element.

custom slide show

A set of slides extracted from a presentation to create a slide show for an audience that doesn't need to see the entire presentation.


In an outline, the process of changing a heading to a lower-level heading or body text.


The cells with formulas that use the value from a particular cell.


Clicking away from selected data or controls to release the selection.

design template

A presentation file containing only design elements that can be used as a basis for creating new presentations.

desktop publishing

A process that creates pages by combining text and objects such as tables and graphics in a visually appealing way.

destination file

A file into which you insert an object created in another program.

Dialog Box Launcher

In the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, a button in the lower-right corner of a command group, labeled with an arrow, that opens a related dialog box or task pane.

digital signature

A security mechanism used on the Internet that relies on two keys, one public and one private, that are used to encrypt messages before transmission and to decrypt them on receipt.

Document Map

In Word, a pane that displays a linked outline of a document's headings and allows you to jump to a heading in the document by clicking it in the Document Map.

document window

The window that provides a workspace for an open document.

Draft view

A view that displays the content of a document with a simplified layout.

drag-and-drop editing

A way of moving or copying selected text by dragging it with the mouse pointer.


A way of moving objects by pointing to them, holding down the mouse button, moving the mouse pointer to the desired location, and then releasing the button.

embedded object

An object that is created in a different program but that is incorporated into a document.

error code

In Excel, a brief message that appears in a worksheet cell, describing a problem with a formula or a function.


A placeholder that tells Word to supply the specified information in the specified way. Also, the set of information of a specific type in a data source, such as all the last names in a contacts list.

fill handle

The square at the lower-right corner of a cell that you drag to indicate other cells that should hold values in the series defined by the active cell.

fill series

The ability to extend a series of values based on the contents of two cells, where the first cell has the starting value for the series and the second cell indicates the increment.


The way text continues from the bottom of one column to the top of the next column.


See Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.


A set of characters of the same typeface (such as Arial), style (such as italic), and weight (such as bold). A font consists of all the characters available in a specific style and weight for a specific design; a typeface consists of the design itself. Fonts are used by computers for on-screen display and by printers for hard-copy output. In both cases, the fonts are stored either as bitmaps (patterns of dots) or as outlines (defined by a set of mathematical formulas). Even if the computer cannot simulate a font on the screen, programs may be able to send information about the font to a printer, which can then reproduce the font if a description is available.

font color

One of a range of colors that can be applied to text.

font effect

An attribute, such as superscript, small capital letters, or shadow, that can be applied to a font.

font size

The size of the characters in a font, in points.

font style

An attribute that changes the look of text. The most common font styles are regular (or plain), italic, bold, and bold italic.


A region at the bottom of a page whose text can be applied to some or all of the pages in a printed document.


An expression used to calculate a value.

Formula AutoComplete

In Excel, the feature that makes it possible to enter a formula quickly by selecting functions, named ranges, and table references that appear when you begin to type the formula into a cell.

Full Screen Reading view

In Word, a view that displays as much of the content of the document as will fit in the screen at a size that is comfortable for reading.


A grouping of thumbnails that display options visually.

global formatting

A theme or style applied to an entire document.


Lines that visually clarify the information in a chart.


In the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, a category of buttons on a tab.


See sizing handle.


A region at the top of a page whose text can be repeated on all or some of the pages of a printed document.

Help button

A button with a question mark (?) at the right end of the Ribbon that can be clicked to open the program Help window.


To point to an object, such as a menu name or button, for a second or two to display more information, such as a submenu or ScreenTip.

indent marker

A marker on the horizontal ruler that controls the indentation of text from the left or right side of a document.


To make all lines of text in a paragraph or column fit the width of the document or column, with even margins on each side.

key combination

A combination of two or more keys that perform an action when pressed at the same time. Also called a keyboard shortcut.


The orientation of a horizontal page whose width is larger that its height.

line break

A manual break that forces the text that follows it to the next line. Also called a text wrapping break.

linked object

An object that exists in a source file and that is inserted in a document with a link to that source file.

live preview

A feature of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface that displays the effects of applying a formatting option to the currently selected content.

login credentials

The user name and password that identify and authenticate you when accessing a computer, system, or site.

manual page break

A page break inserted to force subsequent information to appear on the next page.


Blank space around a column in which text can flow on the page.

menu bar

In the traditional Office user interface (without the Ribbon), a rectangular bar displayed at the top of the a program window, from which menus can be opened by the user. Names of available menus are displayed on the menu bar; clicking one causes the list of commands or options on that menu to be displayed.

Microsoft Office Button

A button that provides access to a menu with commands that manage Office documents as a whole (rather than document content).

Microsoft Office Fluent user interface

The Office program interface introduced with core programs in the 2007 Office system. The key features of the Office Fluent user interface are the Ribbon, the Microsoft Office Button, the Quick Access Toolbar, contextual tabs, galleries, and live preview.

Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer

A viewer with which you can display presentations on a computer that does not have PowerPoint installed.

Mini toolbar

A toolbar of formatting commands that appears when you select text. Specific to programs that feature the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.

move handle

The handle by which you can drag a docked toolbar. The move handle is represented by a row of four dots at the left end of the toolbar.

named range

A group of related cells defined by one name.

nested table

A table that is positioned inside another table.

note container

In OneNote, the smallest data storage unit. Notes on a page are stored within note containers; each note container can be individually manipulated.


The folder containing OneNote data files. See also .one file.

notebook header

In OneNote, the area above the content pane that displays the notebook name, section tabs, and section groups.


An item, such as a graphic, video clip, sound file, or worksheet, that can be inserted in a document and then selected and modified.

object selector

In OneNote, the handle that appears to the left of a text paragraph, graphic, table, or other individually selectable item within a note container or on a page.

Office menu

The menu that appears when you click the Microsoft Office Button. This menu contains commands related to managing documents (such as creating, saving, and printing).

.one file

The OneNote data file format. Each .one file contains the content of one section. The .one file name is the same as the section name in the program window; changing one changes the other.


The direction—horizontal or vertical—in which a page is laid out.


At the bottom of a page, a single line of a paragraph that continues on the next page.

Outline view

In Word, a view that shows headings and body text and can be used to evaluate and reorganize the structure of a document.

Package for CD

In PowerPoint, a feature to help you gather all the components of a presentation and store them to a CD or another type of removable media so that they can be transported to a different computer.


In OneNote, a titled data storage unit within a section.

Page Tabs area

In OneNote, the area to the right of the content pane from which you can select and manipulate pages within the active section.


In word processing, a block of text of any length that ends when you press the Enter key.

paragraph formatting

Collectively, the settings used to vary the look of paragraphs.

paragraph style

A set of formatting that can be applied to the paragraph containing the insertion point by selecting the style from a list.

parent folder

A folder containing another folder (the child folder).

Pick From List

In Excel, the feature that makes it possible to enter a value into a cell by choosing a value from the set of values already entered in cells in the same column.


An area on a slide into which you should enter a specific type of content.


The unit of measure for expressing the size of characters in a font, where 72 points equals 1 inch.


The orientation of a vertical page whose width is smaller than its height.

Print Layout view

A view that shows how a document will look when printed.


In an outline, to change body text to a heading, or to change a heading to a higher-level heading.

Quick Access Toolbar

In the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, a toolbar that displays the Save, Undo, and Repeat buttons by default, but can be customized to show other commands.

Quick Styles

A feature of programs that use the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface; predefined sets of formatting options that you can apply to document elements.

quick table

A preformatted table of sample data that you can edit for your own purposes.


In Excel, a group of related cells.


Available for viewing but protected from alterations.

relative reference

In Excel, a cell reference in a formula, such as =B3, that refers to a cell that is a specific distance away from the cell that contains the formula. For example, if the formula =B3 were in cell C3, copying the formula to cell C4 would cause the formula to change to =B4.


In the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, an area at the top of the program window in which commands are organized by task. See also Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.

Rich Text Format (RTF)

A text format that can be opened by many programs and that is used in PowerPoint to export presentation content as an outline.

screen clipping

In OneNote, a captured image of content shown on the screen. OneNote provides a tool for defining, capturing, and importing screen clippings directly into the program window.


Information displayed in a small window when you rest the pointer over a button or window element.

Search box

The text box into which you enter words or phrases you want to search for.

Search menu

The menu from which you specify the scope of a search operation.


In OneNote, an organizational unit containing a group of pages that you can view separately from other notebook content. See also .one file.

section break

A break inserted so that subsequent information can have different page formatting (such as different orientation) than preceding information.

section group

In OneNote, a subdivision of a notebook containing a group of sections that you can view separately from other notebook sections. A section group is contained within a subfolder of the OneNote Notebooks folder.


To make an object, graphic, or text active, usually by clicking it with the mouse, so that it can be moved or modified.

selection area

An area in a document's left margin in which you can click and drag to select blocks of text.

sizing handle

A handle at the side or in the corner of a selected object, which you can drag to make the object larger or smaller.

slide library

In PowerPoint, a place on a SharePoint site where co-workers store slides that other people can use.

slide timing

In PowerPoint, the time a slide will be displayed on the screen before PowerPoint moves to the next slide.

smart tag

A flag that identifies a certain type of information, such as date and time, names, street addresses, or telephone numbers, so that you can perform actions associated with that type of information.

soft page break

A page break that Word inserts when the text reaches the bottom margin of a page.


Arranging information so that it is based on any field or combination of fields.

source file

A file containing an object that is inserted in a destination file.

status bar

An area across the bottom of the program window that gives information about the current document.


In OneNote, a page that is subordinate to another page. Subpages are linked to the corresponding page and move with the page as a unit.


A subordinate item below a bullet point in a list.


The required format in which expressions must be entered.


In the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, a task-centric segment of the Ribbon containing groups of commands. In a document, a character with which you can specify the amount of space preceding or following a section of text, and its alignment.

tab leader

A repeating character (usually a dot or dash) that separates text before a tab from text or a number after it.

tab stop

A location in the text column where text will align after you press the Tab key to insert a tab character.

table style

Predesigned combinations of font, color, lines, and shading that you can apply to a table.

tablet pen

The electronic "pen" supplied with a Tablet PC, which you use to interact with items on the screen.

tabular list

A list that arranges text in simple columns separated by left, right, centered, or decimal tab stops.


In PowerPoint, a pattern used as the basis for creating the slides, handouts, and speaker notes in a presentation. In Word, a predefined set of text, formatting, and graphics, stored in a special type of document that can be used as the basis for or to style other documents.

text box

A box drawn independently on a slide to contain text that is not part of any placeholder.

text wrapping break

A manual break that forces the text that follows it to the next line. Also called a line break.


A predefined format consisting of fonts, colors, and visual styles that can be applied to an Office document.


A feature that looks up alternative words, or synonyms, for a word.


A picture representation of choices available in a gallery; or of pages in a document.


In PowerPoint, a name you designate for a slide in the Title placeholder.

title bar

An area at the top of the program window that displays the name of the active document.

title slide

In PowerPoint, the introductory slide in a presentation.

toolbar area

In the traditional Office user interface (without the Ribbon), the area near the top of the program window, below the menu bar, in which docked toolbars are displayed by default.


See font.

Unfiled Notes section

In OneNote, the information storage unit that exists outside of any specific notebook. By default, OneNote saves screen clippings and Web notes to the Unfiled Notes section.

View toolbar

A toolbar on the right end of the status bar that contains tools for adjusting the view of document content.


Different ways in which the elements of the program window can be arranged for viewing messages, or different perspectives of document content.

Web Layout view

A view that shows how a document will look when viewed in a Web browser.


At the top of a page, a single line of a paragraph that continues from the previous page.

wildcard characters

A placeholder, such as an asterisk (*) or question mark (?), representing an unknown character or characters in search criteria.

Windows logo key

Also know as the Start key, a key labeled with the Windows logo (a waving flag) located in the bottom row of a standard PC keyboard. Pressing the Windows logo key opens the Start menu. Many programs offer system-related keyboard shortcuts incorporating the Windows logo key and another key.

word processing

The writing, editing, and formatting of documents in a word processor.

word wrap

The automatic breaking of a line of text when it reaches the page margin.

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