Time to live indexes

Time to live (TTL) indexes are used to automatically delete documents after an expiration time. Their syntax is as follows:

> db.books.createIndex( { "created_at_date": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 86400 } )

The created_at_date field values have to be either a date or an array of dates (the earliest one will be used). In this example, the documents will get deleted one day (86400 seconds) after created_at_date.

If the field does not exist or the value is not a date, the document will not expire. In other words, a TTL index silently fails, not returning any errors when it does.

Data gets removed by a background job that runs every 60 seconds. As a result, there is no explicit accuracy guarantee as to how much longer documents will persist past their expiration dates.

A TTL index is a regular single field index. It can be used for queries like a regular index. A TTL index cannot be a compound index, operate on a capped collection, or use the _id field. The _id field implicitly contains a timestamp of the created time for the document, but is not a Date field. If we want each document to expire at a different, custom date point, we have to set {expireAfterSeconds: 0}, and set the TTL index Date field manually to the date on which we want the document to expire.
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