Connecting using Python

A strong contender to Ruby and Rails is Python with Django. Similar to Mongoid, there is MongoEngine and an official MongoDB low-level driver, PyMongo.

Installing PyMongo can be done using pip or easy_install, as shown in the following code:

python -m pip install pymongo
python -m easy_install pymongo

Then, in our class, we can connect to a database, as shown in the following example:

>>> from pymongo import MongoClient
>>> client = MongoClient()

Connecting to a replica set requires a set of seed servers for the client to find out what the primary, secondary, or arbiter nodes in the set are, as indicated in the following example:

client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://user:passwd@node1:p1,node2:p2/?replicaSet=rsname')

Using the connection string URL, we can pass a username and password and the replicaSet name all in a single string. Some of the most interesting options for the connection string URL are present in the next section.

Connecting to a shard requires the server host and IP for the MongoDB router, which is the MongoDB process.

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