Creating documents

Using the process described in Chapter 2, Schema Design and Data Modeling, we assume that we have an @collection instance variable pointing to our books collection in a mongo_book database in the default database:

@collection =[ '' ], :database => 'mongo_book').database[:books]

We insert a single document with our definition, as follows:

document = { isbn: '101', name: 'Mastering MongoDB', price: 30}

This can be performed with a single line of code as follows:

result = @collection.insert_one(document)

The resulting object is a Mongo::Operation::Result class with content that is similar to what we had in the shell, as shown in the following code:

{"n"=>1, "ok"=>1.0}

Here, n is the number of affected documents; 1 means we inserted one object and ok means 1 (true).

Creating multiple documents in one step is similar to this. For two documents with isbn 102 and 103, and using insert_many instead of insert_one, we have the following code:

documents = [ { isbn: '102', name: 'MongoDB in 7 years', price: 50 },
{ isbn: '103', name: 'MongoDB for experts', price: 40 } ]
result = @collection.insert_many(documents)

The resulting object is now a Mongo::BulkWrite::Result class, meaning that the BulkWrite interface was used for improved performance.

The main difference is that we now have an attribute, inserted_ids,, which will return ObjectId of the inserted objects from the BSON::ObjectId class.

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