Inheritance with Mongoid models

The following code is an example of inheritance using the Mongoid models:

class Canvas
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
embeds_many :shapes

class Shape
include Mongoid::Document
field :x, type: Integer
field :y, type: Integer
embedded_in :canvas

class Circle < Shape
field :radius, type: Float

class Rectangle < Shape
field :width, type: Float
field :height, type: Float

Now, we have a Canvas class with many Shape objects embedded in it. Mongoid will automatically create a field, which is _type, to distinguish between parent and child node fields. In scenarios where documents are inherited from their fields, relationships, validations, and scopes get copied down into their child documents, but not vice-versa.

embeds_many and embedded_in pairs will create embedded sub-documents to store the relationships. If we want to store these via referencing to ObjectId, we can do so by substituting these with has_many and belongs_to.

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