Batch operations using the mongo shell

In the case of inserts, we can generally expect that the order of operations doesn't matter.

bulk, however, can be used with many more operations than just inserts. In the following example, we have a single book with isbn : 101 and the name of Mastering MongoDB in a bookOrders collection with the number of available copies to purchase in the available field, with the 99 books available for purchase:

> db.bookOrders.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("59204793141daf984112dc3c"), "isbn" : 101, "name" : "Mastering MongoDB", "available" : 99 }

With the following series of operations in a single bulk operation, we are adding one book to the inventory and then ordering 100 books, for a final total of zero copies available:

> var bulk = db.bookOrders.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
> bulk.find({isbn: 101}).updateOne({$inc: {available : 1}});
> bulk.find({isbn: 101}).updateOne({$inc: {available : -100}});
> bulk.execute();

With the code, we will get the following output:

 Using initializeOrderedBulkOp(), we can make sure that we are adding one book before ordering 100 so that we are never out of stock. On the contrary, if we were using initializeUnorderedBulkOp(), we won't have such a guarantee and we might end up with the 100-book order coming in before the addition of the new book, resulting in an application error as we don't have that many books to fulfill the order.

When executing through an ordered list of operations, MongoDB will split the operations into batches of 1000 and group these by operation. For example, if we have 1002 inserts, 998 updates, 1004 deletes, and finally, 5 inserts, we will end up with the following:

[1000 inserts]
[2 inserts]
[998 updates]
[1000 deletes]
[4 deletes]
[5 inserts]
The previous code can be explained as follows:

This doesn't affect the series of operations, but it implicitly means that our operations will leave the database in batches of 1000. This behavior is not guaranteed to stay in future versions.

If we want to inspect the execution of a bulk.execute() command, we can issue bulk.getOperations() right after we type execute().

Since version 3.2, MongoDB has offered an alternative command for bulk writes, bulkWrite().

bulkWrite arguments are the series of operations we want to execute. WriteConcern (the default is again 1), and if the series of write operations should get applied in the order that they appear in the array (they will be ordered by default):

> db.collection.bulkWrite(
[ <operation 1>, <operation 2>, ... ],
writeConcern : <document>,
ordered : <boolean>

The following operations are the same ones supported by bulk:

  • insertOne
  • updateOne
  • updateMany
  • deleteOne
  • deleteMany
  • replaceOne

updateOne, deleteOne, and replaceOne have matching filters; if they match more than one document, they will only operate on the first one. It's important to design these queries so that they don't match more than one document, otherwise, the behavior will be undefined.

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