
Deleting documents work in a similar way to finding documents. We need to find documents and then apply the delete operation.

For example, with our books collection used before, we can issue the following code:

@collection.find( { isbn: '101' } ).delete_one

This will delete a single document. In our case, since isbn is unique for every document, this is expected. If our find() clause had matched multiple documents, then delete_one would have deleted just the first one that find() returned, which may or may not have been what we wanted.

If we use delete_one with a query matching multiple documents, the results may be unexpected.

If we want to delete all documents matching our find() query, we have to use delete_many, as follows:

@collection.find( { price: { $gte: 30 } ).delete_many

In the preceding example, we are deleting all books that have a price greater than or equal to 30.

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