An introduction to Kubernetes

Kubernetes ( is an open source container-orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and the management of containerized applications. In layman's terms, we can use Kubernetes (often referred to as k8s) to manage applications deployed via containers. Kubernetes was initially developed at Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

The most widely-used container technology is probably Docker. We can download and install Docker on any PC and, through a few commands, install a Docker image that will be isolated from our host system and contain our application code. Docker performs operating system level virtualization, where all containers are run by the host's operating system kernel. This results in containers being more lightweight than a full virtual machine (VM).

Multiple Docker containers can be orchestrated using Docker Swarm. This is similar to Kubernetes and sometimes the two systems are directly compared with each other.

MongoDB provides tools that can help administrators deploy and manage MongoDB clusters using Kubernetes.

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