MongoDB criticism

MongoDB's criticism is associated with the following points:

  • MongoDB has had its fair share of criticism throughout the years. The web-scale proposition has been met with skepticism by many developers. The counter argument is that scale is not needed most of the time, and the focus should be on other design considerations. While this may occasionally be true, it is a false dichotomy, and in an ideal world, we would have both. MongoDB is as close as it can get to combining scalability with features, ease of use, and time to market.
  • MongoDB's schema-less nature is also a big point of debate and argument. Schema-less can be really beneficial in many use cases, as it allows for heterogeneous data to be dumped into the database without complex cleansing and without ending up with lots of empty columns or blocks of text stuffed into a single column. On the other hand, this is a double-edged sword, as a developer may end up with many documents in a collection that have loose semantics in their fields, and it can become really hard to extract these semantics at the code level. If our schema design is not optimal, we may end up with a data store, rather than a database.
  • A lack of proper ACID guarantees is a recurring complaint from the relational world. Indeed, if a developer needs access to more than one document at a time, it is not easy to guarantee RDBMS properties, as there are no transactions. Having no transactions, in the RDBMS sense, also means that complex writes will need to have application-level logic to roll back. If you need to update three documents in two collections to mark an application-level transaction complete, and the third document does not get updated for whatever reason, the application will need to undo the previous two writes, something that may not exactly be trivial.
  • With the introduction of multi-document transactions in version 4.0, MongoDB can cope with ACID transactions at the expense of speed. While this is not ideal, and transactions are not meant to be used for every CRUD operation in MongoDB, it does address the main source of criticism.
  • Defaults that favored setting up MongoDB but not operating it in a production environment are disapproved. For years, the default write behavior was write and forget; sending a write wouldn't wait for an acknowledgement before attempting the next write, resulting in insane write speeds with poor behaviors in cases of failure. Authentication is also an afterthought, leaving thousands of MongoDB databases on the public internet prey to whoever wants to read the stored data. Even though these were conscious design decisions, they are decisions that have affected developers' perceptions of MongoDB.
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