Creating and deleting

The following command will insert a single $document that contains an array of two key/value pairs, with the key names of isbn and name:

$document = array( "isbn" => "401", "name" => "MongoDB and PHP" );
$result = $collection->insertOne($document);

The output from the var_dump($result) command is shown as follows:

MongoDBInsertOneResult Object
[writeResult:MongoDBInsertOneResult:private] => MongoDBDriverWriteResult Object
[nInserted] => 1
[nMatched] => 0
[nModified] => 0
[nRemoved] => 0
[nUpserted] => 0
[upsertedIds] => Array

[writeErrors] => Array

[writeConcernError] =>
[writeConcern] => MongoDBDriverWriteConcern Object


[insertedId:MongoDBInsertOneResult:private] => MongoDBBSONObjectID Object
[oid] => 5941ac50aabac9d16f6da142

[isAcknowledged:MongoDBInsertOneResult:private] => 1

This rather lengthy output contains all the information that we may need. We can get the ObjectId of the document inserted; the number of inserted, matched, modified, removed, and upserted documents by fields prefixed with n; and information about writeError or writeConcernError.

There are also convenience methods in the $result object if we want to get the information:

  • $result->getInsertedCount(): To get the number of inserted objects
  • $result->getInsertedId(): To get the ObjectId of the inserted document

We can also use the ->insertMany() method to insert many documents at once, as follows:

$documentAlpha = array( "isbn" => "402", "name" => "MongoDB and PHP, 2nd Edition" );
$documentBeta = array( "isbn" => "403", "name" => "MongoDB and PHP, revisited" );
$result = $collection->insertMany([$documentAlpha, $documentBeta]);


The result can be seen as follows:

[writeResult:MongoDBInsertManyResult:private] => MongoDBDriverWriteResult Object
[nInserted] => 2
[nMatched] => 0
[nModified] => 0
[nRemoved] => 0
[nUpserted] => 0
[upsertedIds] => Array

[writeErrors] => Array

[writeConcernError] =>
[writeConcern] => MongoDBDriverWriteConcern Object


[insertedIds:MongoDBInsertManyResult:private] => Array
[0] => MongoDBBSONObjectID Object
[oid] => 5941ae85aabac9d1d16c63a2

[1] => MongoDBBSONObjectID Object
[oid] => 5941ae85aabac9d1d16c63a3


[isAcknowledged:MongoDBInsertManyResult:private] => 1

Again, $result->getInsertedCount() will return 2, whereas $result->getInsertedIds() will return an array with the two newly-created ObjectIds:

array(2) {
object(MongoDBBSONObjectID)#13 (1) {
string(24) "5941ae85aabac9d1d16c63a2"
object(MongoDBBSONObjectID)#14 (1) {
string(24) "5941ae85aabac9d1d16c63a3"

Deleting documents is a similar process to inserting documents, but uses the deleteOne() and deleteMany() methods instead; an example of deleteMany() is shown as follows:

$deleteQuery = array( "isbn" => "401");
$deleteResult = $collection->deleteMany($deleteQuery);

The following code block shows the output:

MongoDBDeleteResult Object
[writeResult:MongoDBDeleteResult:private] => MongoDBDriverWriteResult Object
[nInserted] => 0
[nMatched] => 0
[nModified] => 0
[nRemoved] => 2
[nUpserted] => 0
[upsertedIds] => Array

[writeErrors] => Array

[writeConcernError] =>
[writeConcern] => MongoDBDriverWriteConcern Object


[isAcknowledged:MongoDBDeleteResult:private] => 1

In this example, we used ->getDeletedCount() to get the number of affected documents, which is printed in the last line of the output.

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