Week 8: Adding Products and Services

I love this section of the LinkedIn company profile and a lot of people don’t even realize it exists. You have the opportunity to add all of your products and services, as well as pictures or video of your products and services, special offers, and descriptions—you can even ask for recommendations for your products and services! So let’s take a look at what you can do with this section of your LinkedIn company profile.

Monday: Add Photos, Descriptions, and Specialties

To get to Add Products and Services section, go to your company page and click the Products & Services tab; then click on the product or service you want to edit. You cannot edit your products and services from any other page. Once you click on the Products & Services tab, your Admin Tools change, and you can then click on the Edit link, as shown in Figure 4-9. If this option does not appear, make sure you are not still on the Overview page.

Figure 4-9: Editing existing products and services


If you are adding a product or service for the first time, make sure you are on the Products & Services page, click Admin Tools, and then click Add A Product Or Service. When you add a product or service for the first time, you need to specify whether it’s a product or a service, as shown in Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-10: Adding a new product or service


Add your product or service’s name. While you don’t have to upload an image, I recommend that you do so. It’s best if you have a vivid image that’s 100 × 80 pixels. You can use a PNG, JPEG, or GIF file.

You now have 1,000 characters to describe your product or service. And you actually get to format this section! Your options are bold, italics, underline, numbered list, or bulleted list. (You are stuck with LinkedIn’s font.) Make use of these tools so you can differentiate your Products & Services page and look much more professional than your competitors.

Even though you’ve already added specialties to your company description, you can add a list of product or service features. Use keywords in this section. They will show up as a bulleted list at the bottom of your page.

You can see in Figure 4-11 that MLT Creative does a great job of adding services to their company profile.

Figure 4-11: MLT Creative’s company page


Tuesday: Create Offers

Did you know you can create special offers on LinkedIn? The Products & Services page has a special field just for that. As of yet I’ve not seen anybody use this feature. So why not you? See how in Figure 4-12.

Figure 4-12: Adding a special offer


On the right side of your LinkedIn company profile Products & Services page, you’ll see the link Add A Promotion For This Product Or Service. You can give it a title, add a URL if you have a special landing page for this product or service on your website, and then write a brief description (500 characters) of the promotion.

As you add new products or promotions to your company, add them to your company page. I have seen very few companies making use of this section, but as LinkedIn ramps up its targeted follower updates, I think this section will get much more attention. A good example might be:

Free 15-Minute Consultation
Call us today for a free 15-minute consultation to uncover what you need to do to increase the ROI of your social media presence.

Miles Austin of www.fillthefunnel.com uses TimeDriver.com as a link to send people to in order to book a free 15-minute consultation with him. I think this is brilliant!

Wednesday: Add Disclaimers and Employee Promotion

Some companies have disclaimers on their websites. LinkedIn gives you the same opportunity to write a disclaimer right on your Products & Services page. This is not a bad idea at all! If you already have a disclaimer somewhere on your website, go ahead and add it to this section.

Industries that should definitely consider disclaimers include:

  • Legal
  • Medical
  • Financial
  • Marketing

Figure 4-13 shows a good example of a disclaimer.

Figure 4-13: Example of a disclaimer


For a great list of disclaimers, check out http://emaildisclaimers.com.

You also have the opportunity to highlight or promote an employee in association with a particular product or service. Click on the product or service you wish to feature, and on the right-hand side about halfway down the page you’ll see the Contact Us field. Start typing in the employee name that you wish to feature or promote. The only caveat here is that you must be connected to that individual on LinkedIn.

Thursday: Add Video and Recommendations

Did you know that you can add video to your LinkedIn company profile? What kinds of video might you add?

  • Showcase your product or service
  • Demonstrate it in use
  • Share a video testimonial from a happy customer
  • Show a funny viral video featuring your product or service

The only limitation is that the video has to be on YouTube.

In Figure 4-14 you can see how to add video. Here are the steps:

1. Click on the product or service where you want the video added.
2. Click Admin Tools ⇒ Edit.
3. Scroll down to (almost) the bottom of the right-hand side of your page.
4. Add a title for your video.
5. Add the YouTube video URL.

Figure 4-14: Adding video


Note: Make life easier on yourself by finding the video on YouTube that you want to feature first. Leave the tab to that video open or copy the URL to a place where you can easily retrieve it.

You can also get recommendations from your fans and clients. According to a June 2010 CompUSA study, 63 percent of consumers indicate they are more likely to purchase from a site if it has product ratings and reviews.

If you click on the product or service you would like a recommendation from, you will have the option to request a recommendation. A message box will pop up (as shown in Figure 4-15) and you can request recommendations from anyone in your network. Don’t be afraid to ask your existing customer base who is on LinkedIn to send you a recommendation.

Don’t go with the default message shown in Figure 4-15. You have a great opportunity to individually connect with your customer and re-engage. It might be just the touch they need to call on you for more products or services.

When an interested party lands on your product page, they can also proactively write you a recommendation. Don’t rely on this method to get recommendations. Unless your clients absolutely adore you, they might not be inspired to take time out of their day to write a recommendation.

Figure 4-15: Product recommendations


Another way to ask clients and customers to recommend you is a Recommendations button for your product or service that you can put right on your website or in an email signature. You can get the code for such a button at https://developer.linkedin.com/plugins/recommend-button to proactively send your happy customers to your LinkedIn company profile.

When a LinkedIn user recommends one of your products or services, that message is displayed on that product or service page. The total number of recommendations from all your product and service pages are also displayed on the Products tab on your page as are the statistics impressions and engagement.

Friday: Use Targeted Product and Service Pages

Well, I have given you a few light Fridays, so this Friday I’m going to make you work! You can add for what all intents and purposes looks like a banner ad to your LinkedIn company profile. Most companies have not made use of this feature.

You can create up to 30 distinct landing pages for targeted audience segments based on a LinkedIn member’s company size, job function, industry, seniority, and/or geography.

To add a targeted company page, select the Companies tab on your LinkedIn home page and click on your company. Then select the Products & Services tab and click Edit. Do not go to a specific product—just the general Products & Services page shown in Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-16: Creating a targeted company page


Note: You can create multiple variations of a particular page to focus on custom audiences based on their profile content. It’s kind of like a targeted ad, except you don’t have to pay for it. For example, you can create a version of your page targeted to legal professionals in the United States, a different version targeted to accountants in Canada, and another version targeted to doctors in Europe.

There are four steps to defining your products and services to a specific niche market using this tool:

1. The first step is creating your audience. Click the Create New Audience button. This will bring up a new screen that allows you to target your audience under categories like Company Size, Job Function, Industry, Seniority, and Geography. Many of these categories allow you to further refine your audience, so don’t be afraid to target. See Figure 4-17.

Figure 4-17: Targeting your audience

2. The next step is creating a title (using keywords) that will grab the attention of your audience. Then create a message that speaks specifically to your target audience. You would likely use different wording with your American attorneys than with your Canadian accountants. Now you have the opportunity to speak to your specific targeted audience. Remember your calls to action.
3. Choose up to three banner images (640 × 220 pixels) and add a URL that you want people to land on when they click on the banner. Use a call to action in your banner so people know they can click on them.
4. Remember, you can make up to 30 targeted pages, so why not get creative? You can quickly duplicate and easily edit and finesse a page by clicking on the duplicate link in the tab (as shown in Figure 4-18). Narrow down your focus. Play with it. Have some fun. Narrow focus means you are talking specifically to an audience that is more likely to listen to you because you are speaking to them!

To see a great example of the targeted company services page, check out MLT Creative’s company profile. You can find it at www.linkedin.com/company/mlt-creative/products?trk=tabs_biz_product, or see Figure 4-18. Notice the call to action to Visit Now.

Figure 4-18: MLT Creative’s banner

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