Chapter 46
System Measurements


  • To identify the major events in the Release, Request and Change Processes to be measured and the minimum reports to be made.


  • All Releases, Requests and Changes processed by this Document Control function shall be measured. See the author’s CM Metrics for many other specific measurements.


  • At a minimum, the process speed, volume and accuracy shall be measured and reported to the executive management as well as other involved management and key people.
  • Measurements will be published at least monthly, expressing speed in graphical form in work days or work hours (lapsed time).
  • The process work flow diagrams found in each process standard show the minimum events to measure process time and volume by a “clock” attached to the event.
  • Those points will be recorded in the related forms with the date the event is completed. If “finer than calendar days” are to be measured, the forms must include the time of day the event was completed.
  • A method of measuring the accuracy of each process will be developed. For example: the change process will count revisions to the change — both technical and administrative (attached report). The revisions to the change will be expressed as a percent of the total changes during the same period of time.


  • Measure the process time between each “clock” in every work flow and report at least monthly. (See attached example report.)
  • Measure the volume “passing” each clocked event and report at least monthly. (See attached example report.)
  • Report on the accuracy/quality of each work flow and report at least monthly.

Primary Responsibility

  • The CM manager is responsible for this reporting.



CM Manager

Example of Change ProcessCM PhaseTime and Volume Report

Example of Change Process Quality Measurement (changes to the change for technical reasons) (See CM Metrics)

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