Chapter 14


  • To specify which functions should review and/or sign a release, request or change, to define their responsibilities, and how functions that don’t sign can stop the process with cause.


  • All releases, requests and changes processed by this Doc Control function.


  • Engineering, Operations, and Service shall each have one signature. The signers named by the VP of those functions may vary by product, part of the product, etc. Service needs only sign a change if the change is to be retrofit.
  • All functions on the Impacts/Affects list shall be represented by their organization representative. Examples: UL/CSA Engineer is represented by Engineering. Quality is represented by Manufacturing, Publications is represented by the Service Representative, etc.
  • Any function which may be impacted by any given release or change will be on the “Impacts/Affects” list in the change form. They will therefore be aware of the change.
  • Each function on the impacts list has the responsibility to review the release or change in the 24 hours allowed and to correct impacted “yes” or “no” checks on the change form if needed.
  • Each function actually affected has the right to tell their representative (alternately the CM manager) not to sign the mark-ups or the form by writing specific objections. That representative must resolve the issue or not sign. Frivolous issues as judged by the CM manager shall be ignored.
  • Only the cognizant design engineer and CM (or CM only) need sign “Document Only” changes.
  • The signature/functions signing changes need not be the same as the signers of the original release of the documents involved. (Without this statement, ISO 9XXX will expect them to be the same people.)
  • Technical functions will sign the drawings/mark-ups. Administrative functions will sign the change form. Service will sign the change form, if retrofit is specified, thus agreeing with the retrofit plan. If the “From-To” is on the change form instead of attaching mark-ups, technical functions will sign the change form.


  • CM shall keep a chart of signers and alternates (see Standard 06).
  • They will present that list to the appropriate management at least once a month for editing.


  • All applicable management has the responsibility for not allowing the signer and alternate to be absent at the same time. If both are absent, the manager must fulfill their responsibilities.
  • CM manager may take exception to this standard by noting on the form why that was done.
  • CM is responsible for keeping this standard up to date.



VP Engineering

VP Operations

VP Service

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