Chapter 30
Mark Up of Design Documents


  • To encourage the use of the mark ups for communication of the difference between the old and new designs. This saves time (over the “from-to” method) on the part of all users of the change package. It improves the clarity of design change over the “from-to” or other methods.
  • To specify what an acceptable mark up is.
  • Knowing precisely the differences between two revision levels of a document is extremely important to: suppliers, fabricators, various manufacturing and field service functions as well as future design problem troubleshooting. Carefully documenting the differences in mark ups is paid back many times by these people who can avoid the need to compare two revision level documents to tell the differences or to interpret from-to descriptions
  • Use of the mark-up technique is encouraged since it affords the fewest possibilities for transposition errors. The master mark up (in red) will be used by the CM Drafts draftsperson/ CAD Designer designer to revise the master document.


  • All Change Orders processed by this CM function.


  • A print or CAD copy of the latest revision level document must be used for mark up.
  • CAD “overlay” or “redline” ability serves as a very desirable markup method — as opposed to hand mark up (If you own it, use it, if not, buy it.)
  • A very high quality latest revision print can be obtained from the PLM System (or Drawing Center on a “while you wait” basis — ask for a “print for mark up”).
  • After the “design complete” event, the revised master document will not be returned to the responsible engineer for signing or initialing. The change to the master documents will be made by CM in exact accord with the mark up. (Encourages engineers to “do it right” the first time.)
  • Mark ups must be clearly and neatly done since they will be used in the Change Order “as is.”
  • Pictorial, parts lists and text documents should all be marked up as part of a Change Order — by highlighting the portion to be deleted and entering the new portion in script, or use of “track changes,” or by any other definitive word processing method.
  • ERP parts lists (see Bills of Material Standard) must be double spaced for mark up clarity. If your ERP system doesn’t print double-spaced parts lists, it should be programmed to do so.
  • Hand mark up of the new condition must be neatly done in red pen or pencil, bold and printed (not cursive). It should be in a different lettering “style” than the original lettering.
  • Both the print and the mark-ups must be capable of being readable after three generations of reproduction … to silver microfilm, to diazo microfilm, to print. (If you don’t use microfilm, substitute correct number of generations and wording.)
  • Portions of a document may be “cut and pasted” providing:
    1. Standard drawing sizes are used (multiples of 8½” × 11”)
    2. The print is the latest revision level in the portion used.
    3. The title block is included in the cut and paste mark up.
  • CM may also cut and paste mark ups in order to reduce the marked-up document size.
  • The “old” (“was” or “from”) condition shall not be obliterated in part or in total. Underlining the portion to be deleted is the only acceptable method.
  • Mark-ups can be changed only at or before signing / design complete.
  • The mark-up technique can be used for the “make from” (same as except) creation of a new item/document.
  • Encouraging and preferring the use of mark-ups does not preclude the use of “from-to” descriptions. When the change can be completely and precisely described on the Change Order form by “from-to” in the space provided on a hard copy form. If this is the case, do not mark up the drawing — do the “from-to” description. The drawing zone and an exact description of old and new configurations are required in this case.
  • A complete set of acceptable examples of mark-ups of all company documents is maintained in CM for reference. (Put them on a wall and walk every new engineer and designer past the wall.)
  • Only the affected pages of multiple page sets need be marked up and included in the change document.


  • None required.

Primary Responsibility

  • CM will be responsible for maintaining this standard in a current condition.
  • CM technicians have the authority to take exception to this standard on individual Change Orders by explaining in the Change Order Form why exception was required.



VP Engineering

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