Chapter 26
Change Form


  • To specify the only/proper form and the instructions to be used to make product design or document changes.


  • All product design or document changes to be processed by this CM function.


  • Only the form attached (see pg 2) shall be used to make product design or document changes.
  • The change form shall not be used to make changes to process, quality or sales documentation.
  • The change form shall not be used to make changes to the product publications (spare parts lists, service manuals, etc.).
  • The proper form instruction is found on page 3 (should also be on the back of hard copy forms) and may be seen online by placing the curser over the form box.
  • No other form shall be used to make design or design documentation changes.
  • This form shall be used to release documents individually or in groups (in lead time).
  • If new items are required as part of a design change, they may be released with this change form.
  • In recognition that “paperless” is often impractical, “less paper” should be our goal. Therefore, the design of online forms, when printed, will normally be one 8 ½ × 11 size, rather than the “run-on” design used by most IT departments and systems.
  • If your system allows, redesign the online form to accommodate the “less-paper” reality.


  • None Required.

Primary Responsibility

  • CM will be responsible for keeping this standard and the form design up to date.



VS Engineering

Engineering Change Order – Form Instruction

Note: Anyone may fill out an ECO for the cognizant engineer if they have talked to the engineer and have both agreed to do an ECO.

Note: Steps may not be performed in the sequence shown (see the Flow Diagram).

Cog Engineer 1 Leave blank. CM will assign an ECO number after receipt/check/design complete.
2 If there was an ECR that preceded the ECO, enter its number here.
3 Enter the date that you first realized that the problem being fixed was significant enough to warrant a design change.
4 Check “Release” if document(s) are being released (see Product and Document Release Chapter). Check “Change” if document(s) are being changed. Check both if the change includes release of a new document(s). If the ECO is a “pure release” then boxes 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32 & 36 may be left blank.
5 Justify, in the space provided, why the change is necessary.
6 Check the correct class. One check allowed (see Interchangeability Standard).
If the change is a “Doc Only” then boxes 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33 & 36 may be left blank.
If the change is “interchangeable” then boxes 14, 27 & 28 may be left blank.
7 Check the type of change. More than one check is acceptable.
9 Enter the product or model number(s) that are to be changed. The ERP system is the only acceptable source for “used-on.”
10 Give facts/background about the number of units that have failed, field population, customers affected, etc. Explain safety issues. Time/costs to be saved. Attach relevant documentation.
11 Is customer/agency approval required? Review? Not applicable? If approval is required, has it been obtained? If not obtained, should the change proceed or be held for approval? If customer review is required, has a description of the change and other required data been sent.
Cog Engr Continue 12 Review the impacts list and check each line, either yes or no.
13 a) Precisely describe the change in “from-to” detail. Include drawing zone for each change. Example: In zone C - 12 change length dimension from 14.000 in to 14.100 in. Change its tolerance from + or - .006 to .003.
If space provided is not adequate, attach neatly marked-up prints or specs. Mark up of a released Engineering Parts List is allowed and encouraged (see Markup of Design Documents Standard). Any combination of “From-To” or marked prints is allowed.
The cognizant engineer must obtain the Manufacturing Engineers signature on the “From-To” in block #13 and/or on the marked prints attached to the ECO.
34 Complete according to the total pages in the set. Number each page similarly.
14 For those changes which must be physically modeled and tested (see ECO policy), indicate the SN modeled, the date it was tested, the report number / notebook page(s) / file number that the results are shown in and indicate who performed the test.
15 List each document affected by the change whether it is being revised or the part number is changing. If a marked parts list is attached, enter “Marked PL attach”. (Document Control will either enter boxes 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19; or will attach an “Old PN Disposition” to the parts list; or allow Production Control to add the part disposition to the PL mark up.)
16 Show the current revision level of each part number/document affected by the change.
17 If parts/documents are being released, show their numbers here. If a part number is changed, show the new part number opposite the old part number.
18 Show the revision level of each new part number (rev numeric for pilot release, rev alpha for production release). ERP system is official source.
19 Enter only the noun name of the item being revised or released.
25 Indicate if the old PN can physically be reworked into the new PN.
27 The field service engineer and the design engineer must agree on the retrofit plan (on repair, on failure, at next maintenance or recall, etc.).
28 Obtain the field service engineer’s signature on the form if retrofit is directed.
20 Sign the form.
Cog Engr/Doc Control
21 The date you give the form to Document Control. (Doc Control is authorized to update this box to the date received.)
Document Control 1 Check the form and attachments according to the Change Design Complete Standard and all other applicable standards.) If OK, assign ECO #. If not OK, return to the cognizant engineer with specific deficiency notations. When acceptable, distribute the complete package online to all potentially impacted/affected (whether checked yes or no).
All Impacted 12 All on the list, whether the engineer checked yes or no, must take ownership of the check or contact Doc Control to correct the check. One day will be allowed by standard. Also notify Production Control of the lead time in work days to perform the work required — 2 days will be allowed by standard.
Production Control 22 The quantity (or check – you decide) of old design item to be “used up/as is.”
23 The quantity (or check) of the old design part to be scrapped.
24 The quantity (or check) of the old design part to be “Returned to Vendor.” Check all deleted parts for other where used / usage /stock status. Return those that are excess/obsolete now since later they will be less likely to be returnable.
26 The quantity (or check) of the old design part to be actually reworked (allowing that manufacturing may decide whether or not to rework).
8 Circle the point in the manufacturing process at which the change will be made effective.
29 Plan the effectivity date for the change. (Also responsible for following up on that plan, changing the plan as required by entering a “replan” date, and capturing the actual date on which the change was incorporated into the product.) Sign the ECO after all the responsible boxes have been completed.
Document Control 30 Input all the required changes and additions to the ERP Item Master file and BOM file for design data elements only — including the effective date. (Screens _______ in the ERP) Enter the date complete (output/screen must be checked by a different person than did the input).
31 Sign the ECO and distribute the cover sheet to all affected (check “Yes” in box #12).
32 Update all the master documents/files affected by the change and check by a different person than did the change incorporation.
Production Control 29 Track the change to actual incorporation into the product and give that Date/SN to Document Control. Update applicable data in the ERP screens. This applies to all who have ownership of an ERP screen.
Document Control 35 Enter the actual effective date in the ERP and into the master ECO box #29. Rev the ECO date in box #35. Redistribute the ECO cover sheet to anyone who needs to know the actual effectivity.
36 Categorize each new ECO and each revision to an ECO as follows:
C = This ECO is a Correction of the design (from-to or mark ups) in an earlier ECO.
A = An Administrative change to effectivity plan, impact yes- no checks, etc., after box #31 distribution.
R = A Redesign of the fix (from-to or mark ups) after completion of box #21. Redistribute the cover sheet to all affected – “Yes”.
File the master package by the ECO #.
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